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MATH311 —- HOMEWORK SOLUTIONS Krzysztof Galicki HOMEWORK #6 Section 3.8: 1,3,4,5,6,7 Section 4.1: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,13,18 Section 4.2: 2,3,4,5,6,8,10 Section 4.3: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Homework #6 Problem 3.8.1. We verify (3.27): Void) = Zeowni+ 2 Filion + 5 2 eubk = “UGee-o (a(S = (B00 I= 9054 aR) 5 4 (SbF 8, Soy. o.Fd + oF, 5 Oe For the proof of (3.28) see Problem 3. Problem 3.8.2. We verify (3.31) and (3.82) first using the fact that the ¥ operator is linear nod the results of Problem 3.6.7: (3.31) (3.32) ‘The equations (3.33-35) can be verified by a direct computation. Let A = (a,,a2,3). Then (3.33) ¥ (l= Als) = F([(e- a)? 4 ya)? + (a3)? IRR Ap? 2(e — an) + Sk Apt 20y — an) + SH a oy (3.34) (Fy R- A= (ag the Oo wen Oe ne Oe ote mtee Figg (Ro Adit Fag (R- Ak + Pag (Ral Rit jt Bk= F, nit aaj + agk = A (3.35) grad(d- i) = Vaz +asy + a2) Problem 3.8.3. Let us verify (3.40) first. This equation says that curlgrad@ = 0. suwyela 2 é : : _ curlgradg = ¥ x (V9) =| de By ds | = (8y8s ~ 8.04) 61 + (0:0s — 3:9e)03 + (O20y — 0,92)0K = 0, 2b Oyo Be6 where we use the fat that 4236 = 00:9 as long as 80,6 are continuous. Ths identities (340-42) assume that both @ and F have continuous second order partial derivatives. ‘We now verify identity (3.41) which says that diveurl# = 0. Let us introduce the following notation for the second order partial derivatives: 2,04 * dy. Then Px A=F (ar = O.Fa)i + (O.F, — O2Fs)j + (OeFs — a,F)R) = 42 = Z@n-an)+ FylOeF ~ dfs) + 2 (0. — yh) = = Ory v2)Fs + (Oye ~ Oey)Fi + Ose ~ Bee)Ps = 0. Finally, (8.42) can be checked by a direct computation xb) yr Ieb1 Bute Ota Oot = Bc{ yb: 0.02 ~ 9529-61) ~ 8y{Be6D.dhn ~ 86x92} + Be{8e612y 2 ~ yor Beta} = V-(Fdy x Von) = 9 i oj Fk | = (Deyi0:$2+0y61De202—Ony,0.b1 ~DybaDes0} ~{Opad0.2+ Dab Dysba ~ Oyeta0.01 ~ Deda gst + +{8c2010402 + DebrDeyba ~ DezbaDy i ~ Dedaays) = ((Bey ~ yz) 61}8:00 + [(Bes ~ Oee}¥2]8y 01 + [(Bpe ~ Bey)2]0.01 + ((Bes ~ Be=)1]8y02+ +((Bey — Dyz)b2] Ord + [yz — P:y)d1]Ox¢2 = 0. Notice, that we could do it easier, by using formulas (3.36) and then (3.40): F. (Wbr x Foo) = Vor -(F x Voi) — Var -(F x Von) = 0. Problem 3.8.4, I guess the book means you should use the formula for triple vector product: Ax (Ax B) = A(A-B) - (4 ADB. Indeed, when you take A= and # = F you got the identity (3.38). But itis only a heuristic argument as V is not a vector but a vector-valued differential operator. Again, the rigorous proof can be obtained by a direct computation Problem 3.8.5. Let us consider the equation VF x @Q=G-(Fx A+ FF XG). If you switch # with @ the left-hand-side changes sign (anticommutativity ofthe vector product). But the righthand-side js symmetric in F and @. Hence, the identity is false, unless both sides are identically equal to zero forall F and G. (That this is not true can be checked by example.) Problem 3.8.6. Let (a1,2,03), R= (z,y,z), and R= [A]. Observe that Roem lag ly lig ¢ Baas LO XA fax =-R WAR =0, where we also used the fact that [4,8] = 0x d= 0 x i Also notice that Axil grad |- 5 EB as can be checked by example, say A= (0,0,1), Ax R= (-y,2,0) and 9(ERE) = beet ev) +0" 1)8(f) = Ren an9 G+) Problem 3.8.7. Let V(A) = Af(#- B), for some differentiable function f and constant vectors A = (a1,42503), B= (bry babs). We have curl? (8) = 0 x VCR) = © x (APR: B)) = (RBS x 44. 9(1H- BY) x A= 9(AR-B)) x A, using the formula (3.29) and the fact that © x 4'=0. As flab + yba + 2bn) = bf! (abr + yba + zby) T+ Daf (aby + yba + zby)F+ Daf (obi + ube + 2b) = FE BB, we get curl (i) = f'(R- B)B x A, and, hence, curl¥’(#) is perpendicular to both 4 and B. Problem 3.8.8. As =F? = 0. ») It is obvious that when (1,1,0) and (e,e,1). = lina) e. Hence, the flow line found in a) passes through both 49 ) Let us parameterize the flow line between these two point as follows: a(t) uit), 2(t)=t, O 0). D is open, connected, simply connected, without boundary, and unbounded Problem 4.2.4. Let D = {(x,y,2) €R° : 2>0}. Dis not open. It is closed, the boundary is the = = 0 coordinate plane. D is not bounded but it is both connected and simply connected. Problem 4.2.5, Let D = {(2,y.2) € RY: 2?-+y?+2? > 4} = R°\ BD). D is a complement of a closed ball of radius 2 centered at the origin. D is open, without boundary, connected, simply connected, and unbounded Problem 4.2.6. Let D = {(2,y,z) € R° = 1< x? +y? < 4} is open, connected, unbounded but not, simply connected. D has no boundary. Problem 4.2.8. Let D = {(x,y,2) € R* : z #0} = R°\ {2y~ plane}. D is open, but not connected. Hence, D is not a domain. But D can be written as a disjoint union of two domains, namely, D=D,uD., where Da=(lenzeR > 42>0) Problem 4.2.10. Anulus in R®, Let Dap = {(2,ys2) B® > b< 2? ty? +2" a. 50 Problem 4.3.1. We have to show that if f., #-dif = 0 for any regular closed curve C, then for any two points P and Q, the line integral {2 dif is independent on the path. Consider any two paths C; and Cp joining P with Q a ‘ Le an fF a= [Pate [| Fak f where C2 indicates the opposite orientation. Hence, [frat [a8 c1U(-C2) which means that the line integral {2 Fd is independent on path. Problem 4.3.2. a) Let P= Q = (1y1), as indicated in the figure below. ji + 2}. Consider two different paths C and C; U Cz between the points P = (0,0) and 4 On C we have y = x and dy = dz and [eae (cdr +2dz) =0. On C; we have y=0, dy=0and On Cz we have 2=1, dz =0 and Lf ate fx fa Love F dR=o4i=14 fF ait Hence, on Cy UC2 ‘The field # is not conservative. b) Let # = yi+y(z — 1)j and take the same two paths as in a). On C we have y= 2 and dy = dz and On Cy we have y=0, dy=0 and (On C2 we have Hence, on Cy UC2 Soce.® at=o7 | Fak ‘The field F is not conservative. ©) Let F = yi+ 2j+ 2B. Consider two different paths C and C, UC2UCs between the points P = (0,0, 0) and Q = (1,1,1), as indicated in the figure below. On C wehave y= 2=2=1, dy=dz=dz=dt,0 000 Oo=vie-l => dyo=y, and we get a contradiction c) Let F = yi +2j + 2?k. Suppose F = V¢ for some scalar function ¢. Then Oday = 0.85 a6 =} 0.0.6 = 21, and we get a contradiction. d) Let F = 2i + 2] + (y — 1). Suppose F = V¢ for some scalar function ¢. Then Op=2 => 861, y-1) => 80.6 and we get a contradiction, 54 wa 6) Let F= Sf. Suppose F = 0¢ for some scalar function ¢. Then and we get a contradiction. Problem 4.3.4. Let # = s$H8i. Consider a circle C: 2? + y? = r? of radius r centered around the origin. In the polar coordinates we have (dr = 0): dz =—rsin do, dy =r cos 049. feats J" ((22) (-rinet) + (222) (ro0u)) = ("an =ae Problem 4.3.5. Indeed if F = sH#2 then F = gradé, where ¢ = tan“"(y/z). The book says that, ¢ is not uniquely defined as Hence, tang = is multi-valued, But this is not a satisfactory explanation. We can always choose just one branch, say =n/2<¢ < 4/2. Then ¢ = tan“ (y/z) is uniquely defined for all x #0. Since for a fixed y > 0 we have: Jim tan“M(y/2) = 4/2 im tan™(y/2) = ~#/2, the definition of ¢ can not be extended to z = 0 in such a way that ¢ is continuous. The field F is not conservative. The line integral of F over every loop that does not go around (0,0) (or the 2-axis in R®) is 3s in fact zero. The integral of F over every loop that goes around (0,0), (or the z-axis in Rt) k times equals 2nk. Hence, any line integral of F between P and Q is determined up to an integer multiple of 2x Problem 4.3.6. Let F = (y + zcoszz)i + xj + xcoszk. We have the following equations 8,6 =y + 200822, yd ad From the second equation we get oey.2) = ye + A(z, 2) for some function h(2,2). Substituting back into the remaining two equations gives: on =yt deh + 200822, 8.6 = A.h = 2cosz2, From that we conchide that Och= 200822, dt and, hence, (x,y, 2) = yx + sin(xz) + C. Problem 4.3.7. Let F = 2zyi'+ (x? + 2)j + yk. We have the following equations 826 =22y, Oo =2? +2, 8.6 From the third equation we get Oley, 2) = ye + h(y,z) for some function h(y, 2). Substituting back into the remaining two equations gives: cb = Oph = Dry, yo = 24 Oh = 22? From that we conclude that Oh=2ey, yh Hence, h(y,2) = ya? +C, and o(@y.2) = sy + ys? $C. 56

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