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Exit ticket – A report about your baby alien!

Parent 1:___________ Parent 2:______________

Select any 2 genes (e.g. wings/eyes/fur) and show the anticipated crossing
between the parents.

Trait 1:

Parent 1’s phenotype : Parent 2’s phenotype:

Parent 1’s genotype: Parent 2’s genotype:

% of possible Genotypes: _______ _______

Homozoygous dominant___: ________ %
Heterozygous ___: ________ %

Homozygous recessive: _________ % ________

% of possible Phenotypes:

________: __________ %

________: ___________%
Trait 2:

Parent 1’s phenotype : Parent 2’s phenotype:

Parent 1’s genotype: Parent 2’s genotype:

% of possible Genotypes: _______ _______

Homozoygous dominant___: ________ %
Heterozygous ___: ________ %

Homozygous recessive: _________ % ________

% of possible Phenotypes:

________: __________ %

________: ___________%

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