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Academic Year 2022 2023

Prepared by

Dr. Rahila Sheikh

Prof. Madhavi Sadu
Department Of Computer Science & Engineering
Question Bank 2022-23



Week 1: Introduction to Deep Learning, Bayesian Learning, Decision Surfaces

Q. No. Question CO/Level
1 What is deep learning and how is it different from traditional CO410.1/L2
machine learning methods?
2 Can you explain the difference between supervised and CO410.1/L2
unsupervised deep learning algorithms?
3 What are the advantages of using deep learning over other CO410.1/L2
machine learning methods?
4 What is a neural network and how is it used in deep CO410.1/L2
5 How do you measure the performance of a deep learning CO410.1/L2
6 What is Bayesian learning and how is it different from other CO410.1/L2
machine learning approaches?
7 What is the role of prior knowledge in Bayesian learning? CO410.1/L2
8 How is decision surface related to classification in machine CO410.1/L2
9 Can you give an example of a real-world application of CO410.1/L2
decision surfaces in machine learning?
10 How can deep learning and Bayesian learning be combined CO410.1/L2
to improve the performance of a model?
Week 2: Linear Classifiers, Linear Machines with Hinge Loss
1 What is a linear classifier and how does it work? CO410.1/L2
2 Can you explain the difference between linear and non- CO410.1/L2
linear classifiers?
3 What is a decision boundary and how is it used in linear CO410.1/L2
4 How do you train a linear classifier? CO410.1/L2
5 What is the hinge loss function and how is it used in linear CO410.1/L2
6 What is the role of regularization in linear machines? CO410.1/L2
7 Can you explain the difference between L1 and L2 CO410.1/L2
regularization in linear machines?
8 How do you handle multi-class classification using linear CO410.1/L2
9 Can you give an example of a real-world application of CO410.1/L2
linear machines with hinge loss?
10 How do you optimize the hinge loss function to train a linear CO410.1/L2
Week 3: Optimization Techniques, Gradient Descent, Batch Optimization
1 How would you modify the learning rate of a neural CO410.2/L3
network to improve its accuracy?
2 What are some common optimization algorithms used in CO410.2/L3
deep learning, and how do they differ from each other?
3 How do you determine the optimal number of layers for a CO410.2/L3
deep neural network?
4 What are some techniques for preventing overfitting in deep CO410.2/L3
learning models, and how do they work?
5 Compare and contrast the pros and cons of gradient descent CO410.2/L3
and stochastic gradient descent optimization algorithms.
6 Reason for calling Feedforward neural networks as CO410.2/L3
7 What is batch normalization and how does it help optimize CO410.2/L3
neural networks?
8 What is the difference between L1 and L2 regularization, CO410.2/L3
and when would you use each?
9 What is the vanishing gradient problem, and how can it be CO410.2/L3
10 What is the role of momentum in optimization algorithms, CO410.2/L3
and how does it help optimize neural networks?
Week 4: Introduction to Neural Network, Multilayer Perceptron, Back Propagation
1 What is backpropagation and how is it used to optimize CO410.2/L3
neural networks?
2 How does a multilayer perceptron (MLP) differ from a CO410.2/L3
single-layer perceptron, and what are the advantages of
using an MLP?
3 What is backpropagation learning, and how is it used to train CO410.2/L3
neural networks?
4 What is the role of activation functions in neural networks, CO410.2/L3
and how do they affect the output of the network?
5 How do you choose the number of neurons and layers in a CO410.2/L3
neural network, and what are some guidelines for avoiding
6 What are some common optimization algorithms used in CO410.2/L3
neural networks, and how do they differ from each other?
7 Explain XOR operation. CO410.2/L3
8 Analyze cost function for back propagation learning. CO410.2/L3
9 Assess the difference between linear models and neural CO410.2/L3
10 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a deep CO410.2/L3
neural network over a shallow neural network?
Week 5: Unsupervised Learning with Deep Network, Autoencoders
1 What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised CO410.3/L4
learning, and what are some examples of problems that can
be solved using each approach?
2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an CO410.3/L4
autoencoder for unsupervised learning compared to other
3 How does the denoising autoencoder differ from a standard CO410.3/L4
autoencoder, and what are some applications where it might
be useful?
4 What are variational autoencoders (VAEs), and how do they CO410.3/L4
differ from standard autoencoders? What are some potential
applications of VAEs?
5 What are adversarial autoencoders (AAEs), and how do they CO410.3/L4
differ from standard autoencoders? What are some potential
applications of AAEs?
6 How does the contractive autoencoder differ from a standard CO410.3/L4
autoencoder, and what are some applications where it might
be useful?
7 Explain Principal Components Analysis. CO410.3/L4
Week 6: Convolutional Neural Network, Building blocks of CNN, Transfer Learning
1 What are some of the key building blocks of a CO410.3/L4
Convolutional Neural Network, and how do they contribute
to the overall architecture of the model?
2 What are some advantages of using Convolutional Neural CO410.3/L4
Networks over other machine learning models for image
classification tasks?
3 What is transfer learning, and how can it be used to improve CO410.3/L4
the performance of Convolutional Neural Networks?
4 The output layer of convolutional network is usually CO410.3/L4
relatively inexpensive to learning layer. Justify.
5 Create a chart that demonstrates convolution with a stride. CO410.3/L4
6 What is meant by convolution? CO410.3/L4
7 How to reduce the cost of convolutional network training? CO410.3/L4
8 Simulate the idea behind reverse correlation. CO410.3/L4
9 Explain how a convolutional layer have a property called CO410.3/L4
equivariance to translation?
Week 7: Revisiting Gradient Descent, Momentum Optimizer, RMSProp, Adam
1 What is Gradient Descent? CO410.3/L4
2 What is Momentum Optimizer? CO410.3/L4
3 What is RMSProp? CO410.3/L4
4 What is Adam? CO410.3/L4
5 What are the advantages of using Momentum optimizer over CO410.3/L4
traditional gradient descent?
6 What are the advantages of using RMSProp over traditional CO410.3/L4
gradient descent?
7 What are the advantages of using Adam over traditional CO410.3/L4
gradient descent?
8 What are the limitations of using Momentum optimizer?
9 What are the limitations of using RMSProp?
10 What are the limitations of using Adam?
Week 8: Effective training in Deep Net- early stopping, Dropout, Batch Normalization,
Instance Normalization, Group Normalization
1 What is Dropout, and how does it help prevent overfitting in CO410.4/L3
a neural network?
2 What is Batch Normalization, and how does it help improve CO410.4/L3
the training of neural networks?
3 How does Instance Normalization differ from Batch CO410.4/L3
Normalization, and in what types of applications might it be
more appropriate?
4 What is Group Normalization, and how does it differ from CO410.4/L3
Batch Normalization and Instance Normalization?
5 What are some potential drawbacks of using Dropout, Batch CO410.4/L3
Normalization, Instance Normalization, and Group
Normalization, and how can they be mitigated?
Week 9: Recent Trends in Deep Learning Architectures, Residual Network, Skip
Connection Network, Fully Connected CNN etc.
1 What is a Residual Network (ResNet), and how does it CO410.4/L3
differ from traditional deep neural networks?
2 What is a Skip Connection Network, and how does it differ CO410.4/L3
from a Residual Network?
3 What are some recent trends in deep learning architectures, CO410.4/L3
and how do they differ from traditional deep neural
4 How can Residual Networks and Skip Connection Networks CO410.4/L3
be used to improve the performance of deep neural networks
in computer vision tasks?
5 What are some potential drawbacks of using Residual CO410.4/L3
Networks and Skip Connection Networks, and how can they
be mitigated?
6 Illustrate unshared convolution with suitable examples. CO410.4/L3
7 i. Write short notes Max Pooling. CO410.4/L3

ii. Explain Pooling with down sampling.

8 Evaluate variants of the basic convolution function. CO410.4/L3
Week 10: Classical Supervised Tasks with Deep Learning, Image Denoising, Semantic
Segmentation, Object Detection etc.
1 What is a classical supervised task in deep learning? CO410.5/L2
2 What is image denoising? CO410.5/L2
3 What is semantic segmentation? CO410.5/L2
4 What is object detection? CO410.5/L2
5 How is deep learning used for image denoising? CO410.5/L2
6 How is deep learning used for semantic segmentation? CO410.5/L2
7 How is deep learning used for object detection? CO410.5/L2
8 What are some challenges in image denoising with deep CO410.5/L2
9 What are some challenges in semantic segmentation with CO410.5/L2
deep learning?
10 What are some challenges in object detection with deep CO410.5/L2
Week 11: LSTM Networks
1 What is an LSTM network? CO410.5/L2
2 What makes LSTMs different from traditional RNNs? CO410.5/L2
3 What is a memory cell in an LSTM network? CO410.5/L2
4 What is an input gate in an LSTM network? CO410.5/L2
5 What is a forget gate in an LSTM network? CO410.5/L2
6 What is an output gate in an LSTM network? CO410.5/L2
7 What are some applications of LSTM networks? CO410.5/L2
8 What are some advantages of using LSTM networks? CO410.5/L2
9 What are some limitations of using LSTM networks? CO410.5/L2
10 How can the performance of an LSTM network be CO410.5/L2
Week 12: Generative Modeling with DL, Variational Autoencoder, Generative Adversarial
Network Revisiting Gradient Descent, Momentum Optimizer, RMSProp, Adam
1 What is generative modeling with deep learning? CO410.5/L2
2 What is a variational autoencoder? CO410.5/L2
3 What is a generative adversarial network (GAN)? CO410.5/L2
4 How does the generator in a GAN learn to generate realistic CO410.5/L2
5 What is gradient descent? CO410.5/L2
6 What is momentum optimizer? CO410.5/L2
7 What is Adam? CO410.5/L2
8 What are the advantages of using generative models in deep CO410.5/L2
9 What are some of the limitations of generative models in CO410.5/L2
deep learning?
10 What is RMSProp? CO410.5/L2

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