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Community Appraisal and Planning for Community Based Management of Coastal

Resources in Loguilo, Alubijid, Misamis Oriental, Philippines: A Roadmap to

Community Services and Research Integration

I, as a result of this, declare that I am willing to take part in the research conducted by Rhea
Mae Monsuller, Shekina Ogoc, Aileen A. Mapute, Mona Orejana, and Job Pague, an
environmental science students of the Department of Biological Science, MSU-Iligan Institute
of Technology. I will be questioned about the strengths, dynamics, and areas of improvement
of our community. The researchers will collect data and analyze the results from this survey
in a form where my name cannot be identified.

To be filled out by the Field Research:

Code: __________________
Name: __________________________________
Date of Interview: _________________________
Time Started: ____________________________
Time Ended: ____________________________
Survey Questionnaire


Barangay : _____________________________
Age : _____________________________ Gender: Male Female
Occupation:_____________________________ Length of Stay: _____________
Ethnicity : _____________________________
Educational Attainment: __Elementary Level __College Level
__Elementary Graduate __College Graduate
__High School Level __Master’s Degree
__High School Graduate __Doctorate Degree


1. What is your primary source of income?

__Employment (Full time or part-time)

__Business Ownership
__Tourism-related activities
__Others, please specify: ________

2. Are you satisfied with your current livelihood situation?

__Very Satisfied
__Very Dissatisfied
3. What types of industries or businesses could thrive in your community and create more job
__Food Production
__Seaweed Farming
__Social Work
Others, please specify:_________
4. Are you aware of any government or community programs aimed at supporting livelihoods
in our area?
If yes, have you or someone you know benefited from these programs? Please share your

5. What have you perceived as the biggest economic challenge that your community has
__Low wages
__Lack of job opportunities
__Economic Inequality
__High Cost of Living
__Others, please specify: ____
As a resident of your community, how do you think these challenges can be addressed or


1. How would you describe the economic structure of your community?

__Fishing Dependent
__Mixed Economy
__Others, please specify: _____
2. Do you think your community provides enough economic opportunities for its residents?
3. How do you ensure the basic needs of your family (such as food, clothing, and shelter) are
__Government Assistance Programs
__Community Support Networks
__Savings and Investments
__Others, please specify: ______
4. How would you rate the current job market in your community in terms of availability and
diversity of employment opportunities?
__Very Poor
5. How would you rate the current infrastructure (including transportation, utilities, internet
connectivity and others) in your community to support economic activities?
__Very Poor
6. How would you rate the level of cooperation and collaboration among businesses,
government, and community organizations in your community?
__Very Poor
7. What are the primary economic activities in your coastal community?
__Maritime Trade
__Seaweed Farming
__Others, please specify: _____
8. Are there any specific industries or agencies that focus on the coastal environment which
has contributed to your local economy?
If yes, please specify: ________
9. As a coastal dweller, how essential for you is coastal conservation and sustainability
efforts to maintain the long-term economic health of your locality?
__Very Important
__Somewhat Important
__Not Important
__Not Applicable
10. What practices or initiatives can you recommend that could foster your community’s
economic status while promoting environmental sustainability?


1. What programs or initiatives are in place to address food insecurity?

__ Community gardens
2. Are there support services in place for individuals/families who are at risk losing houses?
__ Yes
__ No
If yes, please specify:______________
3. Is healthcare accessible for everyone in the community?
__ Yes
__ No
4. Are there enough healthcare facilities to meet the needs of your community?
__ Yes
__ No
5. What resources are available to support lifelong learning ?
__Materials (School supply)
6. How are barriers to education?
7. Are educational opportunities accessible to all members of the community?
8. Do community members feel safe in your place/neighborhood?
9. What measures are in place to address crime and ensure public safety?
Please specify:______________________________
10. Are there support services available for victims of violence/abuse?


1. How would you rate the overall cleanliness of your coastal barangay?
__Very Poor
2. Is there any environmental concern in your barangay that needs to be addressed?
If yes, please specify: _______
3. What is your opinion on the general maintenance of your public places/spaces (such as in
beaches, streets, and parks) in your coastal barangay?
__Adequately maintained
4. How often do you visit the beach of your community?
5. In your opinion, how clean is the coastal water in your area?
__Very Clean
__Moderately Clean
__Very Polluted
6. Are you satisfied with the waste management practices in your barangay?
__Very Satisfied
__Very Dissatisfied
7. How often do you observe littering or improper waste disposal in the public areas?
8. How important do you think it is to preserve the natural habitat (mangroves, coral reefs,
etc.) in your coastal barangay?
__Extremely Important
__Not very important
__Not important at all
9. Have you noticed any degradation or loss of habitat in your barangay?
If yes, please specify: ______
10. How confident are you in the coastal barangay's ability to respond to natural disasters?
__Very Confident
__Not very confident
__Not confident at all


1. What natural resources are abundant in your barangay?

__Coral reefs
__Sand and gravel
__Marine biodiversity
__Others, please specify: ____
2. How would you rate the fishing practices of your barangay?
__Highly sustainable
__Moderately sustainable
3. How satisfied are you with the availability and quality of drinking water in your barangay?
__Very Satisfied
__Very Dissatisfied
4. Are there any heightened issues or concerns in your barangay regarding water scarcity or
water contamination?
If yes, please specify: ______
5. Do you think there is adequate land available for residential, agricultural, and commercial
purposes in your barangay?
6. Are there any specific conflicts on land use in your barangay?
7. Do you believe the barangay has effectively utilizes its economic resources for the benefit
of the community?


1. Where do you typically do your daily activities in the barangay?

__Community Center
__Others, please specify: _______
2. How satisfied are you with the availability and quality of public facilities (e.g.,parks,
playgrounds, sports facilities) in your barangay?
__Very Satisfied
__Very Dissatisfied
3. Are there any specific public facilities or amenities that you believe are lacking in your
coastal barangay?
If yes, please specify: ____________
4. How would you rate the accessibility and convenience of transportation options in your
__Very Poor
5. How do you dispose of your household wastes in your barangay?
__Regular garbage collection services
__Dumping in open areas
__Others, please specify: _______
6. Are there any specific coastal development projects or activities that you believe have had
a significant impact on the environment or community in our barangay?
If yes, please specify: ______


I certify that all statements above are factual, correct, and to the best of my ability.
Name (optional) and Signature of the Respondent
Date Signed: __________________

End of Survey

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