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Test Case Number Test Case Reason for the test case Expected result

1 3+5 Try to check that we can do 8

addition or not

2 3+5+8+7 try to check that we can use 23

more than one operator

3 3+0 try to check that is it working 3

fine with the constant number
for addition

4 (-10+3) try to check that we can do -7

substraction or not

5 10*5 try to check that it can work fine 50

during multiplication

6 (-10*-10) try to check that is it working fin 100

while multiply negative degit

7 (10/7) try to do devision 1.428671

8 1/0 try to check what happanes infinite

when we devide number by 0

9 0/0 try to devide 0 with 0 error

10 10/5*2+3 try to check various operator 7

at one time

11 10/(5*2)+3 try to check various opeerator 4

with brackets

12 3 tyr to check what happened 3

when we just provide one number
Observed result success or failure

8 success

23 success

3 success

-7 success

50 success

100 success

1.429 success

infinite success

NAN failure

7 success

4 success

3 success

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