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1. Which of the following is not a part of the central nervous system?

a. Brain b. Spinal Cord

c. Peripheral Nerves d. None of the above

2. Which neurotransmitter is primarily associated with pleasure and reward?

a. Serotonin b. Dopamine

c. Acetylcholine d. GABA

3. The myelin sheath is primarily composed of:

a. Glial cells b. Neurons

c. Dendrites d. Axons

4. Which part of the brain is responsible for regulating vital functions such as breathing and heart rate?

a. Cerebellum b. Hypothalamus

c. Medulla Oblongata d. Cerebrum

5. The autonomic nervous system controls:

a. Voluntary movements b. Involuntary movements

c. Both voluntary and involuntary movement D. None of the above

6. What is the main function of the parasympathetic nervous system?

a. To mobilize the body for action b. To conserve energy and promote rest

c. To control voluntary movements d. To regulate body temperature

7. The area of the brain responsible for language comprehension is known as:

a. Frontal lobe b. Temporal lobe

c. Parietal lobe d. Occipital lobe

8. Which of the following is a function of the cerebellum?

a. Regulation of body temperature b. Coordination of movement and balance

c. Control of hunger and thirst d. Processing visual information

9. Which neurotransmitter is associated with mood regulation, sleep, and appetite?

a. Serotonin b. Endorphins

c. Glutamate d. Norepinephrine

10. The gaps between Schwann cells along the length of an axon are called:

a. Nodes of Ranvier b. Synaptic clefts

c. Neurotransmitters d. Myelin sheaths

11. What is the primary function of the somatic nervous system?

a. Regulate involuntary bodily functions

b. Transmit sensory information to the brain

c. Control voluntary movements of skeletal muscles

d. Maintain homeostasis

12. Which part of the brain is responsible for emotional responses such as fear and aggression?

a. Amygdala b. Hippocampus

c. Thalamus d. Basal ganglia

13. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine is involved in:

a. Muscle contraction b. Pain perception

c. Memory formation d. Regulation of body temperature

14. Which of the following is a function of the hypothalamus?

a. Regulation of body temperature b. Processing visual information

c. Regulation of sleep-wake cycles d. Coordination of voluntary movements

15. The optic nerve is responsible for:

a. Hearing b. Taste c. Vision d. Smell

16. Which part of the brain is responsible for integrating sensory information and coordinating voluntary

a. Cerebrum b. Cerebellum c. Brainstem d. Thalamus

17. What is the role of dopamine in the nervous system?

a. Regulating mood and emotion b. Enhancing memory formation

c. Controlling muscle contractions d. Modulating pain perception

18. Which division of the nervous system is responsible for the fight-or-flight response?

a. Sympathetic nervous system b. Parasympathetic nervous system

c. Somatic nervous system d. Autonomic nervous system

19. The cerebral cortex is primarily responsible for:

a. Processing sensory information b. Controlling voluntary movements

c. Regulating vital functions d. None of the above

20. Damage to the hippocampus is most likely to result in:

a. Impaired memory formation b. Loss of motor coordination

c. Altered emotional responses d. Difficulty regulating body temperature

21. How many bones are there in the adult human body?

a. 206 b. 216 c. 196 d. 226

22. What is the hardest substance in the human body, found in bones?

a. Calcium carbonate b. Collagen c. Hydroxyapatite d. Magnesium phosphate

23. The axial skeleton includes:

a. Bones of the arms and legs b. Bones of the skull, spine, and rib cage

c. Bones of the hands and feet d. Bones of the pelvis and shoulder girdle

24. The bone cells responsible for breaking down bone tissue are called:

a. Osteoblasts b. Osteocytes c. Osteoclasts d. Chondrocytes

25. Which bone is not part of the appendicular skeleton?

a. Scapula b. Sternum c. Humerus d. Fibula

26. Which of the following is not a function of the skeletal system?

a. Protection of internal organs b. Storage of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus

c. Production of red blood cells d. Regulation of body temperature

27. The bone tissue found at the ends of long bones is called:

a. Compact bone b. Spongy bone

c. Marrow d. Cartilage

28. What is the name of the process by which bones grow in length?

a. Ossification b. Calcification c. Epiphyseal closure d. Endochondral ossification

29. The bones of the fingers and toes are called:

a. Carpals b. Tarsals c. Phalanges d. Metacarpals

30. The bone that forms the upper jaw is called the:
a. Mandible b. Maxilla c. Zygomatic bone d. Nasal bone

31. The small bones in the wrist are called:

a. Metacarpals b. Carpals c. Phalanges d. Radius and ulna

32. Which bone is commonly known as the shoulder blade?

a. Clavicle b. Scapula c. Sternum d. Radius

33. Which bone articulates with the femur to form the hip joint?

a. Tibia b. Fibula c. Pelvis d. Femur

34. The collarbone is also known as the:

a. Radius b. Ulna c. Clavicle d. Scapula

35. Which of the following is not a type of joint found in the human body?

a. Ball and socket b. Hinge c. Pivot d. Slide and glide

36. What is the name of the condition characterized by weakened and porous bones, often due to
calcium deficiency?

a. Osteoarthritis b. Osteoporosis c. Osteomyelitis d. Osteogenesis imperfecta

37. Which of the following bones is not part of the vertebral column?

a. Sacrum b. Coccyx c. Mandible d. Lumbar vertebrae

38. The process of bone formation is known as:

a. Ossification b. Calcification c. Cartilaginification d. Mineralization

39. The bone in the upper arm, between the shoulder and the elbow, is called the:

a. Ulna b. Radius c. Femur d. Humerus

40. Which of the following bones is not part of the human skull?

a. Mandible b. Maxilla c. Sternum d. Occipital bone

41. The cardiovascular system primarily consists of:

a. Heart and kidneys b. Heart and lungs

c. Heart and liver d. Heart and spleen

42. The main function of the cardiovascular system is:

a. Digestion b. Transportation of oxygen and nutrients

c. Regulation of body temperature d. Production of hormones

43. The heart is located in the:

a. Abdominal cavity b. Thoracic cavity c. Pelvic cavity d. Cranial cavity

44. The heart is divided into how many chambers?

a. Two b. Three c. Four d. Five

45. The upper chambers of the heart are called:

a. Ventricles b. Atria c. Auricles d. Valves

46. The largest artery in the human body is the:

a. Aorta b. Pulmonary artery c. Carotid artery d. Femoral artery

47. The function of arteries is to:

a. Carry oxygenated blood away from the heart

b. Carry deoxygenated blood away from the heart

c. Exchange gases with body tissues

d. Pump blood to the lungs

48. The smallest blood vessels in the body are called:

a. Veins b. Arteries c. Capillaries d. Venules

49. Capillaries are responsible for:

a. Exchanging gases and nutrients with body tissues

b. Pumping blood to the heart

c. Carrying blood away from the heart

d. Filtering waste products from the blood

50. The process of blood being pumped out of the heart is called:

a. Circulation b. Contraction c. Perfusion d. Ejection

51. The valve between the left atrium and the left ventricle is called the:

a. Tricuspid valve b. Mitral valve c. Pulmonary valve d. Aortic valve

52. The pulmonary circulation is responsible for:

a. Pumping blood to the body tissues

b. Exchanging gases with the lungs

c. Carrying oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart

d. Carrying deoxygenated blood from the body to the lungs

53. The heart's electrical system is responsible for:

a. Regulating blood pressure b. Controlling heart rate and rhythm

c. Producing red blood cells d. Balancing electrolytes in the blood

54. The sound of the heartbeat heard through a stethoscope is caused by:

a. Blood rushing through the veins b. Contraction of the atria

c. Closure of heart valves d. Expansion of the ventricles

55. The medical term for a heart attack is:

a. Myocardial infarction b. Arrhythmia c. Hypertension d. Atherosclerosis

56. Which of the following is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease?

a. Regular exercise b. High blood pressure c. Low cholesterol levels d. Healthy diet

57. The medical term for high blood pressure is:

a. Hypertension b. Hypotension c. Bradycardia d. Tachycardia

58. The buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries is called:

a. Atherosclerosis b. Thrombosis c. Embolism d. Angina

59. The medical term for a rapid heartbeat is:

a. Bradycardia b. Tachycardia c. Arrhythmia d. Palpitations

60. The medical specialty that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases is called:

a. Cardiology b. Pulmonology c. Neurology d. Endocrinology

61. Which type of muscle is responsible for voluntary movements?

a. Cardiac muscle b. Smooth muscle c. Skeletal muscle d. Involuntary muscle

62. What is the main function of the muscular system?

a. Regulation of body temperature b. Production of hormones

c. Generation of movement d. Protection of internal organs

63. Which connective tissue surrounds individual muscle fibers?

a. Tendon b. Ligament c. Epimysium d. Endomysium

64. Which muscle is responsible for breathing?

a. Biceps b. Quadriceps c. Diaphragm d. Hamstrings

65. What is the name of the protein responsible for muscle contraction?

a. Myosin b. Actin c. Collagen d. Elastin

66. Which muscle type is found in the walls of blood vessels and the digestive tract?
a. Cardiac muscle b. Skeletal muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Striated muscle

67. Which of the following is not a function of skeletal muscles?

a. Maintaining posture and body position b. Generating heat to maintain body temperature

c. Pumping blood throughout the body d. Producing movement by contracting and relaxing

68. Which muscle is located in the upper arm and is responsible for bending the elbow?

a. Deltoid b. Triceps c. Biceps d. Pectoralis major

69. What is the smallest functional unit of a muscle fiber called?

a. Sarcomere b. Myofibril c. Myofilament d. Myotendon junction

70. Which type of muscle is involuntary and found in the walls of hollow organs?

a. Skeletal muscle b. Cardiac muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Striated muscle

71. What is the main function of the cardiac muscle?

a. Pumping blood throughout the body

b. Digesting food

c. Moving bones

d. Contracting and relaxing to produce movement

72. Which muscle is responsible for extending the knee?

a. Quadriceps b. Hamstrings c. Gastrocnemius d. Gluteus maximus

73. What is the name of the connective tissue that surrounds a group of muscle fibers?

a. Epimysium b. Perimysium c. Endomysium d. Tendon

74. Which muscle is responsible for abducting the arm (moving it away from the body)?

a. Pectoralis major b. Deltoid c. Latissimus dorsi d. Trapezius

75. Which muscle is commonly referred to as the "calf muscle"?

a. Soleus b. Gastrocnemius c. Tibialis anterior d. Rectus femoris

76. Which of the following is not a function of the muscular system?

a. Stabilizing joints b. Generating heat c. Producing blood cells d. Facilitating movement

77. What is the main function of the smooth muscle?

a. Pumping blood throughout the body

b. Moving bones

c. Contracting and relaxing to propel substances through hollow organs

d. Controlling voluntary movements

78. Which muscle is responsible for flexing the forearm (bending the elbow)?

a. Triceps b. Biceps c. Brachialis d. Deltoid

79. What is the name of the point where a muscle attaches to a bone that remains stationary during

a. Origin b. Insertion c. Flexor d. Extensor

80. Which muscle is responsible for rotating the arm laterally (outward)?

a. Deltoid b. Pectoralis major c. Infraspinatus d. Supraspinatus

81. Which organ is primarily responsible for filtering waste products from the blood in the urinary

a. Bladder b. Kidney c. Ureter d. Urethra

82. What is the functional unit of the kidney responsible for filtering blood and producing urine?

a. Nephron b. Glomerulus c. Renal pelvis d. Urethra

83. Which hormone regulates the concentration of urine produced by the kidneys?

a. Insulin b. Aldosterone c. Thyroxine d. Growth hormone

84. What is the muscular tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder?

a. Urethra b. Ureter c. Nephron d. Renal pelvis

85. Which of the following is not a function of the urinary system?

a. Regulating blood pressure b. Regulating electrolyte balance

c. Regulating acid-base balance d. Producing red blood cells

86. Which gland is often referred to as the "master gland" because it controls several other endocrine

a. Thyroid gland b. Pineal gland c. Adrenal gland d. Pituitary gland

87. What hormone does the pancreas secrete to regulate blood sugar levels?

a. Insulin b. Thyroxine c. Cortisol d. Estrogen

88. Which hormone is responsible for regulating metabolism, energy production, and body

a. Insulin b. Growth hormone c. Thyroxine d. Adrenaline

89. What is the primary function of the adrenal glands?

a. Regulating blood sugar levels

b. Producing adrenaline in response to stress

c. Regulating calcium levels in the blood

d. Producing melatonin for sleep regulation

90. Where is the thyroid gland located in the body?

a. Behind the stomach b. In the neck, below the Adam's apple

c. Near the kidneys d. In the lower abdomen

91. Which hormone is responsible for regulating calcium levels in the blood and bone metabolism?

a. Insulin b. Estrogen c. Parathyroid hormone d. Thyroxine

92. Which gland is responsible for producing melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep patterns?

a. Pineal gland b. Thyroid gland c. Adrenal gland d. Pituitary gland

93. What is the primary function of the thymus gland?

a. Regulating blood pressure b. Producing insulin

c. Regulating immune function d. Controlling growth hormone release

94. Which hormone is responsible for stimulating the growth and development of bones, muscles, and

a. Insulin b. Thyroxine c. Growth hormone d. Estrogen

95. Which gland regulates the body's circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle?

a. Thyroid gland b. Adrenal gland c. Pineal gland d. Pancreas


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.A
11.C 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.A
21.A 22.C 23.B 24.C 25.B 26.D 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.B
31.B 32.B 33.C 34.C 35.D 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.D 40.C
41.A 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.A 46.C 47.D 48.B 49.A 50.C
51.B 52.D 53.A 54.B 55.A 56.C 57.D 58.B 59.A 60.D
61.C 62.C 63.D 64.C 65.A 66. C 67.C 68.C 69.A 70.C
71. A 72.A 73.B 74.B 75.B 76.C 77.C 78.B 79.A 80.C
81.B 82.A 83.B 84.B 85.A 86.D 87.A 88.C 89.B 90.B
91.C 92.A 93.C 94.C 95.C

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