Question and Answers G9

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Questions and Answers

Unit 1
1. What is a greeting?
A greeting is a way of being friendly or polite to someone.

2. Mention three topics which are suitable for small talk.

Three topics which are suitable for small talk are weather, customer service
and movies.

3. How should we address strangers or a business associate?

We should address a stranger or a business associate by being polite and by
using a title. / by using a title with politeness.

4. Why is small talk important in our life?

Small talk is important in our life because it enables us to earn the favour
and respect of our friends and colleagues and achieve even success in life.
5. Should we hug or kiss a person when first being introduced? Why?
When being first introduced, we should not hug or kiss a person because it
can be used with people who know one another well.

Unit 2
1. What serves as a home for a Salone family?
A fragile boat serves as a home for a Salone family.

2. How do they earn their living?

They earn their living by fishing, collecting and trading natural marine

3. What special skills do the Salone have?

The Salone are able to see underwater clearly, dive deep and stay
underwater for a long time without any external breathing apparatus like

4. How do their boats serve them?

Their boats serve as home, and as tool for transportation and sea hunting.

5. When do they go ashore to their temporary homes?

They go ashore to their temporary homes when the sea gets rough during
the monsoon season.

6. What does the Salone festival signify?

The Salone festival signifies the time they leave the rough and strong sea
before the monsoon season.

7. What can you enjoy at the Salone festival?

We can enjoy folk singing and traditional dancing, and a Slone feast at the
Salone festival.

8. Do you like their way of life? Why or Why not?

Yes, I like their way of life because I can roam around the ocean freely. /
No, I don’t like their way of life because I don’t like to move from one place
to another all the time.

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