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Definitions of Semiotics

STUDENT: __Laura Carvajal Mora _________________ DATE: ____04/03/2024_________________SUBJECT: SEMIOTIC A062

TEACHER: Mag. Silvia Alejandra Herrera Moreno

AIM OF THE LESSON: Help students develop cognate awareness and give them strategies for using cognates in their
primary language as a tool for understanding English as a second language .

Complete the following definitions with words from the box. There is an extra option.

Sign - Advertising - Semiotics - Persuasion - logo -symbol – denotation - icon

1. _persuasion______The process by which attempts are made to influence consumer attitudes, beliefs, or
behaviors through advertising messages.
2. Symbol_____ is everything that serves to transmit information.
3. __semiotics_____________ is the science that studies the different systems of signs that enable
4. _advertising___________________is a form of visual, written, or auditory communication whose main
function is to inform, disseminate, and persuade the consumer about a product or service.
5. _logo____ is a graphic element that represents the corporate image and visual identity of a brand.
6. _denotation________ the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the
word suggests.
7. _icon______ a type of sign that represents something through a likeness or analogy.

I. Read the article and in a circle identify the cognates you recognize:

Cognates: are words that present a similar meaning, pronunciation, or spelling in another language.
Example: Comunicación-. Communication;

In the study of semiotics, which explores the interpretation of signs and symbols, understanding the nuances of
communication becomes paramount. Semiotics delves into the ways in which signs convey meaning, whether
through images, words, or gestures. These signs, or 'signifiers,' serve as the building blocks of communication,
representing concepts or ideas, known as 'signifieds.' The relationship between signifiers and signifieds is
fundamental to semiotics, as it shapes how meaning is conveyed and interpreted.
One of the central tenets of semiotics is the notion of 'codes,' which are systems of rules governing the use and
interpretation of signs within a particular context. These codes can be cultural, linguistic, or even personal,
influencing how signs are understood by different individuals or groups. For advertisers, understanding these
codes is essential, as it allows them to create messages that resonate with their target audience.
Moreover, semiotics highlights the role of context in shaping meaning. A sign that may carry one meaning in
one context can take on a completely different significance in another. This contextual variability underscores
the importance of considering the broader socio-cultural environment in which communication takes place.
In essence, semiotics provides a framework for understanding how meaning is created, conveyed, and
interpreted in various forms of communication. By recognizing the inherent significance of signs and symbols,
individuals can gain deeper insights into the complex dynamics of human interaction and expression.
Definitions of Semiotics

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