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Health 9
Alberta Health
This assignment and google slide presentation are designed using Alberta Health
Services assignments for the Alberta Health 9 Curriculum.

This features a google slide presentation and a research assignment designed to have
students research a resilient person.

The learning objectives for this assignment are:

1. Students will become familiar with the definition of resiliency and how it relates to drug,
alcohol, and gambling use.
2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of resiliency.
3. Students will have a chance to explore their own personal resilience.

I hope you enjoy this resource. Please feel free to email me at if you have
any questions or need help in implementing it.


Resilient Person Project

Health 9
For this project you will research an individual in our world (alive or deceased) who is
known for being resilient. Your task is to research what this person’s life is (or was) like,
and how he or she was resilient. The research findings will be presented in a google
slide presentation, recording, diorama, poster, a written report, a selection of your
choice (which must be approved by me).

You may choose to work individually or in a group. The group cannot be larger than
three people.

When looking up information about your person, consider if the website seems
appropriate and accurate. When in doubt, ask the teacher! You must use a minimum
of three websites.

Your group may choose one of the following people for your project:

● Henry Ford

● Bill Gates

● Albert Einstein

● Oprah Winfrey

● J.K. Rowling

● Jim Carrey

● Jerry Seinfeld

● Adele

● Vera Wang

● Dr. Seuss

● One of your choice (must be approved by me).

Project Checklist
❏ Biography of the person’s life
❏ How has the person impacted the world?
❏ What is the person known for?
❏ Which resilient characteristics does the person possess? Give specific examples
that demonstrate the virtues.
❏ What can we learn from the person?
❏ A minimum of three websites
❏ List the websites on the google slide presentation

Resilient Person Research Rubric

4 3 2 1
Exceeds Meets Partially meets Needs focused
expectations expectations expectation attention to meet

Research The student provided The student provided a The student provided The student provided
an in depth and well well researched researched information few relevant details
Information (x2) researched presentation on their on their selected about their selected
presentation on their selected person. The person, but many person. The minimum
selected person. The student used a details are missing requirement of
student used a minimum of three from the presentation websites was not used,
minimum of three websites, but one of or some of the details or the chosen sites
appropriately chosen them may not be are irrelevant to the were inappropriate.
websites. appropriate. project. The minimum
requirement of If less than a quarter
websites was used, but of the topics were
most of the sites are responded to, the
inappropriate. project is considered
complete, and it
cannot be graded.

Connection to The student The student The student made There is little evidence
synthesized his/her synthesized his/her some synthesis of of synthesizing
Resiliency research and his/her research and his/her his/her research and research information
knowledge of the knowledge of the knowledge of the with knowledge of
characteristics of characteristics of characteristics of resiliency.
resiliency to offer an in resiliency to offer a resilience but appears
depth reflection of how reflection of how the to be missing some
the selected person selected person research information or
possesses many or all possesses some of the some knowledge of the
of the characteristics. characteristics. Some characteristics to make
connections or stronger connections.
examples may be

Presentation of The student presented The student presented The student presented The student presented
his/her information in a his/her information in a his/her information in a his/her information in
information well organized and manner that mostly manner that was an incomplete or
aesthetically pleasing well organized and sometimes difficult to haphazard manner.
manner. The tended to be comprehend, and was
presentation appears aesthetically pleasing. often not aesthetically
to be a reflection of Images and music pleasing. Images and
his/her personality. were appropriately music were rarely used
Images and music chosen and applied. or were inappropriately
were creatively chosen chosen and applied.
and applied.

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