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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

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A GIS based approach for analysing geological and operation conditions MARK
influence on road tunnels degradation

Federica Sandronea,b, , Vincent Labiousea,c
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Laboratory of Rock Mechanics (LMR), Lausanne,
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Laboratory of Experimental Rock Mechanics (LEMR),
Lausanne, Switzerland
Haute Ecole d’Ingénierie et d’Architecture de Fribourg (HEIA-FR, HES-SO), Filière de génie civil, Institut iTEC, Fribourg, Switzerland


Keywords: Adopting effective maintenance strategies for transportation infrastructures requires good prediction of their
Tunnels long-term behaviour. For planning interventions without affecting the entire network’s capacity, tunnels in
GIS particular require a good overview of expected problems. G.I.S. tools are helpful for managing transportation
Data analysis networks since they allow immediate identification the influence of tunnel location on development of specific
disorders. A G.I.S. based approach for analysing and predicting degradation processes affecting roads tunnels is
presented. The results show how tunnels location may inform on main problems observed in concrete lined
tunnels during their service life. The agreement of analyses results and disorders identified during inspections
allows considering G.I.S. promising tools for pathologies detection and decision about preventive maintenance.

1. Introduction 2. Tunnel asset management tools

During its service life a tunnel interacts with surrounding environ- The Asset owner operates mainly in two interactive domains:
ment with consequent degradation of the structure itself. The main operation and conservation. As a matter of fact, the tunnel owner
symptoms of this process, affecting both lining structure and surround- should ensure that each tunnel is safe and allows uninterrupted
ing rock mass, may be identified during visual inspections of the tunnel. operation. According to these goals, the tunnel owner should regularly
All the problems affecting the drainage system and tunnel invert may perform a technical survey of the structure and decide about ordinary
weaken the tunnel until it is necessary operating minor repairs or, in procedures of maintenance and/or major repairs. Data collection and
worse cases, a complete tunnel refurbishment. Since repairing damaged analysis play thus a fundamental role in tunnel asset management.
tunnels often hinders normal operation, it becomes more and more Collect and store information about tunnels, after their construction
important to develop appropriate procedures and tools for managing and during operation, may help the tunnel owner to follow the
information about tunnel conditions and thus helping asset manager in evolution of the structure and identify the possible origins of pathol-
maintaining safe and reliable connections (Frangopol and Liu, 2007; ogies. This improves also maintenance and repair planning during
Frangopol et al., 2012). Due to its central position in Europe, Switzer- tunnel service life. As reported in Sandrone (2008) the tools for Asset
land plays an important role in terms of traffic and transportation. Management can vary from country to country: for example, France,
National Roads, (Routes Nationales, RN) have an extension of about Switzerland, Portugal and US mainly use specific databases for collect-
1800 km (Federal Statistical Office OFS, 2016), with a relevant number ing detailed information about their transportation infrastructure,
of tunnels. Due to mountainous topography, for more than 200 km of while in UK the road infrastructure manager is using a specific tool
National Roads there are 220 tunnels, thus about 1 km tunnel each for asset management associated with data collection (Highways
9 km road. Today, after more than a half century of service life, a Agency et al., 2003).
significant number of those tunnels show an increasing demand for Whenever available, the way the information can be used, strongly
maintenance. depends on the way it is collected. Though, as recommended by the
Swiss Federal Road Authority (Office fédéral des routes, 2005), the

Corresponding author at: EPFL – ENAC – IIC –LEMR, Station 18, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.
E-mail address: (F. Sandrone).
Received 14 November 2016; Received in revised form 12 April 2017; Accepted 13 April 2017
Available online 25 April 2017
0886-7798/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

diagnosis of tunnel conditions should result from detailed survey

activities, preliminary data analyses done with Geographic Information
based System (GIS), may however reveal interesting for prioritising
interventions and deciding about preventive maintenance. As consid-
ered by Schultz (2012), for example, in the case of water utilities
(underground pipelines, both horizontal and vertical ones) the integra-
tion of GIS tools highly improved the management of the asset itself. As
a matter of fact, by introducing the possibility of performing analyses of
spatially related data, GIS tools actually allow taking decision about
required maintenance based on main relevant factors according to a
Fig. 1. Swiss tunnel data base, GIS based system architecture.
specific asset. At present, only few countries are using these tools
mainly for centralising, storing and processing general information
related to transportation network infrastructures (Sandrone, 2008; can be represented and visualised on a geographic model (i.e. a map).
Kusano et al., 2011). In Italy, for example, for a better management In particular, each tunnel belonging to the data base and characterised
of the infrastructure safety, all the information concerning National by an ID number can be identified also by its spatial definition (i.e.
Roads is stored in a GIS format (La Monica, 2001). tunnel location), which corresponds to the coordinates of its central
A good asset management requires a good estimation of durability point located on the tunnel axis. This means an easier management of
of the structures. The tunnel durability depends on complex interac- all the information stored in the data base. When there's lack of data, as
tions between rock mass, ground-water, concrete lining as well as it might happens in case old tunnels, where very often it is quite
traffic and environment inside the tunnel during operation. For difficult to find detailed geological/hydrogeological information, an-
improving the management of available information about Swiss other advantage of using GIS tools is related to the possibility to supply
National Road tunnels a specific data base has been created. The aim information by superposition of thematic maps. Fig. 1 shows the system
of the Swiss Tunnel Data Base (Sandrone et al., 2007a,b; Sandrone and architecture developed for this study by coupling specific data available
Labiouse, 2011) is to compile detailed data recorded during tunnel at the tunnel scale (i.e. information compiled in the Swiss Tunnel Data
construction, together with information characterising tunnel operation Base) with more general information about tunnel depth, geological
conditions, as well as main disorders observed in the tunnel during its and hydrological conditions, temperatures and traffic volumes, avail-
service life (Table 1). able at the network scale in the form of thematic maps implemented in
In order to complete the existing data and aiming at identifying the GIS based tool.
potential pathologies affecting road tunnels during their service life, In particular, the information collected in the Swiss Tunnel Data
this paper describes how a GIS-based tool has been developed, coupling Base could be improved by integrating the following thematic maps:
information collected in a data base with specific thematic maps
describing tunnel initial and operation conditions. Such a tool can • Digital terrain model (MNT25, Swisstopo – Federal Office of
enhance the efficiency of maintenance by identifying major problems Topography),
and finding appropriate solution for extending the tunnel service life at • Geotechnical 1:200,000 map (Swisstopo – Federal Office of
the asset scale. Topography)
• Hydrological 1:200,000 map (OFEV – Federal Office for the
3. GIS based tool description and applications • National Roads network, excluding 3rd class roads (Vector 25,
Swisstopo – Federal Office of Topography),
As reported by Sun et al. (2008), in recent years GIS became a
powerful computer based system for integrating data bases and spatial
• Traffic data (Personal communication, 2007, OFROU – Federal
Roads Office),
analyses. Mainly used for land use planning and vulnerability analyses,
GIS systems are nowadays widespread also for applications in geotech-
• Meteorological data (Electronic dataset, 1945–2005. MétéoSuisse –
Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology).
nical and tunnelling fields (e.g. Chang and Park, 2004; Xie et al., 2006;
Pantha et al., 2010; Yuan et al., 2012; Li and Li, 2014; Thum and De Moreover, by performing spatial analyses focusing on specific
Paoli, 2015). Thanks to the development of hardware capacity, GIS influencing factors represented in the form of thematic maps, it is
based analyses may be used for managing huge amount of information, possible to identify tunnels which, according to their location, can be
correlating several sources and different types of data and allowing a potentially affected by several types of degradation pathologies during
fast update of the collected information with immediate data analyses their service life. The whole analysis procedure is described in Fig. 2.
and comprehensive impact assessment. The analyses have been performed by means of a GIS software called
In this framework, using GIS tools allowed an easier improvement of Manifold System (Manifold®). With the proposed method it is possible
the Swiss Tunnel Data Base introduced in the previous section, which to choose the most appropriate thematic maps to be used for each
was created for managing information about tunnels belonging to the analysis, which allows adapting this procedure to a wide range of
Swiss National Roads network. By means of GIS tools, the collected data

Table 1
Information compiled in the Swiss Tunnel Data Base after Sandrone and Labiouse (2011).

Section Data

General Information Tunnel name/Town, Canton/Road/Local Operator/Commissioning year/Coordinates X, Y (tunnel axis centre point)/Lane Number
Construction Information Construction Year/Geometrical Data (depth, length, section size)/Excavation method/First support (type and length along the
tunnel)/Definitive lining (type, thickness and length)/Waterproofing and drainage systems/Accidents during construction/Geological
profile and description/Geological difficulties encountered during excavation
Environment and Operation Information Accidents during operation/Traffic/Temperature/Humidity/Chemical composition of tunnel atmosphere/Chemical composition of
groundwater/Groundwater level and circulation type/Ventilation system
Maintenance Information Inspection (date and frequency)/Monitoring systems/Routine maintenance/Disorders (date of observation, possible cause, area and
eventual repair)/Renewal/Refurbishment (intervention date and type, area, cause)

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

1. 3.
Selection of conditions Confirmation of the selected Potentially affected tunnels
determining long term tunnels by means of the vs.
Preliminary detection of
problems/identification of problems observed during Really affected tunnels
potential affected tunnels
selected pathology symptoms inspections

Fig. 2. GIS based system analysis procedure for detecting tunnel degradation pathologies.

applications. In this study, specific degradation symptoms affecting a by ground water circulation. As a matter of fact, chemical weathering is
tunnel during its service life are chosen from a list of problems most active where water percolates through the voids of the rock either
commonly observed during tunnel inspections, while the causes that intermittently or continuously. In the GIS data analyses, geological and
mainly contribute to their development are identified as belonging to hydrogeological conditions, as well as tunnel depth, have been taken
two main categories of influencing factors (Centre d’Études des into consideration. In particular, two thematic maps were used: the
Tunnels, 2004; Sandrone and Labiouse, 2011) which are strongly Swiss 1:200,000 geotechnical map (Swisstopo) and the Swiss 1:200,000
dependent on the tunnel location: hydrological map (OFEV). While the maximum depth of each tunnel
could be estimated by superposing the National Roads network map
1. Initial conditions, which mainly represent the surrounding environ- and the Digital terrain model (Swisstopo).
ment, i.e. where and how the tunnel has been constructed. This
corresponds to geological and hydrogeological conditions and 4.1. Geological conditions: rock mass ageing and weathering potentials
tunnel overburden;
2. Operation conditions, which, for a road tunnel, represent how the This analysis has been performed starting from the Swiss 1:200,000
tunnel is operating in terms of traffic type and volume, including geotechnical map (Swisstopo). Tunnels have been selected according to
information about environmental conditions, use of de-icing salts, their potential critical location in relation with the expected long term
etc. behaviour of surrounding rock mass (i.e. mainly ageing or weathering
potential). As shown in Fig. 3, carbonate rocks and evaporites, where
According to the type of information described by the thematic map, high weathering potential is expected, are mainly located in the Jura
the detection of potentially damaged tunnels has been done by using Mountains (North West) as well as in the Alps (Centre and South). For
different GIS analysis techniques, in particular: what concerns ageing potential, marl and clay media can be found in
both the North West and in the Centre (Jurassic claystones and tertiary
• Topology: selection of connections between points, lines and areas, marls of Jura Mountains; Molasse Basin and Helvetic Nappes marls)
• Overlay: superposition, while schists and phyllites characterise Penninic formation of Wallis,
• Buffering: selection of objects in the nearby of a defined zone/area. Ticino and Graubünden cantons (South).
The GIS selection done considering the tunnel location shows that
This preliminary detection of “potentially damaged” structures, about the 27% of the tunnels recorded in the data base (i.e. 46 tunnels)
made at the network scale, has been then verified at the local tunnel are supposed to show symptoms mainly related with rock weathering,
scale by using the inspection results collected in the data base and and about 22% of the tunnels recorded in the data base (i.e. 37 tunnels)
available for 122 of the 168 tunnels recorded. The “potentially are supposed to show symptoms related with delayed behaviour of the
damaged tunnels” selected through spatial analysis correspond to a rock mass. By using data collected during tunnel inspections, the
given number of objects with specific information compiled in the data verification confirms that about 80% of the tunnels excavated in rock
base. For each selected tunnel, characterised by an ID number the masses with a high weathering potential do indeed show expected
verification at the local scale can be done by using the data base. In symptoms (e.g. lining and drainage pathologies as sintering and
particular, the information about the type of observed disorder, its calcareous concretion, corrosion and efflorescence), and more than
possible cause, its extension and the affected tunnel portion compiled in 67% of the tunnels crossing rock masses with potential delayed
the data base for each specific tunnel identified by preliminary behaviour show indeed pathologies, such as convergences, longitudinal
detection allows to prove whether the expected degradation is truly cracks, invert heave up, that can be associated to an overpressure acting
observed by tunnel inspectors on site. This verification is focused only on the lining (see Fig. 3).
on the damage type and not on its frequency. Moreover, since the main
tunnel inspections are performed once every 5 to 6 years, it has been 4.2. Geological conditions and overburden: rock mass squeezing potential
chosen to select data describing the operation conditions, e.g. in
particular, traffic and meteorological data, representative for the same A specific analysis has been performed for identifying how the rock
period of the inspections. mass squeezing potential may affect the behaviour of the tunnels. As
suggested by Hoek and Marinos (2000), squeezing potential can be
4. Initial conditions influence analysis estimated from the combination of geological conditions and tunnel
depth. Usually, squeezing problems may be observed mainly in deep
The influence of the surrounding environment on tunnel conditions tunnels (i.e. high values of σ0) excavated in weak and heterogeneous
has been investigated. According to the type of rock mass, the long term rock masses (i.e. low values of σcm). The squeezing potential is
behaviour can be different, showing up in the form of specific disorders. evaluated by calculating the potential strain, ε, on the base of the
For example, delayed and squeezing behaviour of poor rock masses can competency factor, σcm/σ0, and the internal support pressure, pi:
cause tunnel deformation, lining cracks and fissures, invert heave up;
ε = 100·[0.002(0.0025·pi /σ0 )]·(σcm /σ0 )(2.4·pi / σ 0 2) (1)
while calcareous concretions in the drainage system, efflorescence,
concrete degradation caused by calcium leaching, and/or, in worse When the strain ε is bigger than 2.5% the tunnel may show severe
cases, by sulphates are mainly expected in rocks with a high weathering squeezing problems. By extrapolating of laboratory tests conducted at
potential as carbonates and evaporites. Moreover, the weathering the Rock Mechanics Laboratory EPFL, Switzerland (LMR-EPFL,
potential of the rock mass around the excavation is mainly affected Personal communication, 2008) on several Swiss rock specimens during

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

Observed disorder
Tunnel TDB in the selected class
National Road
Tunnel Last PI
Carbonate rocks & Evaporites

Observed disorder
Tunnel TDB in the selected class
Tunnel Last PI
National Road
Marl & Clayey media
Schists & Phyllites

Fig. 3. GIS preliminary detection of disorders related to geological conditions (Swiss 1:200,000 geotechnical map – Swisstopo). On top: tunnels crossing rock masses characterised by high
weathering potential; on bottom: tunnels crossing rock masses characterised by delayed behaviour.

past years, it has been possible to estimate unit weight values (γrm), and quality of joint surfaces. This corresponds to a GSI value between 35
uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock (σci) and of rock mass (σcm). and 50. The compressive strength of intact rock may vary between
By coupling this data with information about maximum tunnel over- very low values (σci ∼ 10 MPa) of marls and clays to high values
burden, it has been possible to estimate field stress conditions σ0 (i.e. (σci ∼ 80 MPa) of carbonate rocks.
the worse in terms of overburden). Starting from the geological (2) Molasse Basin (Molasse Basin). This formation is mainly undisturbed
classification proposed by Trümpy (1980), Geological Strength Index (massive or blocky) formation, with joints surfaces in good condi-
GSI (Marinos et al., 2007) values are chosen using the table of Fig. 4 tions, thus the GSI value can be estimated between 65 and 80. It
proposed by Hoek (as cited in Brady and Brown, 2004). The following consists of marls and sandstones sequences, characterised by an
classes are taken into account: intact compressive strength that varies from 2 to 20 MPa, together
with very resistant conglomerates (σci ∼ 100 MPa).
(1) Jura Mountains (Jura). This rock formations is mainly characterised (3) Alps (Helvetic Nappes). This formation is very blocky and disturbed
by folding and thrust, the rock mass is fissured but with a fair and it is characterised by highly weathered joint surfaces. The GSI

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

way the squeezing potential of the rock mass around the tunnel. Low
values of GSI (i.e. GSImin) as well as low intact compressive strengths
(i.e. σci − STD, confidence interval: 68%; σci − 2STD, confidence
interval: 95%) sensibly increase the number of tunnels affected by very
high squeezing potential of surrounding rock mass.
For the verification phase of the analysis only the results obtained
with mean values of both intact compressive strength and GSI, with an
internal pressure pi equal to 0 kPa have been considered.
The verification shows that typical disorders of rock mass squeezing
were observed in less than 42% of tunnels with high and very high
squeezing potential. Though this may induce to think that this analysis
can’t help for detecting pathologies related with squeezing potential, it
is important to observe that if the lining is properly designed it may
take long period before showing expected disorders. Excluding cracks
and fissures which may be associated to several types of pathologies,
only very few cases of crown and walls deformation, manifest symp-

toms of squeezing behaviour, have been recorded during past inspec-


tions. Thus, for this verification, instead of the inspection results, it has

been considered more relevant to analyse construction details, e.g.

section shape, support type and thickness. Indeed, for the majority of
high and very high squeezing potential cases identified (12 objects),
difficulties already arose during excavation. The verification proves

• 75% (9 tunnels) is characterised by a circular cross section or at


least by reinforced concrete invert,

• in more than 83% (10 tunnels) the support is composed by steel sets

(thicker than 20 cm, e.g. HEB240) and/or intensive rock bolting,

• 75% (9 tunnels) has a definitive lining thicker than 30 cm (i.e.
40–45 cm).
• Furthermore, it is important to note that for the majority of the
identified cases these three features appear together.

Fig. 4. Geological Strength Index (GSI) values, after Hoek in (Brady and Brown, 2004),
4.3. Hydrogeological conditions: rock mass weathering potential
for main Swiss geological formations, after (Trümpy, 1980). The labels correspond to the
formations described in the text (see text in italics between brackets).
For what concerns hydrogeological conditions the 5 aquifers
value can be estimated between 30 and 50. The intact compressive proposed by the ATLAS Hydrologique de la Suisse (OFEV) have been
strength of this zone varies from relatively high values typical of associated to the geotechnical classes as follows: “fissured” in crystal-
carbonate rocks (σci > 70 MPa) to low values characterising marls line rock, “fissured partly porous” in schists and phyllites, “porous
(σci < 25 MPa). partly fissured” in carbonate rocks and sandstone, “porous” in marls
(4) Penninic formations (Penninic). These very disturbed and schistose and clayey media, and “karstified” in carbonate karst rocks and karst
rocks are also characterised by highly weathered joint surfaces and evaporites. As reported by several authors (Hesske, 1995; Kilchmann,
possible clay fillings. This corresponds to GSI values varying 2001; Pastorelli et al., 2001; Wegmüller, 2001), since chemical
between 15 and 35, associated to moderate values of intact characteristics of circulating water around excavation are mainly
compressive strength (σci ∼ 40 MPa). controlled by rock mass chemistry and extent of water-rock reaction,
(5) Alpine Basement (Alpine Basement). This is a blocky and very blocky i.e. tunnel depth and presence of water around excavation, the most
formation with a significant number of joints sets in good condi- probable ground water chemical composition according to each type of
tions and characterised by rough surfaces. The GSI value for this rock formation has been considered (see Table 3).
rock varies between 50 and 65, while the intact compressive Since both ground water chemical composition and aquifer type
strength can reach high values (σci > 80 MPa). characterise hydrogeological conditions, the analysis for selecting
tunnels which may show symptoms of deterioration caused by circula-
In order to take into account the uncertainty that affects data, tion of aggressive ground water has been done by combining the Swiss
several values have been considered in this analysis, in particular: mean 1:200,000 geotechnical map (Swisstopo), and the Swiss 1:200,000
value and standard deviation, STD, for compressive strength of intact hydrological map (OFEV). Two main classes of problems were targeted:
rock, σci, mean, maximum and minimum values for Geological Strength
Index, GSI, i.e. GSI, GSImax, GSImin, and 0, 100, 150 and 200 kPa for pi. 1. Tunnels excavated in discontinuous (i.e. fissured, karstified and
The squeezing potential has been firstly estimated for the medium fissured partly porous) formations which may show in the long term
set of mechanical parameters in unsupported tunnels. Then, to inves- water incomes, concrete lining weathering, sintering and calcareous
tigate the influence of these parameters on the squeezing potential of concretions in the drainage system as well as, in case of low
the rock mass, the presence of a support has been considered, and the temperatures, ice formation (see Figs. 6and 7).
geological parameters were varied within the range reported in Fig. 5. 2. Tunnels excavated in porous rock masses (i.e. porous, porous partly
Results are summarised in Table 2. Mainly due to its small values fissured and fissured partly porous) which may show symptoms
compared with the overburden pressure, it seems that the internal related with water contribution to delayed behaviour pathologies.
support pressure has a rather small influence on final results, while GSI For example, invert heave due to water circulation in swelling
index and intact compressive strength may change in a considerable materials, and water pressure increase around the tunnel mainly
resulting from drainage filling caused by fines transportation (see

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

JURA GSI = 65-80
GSI = 35-50

GSI = 30-50

GSI = 15-35

GSI = 50-65
GSI = 15-35 σci <5 (2)
σci = 5 (2) - 25 (10)
σci = 25 (10) - 50 (35)
σci = 50 (35) - 100 (45)
σci = 100 (45) - 160 (55)
Fig. 5. Geological formation characterisation for squeezing potential analysis: mean value and standard deviation of uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock, σci (STD), together with
GSImin ÷ GSImax for each rock formation. Background: Swiss 1:200,000 geotechnical map (Swisstopo).

Table 2 Fig. 6 on bottom).

Influence of the internal support pressure (pi), of the intact rock uniaxial compressive
strength (σci) and of the GSI (Marinos et al., 2007) on the rock mass squeezing potential As shown in Fig. 6 on top, for the first class of expected problems,
around Swiss National Roads tunnels (L = low, ε < 2.5%; M = moderate,
ε = 2.5 ÷ 5%; H = high, ε = 5 ÷ 10%;VH = very high, ε > 10%). The reference case
considering ground water circulating in discontinuous rock formations,
is reported in the first row. the data collected during principal inspections shows that 82% of
detected tunnels show indeed symptoms related with chemical weath-
σci GSI pi (kPa) Number of tunnels with squeezing potential ering. As detailed by Fig. 7 on bottom, if the ground water is crossing
evaporites and calcareous formations, 43% of detected tunnels are
affected by concrete degradation, calcium leaching and sulphates
σci GSI 0 7 5 0 5 together with calcareous concretion in the drainage system. Moreover,
100 3 3 6 1 since sulphates action can be expected not only in evaporitic formations
150 2 2 7 1
but also in crystalline rocks due to presence of pyrite, it has been
200 2 2 2 5
observed that actually also 66% of tunnels excavated in gneiss and
σci − 2STD 32 9 8 5
crystalline rocks show disorders related to corrosion due to aggressive
σci − STD 12 3 9 9
σci + STD 2 1 3 3
water incomes (see Fig. 7 on top).
σci + 2STD 0 2 1 5 For the second class of expected problems (see Fig. 6 on bottom),
GSImin 14 2 5 9
the verification doesn’t show any evidence of ground water influence on
GSImax 0 5 5 2 observed damages. Only for 28% of detected tunnels, disorders could be
related directly to ground water action. This is probably due to the fact

Table 3
Rock type, ground water pH, major chemical components and location in Switzerland. Values in brackets are less common in the respective zones, after (Sandrone, 2008).

Rock GW pH GW composition Location in Switzerland

+ 2+ 2+ − −
Crystalline Gneiss 5.9–6.8 Na , Ca , (Mg ), HCO3 , (SO4 ) Alpine Basement
Carbonate rocks 7.2 Ca2+, HCO3−, (Mg2+) Jura Mountains, Helvetic nappes
Evaporites 7.1–7.5 SO4−, Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3− Pre-Alps (Swiss Rhône basin) and Jura
Porous and fissured molasse, sandstone, conglomerates and quaternary 6.5–8.1 HCO3−, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl−, (SO4−), Molasse Basin
deposits (Na+)
Flysch and schists 5.9–6.8 Ca2+, HCO3−, (Mg2+) Penninic

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

Observed disorder
National Road
Tunnel Last PI
Tunnel TDB in the selected class
Fissured, partly porous

Observed disorder
National Road
Tunnel Last PI
Tunnel TDB in the selected class
Porous, partly fissured
Fissured, partly porous

Fig. 6. GIS preliminary detection of disorders due to water circulation around excavated tunnels (Swiss 1:200,000 hydrological map – OFEV). On top: tunnels crossings discontinuous and
karstified rock masses; on bottom: tunnels in porous rock masses.

that main expected symptoms are cracks and fissures, rather common to 5.1. Traffic influence
other pathologies and thus not easily associable with delayed behaviour
only. Traffic conditions have been analysed using measurements
(OFROU, 2007, Personal communication) done by the Federal Roads
Office in the same period of time of main tunnel inspections. As
5. Operation conditions influence analysis reported in Sandrone and Labiouse (2011), apart from 19% (32 tunnels)
for which there’s no available traffic information, the analysed tunnels’
Operational environment for road tunnels regroups traffic volumes population may be divided according to SN 640 908 (VSS, 2000) into
and pollution, i.e. presence of exhausted gases, temperature and four classes based on Average Daily Traffic Volume (DTV):
presence of de-icing salts inside the tunnel.
I. very low traffic, DTV ⩽ 10,000 vehicles: 12%;
II. medium traffic, DTV = 10,000 ÷ 30,000 vehicles: 42%;

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

Observed disorder
Tunnel Last PI
Tunnel TDB in the selected class
National Road
Granite, Gneiss

Observed disorder
Tunnel Last PI
Tunnel TDB in the selected class
National Road
Carbonate rocks & Evaporites

Fig. 7. GIS preliminary detection of disorders due to ground water chemical composition (Swiss 1:200,000 geotechnical map – Swisstopo and Swiss 1:200,000 hydrological map – OFEV).
On top: tunnels crossing crystalline formations; on bottom: tunnels crossing carbonates and evaporites formations.

III. high traffic, DTV = 30,000 ÷ 50,000 vehicles: 18%; traffic volumes show at least one of the disorders selected as potential
IV. very high traffic, DTV > 50,000 vehicles: 9%. symptoms of concrete lining deterioration. Furthermore, by checking
more in detail available information about each disorder collected in
Starting from the thematic map showing values of DTV (OFROU, the data base (Sandrone and Labiouse, 2011), it has been evaluated the
2007, Personal communication), it is possible to detect tunnels located percentage of events that can be related to high/very high traffic
in potential critical conditions (Fig. 8). conditions:
Almost 30% of the tunnels may potentially develop disorders caused
by high traffic conditions. Traffic contribution to tunnel concrete lining • Efflorescence: > 54%;
degradation consists in two main actions: mechanical, represented • De-icing salts corrosion for plain and reinforced concrete: > 60%;
mainly by car collisions, and chemical (e.g. corrosion), caused by • Track scaling: 25%;
projection of de-icing salt particles on tunnel walls (see also Section • Damages due to car collisions: 100%.
5.2). By considering the information collected from main inspections, it
has been observed that 90% of tunnels with high and very high daily It is significant that damages due to car collisions appear almost

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

Mean Daily Traffic Volume


Traffic Volume - OFROU

no info
Tunnel Last PI
Observed disorder
Fig. 8. GIS preliminary detection of tunnels with disorders due to traffic circulation: Tunnels potentially affected by disorders because characterised by high traffic volumes are
represented by empty and filled squares. Tunnels affected by disorders related to traffic according to the inspection data are identified with a pin.

only in tunnels with high and very high traffic conditions, also it is it. Since SN 640 772b (VSS, 2001) states that when external tempera-
interesting to point out how important is the contribution of traffic to ture is less than 0 °C de-icing salts use is compulsory for roads with
side walls corrosion due to de-icing salts. For what concerns track unfavourable humidity conditions, in order to perform this analysis, the
scaling, it seems that this problem is not directly connected with traffic de-icing salts quantity has been estimated starting from weather
values. Actually, it should be considered that more frequent track stations measurements, i.e. temperature and humidity data as proposed
maintenance, i.e. typical of roads with high traffic values, not taken into by Conciatori (2005). Fig. 9 shows the results of this analysis together
consideration in this analysis, may artificially decrease the number of with the data recorded during main inspections. Within the detected
observed disorders. tunnels, with an the expected use of high and very high quantities of de-
icing salts, more than 60% show disorders related to aggressive action
5.2. De-Icing salts quantity effects of salts on concrete and reinforced concrete. Moreover, the analysis
shows that about 35% of these tunnels are located in Alpine regions.
As above mentioned, an important action linked with operation By coupled analyses it has also been possible to refine the results
conditions is use of de-icing salts. Though not directly spread inside obtained only considering the use of de-icing salts as potential cause of
tunnels, salts particles are transported by rolling traffic and projected degradation (i.e. unique influence factor). Actually, for a better
on tunnel walls together with water. De-icing salts and low tempera- interpretation of results, it is also important to consider that de-icing
tures contribute to corrosion of both reinforced and plain concrete salts action is cyclic, and thus strongly influenced by tunnel age, that
linings (Kaufmann et al., 1998; Glass and Buenfeld, 2000; Wang et al., corresponds to a long duration of tunnel service life, which might also
2006). They cause scaling, pitting, spalling and flaking of concrete affect quality of lining materials. By coupling those data it is possible to
surface and reinforcements’ corrosion. Moreover, repeated freeze-thaw explain why tunnels located in regions where very low quantities of de-
cycles may induce tensile stresses in the lining with consequent icing salts are used might show important number of symptoms related
cracking and/or spalling. These actions may reveal aggressive for to side walls corrosion. This is for example the case of tunnels in South
concrete structures, influencing long term conditions of tunnel walls Switzerland (i.e. Ticino Canton) that are within the oldest tunnels
mostly nearby tunnel portals and in short tunnels, where the tunnel considered in this study (80% constructed before 1975). It is also the
lining is more exposed to temperatures and humidity typical of external case of about 67% of tunnels located in the Leman Region (i.e. South-
conditions. West Switzerland) where, according to the classification made, the
Though traffic can be considered an important vector for potential expected quantity of salts is medium. On the other hand, it has been
development of side walls corrosion, it is important to investigate the observed that tunnels located in regions where high quantities of salts
effective contribution of de-icing salts quantity (influencing factor) to are used (e.g. the Jura Mountains Region, North-West Switzerland) are

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

National Road
Tunnel Last PI
Very low quantity of de-icing salts
Low quantity of de-icing salts
Medium quantity of de-icing salts
High quantity of de-icing salts
Very high quantity of de-icing salts
Observed disorder

Fig. 9. De-icing salts quantity contribution to side walls corrosion. Salts quantities have been estimated based on climatic conditions, as suggested by Conciatori (2005). Tunnels affected
by disorders related to de-icing salts according to the inspection data are identified with a pin.

50 50 50
45 45 45
40 40 40
35 35 35
no. tunnels

30 30 30
25 25 25
20 20 20
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
Weathering Ageing Fissures and Karst Porous Class I Class II Class III Insp.
potential potential

Fig. 10. Summary of results for initial conditions analyses. From the left: Geological conditions, Hydrogeological conditions and Squeezing potential. For each analysis performed the
diagram shows the tunnels detected as potentially affected by specific pathology (in white) as well as the tunnels with proved disorders according to the inspection data collected in the
Tunnel Data Base (in black).

no. tunnels

40 Tunnels with expected problems

Tunnels with potential problems
20 (detected with G.I.S. analyses)
De−icing salts quant.:
High & Very High High & Very High
Fig. 11. Summary of results for operation conditions analyses: Traffic volumes and De-icing salts quantities. For each analysis performed the diagram shows the tunnels detected as
potentially affected by specific pathology (in white) as well as the tunnels with proved disorders according to the inspection data collected in the Tunnel Data Base (in black).

F. Sandrone, V. Labiouse Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 66 (2017) 174–185

not yet showing symptoms related to salts attack, because they are data, is the possibility to supply information by superposition and
more recent and thus less prone to show symptoms yet. coupling of existing data with specific thematic maps, coming from
several sources and containing various information (e.g. automatic
6. Results discussion traffic counters, hydrological maps, etc.). Moreover, since tunnel
location determines not only its initial conditions, in particular,
As pointed out in the previous sections, the combination of GIS geological and hydrogeological conditions, but also its operation
information with data compiled in a data base allows a more complete conditions, for example, traffic volumes and use of de-icing salts, both
characterisation of the Swiss National Roads Tunnels. Nonetheless, the contributing to tunnel degradation, GIS reveal powerful tools for
possibility of improving information collected in the Tunnel Data Base selecting main favourable environments for development of specific
by means of GIS maps has to be considered reliable only for general pathologies.
statements at the road network scale. In particular, the use of In order to identify potential problems affecting each tunnel during
geotechnical and hydrological maps is allowed only by keeping in its service life, analyses have been performed by following three main
mind that the majority of Swiss National Roads Tunnels is characterised steps:
by low overburden, i.e. about 80–100 m depth.
In this framework, the GIS analyses performed allow locating • selection of potential influence factor, expected pathology and
chosen events with a very immediate identification of major problems. symptoms to be analysed,
By using GIS tools, it has been possible to operate a preliminary • visualisation and location on a map, for detecting potentially
selection of potential degradation pathologies resulting from tunnel affected tunnels,
location and from its interaction with the operational environment. The • verification within the selected structures the tunnels affected by
influence of initial and operation conditions has been investigated. For expected pathologies using available information coming from main
what concerns initial conditions, several potential degradation scenar- inspections.
ios have been taken into account, while for operation conditions the
results consider only the influence of the most aggressive conditions, As most of the tunnels selected with this GIS system based
i.e. high and very high classes of traffic volumes and de-icing salts procedure show expected symptoms, results demonstrate that the
quantities. The results could be verified using the information compiled conceived tool can be used for reliable predictions of typical pathology
in the Tunnel Data Base, mainly about disorders observed during main scenarios affecting tunnels during their service life, thus assessing
inspections. tunnel future behaviour and corresponding maintenance needs. The
Figs. 10 and 11 show a summary of the obtained results. For each proposed examples of application of the GIS based tool analysis show
analysis performed the diagrams show the number of objects detected clearly that this kind of tool may improve how an asset manager
as potentially affected by selected pathologies, as well as the number of identifies the problems affecting tunnels. In particular, it helps in
tunnels showing the expected disorders according to main inspections developing criteria for guaranteeing the safety of the asset based on
results compiled in the Tunnel Data Base. prioritisation of more sensitive tunnels according to specific influencing
The preliminary detection could be validated using available factors. GIS tools reveal being a good tool allowing prioritisation of
information. Nevertheless, it is important to observe that the informa- identified problems according to the need of ensuring the reliability of a
tion about tunnels inspections was not available for all the tunnels specific connection, e.g. type and duration of the required intervention
included in the detection analyses. Moreover, in some cases, inspection vs. consequences of traffic interruption. The developed methodology
results revealed too general to be associated to specific problems, or the can be used not only for detecting potential problems but also for taking
pathology too complex to be associated only to a unique influencing decision about preventive maintenance, thus trying to control degrada-
factor. Thus, whenever possible, the verification has been done tion rate of tunnels. However, as explained in Section 6 it is important
considering other data compiled in the data base, such as construction to consider that this kind of methodology is really useful at the network
information and tunnel age, for example, in the case of the analyses scale, the time dependent pathology and their evolution should then be
performed considering the squeezing potential. In other cases, e. g. analysed in detail for each identified case by considering all the factors
water circulating in porous ground masses analysis, the information that can contribute to the development of specific pathologies. Since
collected was not detailed enough to distinguish the effective influence the procedure is mainly based on available information characterising
of this factor on observed damages. Though in this framework mainly the tunnel environment, in order to perform trustworthy analyses, it is
qualitative information has been considered, it is important to point out important to have regular update of collected data. Finally, it is also
that it is possible to increase the detail level by using more detailed important to remind that correctly updated information may help in
sources of information. doing regular maintenance choices avoiding not-effective solutions or
adapting and improving them, case by case.
7. Summary and conclusions
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