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For thousands of years, rice has been a staple of the human diet.

Some Chinese rice farming tools date

back 8,000 years, and some ancient rice remains are up to 2,000 years old.

Rice is now a staple in more than 100 cultures, with over 40,000 varieties available. Rice is a versatile
grain that is eaten all over the world. Many people eat it as a staple food, particularly in countries like
China, Japan, India, Indonesia, and South Korea.

Rice is available in a variety of colours, shapes, and sizes. White and brown rice are the most common
varieties. Although white rice is the most popular, many people are beginning to prefer brown rice over
white rice because of its health benefits.

What is Brown Rice?

Brown rice is classified as a whole grain. If all three of a grain's original parts (bran, germ, and
endosperm) remain intact, it is considered 'whole.' The fibrous outer skin of a grain is called bran. Its
embryo is the germ, which has the ability to sprout into a new plant. The germ's starchy food supply is
the endosperm.

Brown rice contains more than twice as much fiber as white rice because it retains all of the original
parts. White rice has been refined, meaning that the bran and germ have been removed, leaving only
the endosperm. This will make the white rice softer and cook faster compare to brown rice.

Health Benefits of Brown Rice

 Higher Nutrition Value Compare to White Rice

If you have been used to white rice, you may find brown rice does not appeal to your taste buds.
However, once you get to know about its health benefits, you might reconsider to change your
daily diet into brown rice instead of white rice.

Below is the nutrition’s difference between white rice and brown rice:

 Regulate Blood Sugar Level

Eating brown rice has been shown to result in better post-meal blood sugar control in people
with diabetes. It may even help to prevent type 2 diabetes.

Several studies show that by consuming brown rice, it can help to reduce the risk of type 2
diabetes. The effects are attributed to the grain's fiber, slow-burning starch, nutrients, and
antioxidants. It also has the ability to help feed beneficial bacteria in the guts, such as
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which are tied to diabetes and obesity prevention.

 Improve Heart Health

Brown rice can help to keep your heart healthy as they are rich in dietary fiber, which can help
to reduce the risk of death from heart disease. It also contains high levels of magnesium, which
can help to make you less vulnerable to heart disease and stroke.

Studies show that people who consume more brown rice could reduce the risk of heart disease
by up to 22% and the risk of stroke by as much as 12%.

 Help to Reduce Obesity

Wish to get slim and fit? Brown rice is the choice for you as it contains more dietary fiber than
white rice. Higher-fiber foods will make you feel fuller and longer while taking in lesser calories.
You will be able to eat less yet feel fuller if you decided to change your diet to brown rice.

Studies show that by just by adding brown rice as a dietary staple may help those who are
overweight to lose more weight and reduce their body mass index.

 Improve Maternal Health

Studies shows that by consuming brown rice, there are positive results in the nursing women
concerning a reduction in mood disturbances, stages of depression, and fatigue. Other than
that, by consuming brown rice during lactation may also enhance the body’s ability to resist
against stress and improve overall immune defense.

The above are some of the important benefits of brown rice. There are still a lot of good benefits of
brown rice yet to be discovered.


Brown rice is a nutrient-dense, gluten-free grain that is high in vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial
compounds. Brown rice can help to prevent or improve a variety of health problems, such as diabetes
and heart disease. Furthermore, by replacing refined grains like white rice to brown rice may aid in
weight loss. You will be making a wise choice for your overall health when you decided to choose brown

But sometimes you might find consuming brown rice will be quite difficult and time wasting as you still
have to spend the time to cook and wait them to be ready.

But at Chobe Master, we are able to solve this problem for you. Now, you are able to ‘drink’ them
instead of eating them. This will help you save up a lot time and efforts yet still able to provide you with
the same nutrition and make sure you are full.

Does it sound amazing for you?

Let us introduce you to our Chobe Master Instant Brown Rice Drink, which comes in 5 flavors for you to
choose from. We have Original Flavor, Goats Milk Kurma, Cereal, Chocolate, and Oats. 5 of them able to
provide you the nutrition that your body need.

Interested? Just click on the link to find out more:


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