WORK - Practise - Writing - Vocabulary - by - Topic Tarea de Damian

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Vocabulary: Work
Definition: Activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a
purpose or result.
Example: "she has been working so hard"

Vocabulary: Employee

Definition: The employee is the person who provides his services in exchange for
a salary from an employer
Example: He is an outstanding employee

Vocabulary: Employer

Definition: that gives jobs to others

Example: Amazon is Manuel's employer

Vocabulary: Employment

Definition: Employment is the generation of value from the activity produced

by a person. That is, the employee contributed his work and knowledge on
behalf of the employer, in exchange for financial compensation known as

Example: It is easy to find employment when the economy is growing

Vocabulary: Unemployment

Definition: situation of the person in working condition, but does not have a
job or has lost it
Example: in my country there is a high unemployment rate

Vocabulary: Commute

Definition: moving from one place to another frequently

Example: I work from home now, so I no longer have to commute

Vocabulary: Occupation

Definition: activity or profession in which a person is engaged

Example: Being in the military is a dangerous occupation.

Vocabulary: Career

Definition: the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life,
especially if you continue to get better jobs and earn more money.

Example: in my professional career as a tropographer I have done very well

Vocabulary: Profession

Definition: the term profession designates the trade, employment or

occupation that is exercised in exchange for remuneration

Example: He reached the top of his profession at an early age

Vocabulary: Salary / Wages

Definition: salary, pay or remuneration is the sum of money that a worker

receives periodically from his employer for a certain work time or for the
performance of a specific task or manufacturing of a determining product

Example: He has a good salary

Vocabulary: Public sector

Definition: The public sector (also called the state sector) is the part of the
economy composed of both public services and public enterprises

Example: I have a job proposal from the public sector

Vocabulary: Retire

Definition: to leave your job or stop working because of old age or ill health

Example: Carlos has already retired from his professional career

Vocabulary: Flextime

Definition: Flextime is a flexible hours schedule that allows workers to alter

workday start and finish times

Example: I have recently introduced flextime for all my staff.

Vocabulary: Resign / Quit

Definition: Resignation is a decision by which a person voluntarily separates

himself from his usual scope of work

Example: Jhon presented his resign from the position he held

Vocabulary: Vacancy

Definition: position or job that is not occupied by anyone

Example: In my company there is a vacancy for an office worker

Vocabulary: Overtime

Definition: additional time that an employee dedicates to their work activities

beyond their schedule

Example: I'll work overtime all week

Vocabulary: Shift

Definition: denotes the action or transition from an initial state to a different

one, as it refers to an individual, object or situation

Example: there is a shift change

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