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4th Quarter Reviewer: Physics

Uniformly Accelerated Motion: equations B & C to d = vt & you’ll

find that
Horizontal Dimension
● If a body maintains a constant
change in its v in a given time
interval along a straight line,
then the body is said to have a
uniform acceleration

● Simplify, you’ll get

● Rearranging, you’ll get

Vertical Dimension
● On Earth, when you throw
something up, it’ll go down.
Things thrown upwards always
● Since the v of the object fall at a constant acceleration
changes when it’s uniformly which has a magnitude of 9.8
accelerating, we use the ave v to m/s^2
determine the d, so substituting
v by ave v in equation B, you’ll

● Rearrange equation C to arrive

at vf = vi + at & substituting the
vf in equation D, you’ll get
● Moves in 2 dimensions - having
both horizontal & vertical
motion components, acted by
gravity only. In physics, this is
● Combining vi, you'll arrive at
called projectile motion
● The horizontal & vertical
positions of the horizontally
projected object can be
● Distributing t will give you described by the equations
& respectively,

● Simplifying further will provide h is taken to be -, being a d

you below the point of release & ag
is -9.8 m/s^2
● For a horizontally projected
● To find out how final v depends object, the d & v vector has both
on the d, substitute v & t from magnitude & direction that you
can separate into
at rest only for an instant)
it’ll start to descend w/ an
increasing - vertical v
until it’s stopped by
● So as the projectile moves
forward horizontally w/ uniform
v, its vertical v is also
accelerated creating a
trajectory that’s a parabola

● A projectile launched
horizontally has no initial
vertical v. Thus, its vertical
motion is identical to that of a
dropped object. The downward v
increases uniformly due to Impulse & Momentum:
gravity as shown by the vector
arrows of increasing lengths. What affects motion?
The horizontal v is uniform as ● Consider a cargo truck w/ a
shown by the identical mass of 10,000 kg traveling at a v
horizontal vector arrows of 40 km per hour & a small car
w/ a mass of 2000 kg traveling at
the same v

What affects momentum?

● The heavier car is more difficult
to stop because it possesses a
greater inertia in motion which
depends on an object’s m & v
● Newton’s 1st Law of Motion
(Inertia): an object’s momentum
is also known as inertia in
motion. For objects moving at
Projectiles launched at an angle the same v, a more massive
● When a projectile is launched object has a greater inertia in
upward at an angle, its v has 2 motion therefore a greater
components momentum
1. Constant horizontal v ● Momentum depends on 2
that moves in the same factors, mass & velocity
direction as the launch,
the acceleration of which Equation for momentum:
is 0
p = mv
2. Upward + vertical v
component that’s
decreasing in magnitude
p = momentum, m = mass, v = velocity
until it becomes 0 at the
top of the trajectory. But
because gravity makes it
accelerate downward at a
rate of 9.8 m/s or 9.8
m/s^2 (therefore it stays
● Example: 2 children on
skateboards are initially at rest
● Newton’s 3rd Law tells us that
the force that the girl exerts on
the boy & the force that makes
the girl move in the other
direction are of = magnitude but
opposite direction
- In this system, no
momentum is gained/lost.
We say that momentum is

1. Elastic: the total KE of the
What causes changes in momentum? system doesn’t change &
● A fast-moving car when colliding objects bounce off
suddenly stopped might have after collision
damaging effects not only to the 2. Inelastic: the total KE of the
vehicle itself but also to the system changes
person riding it - Objects that stick
● The use of seatbelts is even together after collision is
prescribed by law in order to said to be perfectly
lessen injuries from car crashes inelastic
● Inflatable airbags are also
installed in most cars aimed to Mechanical Energy:
increase the time of impact
between the driver/passenger & Kinds of Energy
the crashing vehicle in the event 1. Gravitational Potential Energy
of an accident 2. Kinetic Energy
3. Heat Energy
Impulse 4. Radiant Energy
● In physics, an external force 5. Chemical Potential Energy
acting on an object over a 6. Elastic Energy
specific time leads to a change 7. Electrical Energy
in momentum of the object. A 8. Nuclear Energy
special name is given to the
product of the force applied & Gravitational Potential Energy
the time interval during which it ● Eg, the object’s stored energy
acts, impulse because of its distance above
● Impulse = ft the surface of the Earth
● The change in Eg of an object is
● Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion: the expressed as
net force is directly proportional
to the m of a body & its a
● F = ma

Sample Problems:
1. How much Eg a 4.0 kg block has
if it’s lifted 25 m?

2. A 61.2 kg boy fell 0.500 m out of

Conservation of Momentum the bed. How much Eg is lost?
Sample Problems:
1. Calculate the KE of a 6.0 kg
object sliding at 4.0 m/s

Kinetic Energy
● Energy of a moving object
● Consider a rolling stone w/ 2. Calculate the speed of a 5.44 kg
mass, m, accelerated by a hammer thrown it its KE is 68 J
force, F, pushing on it w/ a
displacement, △d, down a
frictionless incline. The work
done on the stone is:
- W = F△d

● Using the 2nd Law of Motion:

- F = ma

● By substitution, we now have:

- W = ma△d
Heat, Work, & Energy:
● The speed of the stone changes 1st Law of Thermodynamics:
from 0 to v in the time ● The concept of the conservation
interval, △t. The acceleration of energy states that: Energy
is: can’t be created/destroyed.
- a = v/t ● The first law of thermodynamics
is actually based on this
● The accelerating stone’s d is:
- △d = vt/2 ● It states that: The change in
internal energy of a system
● Now we substitute into the
equals the difference between
equation for work:
the heat taken in by the system
& the work done by the system

● While heat may originate in the

internal energy supply of a
substance, it isn’t correct to say
that a substance contains heat
● The substance has internal
energy, not heat
● Since work on the object did
● The word “heat” is used only
energy transfer, the stone has
when referring to the energy
an energy of motion/kinetic
actually in transit from hot to
energy written as:

● The law is expressed as:

- ΔU = Q-W

● Where Q = the amount of heat

flowing into a system during a
given process
● W = the net work done by the ● A heat pump’s used to reverse
system the process.
● Δ U = the change in the system’s ● It’s a device that allows heat to
internal energy transfer from a cold reservoir to
a warmer one, which cannot
● This is derived from the happen spontaneously, or on its
conservation of energy given as own
how heat is related to work? Or ● Work is required for the heat to
how heat is related to work? flow from a lower to a higher
● Q= W + ΔU temperature. This work’s
● We will use Joule (J) as our SI provided by the motor of a heat
unit for energy. The 1st law tells pump
us that a system’s internal ● Mechanical work should be
energy can be changed by applied so that heat could be
transferring energy by either transformed
work, heat/a combination of the
2 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
● Heat flows normally from higher
Sample Problem: to lower temp. It’s a natural or
1. If 150J of energy is added to a spontaneous process.
system when no external work ● It doesn’t require any external
was done, by how much will the energy to occur
thermal energy of the system ● When heat flows from lower to
raised? higher temp, it needs
mechanical energy to happen. It
Given: is called non-spontaneous
● Q= 150J process. In doing so, work
● W= 0 should be done. Mechanical
● Find: U energy is required for this to
Solution: ● It states that heat will never flow
● U=Q-W from a cold to a hot temp object.
● U = 150J - 0 The work’s provided by the
● U = 150 J motor of the heat pump
Summary Summary:
1. The increase in the internal 1. Heat flows normally from higher
energy of a system is = to the to lower temp which is a
amount of heat added to a spontaneous process. It doesn’t
system minus the work done by require any external energy to
the system occur
2. Adiabatic process is a process 2. Non spontaneous process
without gain/loss of heat happens when heat flows from
3. Internal/ thermal energy is the lower to higher temp. It needs
sum of all kinetic and potential mechanical energy to occur
energies of the atoms/molecules 3. The 1nd Law of Thermodynamics
in the system states that heat will never flow
from a cold to a hot temp object.
Heat Pump
Hence, a heat pump’s used.
● Heat flows from a hotter object
4. A heat pump’s a device that
to a cooler object when the 2
reverses the direction of the
objects are placed in contact.
heat flow: from a cold reservoir
How can we reverse the
to a warmer one. Refrigerator &
AC unit are examples of heat there is no energy transferred
pump away from the engine by heat.
Heat Engine But in reality, there is no 100%
● Changes thermal energy into efficient engine. There will be
mechanical work other losses (to friction, for
● 3 things happen in a full cycle of example) that will reduce the
a heat engine: efficiency
1. Heat is added. It is an
input heat (QH) which is a
relatively high temp
2. Some of the energy from
that input heat is used to
do work (W)
3. The rest of the heat is
removed at a relatively
cold temp (QC)

Thermal Efficiency
● Sadi Carnot carefully studied
the compression and expansion
● How well a machine operates is
the ratio of the useful work done
to the heat provided is the
thermal efficiency
● Applying Conservation of
Energy, QH = W + QC
● An important measure of a heat
engine is its efficiency: how Summary:
much of the input energy ends ● The total KE & PE of all its
up doing useful work? The particles is the internal energy
efficiency is calculated as a of a body
fraction (although it is stated as ● The internal energy of a body
a %). increases when a) its temp
● Efficiency = Work done/Input increases & b) it changes from
heat = WQH. Work’s just the solid to liquid/from liquid to gas.
input heat minus the exhaust ● Heat’s the energy transferred
heat, so from one body to another as a
● Efficiency = (QH-QC)/QH = 1 - result of a temp difference
QC/QH ● Heating: process in which heat is
● Where: transferred from one body to
- QC = energy removed by another as a result of a temp
heat/energy in cold difference
reservoir ● By doing work/by heating,
- QH = energy added by internal energy can be
heat/energy in hot increased
reservoir ● Joule (J) is the unit to express
- TC = absolute temp in internal energy
cold reservoir ● Heat engine is a device that
- TH = absolute temp in hot changes thermal energy into
reservoir mechanical work.
● Internal combustion engines are
● Studying our equation, we can engines that combustion takes
only have a 100% efficiency if place inside the engine
chamber. Examples are ● May either be constructed
gasoline, diesel engine and our overhead on towers or
human body. External underground. They’re operated
combustion engines are engines at high voltages
where the fuel combustion takes
place outside the engine. Steam, How’s the cost of electrical energy
piston engine and the consumption computed?
atmosphere are examples of ● One of the factors to be
external combustion engine. considered is the power rating
● Thermal Pollution of the air can of your appliance
affect the weather; thermal ● 3 electrical basic quantities
pollution of water can be which are current, voltage, &
harmful to aquatic animals. resistance
● Multiplying the voltage & current
Electricity: is = to power
● The power rating of an
How’s electricity produced? appliance depends on both the
● Electricity powers all our voltage & current. The formula in
gadgets & appliances at home find power (in watts) is:
● Various sources of energy are - P = VI
utilized to provide electricity to - Where: P = Power (watts) V
power our households = Voltage (Volts) I =
● Ex: the tremendous energy Current (Amperes)
produced by falling water is
used by water turbines to rotate ● Example: an electric fan draws
large generators at a 5-A current from a 220-V outlet,
hydroelectric power plant its power input is 1,100 W. For one
● As the water falls from the appliance, the power rating is
reservoir, its KE increases & it large in number, so the unit
flows very fast used for combined power rating
in a household is in kilowatt (kW)
● Other sources of energy at which is = to 1000 watts
power plants include steam from ● To get the total energy used by
burning fossil fuels, nuclear an appliance in an hour,
reactions, wind & ocean tides. multiply the power consumption
● Powers plants, in general, use by the one hour as in the
generators to convert KE into formula below:
electrical energy. One specific - E = Pt
source, however, uses solar - Where: E = energy used
panels made of photovoltaic (kWh) P = Power (W) T =
cells to convert sunlight into time (s)
electrical energy instead of

How is electricity transmitted &

● From the power plants,
electricity is then made to travel
along cables & wires called
transmission lines
● They are commonly put up
between transmission
substations which are regulated
by the National Power
How does magnetism produce
electricity? How to decrease the momentum? -
● Most energy sources such as decrease the speed/mass
coal, oil, diesel, heat from the
earth’s interior are used to make How to increase impulse? - increase
turbines work, which are then the force & time
connected to a generator which
converts mechanical energy to Horizontal velocity remains constant in
electrical energy a projectile motion
A. No horizontal forces acting on
Review the projectile
1. How do you describe the magnitude B. The vertical…
of the vertical component of the
projectile’s acceleration? - constant Answer: C, both statements are true

2. Alee dropped her ballpen in a What happens to the KE if the ball is

vacuum. How do you describe the thrown upwards?
motion? - constant velocity A. The ball’s speed decreases as it
moves upward against gravity
3. Sofi joins a fun run, but after a while, B. PE is converted in KE
her speed reduces in half. How much
momentum will she have? - it will be cut Answer: C, both statements are true
in half too
Entropy increases according to the 2nd
4. In what way can the internal energy Law of Thermodynamics
of a system be increased? - Energy A. Entropy measures the disorder
must be added in the system
B. 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
5. What’s the function of the heat implies that energy
engine? - Thermal to Kinetic transformation is 100%

6. Why are machines inefficient? - it Answer: A, 1st statements is true

loses heat
True or False
7. Why do we need to keep refrigerators By doing work/by heating, IE can be
closed? - the heat of the surrounding decreased - True
will make the compartment hotter Electricity flows to the power - True

8. Emman stretched a rubber band 5

times. After that, he observed that the
rubber band got hotter. Did it gain
heat? - Yes

9. Is it possible to change the temp of a

glass of water by stirring it? - Yes,
because the KE & Internal energy
increases the heat

10. Power plant - Transmission

substation - Distribution substation -

How to increase the distance? -

decrease the angle

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