Sandstone College Player Guidev1

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The Sandstone College

A Player’s Guide

The Sandstone College is an institution of higher education located in a rambling

sandstone complex in a corner of Ephia’s Well. It was founded by a group of disaffected
Ashfolk Academics from Baz’eel and has now begun to accept students. Admission
requirements are very low, paying a modest tuition and passing an elementary exam is all
that is necessary (13+ INT & Lore Investment required). It has begun to attract a wide
range of slacking students from Baz’eel, the listless and uncertain, amateur
archaeologists, and others who wish to devote themselves to the noble cause of learning.

The Sandstone College is more of a sandbox faction for players. Not being a member of
the Accord, their agenda and place in the wider politics of Ephia’s Well has yet to be
determined. It is known that the founding Ashfolk Academics have a very hostile attitude
towards Q’tolip and his astronomers. Students of the Sandstone College should not
expect to receive as many perks as other factions, but the obligations and duties are
considerably more low key.

Recommended Alignment: Any

Recommended Classes: Any
Recommended Race: Any non-monstrous
Advancement: Characters can eventually graduate and receive a degree
and go on to pursue other things. Exceptional academics may be
nominated for special prizes and positions.

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