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The Sixth Sense – Essay Topics

1. There were many themes present in “The Sixth Sense.” Which them do you
think comes through most strongly in the film? Some examples of theme
could be facing your fears, fixing the mistakes that we have made in life, or
the bond/strength of love continuing beyond the physical world. These are
just three examples, if you would like to write about another theme you
saw in the film, please discuss it with me before you begin writing.

2. How does the director create suspense throughout this film? Using specific
scenes as an example, explain and present your case. Furthermore, talk
about how he uses sound, lighting, setting and camera angles to create a
suspenseful story.

3. “The Sixth Sense” does a phenomenal job of protecting a very important

secret. How did they manage to convince us that Malcolm’s character was
alive? Why did we not see this coming sooner?

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