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Fatima V, Area E, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

The Perception of HUMSS 11 Students on

Boosting Self-confidence Using Cosmetics

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Practical Research I

Submitted by:

HUMSS 11- Confucius

Group 7
Ceniza, Ashly Darish
Ganansias, Rhian Joy
Gener, Alexa
Pascubillo, Fraxene
Rodelas, Anachael
Arpon, Soleigh
Llorente, Josh

Submitted to:

Rosemarie B Dosal

Practical Research Teacher

MARCH 2024


The researcher's study, entitled “The Perception of HUMSS 11 Students in Boosting Self-

Confidence Using Cosmetics,” examines the lived experiences of Grade 11 Humanities and

Social Science (HUMSS) students in boosting their self-confidence using cosmetics. The study

will explore the perception of Humss 11 students on how it affects them to boost their

confidence and determine the use of cosmetics in their lives as students. The importance of

boosting self-confidence using cosmetics cannot be understated. By enhancing our appearance,

we can feel more confident, empowered, and ready to take on the world. Cosmetics can be a

powerful tool for self-expression, self-care, and self-love. The aim of this study is to give an

understanding of cosmetics and the importance of having self-confidence to each humanities

and social science student.

Keyword: Perception, Experiences, Boosting, Self-confidence, and Cosmetic


This certified that this Qualitative researcher study entitled “The Perception of HUMSS 11

Students in Boosting Self-confidence using Cosmetics” written and submitted by group 7

composed by Ashly Darish Ceniza, Rhian Joy Ganansias, Alexa Gener, Fraxene Pascubillo,

Anachael Rodelas, Soleigh Arpon, and Josh Llorente,. In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for Practical Research I have been examines and checked for title Proposal and Final defense.


Researcher Adviser


_________________ __________________


Member of Panel Member of Panel

_______________ _______________
Member of Panel Member of Panel


Greetings! Above all, we express our sincere appreciation to the Divine, the Almighty
God, for blessing us, for directing us on our research journey, and for bringing it to a successful
completion. As we reflect on the countless hours of hard work, dedication, and perseverance
that went into this research project, we are filled with gratitude for the guidance and wisdom
that has been bestowed upon us. From the initial stages of brainstorming and planning to the
final stages of data analysis and interpretation, we have been guided by an unseen hand that
has led us every step of the way. Our research project has been a journey of self-discovery and
growth, both personally and intellectually. We the researchers have learned valuable lessons
about the research process, about collaboration and teamwork, and about the importance of
perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. We have also deepened our understanding
of the subject matter and have gained new insights and perspectives that we never would have

The researchers would like to extend their deepest gratitude to Ms. Rosemarie B.
Dosal, our research adviser, for giving us the crucial guidance and assistance we've needed
over the course of the past few months when we initially began this project. She has been
extremely helpful in our growth and development, and we are appreciative of her sensitivity,
patience, and extensive knowledge. Working under her leadership has been a privilege and an
honor. Our sincere appreciation also extends to the school principal, Engr. Danilo A. Casas,
for allowing us the opportunity to conduct our research among the students of Grade 11
Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS).

We also want to thank all of the people who took part in our study for their help in
lending us their time, information, and insights. We are really thankful for their entire
cooperation, which made it possible for this study to be successfully completed.
In closing, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who have supported us along this
journey – our families, friends, and mentors.

Thank you, and may you be blessed abundantly.


Abstract …………………………………………………………………………………………… i
Panelist Approval sheet……………………………………………………………………… ii
Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………………. iii
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………… iv-v


Introduction............................................... .....................................................1-2
Statement of the problem.................................................................................. 3
Scope and Delimitations. .................................................................................... 4
Significance of the Study. ..................................................................................... 5


Relevant Literature.............................................................................................. 6
Relevant Studies ................................................................................................. 7
Conceptual Framework........... .............................................................................. 8
Relevant theories ………………………………………………….......................................... 9-10
Definition of Terms.............................................................................................. 11


Research Approach. ............................................................................................. 12
Research Design................................................................................................... 12
Research Instrument. .......................................................................................... 12
Population and Sample of the Study. .................................................................... 13
Data Gathering Procedure. ................................................................................... 14


Presentation Analysis and Discussion of Data....................................................... 15-20


Summary of Findings. ........................................................................................ 21-22

Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 23
Recommendations. ............................................................................................ 24
Bibliography. .....................................................................................................
Permission letter. .............................................................................................
Informed parent's consent letter. .....................................................................
Appendices. ...................................................................................................
Resume. .....................................................................................................

Chapter I



Most women in today's world feel self-conscious about their looks because they compare
themselves to media superstars, who have wide almond eyes, a strong jaw line, flawless skin
and red cheeks. The dilemma was answered by makeup's ability to quickly conceal flaws on the
face and conform to ideals of feminine beauty (International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Research 2021). Cosmetic procedures involve the maintenance, restoration, or enhancement of
one’s physical appearance through the using of cosmetics. In this generation it is essential to
explore cosmetic to practice good skincare habit.

It addresses a specific demographic group of HUMSS 11 in Sapang Palay National High

School, providing insights into factors affecting confidence within the local community. The
study contributes to a broader understanding of the impact of cosmetics use on confidence
among adolescents, which is a prevalent concern globally. Cosmetic products play a significant
role in boosting the self-confidence of students. The use of cosmetics allows students to
enhance their appearance and feel more presentable and beautiful. Makeup has been used
throughout history to create positive changes in one's appearance and enhance self-esteem.
The process of using cosmetics, as influenced by beauty vloggers also increases their
knowledge and understanding of cosmetics and their use.

Nowadays, cosmetics are mostly used by women, especially adolescents, to make

themselves look physically pretty, to hide their unpleasant flaws, which they don't want to be
seen by others, and lastly, to build up their confidence. With the power of social media, there
are cosmetics scattered around the internet, and a lot of influencers are promoting their
cosmetics, which influence adolescents to use. Due to the influence of social media cosmetics
have been spread around the world, and it has always been used for various reasons, from
enhancing natural beauty to transforming oneself into a different character which can lead to a
boost in confidence.

This would involve studying the ways in which cultural, societal, and personal factors
impact their educational environment and how those factors affect their opinions and behaviors
about their use of cosmetics and self-confidence. The success of present efforts or education-
related efforts focused on promoting HUMSS 11 students' positive body image and self-esteem
would be another field of research. Today, some HUMSS 11 students face increasing pressures
related to appearance standards and societal expectations, such as putting a standard on every
individual. he main targets of makeup criticism are reducing oneself to pressures from the
community and the impossible beauty standards that are placed on women. To correct this, it
might be helpful to empower women to embrace their own beauty by encouraging diversity in
beauty standards, prioritizing self-expression over conformity, and educating them about the
benefits of cosmetics as a tool for creativity and confidence development. Building a more
welcoming and accepting environments for all women also requires addressing beliefs in the
beauty business and promoting interactions about self-acceptance.

The rationale for this study stems from the growing interest in understanding the
relationship between cosmetics use and confidence among adolescent of HUMSS Student in
Sapang Palay National High School, particularly in the context of educational settings.
Adolescence is a critical period characterized by heightened self-awareness and social
pressures, where cosmetics use can play a significant role in shaping perceptions of self-esteem
and confidence. By focusing on HUMSS 11 girls at Sapang Palay National High School, this
study aims to provide valuable insights into how cosmetics use influences confidence levels
among this specific demographic within an educational environment.


The purpose of this study is to significantly get the perception of HUMSS 11

Students in boosting Self-Confidence using Cosmetic in Sapang Palay National High School
during school year 2023-2024.

This study aims to seeks answer to the following questions:

1. How do Grade 11 HUMSS students view the role of cosmetics in boosting their self-
2. How do cosmetics give satisfaction to their physical appearance?
3.How do cosmetics increase the physical attractiveness of a person?


This study was qualitative research using a phenomenology design. The goal of this
study is to find out if there is a connection between confidence and cosmetics or if the cosmetic
helps the HUMSS 11 student to boost their confidence whatever they are applying a cosmetic to
themselves. It will also find out how cosmetics help the HUMSS 11 students to build their self-
confidence. In addition, it will be included in how it helps them move or act in their own
circumstances, which depends on their personal experiences. The researcher will conduct a
question in order to express their perception regarding how cosmetics affect them. On the
other hand, while doing the open and ended question the researcher will also interview the
participants unable to add the information to their data.

The research conducted in Sapang Palay National High School focused specifically on
HUMSS 11 students during the academic year 2023-2024.While on the other side of the strand
are not included even if they are inside the school of Sapang Palay National High School, it was
not meant to exclude or discriminate against them in any way. Moreover, since this research
only has a limited participant. It was important for the researchers to focus on this group to
gather relevant data and insights related to their experiences with cosmetics. Furthermore, the
researchers chose to specifically target participants who use cosmetics, regardless of their
gender identity or sexual orientation. If they are using a cosmetic and they voluntary wanted to
be a participant, they can be a contributor to the researcher research. Participants in the
research were invited to voluntarily participate in the study, ensuring that their involvement was
based on their own willingness and interest in the research topic.


The outcomes of this study have a great importance on helping the students, teacher,
administrator and other people who are conducting researcher.

To the students it would serve as a basis on beauty products, if it can boost their
confidence to perform well and socialize well in school. Also, being aware of beauty items can
help develop a feeling of personal grooming and self-care, creating a positive self-image that
enhances relationships with both teachers and classmates.

To the teachers, the result may serve as an eye opener for them so they can know
that some students use cosmetics to boost their confidence and to hide their flaws. In addition
to that this research can benefit them because it also can apply to themselves to gain more
understanding about the connection of cosmetic and confident.

To the administrator, it helps to understand the specific needs and concerns of

HUMSS 11 students regarding self-confidence. It may serve to create a supportive and
empowering environment for students to develop a positive self-image and confidence.

To the School Departments, it will help them to encourage those students to enroll to
their school because they have a greater understanding that cosmetics itself help them to build
their confident.

To the future researcher this study would serve as another source of literature which
gives them additional knowledge about this topic.

Chapter II
Relevant Literature

The content that is presented shows the psychological importance of cosmetics in

improving one's sense of self and quality of life. It discusses the historical trends of utilizing
cosmetics to enhance the look, especially in cases of facial scarring, and emphasizes the
importance of corrective cosmetics in fostering self-confidence. It also talks about how
cosmetics have made it simpler to uphold one's self-worth and adhere to beauty standards.

The significance of cosmetics has expanded the same number as the social media
increase. It is proven by the Journal of Dermatology & Cosmetology (2019) that cosmetic
promptly accessible nowadays due to the internet influence. It is also stated that even men
have turned out to be worried to their beauty or looks. Aside from that Cosmetics improve our
look and give us a more assured feeling. With more cosmetics available than at any other point
in recent memory, it is evident to us that they play a remarkable role in our day-to-day lives.

In her book "Pretty Honest: The Straight-Talking Beauty Companion," journalist,

broadcaster, and writer Sali Hughes emphasizes that makeup can help girls become women.
The book is filled with details about Hughes' experiences and perspectives on many facets of
beauty. In Pretty Honest, Sali Hughes uses her knowledge of makeup to empower women at
every stage of life. From skincare advice to beauty tips, Hughes covers a wide range of topics
with a blend of humor and practical advice, making it a must-read for any enthusiast of

According to, healthy sense of self-confidence is crucial for children to

develop social skills, resilience, and reach their full potential. This article emphasizes the
importance of self-confidence for students and offers five tips to help parents nurture their
child's self-confidence. Self-confidence involves trusting one's abilities and accepting both
strengths and weaknesses. It is key to building a positive self-image and gaining respect from
others, ultimately leading to happiness.

According to Asia's Pacific Journal of Academic Research in Social Science on 2020, self-
confidence is required to perform the required task. When a student lacks self-confidence, they
may doubt their abilities and second-guess themselves. This can lead to procrastination,
anxiety, and a lack of motivation to complete schoolwork. On the other hand, when a student
possesses self-confidence, they are more likely to approach tasks with a positive mindset, take
on challenges, and persevere through difficult situations. To complete a task that has
something to do with schoolwork, you must have self-confidence for you to be able to perform.

According to Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics (2019). Cosmetics can help
women explore and express their uniqueness, helping them connect to the public's beauty
standards. Women's initial experimentation with beauty care products begins in early childhood,
and the status of cosmetics on women's confidence is evaluated. Cosmetics are often used for
social self-introduction and mental self-view, and young women's fear of their appearance is
partly due to their anxiety about their skin. The use of facial beautifying agents can boost self-
confidence and help women believe that confidence is achieved when their appearance aligns
with the situation.

Relevant Studies

Based on the study of Robertson, J. M., & Kingsley, B. E. (2021). “Behind the Façade:
Motivations for Cosmetic Usage by Women.” The study explores the motivations behind
cosmetic usage, incorporating a postfeminist approach. Respondents were asked about their
motivations for using cosmetics, and four main themes emerged: conformity, impression
management, enhancement, fun, creativity, well-being, and signification and identity. While
some themes were anticipated, others were unexpected, and new areas emerged, such as
cosmetics for fun and creativity. This research aims to fill a gap in existing literature on
appearance manipulation. They once asked a certain participant a semi-structured question
about why they currently use cosmetics, and the response they responded to was to enhance
their confidence, avoid judgment from whoever pointed out their flaws, and somehow enjoy
applying cosmetics to their faces because it improves their creativity in using cosmetics.
However, in this study, it is also mentioned the importance of cosmetics to every individual of
us, not just ladies but also to those who are physically conscious of their appearance.

According to the study of Andżelika Kosmala, Iwona Wilk, and Krzysztof Kassolik (2019)
“Influence of makeup on the well-being and self-esteem of women”, the study aimed to assess
the effect of makeup on well-being and self-esteem in women. Improves the well-being of
women and affects their self-confidence. In addition, the use of makeup raises the self-esteem.
Makeup has a significant impact on how women feel about themselves. and serve as a tool for
self-expression and empowerment. Also, makeup can make women feel more confident by
enhancing their physical appearance, covering their flaws, and expressing their creativity and

On the authority of study of Juvilyn G Lanzuela, Jenny Mae C Odon, Joshua Joye O
Caguioa (2020) “Cosmetic Product Usage and Self-Confidence among HUMSS Students of
Bayambang”, Women has the ability to enhance their confidence through cosmetics; yet the
decision of when and why to wear them does not necessarily determine their ability to do so.
Consequently, the researchers draw the conclusion that the use of cosmetics can boost self-
confidence when done so without taking everything into account, the motivations behind the
use, as it is a personal choice that cannot be influenced by outside forces. In the end, this
research may aid minority pupils in developing self-confidence using cosmetics suitable for their
circumstances and age.

As maintained by Piel Zdr Publ. 2019 “The right to the image of the patient”. The new
generation of Gen Z put a standard image of ‘Ideal Woman’ because nowadays they could not
help but compare themselves to the image of women they see in any social media, which
makes them feel insecure and decreases their self-esteem. That is why they are improving their
physical appearance to boost their confidence.

On the other hand, the study S. F. A. D. Cruz, F. M. S. Tindoy, and R. R. Cabauatan,

“Effects of the Thriving Local Makeup Brands to Purchasing Behavior of Students Studying
within the City of Manila” (2023). In this study the researcher investigated the effect of make
up on the behavior of the student in the City of Manila. In explain what the behavior of the
student after will be using the cosmetic to themselves.

The same as presented by Robertson, J. M., & Kingsley, B. E. (2021). “Behind the
Façade: Motivations for Cosmetic Usage by Women”. The study aimed to address the lack of
empirical attention given to cosmetic usage by providing a contemporary overview of the
motivations behind it. It allows them to experiment with different colors, textures, and
techniques to create a look that is uniquely their own. Whether it's a bold lip color, a dramatic
eye shadow look, or a subtle highlighting technique, cosmetics offer endless possibilities for
creativity and self-expression. The study uncovered entirely new areas such as cosmetics for
fun and creativity.

According to the study of Ballane, George (2019), entitled “Understanding of self-

confidence in High School Students," It focuses on getting the perception of the students,
teacher, and so on to give an understanding that confidence plays a significant role in our lives,
especially for students to be able to present or be excellent in their academic performance. The
researcher concludes that one of the keys to being more confident is to take good care of our
physical appearance, so we do not get conscious or feel insecure. Using cosmetics is one of the
keys to being more confident.

The study of "The Effect of use of the Cosmetic Products on Self-Confidence among
female Accountancy, Businesses Management" within the city of Pangasinan (2023) Makeup is
not a mask that covers up your beauty, it's a weapon that helps you express who you really are
from the inside”. What a lovely quote from Michelle Phan! Indeed, makeup may be a very
effective instrument for expressing one's inner originality and beauty. It enables people to
highlight and improve their distinct characteristics. their characteristics. People can feel more
confident and authentically themselves with makeup, whether it's a small boost or a dramatic
alteration. Every teenage girl aspires to have a natural yet refined appearance. They would like
to have more self-assurance when interacting with different people. But many women have
poor self-confidence and breakouts. Women evaluate themselves against the ideal female and
against other women.

The study S. F. A. D. Cruz, F. M. S. Tindoy, and R. R. Cabauatan, “Effects of the Thriving

Local Makeup Brands to Purchasing Behavior of Students Studying within the City of Manila”
(2023). In this study the researcher investigated the effect of make up on the behavior of the
student in the City of Manila. In explain what the behavior of the student after will be using the
cosmetic to themselves.

According to the study of Gerald Moneva and Shiela Mae Tribulo. 2020, in Johabiao
National High School, Cebu, Philippines. There is a correlation between self-confidence and the
ability to perform. In short, self-confidence is required to perform the required task or to
complete a task. In this study, it is shown that students who have a high level of self-
confidence can easily accomplish their tasks in school, and most of them are not afraid to
participate in or recite every activity. while those students who have lost confidence sometimes
have to participate in every activity. They made a questionnaire, which is a form of checklist, to
find out if self-confidence can affect your performance in school.


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Based on the conceptual framework, there is one independent variable: "Boosting Self-
confidence", and there are two dependent variables: "The perception of HUMSS 11 Students"
and the "Boosting Self-confidence using Cosmetics". Between the independent and dependent
variables, the perception of HUMSS 11 Students and Boosting Self-confidence using Cosmetics
are both variables that can be influenced by boosting self-confidence. Boosting self-confidence,
it's about believing in yourself and recognize your worth. The perception of HUMSS 11 students,
when someone has self-confidence, they have a positive self-perception and trust in their
capabilities. Boosting self-confidence using cosmetics are the way to enhance their appearance
and make them feel more confident. Overall, the conceptual framework highlights the interplay
between independent and dependent variables. By understanding the relationships between
independent and dependent variables, it shapes the students’ perceptions of cosmetics and
directly affects their confidence through cosmetic use.


Below are the cited relevant theories that correlate with our study and serve as a
theoretical framework to guide our research. These theories provide a lens through which we
can analyze and interpret data, as well as offer a framework for understanding the relationships
between different variables.


Self-Efficacy Theory offers interesting analysis of "The Perception of HUMSS 11 students

in Boosting Self-confidence using Cosmetics," showing how people's beliefs about their capacity
to accomplish goals impact their actions and perspectives. When HUMSS 11 students apply
makeup, they could see it as an instrument to improve their appearance and project more
confidence. Students may feel more confident in their ability to control and enhance their
appearance using makeup if they use it frequently and have favorable experiences doing so.
Furthermore, students' perceptions of their own effectiveness may be strengthened by seeing a
good response of others to their improved appearance, which could lead to continued cosmetic
use as a strategy for enhancing self-confidence among HUMSS 11 students.


Social Comparison Theory provides useful insight of "The Perception of HUMSS 11

students in Boosting Self-confidence using Cosmetics," highlighting how people assess their
appearance in relation to others and how this influences their self-confidence. Students in
HUMSS 11 who use cosmetics probably compare their personal looks to those of their peers or
to social norms. Students may feel that their natural looks are unacceptable as a result of this
comparing process, which could prompt them to look for cosmetic changes. These comparisons
are made worse by media and social media exposure to ideal beauty standards, which affects
students' opinions of their own value and attractiveness. According to Social Comparison
Theory, HUMSS 11 students' use of cosmetics is therefore motivated by their desire to live up to
peer group standards regarding appearance, which in turn affects their confidence.


Given that examine "The Perception of HUMSS 11 students in Boosting Self-confidence

using Cosmetics," Self-Perception Theory offers important context for understanding how
people develop attitudes and ideas about their appearance. Students in HUMSS 11 notice
changes in their physical presentation as they apply makeup, such as higher features or a
finished appearance. Based on these observations, students deduce that their appearance is
more appealing or socially desired, which develops an encouraging mindset toward the usage of
cosmetics as a way to boost confidence. Through a process of self-observation and inference,
HUMSS 11 students develop a feedback loop in which the perceived advantages of using
cosmetics support their opinion that these products help to boost their self-confidence.


According to Morris Rosenberg's Self-Esteem Theory, an individual's emotional

evaluation of their own value is significantly influenced by their sense of self-worth. For
students in 11th grade, applying makeup can be crucial to raising their self-esteem. Students
typically feel more appreciated and accepted by their classmates when they think they look
better wearing cosmetics, which boosts their sense of self-worth. Because they feel more at
ease and confident in their social and academic environments and believe that their enhanced
look makes them more likeable and respected, students who have higher self-esteem also have
higher levels of confidence.


According to Erving Goffman's Impression Management Theory, people try to manage

how other people see them, particularly in social situations. Applying makeup can be a
considered strategy for 11th graders to control their impressions. Students seek to improve
their looks to project a positive image of themselves to professors, peers, and other social
groups. Because they think they are leaving a good impression, this controlled presentation
makes them feel more secure, which lowers their social anxiety and increases their confidence
in several types of situations.


The following terms are further defined either operationally or conceptually:

Perception. A belief or opinion, often held by many people and based on how things
seem. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2024)

Cosmetics. Products that are applied to the body, particularly the face and skin, to
enhance or alter a person's appearance. This can include makeup products such as lipstick,
foundation, mascara, or skincare products like moisturizers, cleansers, and anti-aging creams.

Confidence. Refers to a sense of self-assurance, belief in one's abilities, and trust in

oneself to handle situations competently.

HUMSS 11. A specific educational track or program offered in the K-12 system in some
countries, particularly in the Philippines. "HUMSS" stands for Humanities and Social Sciences,
while "11" typically refers to the grade level.

Boosting. The act of giving hope or support to someone (Vocabulary, 2024)

Chapter III

This chapter includes information on population, instrument design, methods of data

collection and statistical analysis" is essential for readers to understand the methodology
adopted in a study. By providing detailed information on these key aspects, researchers ensure
transparency, rigor, and credibility in their research process and results.


This qualitative research study focuses on Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS) students' perspectives and knowledge about the usage of cosmetic products. The use
of qualitative study is appropriate since the researchers aim to examine and comprehend Grade
11 HUMSS students’ perception and understanding on how cosmetic products can help them
boost their confidence.

This type of study is exploratory in nature, with the goal of gathering detailed
information on participants' perspectives and experiences.
The researcher utilized a form survey to collect data from the Grade 11 HUMSS students in this
study. The study findings may offer insights into the efficiency of cosmetic usage to build up
their confidence.

Therefore, the use of qualitative research in this study enables the researchers to collect
the personal perspectives of the Grade 11 HUMSS students and to better comprehend that
these kinds of products can help us express ourselves in other people.


The research method employed in this study was phenomenology design. By focusing
on the lived experiences of individuals, phenomenology allows researchers to gain a holistic
understanding of the subject under study and to explore the nuances and subtleties that shape
individuals' perceptions and interpretations. The researcher used this approach is used to
gather the insight of participants regarding boosting their confidence using cosmetics. The
phenomenological design employed in this study proved to be a valuable research method for
exploring the subjective experiences of individuals who use cosmetics to boost their confidence.
By highlighting the lived experiences of participants, the researcher was able to shed light on
the multifaceted ways in which cosmetics impact individuals' perceptions of themselves and
their interactions with others. Going forward, this research can serve as a foundation for further
exploration into the intersection of cosmetics, self-confidence, and self-perception.


In this study, the primary research instrument was semi-structured guided questions.
This method was chosen to allow participants the freedom to express their experiences and
perceptions regarding the use of cosmetics to boost confidence, while also providing the
researcher with the ability to probe deeper into specific areas of interest as they emerged
during the conversation.

The guided questions were +developed based on the research objectives and the
existing literature on the subject. It included open-ended questions designed to elicit detailed
and nuanced responses. The researchers utilized a quantitative approach which includes
objective, deductive, and based on numeric quantification and generalization of results.


The subject of the study included one to two people per section of 11 Humanities and
Social Science (HUMSS) Students of Sapang Palay National High School. Using the snowball
sampling method, the researcher started by recruiting a small number of initial participants who
were knowledgeable or experienced in the subject area a then a participants recruit other
participants who could provide valuable insight and perspectives on the subject matter.

Section Number of Participants

Socrates 2

Plato 1

Freud 2

Pavlov 1

Webster 2

Chomsky 1

Piaget 2

Dewey 1


The researcher created a Parent Permission Letter and a Consent Form to ensure that
all ethical and legal guidelines were followed in their study. These documents were essential in
obtaining consent from the parents of the children participating in the research. The Parent
Permission Letter detailed the purpose of the study, the procedures involved, and the potential
risks and benefits of participation. It also included information about confidentiality and how the
data collected would be used. The letter emphasized that participation was voluntary and that
parents had the right to withdraw their child from the study at any time. The Consent Form, on
the other hand, was a formal document signed by the principal by giving permission for the
researcher to find participants who are potentially qualified to participate in the research. It
included all the same information as the Parent Permission Letter, as well as contact
information for the researcher in case parents had any questions or concerns.

Google form Survey is used in the data collection process to gain information via email,
social media, or google form. The researchers constructed a questionnaire and carefully
validated it by our practical research adviser named Rosemarie B. Dosal on the subject. The
questionnaire used suitable questions about The Perception of HUMSS 11 Students in Boosting
Self-confidence using cosmetics at Sapang Palay National High School. After the questionnaire
is approved, the respondent will receive the questionnaires online via Google Form link in
Facebook Messenger from the assigned participants and will be directly answered honestly by
the HUMSS 11 students of Sapang Palay National High School. The researchers will also
emphasize that their identity and privacy will be ensured and will be confidential. After the
participants answered the questionnaire, the data will be collected and classified, and the
researchers analyzed and interpreted the data.

Chapter IV


This chapter provides the presentation of the data and the problems presented in the
statement of the problem. The corresponding analysis and interpretation of the data are
incorporated in this study entitled “The Perception of HUMSS 11 Students in Boosting Self-
Confidence Using Cosmetics.”

The researcher has chosen the participants from 11 Humanities and Social Science
students at Sapang Palay National High School. Through the snowball sampling, the participant
recruits another participant who will be able to give insight or their experience regarding the
researcher's study. Due to the online survey, the researcher decided to make a group chat to
gather all the participants to easily connect them. The questionnaire is created in Google form
that is sent to the participants through their Facebook and messenger.

Question 1: How often do you use cosmetics?

In this question the researcher will be able to know how often the participants
were using cosmetics.
Table 1 Overall Responses to Question 1

Participants Response Theme Code

1 Everyday Everyday ED

2 Everyday Everyday ED

3 Most day Most day MD

4 Everyday Everyday ED

5 Most day Most day MD

6 Most day Most day MD

7 Everyday Everyday ED

8 Everyday Everyday ED

9 Few days Few days FD

10 Everyday Everyday ED

11 Everyday Everyday ED

On this table the researcher made a checklist questionnaire where the choices are
every day, Most day, and few days.

1 answered "a few days" this participant stated that she's just using cosmetics a few

2 answered "most days" this participan mentioned that she's using cosmetics most days.

3 answered "most days" this participant indicated that she's using cosmetics on most

4 answered "every day" this participant confirmed that she's using cosmetics every day.

5 answered "every day" this participant reported that she's applying cosmetics daily.

6 answered "every day" this participant stated that she's using cosmetics every single

7 answered "most days" this participan noted that she's using cosmetics on most days.

8 answered "most days" this participant shared that she's using cosmetics most days.

9 answered "most days" this participant remarked that she's using cosmetics on most

10 answered "most days" this participant revealed that she's using cosmetics most days.

11 answered "every day" this participant specified that she's using cosmetics every day.

According to the responses of our participants, it is evident that a majority of them 6

reported using cosmetics on Every day. This could indicate a regular and consistent use of
cosmetic products in their daily routine. On the other hand, 4 of the participants reported using
cosmetics most day, showing a higher frequency of usage compared to the majority. It is
interesting to note that 1 of the participants reported using cosmetics in only a few days,
suggesting a more intermittent or occasional use of cosmetic products. Some may view
cosmetics as an essential part of their daily grooming routine, while others may use them more
sporadically for special occasions or events.

Question 2: What are the common cosmetic products you use the most?
This can identify what are the kinds of cosmetic the HUMSS 11 students were using,
and it also provide valuable information about the specific products and brands that are popular
among different demographics, as well as the trends and preferences that drive cosmetic

Table 2 Overall Responses to Question 2

Participants Response Theme Code

1 Lipstick/Liptint Lips LS

2 Lipstick/Liptint,Mascara, Face FC
Eyeliner, Concealer,
Foundation, Sunscreen
3 Lipstick/Liptint Lips LS

4 Lipstick/Liptint, Face FC
5 Lipstick/Liptint, Lips,Eyelashes LE
Mascara, Sunscreen
6 Lipstick/Liptint,face Face FC
powder, Eyeliner,
7 Lipstick/Liptint,face Face FC
powder, Eyeliner,
8 Lipstick/Liptint, Face FC
9 Sunscreen Face FC

10 Lipstick/Liptint,Face Face FC
11 Lipstick/Liptint Lips LS

1 answered " lipstick/liptint" the participant stated that the common cosmetic that she's
using is lipstick/liptint.

2 answered" lipstick/liptint, mascara, eyeliner, concealer, foundation, sunscreen " this

participant stated that she/he was using this cosmetics everytime.

3 said that "lipstick/liptint" this participant stated that she commonly uses this

4 answered "liptint/lipstick, foundation" this participant stated that she's commonly

using this cosmetics in her everyday routine.

5 stated that "liptint/lipstick, mascara, sunscreen" this participant stated that she's using
this cosmetics.

6 answered "lipstick/liptint, mascara, face powder, eyeliner, sunscreen " this participant
stated that she using this cosmetics everytime.

7 answered "lipstick/liptint, face powder, eyeliner, foundation " this participant stated
that she's commonly using this cosmetics.

8 said that "liptint/lipstick, sunscreen" this participant stated that she's commonly using
this cosmetics.

9 stated that "sunscreen" this participant stated that sunscreen is she's commonly using.

10 answered "lipstick/liptint, face powder" this participant stated that she's commonly
using this cosmetics to her face.

11 answered "lipstick/liptint" this participant stated that she's commonly using this

Based on the responses from our participants, it appears that the most used cosmetic
product is lipstick or lip tint, with 11 of the participants using it. Sunscreen is the next most
popular product, with 5 of the participants using it. Face powder and eyeliner were used by 3 of
the participants, while foundation and mascara were used by 2. Concealers are used by 1 of the
participants, and eyebrow products are used by 0 participants.

Question 3: What are the reasons why students use cosmetics?

In this question, the researchers wanted to know what the possible reasons are
why students were using cosmetics. This answer can be answer negatively or positively, it will
depend on the participants answer.

Table 3 Overall Responses to Question 3

1 To build their confidence Confidence CD
To have confidence that you
2 can still be beautiful no matter Confidently Beautiful BC
To boost ourselves, to feel
confident in everyday life
3 Be confident BC
especially when going out or
going to school
Enhancing appearance,
boosting confidence, expressing
4 Confident Empowered CE
individuality, and feeling

I think the reason why students
use cosmetics is because it is
the way to build their
5 Way to interact WTI
confidence and help them to
face and interact with other
6 To boost their confidence Increase confidence IC
To gain more confidence and Cover up
7 CU
cover up the dark circles.
8 To be beautiful Be beautiful BB
Improve Confident
9 To boost their self confidence IC

I cannot speak for everyone but Prettier

10 but I sue cosmetic products
because I feel prettier with it

because that's where they feel

11 their beauty and that's why Feeling Confident
their confidence increases

1 stated that "To have confidence that you can still be beautiful no matter what. " This
participant stated that he/she values self-confidence.

2 stated that " To boost ourselves, to feel confident in everyday life especially when
going out or going to school ." This participant stated that he/she uses cosmetics to be confident
in everyday life.

3 answered, " To gain more confidence and cover up the dark circles ." This participant
stated that he/she uses cosmetics to feel more confident and conceal imperfections.

4 stated that " Enhancing appearance, boosting confidence, expressing individuality,

and feeling empowered." This participant stated that he/she uses cosmetics to improve their
looks, increase confidence, express their unique style, and feel more empowered.

5 said that " To boost their confidence" this participant stated that he/she uses
cosmetics to enhance their self-esteem and feel more assured in their appearance.

6 answered " I think the reason why students use cosmetics is because it is the way to
build their confidence and help them to face and interact with other people ." This participant
emphasized that cosmetics serve as a tool for students to enhance their confidence and social

7 said that " To be beautiful" this participant stated that their primary motivation for
using cosmetics is to enhance their beauty.

8 said that " To boost their confidence" this participant stated that he/she uses
cosmetics to feel more confident.

9 answered " To boost their self-confidence " this participant stated that they use
cosmetics primarily to enhance their self-assurance and feel better about themselves.

10 stated that "I cannot speak for everyone, but I use cosmetic products because I
feel prettier with it." This participant indicated that they personally use cosmetics because it
makes them feel more attractive.

11 answered " because that's where they feel their beauty and that's why their
confidence increases." This participant stated that they use cosmetics because that's where
they feel their beauty and because it boosts their confidence.

According to their response there are a lot of reason why student use cosmetic and
that's because they feel beautiful to feel confident in their appearance, regardless of their
natural looks and cosmetics help them feel better about themselves in daily life, especially when
interacting with others or attending school. Using cosmetics enhances their appearance, boosts
confidence, expresses individuality, and empowers them, Some use cosmetics to cover
imperfections, such as dark circles, to appear more beautiful. Overall, the common theme is
that cosmetics play a significant role in helping students feel more confident and comfortable
with themselves.

Question 4: In what way do cosmetics help boost your confidence?

In this question, the researcher wanted to know what way cosmetics boost the
student’s confidence. It also could be discussed of what will be the positive effect on boosting
self-confident, it will depend on the answer of the participants.

Table 4 Overall Responses to Question 4

Applying cosmetics is one of
the things that people do
when they have low Cosmetics Boost
selfesteem it help them grow Confidence
to a women with a high
It enhances my physical
features, as well as it gives a
Enhanced Beauty EBM
2 certain magic that will make
me look good whether in
camera or in person.
3 It helps making me pretty and Beauty Empowerment BET

heals my inner child also, that
is the way how cosmetics Therapy
boost my confidence.
When we look good, we feel
4 good, and our self-esteem Look Good, Feel Good LGFG
gets a boost.
It improves my face and made Enhanced Beauty
me look pretty Transformation
It helps me in a way that I can
confidently say or I can
confidently talk to other
people especially in school
because every time inside the
classroom or school rather,we Confidence Through
often communicate to our Makeup
fellow students and whenever
I have or I put makeup on my
face it makes me feel more
confident without being judge
by others.
being beautiful in
public is helping you to boost Public Confidence
your confidence that's why Boost
cosmetics helps us.
helps me look more lively and Liveliness Confidence
hence, it boosts my confidence Enhancement
Hide pimple,dark spot HPDS
9 To hide my flaws
etc ETC
10 To feel confident Feel confident FC
When we look good, we feel
11 good, and our self-esteem To be look presented TBLP
gets a boost.

1." Applying cosmetics is one of the things that people do when they have low self-
esteem it help them grow to a women with a high confidence ." According to this response,
wearing makeup are able to make people with low self-esteem feel more confident and

2."It enhances my physical features, as well as it gives a certain magic that will
make me look good whether in camera or in person .” Based to this response, cosmetics
enhance one's appearance and produce an attractive impression in both real life and

3." It helps make me pretty and heals my inner child also, that is the way cosmetics
boost my confidence. “To this response, cosmetics increase general confidence by improving
appearance as well as giving emotional comfort.

4." When we look good, we feel good, and our self-esteem gets a boost. “This
response suggests that having a good appearance might boost self-esteem by making one feel
better about themselves.

5."It improves my face and makes me look pretty. “According to this response,
cosmetics enhance facial traits and increase one's attractiveness.

6." “According to this response, wearing cosmetics improves the fear of being
judged, which promotes confidence in social situations, especially in the classroom.

7." Being beautiful in public helps you to boost your confidence that's why
cosmetics helps us. “This answer means that looking good in public boosts confidence, which is
why cosmetics are beneficial.

8." It makes your best features stand out. “By this response, makeup brings
attention to and points out a person's best characteristics.

9."It helps me to hide my insecurities especially my acne." This response suggests

that one can feel more confident by using cosmetics to cover their insecurities, especially acne.

10." It helps me look livelier and hence, it boosts my confidence ." According to this
response, wearing makeup can make someone look more lively and confident.

11." When we look goolivelier and more confidentntntntself-esteem gets a boost."

This answer means that using cosmetics makes individuals feel prettier, boosting their self-

Plato (EBM) emphasizes makeup's ability to enhance natural features and create a
magical effect, bolstering confidence, while Socrates (CCB) offers different perspectives on the
impact of makeup on empowerment and confidence in social situations. Socrates believes that
makeup helps women with low self-esteem become more confident. According to Freud (BET),
cosmetics can help people feel better about themselves on the inside by healing and beautifying
them. According to Pavlov (LGFG), having self-confidence boosts one's self-esteem, yet
Webster (EBT) highlights how makeup may change a person's appearance. While Piaget (PCB)
emphasizes makeup's role in creating public confidence, Chomsky (CTM) highlights the role
makeup plays in promoting confident social interactions, and Dewey (LCE) highlights the power
of makeup to create a vivid appearance, which in turn boosts self-confidence.

Question 5: How do you feel after applying cosmetics?

In this question, the researcher wanted to identify the feeling of the participants
after applying the cosmetic they were using. This will help the researcher to gain more
understanding depending on their response.

Table 5 Overall Responses to Question 5


I feel so beautiful and no one
Beautiful and no one
1 can judge me because of my
can judge
I feel like I can express myself Express myself
2 without being conscious with without being
my surroundings conscious
I feel absolutely beautiful,
gorgeous, and empowered by Beautiful, gorgeous BGE
how people around and empowered
compliments me
I feel pretty confident and
ready to blast my energy.
Pretty and confident PC
5 I feel like fresh and also pretty Fresh and pretty FP
6 I feel so special Special SL
I am being satisfied because I
can see myself in the mirror
without being afraid not just
because other people judge me
7 but also on what other people
say about me. This is my body Satisfied and
and this is my face and through confident
makeup it helps me a lot
I’m feeling gorgeous like Kylie
8 jenner
Gorgeous GR
9 It makes me feel more pretty Pretty PT
10 I feel pretty Pretty PT
I feel better about my physical
11 appearance and it also make Better and satisfied BS
my mood better

1 answered "I feel like I can express myself without being conscious with my
surroundings" this participant stated that she/he can express her/himself without being
conscious about her/his looks by using cosmetic.

2 stated that " I feel absolutely beautiful, gorgeous, and empowered by how people
around compliment me " this participant stated that she feels absolutely gorgeous after
applying a cosmetics because many people around her is complementing her beauty.

3 said that " I feel pretty confident and ready to blast my energy " this participant
stated that she feels pretty after applying cosmetic and she's ready to blast her energy.

4 answered " I feel fresh and also pretty" this participant stated that after applying
cosmetic in her face she feels so pretty and fresh.

5 said that " I feel so special " this participant stated that she feels so special after
applying cosmetics.

6 stated that " I am being satisfied because I can see myself in the mirror without
being afraid not just because other people judge me but also on what other people say about
me. This is my body, and this is my face and through makeup it helps me a lot ." This
participant stated that she's satisfied in her looks and cosmetic help her a lot to face other
7 said that " I'm feeling gorgeous like Kylie jenner " this participant stated that she
feels like gorgeous like an artist Kylie Jenner after applying cosmetics.

8 answered " it makes me feel more pretty " this participant stated that after
applying cosmetic to her face she's even more pretty.

9 stated that "I feel pretty" this participant stated that she feels pretty after applying

10 said that "I feel better about my physical appearance, and it also makes my mood
better" this participant stated that she's feeling better about her looks after applying cosmetics.

11 answered " gorgeous " this participant says that after applying cosmetics she's

Table 5 show that most of them answered (PT) which stands for Pretty and also there is a
informant who answered (BCJ) for Beautiful and can't Judge, (EC) for Express myself without
being Conscious , (BGE) for Beautiful, Gorgeous and Empowered, (PC) sfor Pretty and
Confident, (FP) for Fresh and Pretty, (SL) for Special, (SC) for Satisfied and Confident, (GR) for
Gorgeous, and lastly (BS) for Better and Satisfied.
Chapter V

Summary of findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter shows the summary of the research study’s findings, the conclusion
gathered based on the analysis and interpretation of the data collected, and recommendation.

Summary of findings
The findings of the study were summarized according to the statement of the problem
in Chapter 1

Question 1: How do Grade 11 HUMSS students view the role of cosmetics in

boosting their self-confidence?

Students in grade 11 HUMSS may view cosmetics as a way to boost their

confidence since they give them an opportunity for self-expression and self-care. Some people
use cosmetics as tools to draw attention to their natural characteristics, which gives them

greater self-assurance and comfort with the way they look. By experimenting with various
makeup looks, individuals can develop a sense of empowerment and explore their personality.
It's crucial to understand, however, that opinions can vary greatly among people due to social
influences, cultural conventions, and personal beliefs. While some people find confidence in
makeup, others may place more importance on self-assurance that goes beyond external

Moreover, a recent survey of HUMSS students in grade 11 revealed many different

viewpoints regarding the usage of cosmetics. Applying makeup, according to many
respondents, greatly increased their sense of self-worth and helped them develop into self-
assured people. They observed that wearing makeup improved their appearance both in person
and on camera by drawing attention to their natural features and bringing about a "magic"
transformation. Some others found that cosmetics helped them recover and connect with their
inner children. This survey highlights the various ways that cosmetics boost confidence,
stressing the psychological and personal advantages that go beyond improving one's look.

Question 2: How do cosmetics give satisfaction to their physical appearance?

The study's subjects reported feeling satisfied with their physical appearance after
using cosmetics. The use of cosmetics can provide a sense of satisfaction and boost one's
confidence by improving their overall look. Cosmetics can help students cover up any
imperfections or blemishes on their skin, such as acne or dark spots. By using products like
foundation or concealer, students can achieve a smoother and more even complexion, giving
them a more polished appearance. This can help them feel more confident in their skin and
present themselves in a more positive light to others. Additionally, cosmetics can be used to
enhance certain features that students may want to highlight, such as their eyes or lips. By
using eyeshadow, mascara, or lipstick, students can play up their best features and draw
attention to them, ultimately boosting their self-esteem and making them feel more attractive.

Furthermore, it provides a moment of self-care and pampering that can help

alleviate stress and improve mood. Taking the time to do their makeup in the morning can give
students a sense of control and empowerment over their appearance, allowing them to start
their day feeling more confident and ready to take on any challenges that come their way.

Question 3: How do Cosmetics Affect Confidence?

Students use cosmetics because it is a way to build their confidence and help them face
and interact with other people. Students confidently talk to other people, especially in school,
because every time we are inside the classroom or school, we often communicate with our
fellow students and beloved teachers. Furthermore, students often get compliments when they
wear makeup, which can boost their confidence. Cosmetics can make people feel better about
their looks. When people feel they look good, they often feel more confident.

Question 4: How do cosmetics increase the physical attractiveness of a person?

Cosmetics enhance physical attractiveness by altering facial features to conform a
cultural ideal, enhancing symmetry, and camouflaging imperfections. They also boost
confidence, which can enhance perceived attractiveness. Studies indicate that makeup can
influence perceptions of personality traits like trustworthiness and competence, contributing to
overall attractiveness. Additionally, cosmetics can create a sense of self-expression, allowing
individuals to showcase their unique style and personality, further enhancing their appeal.

Moreover, cosmetics can enhance perceived facial symmetry, which is a known

indicator of attractiveness. Through techniques like contouring, highlighting, and the application
of makeup to create balanced facial proportions, cosmetics can visually alter the appearance of
asymmetrical features, creating a more harmonious and attractive facial symmetry.


After careful analysis of the gathered data from the answer of the Grade 11
Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) Students and through examination of the indicated
findings, a series of comprehensive and compelling conclusion have been made.

1. Cosmetics products could make an impact in developing of confidence skill of the student.

2. By using makeup to highlight their best features and downplay any perceived flaws,
performers can feel more confident in their appearance and focus their energy on their
performance rather than worrying about how they look

3. It is important to note that while cosmetics products can have a positive impact on
developing confidence skills in students, they should not be seen as a requirement for self-
worth or acceptance. True confidence comes from within and is not solely dependent on
external appearances. It is essential for students to cultivate a sense of self-love and
acceptance regardless of whether they choose to wear makeup or not.

4. In conclusion, cosmetics can give satisfaction to students by enhancing their physical

appearance and boosting their confidence.

5. By using makeup to cover imperfections, highlight features, and express creativity, students
can feel more comfortable and empowered in their own skin. However, it is important for
students to remember that true beauty comes from within, and that makeup should be used as
a tool for self-expression and enhancement, rather than as a crutch for self-esteem.


Based on the findings and conclusion made the following recommendations are given:

1. Conduct a relevant study but in a broader way. When conducting a study in a broader
way, researchers need to consider various factors that can have an impact on the
results. One of the key aspects is to ensure that the study sample is representative of

the population being studied. This means including participants from diverse
backgrounds, including different age groups, and genders.

2. Approving students to wear light cosmetics to express themselves. Approving students

to wear light cosmetics can be a positive step towards fostering self-expression, self-
confidence, and inclusivity within the school community. By allowing students to express
themselves through makeup, schools can help students develop important grooming
skills, boost their self-esteem, and create a more accepting and diverse school culture. It
is important for schools to recognize the benefits of light cosmetics as a form of self-
expression and to support students in expressing themselves in a positive and
empowering way.

3. Since the study focused only on 11 HUMSS students at Sapang Palay National High
School, future researchers should be conducted on a broader scale possibly using
multiple universities



Blk 37 Lot 40 Dynamism St.
Pagsibol Village West,
Catmon, Santa Maria,
Bulacan, Philippines
Contact no.: 09653566627
2015 -
Consistent ‘With Honors’ student
Best Written Grade 10 Reflection Paper on Climate Change
2022 during Science Culminating Week 2022 themed:
“We Create and Innovate through Science and Technology”
First Placer in the Jingle Song Composition
during Science Month 2021 culminating activity themed:
“We Create and Innovate through Science and Technology:
Flexibility in Times of Challenges”
2021 Leadership Award for Grade 8 – Topaz Mathermatics Class
2020 Best in Mathematics
2019 Leadership Award for Grade 6 – Mapagkawanggawa as Class President
Senior Sapang Palay National High School
High School Humanities and Social Sciences
(2023 –
Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
San Manuel Nat’l High School Signal Vill. Nat’l High School
Grade 9 – Grade 10 Grade 7 – Grade 8
Lauan St. Ph. 6, Pleasant Hills Subd. Ballecer St., Central Signal
High School
City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan Village, Taguig City
2021 – 2023 2019-2021
EM’s Signal Village Elem. School Payatas B Annex Elem. School
Grade 4 – Grade 6 Grade 3
Elementary Ballecer St., Central Signal Village, Roberto St., Brgy. Bagong
Taguig City Silangan, Quezon City
2016 - 2019 2015 - 2016
•Communication •Public Speaking •Proactive
•Collaboration •Leadership •Adaptability
Date ofBirth: March 4, 2007 Nationality: Filipino
Height: 152.4 cm Religion: Catholic
Weight: 40 kg Civil Status: Single
Father: Larry Allan Pascubillo Mother: Marissa Armenta
Occupation: IT Occupation: Unknown
Name: Shayne Anne Santos Gurdian Pagsibol Village West
Name: Larry Allan Pascubillo Father Pagsibol Village

Carnation St. Villa Annapolis Subdivision
Address: Dulong Bayan, City of San Jose Del Monte
Bulacan, Philippines
Contact no.: 09859319618
2023 - Present Consistent ‘With Honors’ student

2023 Junior High School Special Program in Sports Graduate With Honors
Senior Sapang Palay National High School
High School Humanities and Social Sciences
(2023 – Present) Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Sapang Palay National High School
Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
High School
2019 - 2023
Bagong Buhay H Elementary School
Elementary San Rafael IV, Area H, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
2013 - 2019
•Individual Contributor •Strumming •Traditional Drawing
•Collaborator •Musical Chords Reading •Hand Eye Coordination
Date of Birth: August 19, 2007 Nationality: Filipino
Height: 151 cm Religion: Christian
Weight: 53 kg Civil Status: Single
Father: Michael F. Rodelas Mother: Analyn Veran
Occupation: Office Secretary Occupation: Housewife
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Jocelyn B. Pundavela Teacher
Minerva Del Rosario Sapang Palay National High
Name: Teacher
Mondala School
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Arnold Abalos Teacher

169, San Lucas Street, Fatima IV, Area E,
Address: City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan,
Contact no.: 09387845080
2023 - Present Consistent ‘With Honors’ student

2023 Junior High School Special Program in Sports Graduate With Honors
2018-2019 CLRAA Representative
Senior Sapang Palay National High School
High School Humanities and Social Sciences
(2023 – Present) Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Sapang Palay National High School
Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
High School
2019 - 2023
Bagong Buhay E Elementary School
Elementary Fatima III, Area E, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
2013 - 2019
•Interpersonal Communication •Strumming •Traditional Drawing
•Hand-Eye Coordination •Plucking •Musical Chords Reading
Date of Birth: April 26, 2007 Nationality: Filipino
Height: 162 cm Religion: Islam
Weight: 54 kg Civil Status: Single
Father: Dionisio D. Ceniza Mother: Lorna D. Ceniza
Occupation: Basketball Referee Occupation: Housewife
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Arnold Abalos Teacher
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Alfredo Abalone Teacher
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Hannah Mae Villar Teacher


Sapang Palay National High School
Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
High School
2019 - 2023
Sapang Palay National High School
Elementary Fatima III, Area E, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
2013 - 2019
•Can crochet •Can make friends easily •Can cook
Date of Birth: January 14, 2007 Nationality: Filipino
Height: 157. 48 cm Religion: Christian
Weight: 52 Kilograms Civil Status: Single
Father: Ruperto D. Gener Mother: Jennifer M. Gener
Overseas Filipino Worker
Occupation: Tricycle Driver Occupation:
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Evelyn Dela Torre Teacher
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Japoy SD Mendoza Teacher
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Mary Rose Marito Teacher


King Alexander street, Sta cruz lll, Area D
Address: City of San Jose Del Monte Bulacan,
Contact no.: 0975-023-3092
2023 - Present Graduate from SPA Curriculum with Honors
Senior Sapang Palay National High School
High School Humanities and Social Sciences
(2023 – Present) Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Sapang Palay National High School
Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
High School
Elementary Bagong Buhay H Elementary School
San rafael IV, Area H, San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan

• Creativity • Active Listening • Time management
Date of Birth: September 18, 2007 Nationality: Filipino
Height: 163 cm Religion: Catholic
Weight: 50 kg Civil Status: Single
Father: Roger C. Ganansias Mother: Maricel B.Ganansias
Occupation: Construction worker Occupation: Sewer
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Jayson Temporal Teacher
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Michelle Arellano Teacher
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Minerva Mondala Teacher


Sarmiento Homes, Muzon, CSJDM, Bulacan
Address: City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan,
Contact no.: 09666931633
2023 - Present Honor Student
Senior Sapang Palay National High School
High School Humanities and Social Sciences
(2023 – Present) Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
Calvary Christian Academy
Area E., Fatima V, City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan
High School
Elementary Calvary Christian Academy
Blk. 1, Lot 9 & 10, Sarmiento Townville, Poblacion, City of San Jose del

Monte, Bulacan
•Can communicate in English
•Computer Literate •Construction
and Filipino
Date of Birth: January 26, 2007 Nationality: Filipino
Height: 160.02 cm Religion: Christian
Weight: 65 kg Civil Status: Single
Father: Cyril A. Llorente Mother: Zenaida D. Llorente
Occupation: Tricycle driver Occupation: Secretary
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Jayson Temporal Teacher
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Arnold Abalos Teacher
Sapang Palay National High
Name: Minerva Mondala Teacher


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