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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng.

2020, 14(1): 82–93


Comparative study on foundation treatment methods of

immersed tunnels in China
Shaochun WANG, Xuehui ZHANG* , Yun BAI
Department of Geotechnical Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Corresponding author. E-mail:

© Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
ABSTRACT Based on engineering practices of four typical traffic immersed tunnels built in China, this paper details
the features of the four dominant foundation treatment methods for immersed tunnel construction: pile foundation, sand
flow foundation, grouting foundation, and gravel bedding foundation. Subsoil stress time-history of different method are
specified first, plus a summary of settlement assessment method for foundation quality control. Further, a comprehensive
comparison of settlement and cost of these four foundation treatment methods is conducted to highlights the specific
merits, disadvantages and conditions encountered in each foundation treatment method, based on real projects
information. The findings of this article could henceforth be applied to foundation treatment work in immersed tube
tunnel construction.

KEYWORDS foundation treatment method, immersed tunnel, subsoil stress, settlement

1 Introduction example, in the Netherlands alone, more than 30 immersed

tunnels are in-service. What’s more, more immersed tunnel
Immersed tunnels refer to tunnels built with special projects, including the 6.7 km Shenzhen-Zhongshan
immersion method. They are usually under waterways Bridge Tunnel, the 18 km Fehmarnbelt fixed road and
and considered better than other crossings like bridges or rail link, et al. are being constructed or designed for fixed
bored tunnels. Tunnels are superior to bridges mainly in links beneath waterways [2].
that they do not disturb ship navigation, especially for busy Although immersed tunnel has a quite long history of
water channels. Technically, bored tunnels must have a over 100 years, the relevant techniques were first
minimum safety-buried-depth and thus are usually con- introduced into mainland China in the late 1980s, and
structed at a certain depth below the river bed, which the recent 30-year has witnessed a series of immersed
inevitably increase the whole tunnel length under limited tunnels being finished, some even marked the milestone in
longitudinal slop. Immersed tunnel structurally consists of tunnel history. The first immersed tube tunnel in China
factory-made elements (usually about 100 m long) which mainland was completed in 1993. Figure 1 presents the
are connected underwater with special rubber gaskets. overviews of the cross section, usage, dimension and
Notably, immersed tunnel can be directly placed at a pre- maximum depth of 11 immersed tunnels finished in China.
excavated trench on the shallow river bed, and no need for Generally, immersed tunnel construction will first
minimum burial depth (unlike bored tunnel), so when at excavate a trench on riverbed and a specially prepared
the same construction site, the total length of an immersed foundation is made before tunnel body is finally placed on.
tunnel generally can be shorter than that of a bored tunnel Foundation treatment always plays an important role in the
[1]. Immersed tunnels are mostly constructed under canals construction of immersed tunnels because dredging always
and waterways, especially where no ship navigation tends to leave an uneven bottom with unacceptable
interference is allowed. Until the end of 2018, there are tolerance for the accuracy of tunnel alignment. With so
more than 200 immersed tunnels in the world, and most of many tunnels being built, it is important to have a
them are in the North America, Europe, and Asia. For comprehensive understanding of foundation treatment
methods based on comparative study of past engineering
Article history: Received Feb 3, 2019; Accepted Feb 25, 2019 practices. Although some researchers have studied the
Shaochun WANG et al. Comparative study on foundation treatment methods of immersed tunnels in China 83

features of each foundation treatment method, relevant four foundation treatment methods, including analysis and
summary remains very limited. For example, development explanation of foundation settlement from soil stress time-
of foundation treatment methods in Holland since the Mass history perspective, and the settlement calculation method.
tunnel is summarized and explained in detail [3]. As a main Secondly, each method is further explained with a specific
factor of tunnel settlement, the method of tunnel founda- tunnel project in China, from aspects of geotechnical
tion construction is discussed based on 15 tunnel projects conditions, foundation design, construction techniques,
in history, but no detailed of project geological conditions settlement performance, and other issues. With the aim of
are provided, nor is the comparison study between providing reference value for future immersed tunnels,
different method specified [4,5]. With a 30-year develop- experiences and lessons of these methods concluded from
ment, immersed tunnel projects in China have provided engineering practices in China are finally discussed in this
very good cases for such an important comparison study. paper.
Table 1 summarizes the foundation treatment methods of
the built 11 immersed tunnels in China. Four typical
foundation treatment methods have been applied in these 2 Development of foundation treatment
tunnels (pile, grouting, sand flow, and gravel bedding), and method
these four methods represent the typical immersed tunnel
foundation treatment methods currently widely used 2.1 An overview of the applications of foundation treatment
around the world. In China, all these foundation treatment methods
methods have been explored and applied in real projects,
which provide valuable experience and reference for By reviewing the foundation treatment methods for
tunnel engineering. immersed tube tunnels in the world, there has been a
This paper first summarizes and compares the selected tendency historically to associate gravel bedding founda-

Fig. 1 Overview of built immersed tunnels in China.

Table 1 Foundation treatment method of built immersed tunnels in China

number project length (m) elements foundation treatment
1 HZMB Tunnel 5990 33 gravel bed and pile
2 Zhujiang Tunnel 457 5 sand flow
3 Yongjiang Tunnel 420 5 grouting
4 Changhong Tunnel 395 4 pile and grouting
5 Outer Ring Tunnel 736 7 sand flow
6 Zhoutouzui Tunnel 340 4 sand flow
7 Haihe Tunnel 255 4 grouting and gravel bed
8 Shenjiamen Harbor Tunnel 218 3 grouting
9 Luntou-Shengwudao Tunnel 277 4 sand flow
10 Shengwudao-Daxuecheng 214 3 sand flow
11 Foshan Immersed Tunnel 445 4 sand flow
84 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2020, 14(1): 82–93

tion method with steel tunnels in America, sand flow from each other. By injecting the mixture point by point, a
foundation method or sand jet foundation method in pattern of overlapped sand pancake is gradually formed to
Europe and grouting foundation method in Japan. How- fully fill the gap and make a firmly foundation beneath the
ever, this association is not fully valid. In each particular tubes.
case, the foundation treatment method should be chosen
with fully consideration of the local geology, environment 2.2.2 Pile foundation
and other specific conditions. A summary of the selected
four typical foundation treatment methods together with a The first application of pile foundation treatment method
method comparison table (Table 2) are provided below. can be traced back to 1912 with the completion of La Salle
St. Tunnel [7]. Pile foundation method is mainly used in
2.2 Four types of foundation treatment methods special cases when a direct foundation on the subsoil will
be impossible in practice with regards to the settlement and
2.2.1 Sand flow foundation bearing capacity. For example, Rotterdam Metro Tunnel
which is completed in 1966 applied this method due to
Sand flow method was developed from sand jetting large dynamic train load and varied stiffness of the subsoil.
method and then first used in Vlake Tunnel of Holland in The Changhong Tunnel built in 2002 first applied pile
1975 [6]. Compared with sand jetting method, the slowly- foundation in China with the aim of reducing settlements
moving gantry which is the main disadvantage in the sand in serious siltation condition.
jetting system is eliminated in this new method so that When applying a pile foundation, the most important
there is no hindrance to navigation at all. To shorten the work is to fill the gap between the pile top and the tunnel
supply pipes in long tunnels, the sand flow method was bottom, since it is impossible to keep all the pile heads at
then improved in the Hemspoor Railway tunnel (1980) the same level. To eliminate the gap between the pile head
which feeds the sand-water mix through the pre-embedded and the bottom of the tubes, several adjustment methods
pipe in the floor slab from the outside floating equipment. have been developed in the tunneling history. These
However, the sand flow method was applied for the first methods could be divided into two types: ‘adjustable pile
time at the Zhujiang Immersed Tunnel (1995) in China. head method’ and ‘pile capping beam method’. The first
Sand flow method is used to create a sand foundation by type is usually applied with an adjustable head consisting
pumping the sand-water mix into the gap between the of a separate concrete part connected to the rest of the pile
underside of tubes and the bottom of trench through a pipe by a nylon sleeve. After the tube is immersed, the
system with opening on the bottom of the tubes. As the adjustable pile head will be uplifted to the bottom of the
velocity of the mix decreases after pumped out of the tubes by grouting into the nylon sleeve. The adjustable pile
injection point, sand settled forming a circular pancake head method is first applied in the foundation construction
around the injection point. These injections points are of the Rotterdam Metro Tunnel. The second method is
usually designed at an approximately distance of 10–15 m usually applied with concrete or steel pile capping beams
Table 2 Method comparison
method advantages and applications disadvantages
pile foundation small settlement even in soft foundation and high siltation high cost
conditions difficult to adjust the pile heads to the same level
reduce uneven settlement when stiffness of the subsoil varied
considerably along the tunnel line
reduce settlement under the long-term vibration situation
caused by large dynamic load
sand flow no interference with navigation strict restriction with siltation
immune to the hydrogeology and meteorology lifting of elements caused by high water pressure
lower requirement of the sand particle size compared to sand
jetting method
grouting no interference with navigation high requirement of mortar properties
foundation immune to the hydrogeology and meteorology require real-time inspection of the grouting status
simple equipment with small investment
easier to control grouting pressure and amount than sand flow
can be used in earthquake risky area
gravel bedding no damage to concrete elements interfere with navigation
need no temporary supports in the trench high requirement and large investment in the equipment
smaller level tolerance can be achieved on the bed fabrication
can be used in earthquake risky area strict construction precision
Shaochun WANG et al. Comparative study on foundation treatment methods of immersed tunnels in China 85

constructed underwater to hold a group of piles together. the fallpipe is equipped with a screeding plate so that
The gap between the capping beams and the tubes will be placing and screeding of the gravel is executed at the same
usually filled with cushion material and cement grout. It’s time. The lower end of the fallpipe is fixed at a constant
worth mentioning that a grouting bag method was level to placing the gravel to required level, while moving
developed and applied in the Changhong Tunnel which horizontally. With different kinds of measuring systems
would be further explained in Section 3.2.2. and compensation measures, the accuracy of the level
tolerances can be achieved within centimeters.
2.2.3 Grouting foundation
2.3 Subsoil stress time-history and settlement assessment of
different foundation treatment methods
Grouting foundation method is first applied in the Tokyo
Port Dainikoro Tunnel in 1976. This method was then
As settlement control is an important factor in deciding the
widely used in Japan characterized by solving the
best foundation treatment, it is meaningful to analyze the
liquefaction problem of foundation constructions in
subsoil stress time-history during the immersed tunnel
seismic area. This method was applied in China in three
construction and service periods. According to the
tunnels: Yongjiang Tunnel (1995), Haihe Tunnel (2011),
published settlement data of over 30 immersed tunnels, it
and Shenjiamen Harbor Tunnel (2014).
is reasonable to divide the total settlement into two parts:
Grouting foundation method is developed from filled
settlement in construction period and settlement in service
bag method with the advantages of eliminating the need of
period. The former is mainly related to the soil property
costly bags and avoiding the complicated fixing technique
and construction procedures, while the latter is mainly
requiring diving and water-borne manipulation. After the
related to consolidation of subsoil and additional loading
excavation of the trench, a layer of crushed stone should be
effects from riverbed sedimentation. Figure 2 shows the
laid on the bottom of the foundation trench. After the
subsoil stress time-history through the whole tunnel
element is immersed on the temporary support, a riprap of
construction stage. First stress decrease of Δp1 (shown
approximately one meter in height should be placed along
by oa) is due to the trench excavation before foundation
the element’s side wall and rear bulkhead to seal off the
treatment, this leads to a significant unloading on the
bottom of the element. From embedded grouting holes
subsoil. It should be noted that this trenching process
within the element’s bottom slab, grout is then injected into
usually causes relatively big bounce-back on the trench
the voids between element and its gravel bedding to form a
bottom, especially for immersed tunnel with large bury
good support foundation.
depth, for example, the trenching depth of Hong Kong-
Zhuhai-Macao Immersed Tunnel is designed to be as high
2.2.4 Gravel bedding foundation as 40 m. After trenching, usually the excavated trench
bottom will be paved with a sand or gravel layer for
The traditional gravel bedding foundation is first applied in primary levelling, then re-loading effects will come out
the Detroit Windsor Tunnel in 1930. Since then, this along the preceding construction schedules.
traditional gravel bedding foundation method is typically Different foundation treatment methods will display
used in steel immersed tunnels with octagon or circular different re-loading curve. For gravel bedding, see the
cross-sections. However, the traditional gravel bedding dotted line abcde in Fig. 2, the gravel bed is formed once
foundation method is not suitable for the concrete so as to trigger a gradual loading (line ab) in subsoil, then
immersed tunnel with wide rectangular cross-section tunnel element is directly immersed underwater and put on
because of the great difficulties in construction. To deal the prepared gravel bed layer, this further increase the
with the complex off-shore condition and achieve higher subsoil stress, as shown by line bc. After that locking
accuracy of leveling tolerances, the Øresund Tunnel backfill on both sides and protection backfill on the top
Contractors (ØTC) successfully applied an improved continues the loading effects, and riverbed sedimentation
gravel bedding foundation method in the Øresund Tunnel in service period generally further causes subsoil loading,
built in 2000 [8,9]. After the application of Øresund as shown by the line cde. For grouting and sand flow
Tunnel, this improved gravel bedding foundation method foundation treatment, the re-loading process present some
has been further applied in more off-shore immersed differences shown in the solid line afmnps, and this is due
tunnels, such as the Busan-Geoje Tunnel and the HZMB to the quite different construction procedures. After trench
Tunnel [10]. excavation, the bed is first paved with a thin fine-gravel
The basic concept of the improved gravel bedding cushion layer, which cause a minor loading (shown by line
foundation method is to construct a rubble stone of an af), then the tunnel element is placed on a temporary
intermittent pattern of identical berms alternated by support (piles) above the cushion layer, and then the gap
grooves instead of a closed plane [8]. Gravel was between them are filled by sand (in sand flow method) or
transported down to the trench through a fallpipe which by cementitious grouting (in grouting method), as shown
is attached to a special designed vessel. The lower end of by fm. after that element is placed on the sand or grouted
86 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2020, 14(1): 82–93

Fig. 2 Subsoil stress time-history during immersed tunnel


layer (mn), and finally, much similar to the gravel bedding,

backfilling and riverbed sedimentation further increase the
loading effects. It should be pointed out that riverbed
Fig. 3 e-logp plot for compression analysis of over-consolidated
sedimentation is the main cause of excessive settlement in
many in-service immersed tunnels.
The foundation settlement can generally be calculated
based on the e-logp plot method (Fig. 3). The subsoil 3 Case histories of foundation treatment
should be carefully investigated and sampled, so as to get methods in China
the detailed consolidation property. The subsoil is modeled
as over-consolidated soil, and unloading-reloading should 3.1 Shanghai Outer Ring Tunnel Project
be reflected for higher accuracy. The ground is usually
subdivided into several distinguished layers with largely 3.1.1 Introduction
different parameters, and final settlement is calculated by
layer-wise summation method as below, Shanghai Outer Ring Tunnel is built by seven concrete
elements with a wide rectangular cross-section of 43 m
Δei Hi
s¼ , (1) 9.55 m each. This 2882 m long highway tunnel consists of
1 þ e0i three tubes for eight lanes and two service galleries for
rescue and cable shown in Fig. 4. The immersed section
where Hi is the thickness of soil layer i, e0i is the initial void part of this tunnel is 736 m. Figure 5 shows the
ration of soil layer i, Δe0i is the void ration change of soil geotechnical and geomorphic profile along the tunnel
layer i. alignment. The terrain of the tunnel site slopes abruptly in
When Δp2i þ Δp3i þ Δp4i ³pci – poi , then the west and gently in the east. The subsoil along the tunnel
pci ðp þ Δp2i þ Δp3i þ Δp4i Þ alignment is mainly composed by mucky soil, silt clay, and
Δei ¼ Csi log þ Cci log 0i : (2) silt clay with sand. There is a deep trough beneath the river
p0i pci
at a depth of 23.6 m making the riverbed an asymmetry V
And when Δp2i þ Δp3i þ Δp4i < pci – poi , then type. The seismic intensity at this tunnel site is 7.0 in
accordance to Chinese design criteria.
ðp0i þ Δp2i þ Δp3i þ Δp4i Þ
Δei ¼ Csi log , (3)
pci 3.1.2 Construction techniques of sand flow foundation
where Cci , Csi are the compression index and expansion
index of soil layer i, respectively; poi is the average vertical Sand flow foundation method is applied in Shanghai Outer
effective stress (the overburden stress) of soil layer i; pci is Ring Tunnel. Geological condition and sand-water mixture
the average pre-consolidation stress of soil layer supply system of Shanghai Outer Ring Tunnel are two
i; Δp2i /Δp3i /Δp4i are the increase of effective stress in distinguished aspects compared with the Zhujiang Tunnel
soil layer i during foundation treatment, tunnel element which is the first immersed tunnel applying the sand flow
placement and backfilling. foundation method in China. Shanghai Outer Ring is
It should be noted a careful geological investigation mainly placed on a soft foundation, while Zhujiang Tunnel
work is critical to obtain necessary parameters for is mainly placed on an intermediary weather rock
foundation quality evaluation and for settlement assess- foundation. Furthermore, the sand-water mixture is
ment. Sometimes uncertainties in soil parameters should be supplied not from inside but from outside sand filling
considered for better analysis. ship through pipelines pre-embedded in the slab of
Shaochun WANG et al. Comparative study on foundation treatment methods of immersed tunnels in China 87

elements (Figs. 6(a) and 6(b)). This supply system is of radius of the sand deposit is designed as 7.5 m. Other
advantage to shorten the length of supply pipelines and relevant construction parameters are also shown in Table 3.
eliminate the one-way ball valves. For the convenience of siltation removal, the injection
The injection holes are arranged at distances of 10 m in should start longitudinally from the first row to the
the slab, 4 in each row horizontally. Cement clinker is penultimate row of each element leaving the last row
added to the sand at a ratio of 0.05:1 to prevent the non-injected and the last element should be injected in the
liquidation under the seismic intensity of 7 degree. The opposite sequence to elements ahead. Within each row, the

Fig. 4 Cross-section of Shanghai Outer Ring Tunnel (unit: mm).

Fig. 5 Geotechnical and geomorphic profile of Shanghai Outer Ring Tunnel.

Fig. 6 (a) Sand filling ship; (b) construction of pre-embeded pipelines.

88 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2020, 14(1): 82–93

Table 3 Values of construction parameters 3.2 Ningbo Changhong Tunnel

parameters values
pump power 37 kW 3.2.1 Introduction
motor rotation speed 100–1375 m/s
injection rate 5 m3/s Ningbo Changhong Tunnel built in 2002 is composed of
four concrete elements with a rectangular cross-section of
diameter of pipe at entrance 8 inch
22.8 m 8.45 m each. The total length of this tunnel is
diameter of pipe at exit 6 inch 3541.15 m consisting of the 897.24 m long north section,
sand: water ratio 1:9–1:8 the 395 m long immersed section and the 2248.91 m long
sand: cement clinker ratio 1:0.05 south section. Figure 8 shows the geotechnical and
radius of sand deposit (minimum) 7.5 m geomorphic profile along the tunnel alignment. The
minimum of overburden and largest gradient of this tunnel
is 1.5 m and 4%, respectively. The subsoil is mainly
injection should start from the central holes and proceed composed of mucky clay, silt clay, and silt clay with sand
toward to both sides. After the process of sand-water belonging to the Quaternary system. The seismic intensity
mixture injection is finished in each element, the injection at this tunnel site is 7.0 in accordance to Chinese design
holes are grouted by pressure again to fill up craters and criteria.
other small Interstices.
The quality of sand deposits was verified through sand 3.2.2 Construction techniques of pile foundation
quantity control, pressure analysis, diving investigation
and element elevation monitoring. To calculate the sand Considering the serious siltation of approximately three
quantity for injection, the depth of the trench must be meters per month in thickness on such soft subsoil, pile
surveyed before immersion. The pump discharge pressure foundation method was applied in this tunnel. The tunnel
should not exceed 0.1 MPa. To prevent the element uplift, was supported by 204 driven 600 mm  600 mm piles and
the injection would be stopped as soon as the uplift value 16 bored piles at distances ranging from 5 to 8.65 m. These
of the element exceeded 5 mm or the single jack pressure piles were arranged four in each row (Fig. 9(a)). The
of temporary foundation reduced to 1400 kN. clearance between the bottom of tube and the top of the
pile is filled up by using grouting bags. The fully-filled
3.1.3 Settlement Analysis grouting bag is 400 mm in thickness and 1.5 m in diameter.
The grouting bag together with the grouting pipes is pre-
The accumulated settlement curve of the tunnel since 2003 imbedded inside the tube bottom at the position of its
is shown in Fig. 7. From these measuring results, the corresponding pile. For the convenience of chopping piles
largest settlement occurred at the joint between E5 and E6 underwater, the upper 3 m section of the pile is made of
reaching to 230 mm. The annual accumulated settlement at steel at a diameter of 750 mm, which is connected to the
the joint between E5 and E6 in 2004 reached to 120 mm below pre-stressed RC pile through flanges. A steel plate
accounted for 50% of the total settlement. The central part which is 800 mm in diameter is then welded on the top of
of E7 experienced a relatively large settlement of 40 mm in pile (Fig. 9(b)).
2007. The largest differential settlement between both ends After immersion of the tube, a clearance of approxi-
of the element occurred at E6 reaching to 172 mm. By mately 200 mm between the bottom of the tube and the top
grouting into foundation under the E5/E6 joint and E7 in of the pile would be left. After fully injected, these
2005 and 2007, respectively, the settlements at these grouting bags filled the gap and connected the element and
critical locations have been controlled. piles so that the upper load could transmit to the pile

Fig. 7 Accumulated settlement measured from north hole points (compared with original data in October 2003).
Shaochun WANG et al. Comparative study on foundation treatment methods of immersed tunnels in China 89

Fig. 8 Geotechnical and geomorphic profile of Ningbo Changhong Tunnel.

Fig. 9 (a) General foundation treatment design of Changhong Tunnel; (b) sketch of grouting bag method.

foundation. The gap between the bottom of the tube and 3.2.3 Settlement analysis
trench should be finally grouted to form an overall
foundation together with these square piles. Pile foundation method effectively reduces the accumu-
To control the quality of the grouting bags, the grouting lated settlement of the Changhong Tunnel. The accumu-
bags should always be completely injected. The grouting lated settlement of this tunnel is only 20 mm after two
pressure should not exceed 0.05 MPa than the water years operation. Table 4 shows that the largest accumulated
pressure at this position with a suggested range of 0.02– settlement is only 6.7 mm within period from September
0.04 MPa. Besides, upon the completion of the grouting 2006 to December 2009 (Table 4).
bag injection, divers should be appointed to verify the bags
are solidly connected to the top of the piles. 3.3 Ningbo Yongjiang Tunnel
Compared with the adjustable pile head method and pile
capping beam method, the grouting bag method is featured 3.3.1 Introduction
by simple fabrication, steel or concrete material saving and
diving work reducing. However, the accuracy requirement The Ningbo Yongjiang Tunnel is built in 1995 by five
for pile driving and tube immersion is higher than the two elements with a rectangular cross-section of 11.9 m  7.65
previous methods. m. The immersed tube section of this 1020 m long tunnel is
90 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2020, 14(1): 82–93

Table 4 Accumulated settlements of Changhong Tunnel material on stability, uniformity, and pump ability. The
element 1 2 3 4 quality of the grouting results was checked out by grouting
accumulated settlements left-6.2 left-6.7 left-4.3 left-5.1 amount statistics, observation holes, and non-destructive
from September 2006 to investigation method.
October 2009 (mm) right-5.8 right-3.0 right-2.3 right-2.9

3.3.3 Settlement analysis

420 m in length. Figure 10 shows the geotechnical and
geomorphic profile along the tunnel alignment. The subsoil A total amount of 1807 m3 was finally grouted in this
at this tunnel site is mainly composed of loose sediments project. The accumulated settlement of this tunnel and the
belonging to the Quaternary system which is very similar measuring points are shown in Fig. 12. The settlements at
to the Changhong Tunnel. The tunnel is mainly located in J1 and J6 are relatively small because the two ends of the
the upper saturated mucky soil layer which is about 20 m in tunnel are placed on caisson and pile foundation,
thickness. The measured standard penetration value of this respectively. Except J1 and J6, the measured data of
mucky soil layer is only 1–2. J2–J5 shows that the tunnel settlement increased quickly
especially in early operation stage. Regular dredging has
been started to remove the deposition on the top of the
3.3.2 Construction techniques of grouting foundation
tunnel since 1998. After 5 years’ operation, it showed that
Grouting foundation treatment method is applied in the the tunnel settlement finally became steady since 2001.
Yongjiang Tunnel. The trench was excavated by 8 m3 grab The largest settlement occurred at J5 reached to 88.38 mm.
dredger. During the trench dredging, two grade slopes were
set up to ensure their stabilities and the gradients from the 3.4 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao-Bridge (HZMB) Immersed
bottom to top are 1:3 and 1:4. Before the immersion of the Tunnel
element, a 60 cm-thick gravel layer was placed on the
surface of the trench. After immersion, the element was 3.4.1 Introduction
supported on temporary foundation and 1.5 m lock fillings
were installed at both sides of the tunnel. The grouting was The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB)
then injected to fill up the 40 cm gap between the element Immersed Tunnel is composed of 33 rectangular concrete
and its gravel bedding (Fig. 11). elements, with a standard length of 180 m each. The cross-
Based on the large-scale simulation tests, the distance section of this tunnel is 37.95 m  11.40 m comprising two
between injecting holes was designed as 5.5 m and the traffic tubes and one central service gallery for ventilation
grouting pressure was designed as 0.05 MPa higher than and rescue. This 5990 m long tunnel consists of one
the local water pressure. Based on the indoor and in-site 5664 m long immersed section and two 326 m long cut and
material tests, three types of additives were added to the over sections. Figure 13 shows the geotechnical and
mix proportion (water: cement: bentonite: fly ash: sand = geomorphic profile along the tunnel alignment. The
2:1:0.2:0.8:4.5) to improve the performance of grouting bedrock is mainly composed by mixed granite and schist

Fig. 10 Geotechnical and geomorphic profile of Ningbo Yongjiang Tunnel.

Shaochun WANG et al. Comparative study on foundation treatment methods of immersed tunnels in China 91

Fig. 11 Foundation treatment design of Ningbo Yongjiang Tunnel.

Fig. 12 Curves of settlements of sections of Yongjiang Tunnel (Data based on Ref. [11].).

Fig. 13 Geotechnical and geomorphic profile of HZMB Immersed Tunnel.

belonging to the Sinian system, and covered by a 3.4.2 Construction techniques of gravel bedding foundation
Quaternary soil layer of 60–100 m thickness [12]. The
tunnel is buried mainly on mucky soil or silt clay in both Considering the poor and variable geotechnical conditions
ends and on sand or silt clay in the middle. The maximum along the tunnel alignment together with over 20 m thick
water depth of tunnel element immersion is 44.5 m. deposited backfill on the top of the tunnel, several
92 Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. 2020, 14(1): 82–93

foundation treatment methods are applied to reduce the 1) Pile foundation applied in the Changhong Tunnel
ultimate settlements and differential settlements of the achieves the smallest settlement of only 2 cm in very soft
tunnel (Table 5). Pre-stressed high-strength concrete ground with serious trench siltation problem, which proves
(PHC) pile and high-pressure jet grouting (HJG) pile are better in settlement control than sand flow and grouting
applied in both two island sections, while SCP pile method in similar geological conditions. As in both sand
composite foundation is applied in both two slope sections. flow and grouting, muck deposition on the foundation
A 1.5 m thick, 31.95 m wide gravel bedding made of layer is inevitable, which will cause a major deformation
20–75 mm sized stones is installed in the middle section of risk.
the tunnel and a 2 m thick riprap cushion layer is installed 2) Pile foundation method has the highest cost in the
below to ensure the uniformity of the gravel bedding. short term and lowest cost in the long term. The
The structure and geometry of the gravel bedding foundation/contract ratio (in cost) of pile foundation
foundation is presented in Fig. 14(a). The gravel is placed sums up to 5% much higher than other two methods
in discrete 1.8 m wide bunds forming a ‘Z’ type pattern in during the construction stage. However, both Yongjiang
longitudinal direction. To meet the accuracy requirements Tunnel and Outer Ring Tunnel have encountered many
of the gravel bedding construction, a homemade pontoon is problems during the operation stage: differential displace-
developed for this tunnel (Fig. 14(b)). The specified ment, cracks and leakage. Additional treatment measures
pontoon is capable of delivering an overall level accuracy have to be carried out to maintain the normal operation
of 35 mm from the design line throughout immunized to such as regular dredging and secondary grouting which
the complex hydrologic condition at a maximum depth of increased the total cost of these tunnels in the long term.
approximately of 50 m. HZMB tunnel has been finished 3) Subsoil conditions affect the performance of founda-
and opened to traffic in the end of 2018. Until now the tion treatment method greatly. For Outer Ring Tunnel and
tunnel settlement information of this tunnel is unknown. Zhujiang Tunnel, the sand flow treatment method applied
in different subsoil conditions results in totally different
settlement performance. The largest settlement in the Outer
4 Discussions Ring Tunnel is nearly 8 times higher than that of the
Zhujiang Tunnel. The settlement data of J2–J5 from
Based on above theoretical analysis and engineering Yongjiang Tunnel also indicates that subsoil consisting of
practices in China, experiences and lessons are concluded thicker soft layers tends to experience larger settlement.
and discussed together by a comprehensive comparison in 4) Gravel bedding method has been successfully applied
Table 6. It should be noted that since settlement and other in the HZMB Immersed Tunnel with an levelling accuracy
projects information of HZMB Immersed Tunnel are of 35 mm from the design line. When dealing with these
unknown at present, another immersed tunnel, Zhujiang long off-shore tunnels, gravel bedding method has the
immersed tunnel, is specified here. Some basic conclusions advantages of preventing liquidation, sparing temporary
can be reached as below: foundation, and harmless to concrete elements. The long-
Table 5 Foundation treatment method of different sections of HZMB Immersed Tunnel
section western island section western slope section middle section eastern slope section eastern island section
elements open and buried section E33-E30/S4 E30/S4-E6/S2 E6/S2-E1 open and buried section
treatment method PHC pile and HJG pile SCP composite gravel bedding SCP composite PHC pile and HJG pile
composite foundation foundation foundation foundation composite foundation

Fig. 14 (a) Geometry design of gravel bedding foundation (unit: mm); (b) construction of gravel bedding foundation.
Shaochun WANG et al. Comparative study on foundation treatment methods of immersed tunnels in China 93

Table 6 Comprehensive comparisons of four Chinese immersed tube tunnel foundations

project Outer Ring Tunnel Changhong Tunnel Yongjiang Tunnel Zhujiang Tunnel
purchasing method D&B D&B traditional traditional
construction duration 4 years 2 years 8 years 3 years
hydrogeology serious siltation serious siltation serious siltation intermediary weathered
and soft ground and soft ground and soft ground rock ground
foundation type sand flow pile grouting sand flow
accumulative settlement 23 cm 2 cm 8.84 cm 3 cm
foundation cost 13.5 20 2.29 5
(million RMB Yuan)
contract sum 0.11 0.372 0.16 0.173
(billion RMB Yuan)
foundation/contract ration 1.22% 5% 1.40% 2.89%

term performance of the HZMB Immersed Tunnel remains 48–57

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