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Liliana : Hi, Emir. How are you?

Emir : Hi, Liliana. I'm fine, thanks. How about you?

Liliana : I'm good. Did you go to the concert last night?

Emir : Yes, I did. Ana said that you were there too.

Liliana : Yes, I was. I talked to Ana. She told me she loved the music.

Emir : That's nice. Rafa mentioned that he saw you dancing.

Liliana : Really? I didn't see Rafa. Maybe he came late.

Emir : He probably did. Did you enjoy the concert?

Liliana : Yes, I did. The band was great. Mariana told me that she wants to go again.

Emir : Me too. The band was awesome. Andres said that he bought their CD.

Liliana : That's cool. I should get it too. Did you eat anything at the concert?

Emir : Yes, I did. The food was good. Natalia told me that she liked the snacks.

Liliana : I tried the popcorn. It was tasty.Natalia has good taste.

Emir : Definitely. By the way, did you hear about the picnic next week?

Liliana : Yes, I did. Luis asked if I can bring some food.

Emir : Are you going to bring something?

Liliana : Yes, I will. I think I'll make sandwiches.

Emir : Great idea. I'll bring drinks. Linda said that she will bring desserts.

Liliana : Perfect. It's going to be fun. See you at the picnic!

Emir : See you there, Liliana!

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