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September 2012 – August 2015


The vision statement for Windermere Primary School is:

‘Learn Together – Grow Together’

Ofsted, staff, governors, parents and children have been involved in the process of evaluating the school’s performance in order to identify the priorities for
the coming years. The school’s vision statement lies at the heart of this development plan. All stakeholders are fully committed to improving teaching and
learning in order to improve the outcomes for pupils.
Information has been included from:
The recommendations from the Ofsted report of January 2012
The analysis of performance data such as RaiseOnline, Assessment Manager 7, Fischer Family Trust data and the school profile from the
Management Information Unit.
Pupil views from the weekly mixed age circle meetings/School Council
Feedback from governing body, staff and parents – questionnaires, Meet the Headteacher session, parents’ forum

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)


The areas for improvement identified are:

Key Issue 1: To improve pupil outcomes by raising standards, improving progress and by enhancing pupil enjoyment
This key issue will incorporate the following points from the areas for improvement:

1. Improve the levels of attainment in numeracy

2. Improve the levels of attainment in writing
3. Improve attainment and pupils’ achievements in Year 1 phonics
4. Improve levels of attendance
5. Improve the provision and outcomes in the Early Years Foundation Stage
6. To raise attainment of EAL pupils
7. To improve pupils speaking and listening skills

Key Issue 2: Improve the quality of teaching

8. Ensure all teaching is at least good and a significant proportion is outstanding
9. Improve the progress of vulnerable groups, particularly pupils with Special Educational Needs
10. Improve the provision for SEN pupils and vulnerable groups

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Key Issue 3: Improve the use of assessment information, target setting and marking so that pupils know what they have to do to

11. Ensure that pupils have a clear understanding of the next steps they need to take in their learning.
12. Ensure marking provides constructive feedback consistently
13. Giving pupils time to respond to feedback at the start of lessons

Key issue 4: Improve aspects of leadership, management and governance

14. Improve the quality of the school’s leadership and management, including the quality of its governance
15. Ensure that performance management arrangements are fulfilled according to current legislation
16. Ensure the school infrastructure reflects the educational requirements of the 21st Century

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)


KEY ISSUES.....................................................................................................................................................................5
SUMMARY OF KEY ISSUES .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Outcome Targets: English 6
Outcome Targets: Maths 6
Target Detail 8
KEY ISSUE 2: IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF TEACHING .............................................................................................................. 11
Outcome Targets 11
Target Detail 12
Outcome Targets 16
Target Detail 17
KEY ISSUE 4: IMPROVE ASPECTS OF LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE............................................... 19
Outcome Targets 19
Target Detail 20

GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................

APPENDIX 1................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
SUMMARY OF RESOURCE COSTS IN ACTION PLAN ..................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

APPENDIX 2 .................................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.

CYCLE OF MONITORING AND EVALUATION ................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Summer Term

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)



Key Issue 1: Raise standards and achievement in i. Improve the levels of attainment in numeracy
those curricular areas that are below expectations ii. Improve the levels of attainment in writing
iii. Improve attainment and pupils’ achievements in Year 1 phonics
by: iv. Improve levels of attendance
v. Improve the provision and outcomes in the Early Years Foundation Stage
vi. To raise attainment of EAL pupils
vii. To improve pupils speaking and listening skills

Key Issue 2: Improve the quality of teaching and i. Ensure all teaching is at least good and a significant proportion is outstanding
learning by: ii. Improve the progress of vulnerable groups, particularly pupils with Special Educational Needs
iii. Improve the provision for SEN pupils and vulnerable groups

Key Issue 3: Improve the use of assessment i. Ensure that pupils have a clear understanding of the next steps they need to take in their learning.
ii. Ensure marking provides constructive feedback consistently
information, target setting and marking so that
iii. Giving pupils time to respond to feedback at the start of lessons
pupils know what they have to do to improve by:

Key Issue 4: Improve aspects of leadership, i. Improve the quality of the school’s leadership and management, including the quality of its
management and governance by:
ii. Ensure that performance management arrangements are fulfilled according to current legislation
iii. Ensure the school infrastructure reflects the educational requirements of the 21st Century

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)


Outcome Targets: English

Key Stage % Level % Level % Level % Level Key Stage % Level % Level
Year 4
1 2+ 3 3+ 4 2 4+ 5

2013 Reading 80 20 Reading 100 36 Reading

Writing 80 20 Writing 92 36 Writing
English 86 38
2014 Reading 85 25 Reading 90 38 Reading
Writing 85 25 Writing 86 20 Writing
English 88 28
2015 Reading 90 30 Reading 85 25 Reading
Writing 90 30 Writing 85 25 Writing
English 92 36

Outcome Targets: Maths

Year 4
Key Stage % Level % Level % Level % Level Key Stage % Level % Level
1 2+ 3 3+ 4 2 4+ 5

2013 Maths 88 20 Maths 95 23 Maths 90 43

2014 Maths 90 25 Maths 86 43 Maths 92 24

2015 Maths 93 30 Maths 90 25 Maths 95 25

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

In order to achieve this we will: This means that:

 Improve provision for teaching numeracy 1.1 the outcome targets identified above will be met;
 Provide opportunities for sustained writing 1.2 the quality of teaching throughout the school will not be less than good
 Use Talk for Writing to help pupils develop writing structures and will show steady continuous improvement over the life of this action
plan (x-ref. Key issue 2);
 Ensure a clear tracking system is in place to monitor progress and
provide early intervention as soon as underachievement is noted (x-ref. 1.3 tracking pupil progress will be linked to the performance management
Key Issue 3); system within the school (x-ref. Key Issue 3);
 Develop cross-curricular links so that skills are developed and applied in 1.4 governors will have good knowledge and understanding of the tracking
various contexts; procedures and will hold the school to account for its performance (x-
ref. Key Issue 4);
 Improve levels of attendance
1.5 systems will be developed to target those families where absence is
 Improve attainment and pupils’ achievements in Year 1 phonics unacceptably high.
 Improve the provision and outcomes in the Early Years Foundation
 To raise attainment of EAL pupils
 To improve pupils’ speaking and listening skills

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Target Detail

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
1.1 Improve the Improve provision HT/ annual New maths Meet challenging targets Standards Visit End of KS levels will
levels of for numeracy Maths scheme set RaiseOnline achieve targets
attainment in SL Numicon
Raise pitch of HT/ Termly As above Meet challenging targets SLT monitoring cycle
numeracy lessons Maths review set
SL Increase children’s
confidence and enjoyment
of maths
1.2 Improve the Provide HT/ Lit Sept 2012 Inset Children will be able to SLT monitoring cycle End of KS levels will
levels of opportunities for SL with SL release write extended pieces for SL monitoring achieve targets
attainment in sustained writing – Termly time a sustained period of time
writing Big Write review End of Year assessment
Improved Teacher
Assessment writing levels
Use Talk for Writing HT/ Lit Sept 2012 Inset Children’s writing SLT monitoring cycle
to provide ch with a SL with SL release structured for genre SL monitoring
structure for writing Termly time Improved Teacher
review End of Year assessment
Assessment writing levels
1.3 Improve Give children Lit SL Ongoing TA support Improved performance in Year 1 phonics Year 1 phonics check will
attainment and opportunities to read and CT Termly in class Year 1 phonics assessment be broadly in line with
pupils’ alien words regularly review Improved reading levels in national averages.
achievements Year 1 and Year 2 Termly PPM - reading
in Year 1 levels

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Re Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person v./End s/Costs
1.4 Improve levels Monitor attendance HT None Improved attendance of AIO monitoring Attendance will be >95%
of attendance weekly; reward good Weekly pupils Half termly HT monitoring for all groups of pupils.
attendance for each Attendance >95%
Reward individual HT Half termly Certificates Improved attendance of Half termly HT monitoring
attendance for excellent pupils
Weekly/termly/ attendance Attendance >95%
annually Incentives
for 98%
Support learning of HT/SLT ongoing Provision of Improved attendance of
pupils with high additional pupils
levels of absence learning Attendance >95%
Teacher or
Involve parents in HT Half termly AIO visits Improved attendance of Half termly AIO
improving their Reviews pupils monitoring
children’s Attendance >95%
Involve AIO in HT Ongoing AIO Visits Improved attendance of Half termly AIO
monitoring pupils pupils monitoring
with absences Attendance >95%
greater than national
1.5 Improve the Develop the range HT/ CT Sept 2012 New play Greater opportunites to Early Years advisor visit Early Years advisor to
provision and and quality of equipment enhance learning in SLT monitoring cycle agree improved provision
outcomes in outdoor provision outdoor area of EYFS Improved outcomes from
the Early Review organisation HT/ CT Jan 2013 Early Years Enhanced learning EYFS advisor report EYFS to be broadly in
Years of outdoor learning Advisor provision in EYFS SLT monitoring line with national
Foundation provision averages.

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Re Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person v./End s/Costs
1.6 To raise Improve attendance HT/SLT Ongoing Improved attendance of Half termly attendance EAL pupils will make
attainment of of EAL pupils Termly EAL children, particularly monitoring progress at least as good
EAL pupils Bangladeshi families as their non-EAL peers.
Provide EAL HT/SLT Ongoing Teacher/TA EAL children will make Termly data tracking
support and Termly support good progress
intervention in class costs The gap between EAL
EAL books pupils and ARE will be
and less
1.7 To improve Provide pupils with HT/SLT Ongoing None Pupils will be able to Sharing assemblies Children, including EAL
pupils opportunities for Annual speak with confidence Speaking and Listening pupils, will speak to adults
speaking and speaking to groups review and greater presence in Teacher Assessments with confidence.
listening skills of pupils across the assemblies and class
school presentations

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)


Outcome Targets

By Sep 2013 there will be no unsatisfactory teaching observed in the school and at least 50% will be judged as good or better.

By July 2014 at least 80% of teaching will be judged as good or better and no unsatisfactory.

By July 2014 the progress of vulnerable groups, particularly pupils with Special Educational Needs, will be at least good.

In order to achieve this we will: This means that:

 Undertake a rigorous programme of monitoring, with next steps for 2.1 Eliminate unsatisfactory teaching wherever it exists in the school;
teachers clearly outlined; 2.2 Raise teachers’ expectations of what pupils can do;
 Provide training, including opportunities for peer observations and lesson 2.3 Ensure basic skills are taught well and pupils are given enough
studies, for staff where weaknesses are identified through the Cycle of opportunities to practice and consolidate the things they have learnt in
Monitoring and Self-evaluation (see Appendix 2); English, mathematics, and science in other subjects (x-ref. Key Issue
 Review the curriculum to ensure opportunities for cross-curricular learning 1);
of basic skills are explicit; 2.4 Ensure teachers make best use of the ICT around the school to
 Review the use of ICT so that best use is made of it in all areas of the improve learning;
2.5 Enhance the provision for vulnerable groups to improve their
 In conjunction with the SpLD Base and other professionals, review the achievement;
provision for vulnerable groups and implement intervention strategies to
2.6 Ensure that resources are kept up to date in order to enhance learning.
improve the achievement of these groups;
 Implement a rolling programme of resource renewal linked with the issues
outlined in this School Improvement Plan.

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Target Detail

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
2.1 Eliminate Monitoring of HT/DH Aut ‘12 - DH release All teaching will be at SLT monitoring cycle Teaching will be at least
unsatisfactory planning, teaching ongoing cover least good. good and often
teaching and marking. outstanding
wherever it Provide training for HT Aut 2012 - Training All teaching will be at SLT monitoring cycle
exists in the staff development ongoing and supply least good
school costs
Provide HT Spring Supply There will be a school SLT monitoring cycle
opportunities for 2013 - costs ethos of collaboration and Staff survey
peer observation ongoing support
and lesson studies All teaching will be at
least good
2.2 Raise Provide training for HT Aut 2012 – Training Pupils will make at least SLT monitoring cycle Teachers’ increased
teachers’ staff development ongoing and supply good progress Termly data tracking expectations will be
expectations costs evident in good or
of what pupils Moderation of work All Spring Staff Pupils will make at least SLT monitoring cycle outstanding teaching.
can do at inset/staff meeting 2012 training – good progress Pupils will make good and
Termly data tracking
Annual moderation outstanding progress in all
review clusters curriculum areas.

Feedback from HT Termly None Teachers will understand SLT monitoring cycle
monitoring cycle how to improve pupils Termly data tracking
Target setting SLT Termly PPM Teachers will be more SLT monitoring cycle
process and pupil supply confident in setting and Termly data tracking
progress meetings cover meeting challenging
with SLT targets for their pupils

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
2.3 Ensure basic Curriculum review to SLT Summer Resources Plans will reflect cross SLT monitoring cycle Core subject skills will be
skills are ensure cross 2013 – to support curricular application of incorporated in all areas
taught well curricular application ongoing full basic skills of the curriculum,
and pupils are of basic skills. review curriculum improving pupil outcomes
given enough Monitoring of plans, HT and Autumn SL supply Plans will reflect cross SLT monitoring cycle in core subjects.
opportunities lessons and SLs 2012 – cover curricular application of
to practise and marking. ongoing basic skills
the things they
have learnt in
English, maths
and science
2.4 Ensure Review of ICT SL Summer SL supply ICT will improve teaching SL report The use of ICT will
teachers make usage 2013 cover and learning across the enhance pupils’ learning.
the best use of school
ICT around the Review of ICT SL Spring Resources ICT will be used in SL report
school to provision for cross- 2013 to support subjects other than
improve SLT monitoring cycle
curricular x-curr ICT discrete ICT e.g.
learning applications science/maths

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
2.5 Enhance the Review and improve HT/ Aut 2012 None Produce provision maps Half termly monitoring by Vulnerable groups will
provision for provision maps SENCo that clearly identify needs SENCo make good progress and
vulnerable and how they are being Termly monitoring at achieve levels in line with
groups to met for all groups of PPMeetings. relevant national
improve their vulnerable pupils expectations.
achievement Identify gaps in SLT/ Aut 2012 None Identification of provision Half termly monitoring by
provision for SENCo/ required SENCo
vulnerable groups INCo Termly monitoring at
Liaise with Base HT/ Spring None Inset training re
staff and other SLT/ 2013 interventions
professionals to SENCo
identify ways in
which provision can
be improved
Train staff to SENCo Spring Training Staff will be able to deliver Half termly monitoring by
implement 2013 and supply intervention strategies SENCo
appropriate costs Vulnerable pupils will Termly monitoring at
intervention make at least good PPMeetings
strategies progress Termly Data monitoring
by SLT

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
2.6 Ensure that Audit existing SLT/SLs Summer Release SLs will produce action SL report summer 2013 Pupil learning will be
resources are resources for 2013 time for plans for their subject enhanced by the use of
kept up to date teaching and ongoing SLs areas current, appropriate and
in order to learning challenging resources.
enhance Source improved SLs Summer New Improved teaching and SL report summer 2013
learning resources for 2013 resources learning across the wider SL action plan
prioritised curriculum ongoing in some curriculum
areas areas Wider curriculum
opportunities for pupils
Monitor the usage of SLs Autumn Release More effective use of SL report autumn 2013
new resources 2013 time for resources
ongoing SLs Greater financial
accountability of SLs

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)


Outcome Targets

By July 2013 an effective system for assessing pupil progress will be in place, which will be understood by pupils and parents and allow pupils to identify
their next steps for improvement.
By July 2013 marking and assessment will be consistent across the school, allowing pupils to identify their next steps for improvement.
By January 2014 an effective pupil target setting system will be in place to enable staff to monitor progress and inform future planning and delivery.

In order to achieve this we will: This means that:

 A system for assessing pupil progress will be established across the 3.1 An effective assessment system will be in place and maintained across
school; the school;
 Further develop the target setting system, which tracks the progress of 3.2 The tracking system will set appropriate and challenging targets for
children in the school and identifies underperforming groups and pupils and instigate interventions to tackle underperformance (x-ref Key
individuals; Issues 1 and 2).
 Set and share group and/or individual targets with pupils, so that they 3.3 Parents will understand how to support their children in achieving the
understand what they need to do next in order to improve; next steps in their learning;
 Share targets and pupil progress assessments with parents so that they 3.4 Pupils will understand what they need to do next in order to achieve
can support their child’s learning; further;
 Monitor marking and feedback, including a review of the feedback and 3.5 The assessment and feedback policy will be applied consistently across
assessment policy, to ensure consistency across the school; the school;
 Ensure that marking and feedback clearly identifies for each pupil the 3.6 The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) will implement a rigorous
next steps for improvement; monitoring schedule. See Appendix 2.

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Target Detail

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
3.1 Establish an Review existing APP HT/SLT Autumn None Implement a consistent Data monitoring by SLT Assessment of pupil
effective system 2012 pupil progress termly progress will be useable
system for Establish a system HT/SLT Spring None assessment system for informing planning
assessing of APP that is 2013 and teaching.
pupil progress consistent across
across the the school
3.2 Develop the Establish target HT/SLT Summer Supply Teachers will have a SLT data monitoring
tracking setting meetings CTs 2013 cover greater understanding of termly
system to set with class teachers pupils prior attainment SLT monitoring cycle
appropriate at the end of the More effective planning
and academic year for pupil progress
targets for More accurate targets for
pupils and to individual pupils
tackle under- Use pupil progress HT/ Summer Supply Interventions for pupils SLT data monitoring
performance meetings to identify SENCo/ 2013 cover identified early termly
underperformance INCo Immediate SENCo monitoring of
and identify relevant CTs implementation for new provision and SEN
interventions academic year performance
Improved progress for
underperforming pupils
3.3 Share targets Share targets and HT/SLT Spring None Parents are more able to Parental survey Parents will be able to
and pupil APP grids with 2013 support pupils in support their children and
progress parents, identifying achieving next steps have a better
assessments next steps with them Greater parental understanding of how
with parents confidence about pupils’ well their children are
so that they progress achieving.
can support
their child’s

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
3.4 Set and share Set group or CTs Autumn None Pupils will understand Pupil voice surveys Pupils will understand
group and/or individual targets 2012 - their targets Lesson observations what they need to do to
individual with pupils ongoing improve.
targets with Use success criteria CTs Spring None Pupils will understand the Work scrutiny Pupils will implement
pupils, so that to give pupils a clear 2013 - next steps they need to those steps for
they under- Pupil voice surveys
indication of the next ongoing take. improvement.
stand what steps for Lesson observations
they need to Pupil outcomes will
improvement improve.
do next in Give pupils an Spring Pupils recognise how to
CTs None Work scrutiny
order to opportunity to 2013 - improve their work to
improve Pupil voice surveys
improve previous ongoing achieve their target
work/carry out Lesson observations
3.5 The Review assessment All Autumn None Teachers will have a Staff meeting minutes
assessment and feedback 2012 clear understanding of
and feedback policies the requirements of a
policy will be consistent policy
applied Monitor marking and HT/SLT Autumn Supply Marking and feedback SLT monitoring cycle
consistently feedback 2012 - cover for will be consistently good
across the ongoing SLT across the school
school release

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)


Outcome Targets

By July 2013 the new leadership team will be judged at least ‘good’.
By July 2015 leadership, management and governance will be judged as ‘outstanding’.
By July 2016 the infrastructure of the school will reflect the learning needs of the 21st Century.

In order to achieve this we will: This means that:

 Develop a strong and effective leadership team with the new 4.1. The SLT and governors will work closely together to ensure effective
Headteacher; leadership and management;
 Create opportunities to support governors in their understanding of the 4.2 The Governing Body will receive the appropriate training to discharge
school; their duties effectively;
 Use the Hertfordshire Framework for School Self-evaluation to help raise 4.3 A detailed cycle of monitoring and self-evaluation for SLT and subject
standards; leaders will be implemented. This will be monitored by the Governing
 Subject leaders will have a good knowledge and understanding of the Body; (x-ref. Key Issues 1, 2 and 3)
teaching and learning in their subject responsibilities. 4.4 The role of the subject leader will be improved so that they have a a
 Improve the role of the subject leader so that they have good knowledge good knowledge and understanding of their subject(s) within the
and understanding of their subject(s) within the school; school;
 Ensure that performance management arrangements are fulfilled 4.5 Performance management, and areas for development, will be linked
according to legislation and development targets contribute to the targets to the quality of teaching observed, the quality of work in evidence
identified in the School Improvement Plan; through work scrutiny and ensuring the progress targets set for a class
are met;
 Ensure the school complies with the financial systems and procedures
laid down by the LA; 4.6 Pupils’ learning will benefit from access to a well-resourced library and
research base;
 Establish a well-resourced library and research base;
4.7 Pupils’ safety will be enhanced by the introduction of a new fire
 Install a fire system that meets current building regulations for new system, with smoke detection systems and more call points.

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Target Detail

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
4.1 To develop a Create opportunities HT Sept 2012 Meeting GB will feel confident in Governors’ questionnaire Effective leadership of the
strong and for a close working Ongoing time new leadership of school Governor visit records school by SLT and
effective relationship with the GB will feel involved in the governing body. The
leadership GB Review at GB meeting minutes vision and values for the
JARV management of the
team with the school school will be shared by
new all.
Headteacher Hold regular SLT SLT Sept 2012 Release Leadership of the school Staff questionnaire
meetings to develop ongoing time for DH will be shared Records of SLT activities
leadership within the Review (1 day pw) Leadership team will – strategic monitoring
school termly and SLT share expectations and plan
member values for the school
(1pm pw)
Provide training HT/SLT Sept 2012 Release time Senior leaders will have Staff questionnaire
opportunities for ongoing for SLT to greater confidence in
SLT members to carry out leadership role
develop their leadership Senior leaders will
leadership skills Review role e.g.
March and monitoring, undertake tasks that lead
July to an improvement in
performance teaching and learning.
annually management
Complete new HT Sept 2012 Course Headteacher will have Staff questionnaire
Headteacher End: costs further developed skills to Pupil questionnaire
induction training Time carry out leadership role
Feb 2013 Parent questionnaire
Headteacher will be able
to lead school confidently Governor questionnaire
and effectively

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
4.2 Improve Governor training GB Sept 2012 Course Governors will feel more Governor questionnaire Governors will have a
governors opportunities Ongoing, costs, confident in discharging Staff questionnaire greater understanding of
understanding termly governors’ their role as critical friend the challenges faced by
of the school time to the school. Parent questionnaire the school and the
GB meeting minutes improvements required.
Include governors in HT/GB Sept 2012 Governors’ Governors will achieve a Governor questionnaire
staff meetings, pupil Ongoing, time greater understanding of Staff questionnaire
progress meetings termly the work of the school.
and monitoring cycle GB meeting minutes
review Staff will recognise the
role played by governors Governor Visit Reports
Governor visit days HT/GB Termly Governors’
time in the leadership of the
4.3 Ensure a Establish a detailed HT Sept 2012 Time SLT will be aware of Monitoring reports Robust monitoring will
rigorous and monitoring schedule Reviewed standards across the Staff questionnaire ensure that standards of
thorough cycle termly school teaching and learning,
of monitoring Staff will have a clear including planning and
and self- indication of next steps to Lesson observations and assessment and feedback
evaluation is improve and develop feedback are improved.
implemented Data analysis
Improved pupil outcomes
Establish a detailed HT/SLs Jan 2013 Release SL will have a greater Monitoring reports
subject monitoring SLT time for understanding of Staff questionnaire
schedule monitoring SLs standards and attainment
in their subject area Lesson observations and
April 2013 feedback

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
4.4 Enhance the Involve middle SLs April 2013 Release SL will have a greater Monitoring reports Responsibility for
roles of middle leaders in subject time for understanding of Staff questionnaire improving standards and
leaders i.e. monitoring, including SLs standards and attainment attainment will be shared
subject lesson observations in their subject area Lesson observations and throughout the school.
leaders feedback
SL will have an
opportunity to develop All leaders, including
their leadership role middle leaders will have a
good understanding of
what needs to be done to
improve their subject
provision and teaching.
4.5 Ensure that Carry out HT/GB Sept 2013 Time for Staff will have clear Performance Staff will undertake self
performance performance Mid-year meetings development targets that management targets and development in order to
management management review HIP costs will impact on outcomes reviews improve the provision for
arrangements planning meetings March and for HT for pupils. Monitoring reports pupils.
are fulfilled and review meetings July Pupil outcomes will
according to Lesson observations and
Annually feedback improve.

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

Lead Start/Rev Resource

Ref. Target(s) Action Success Criteria Monitoring Evaluation (Impact)
Person ./End s/Costs
4.6 Ensure the Establish a well- HT April 2013 £120K A well resourced library Pupil questionnaires Pupil attitudes to reading
school resourced library Children will be able to Pupil interviews will improve further
infrastructure use library for research Parents and visitors will
reflects the Parent questionnaires
purposes view the school as well-
educational GB minutes resourced.
requirements Pupils will enjoy reading
of the 21st and selecting books
Century Introduce a new fire HT/ Sept 2013 £20K A safe learning Health and safety audit Staff and pupils will feel
system Resourc environment for pupils safer
es and staff

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

4.7 Enhance the Install a canopy HT April 2014 £5K Pupils will be able to Lesson plans Pupil learning and
school outside Year 2 and 1 Resourc extend their learning Pupil questionnaires enjoyment will be
environment to allow year round es environment outside of enhanced.
with Learning outside learning, the classroom. Staff questionnaires
Outside the building on
Classroom Foundation Stage Improved pupil outcomes
opportunities learning esp in Science, maths
and Literacy.
Establish a nature SLT January £1K Improved outcomes for Lesson plans and
area within the 2013 science observations
school grounds that A broadened curriculum Work scrutinies Improved parental
supports LOtC perception of the school
Greater enjoyment of Pupil questionnaires and its provision.
Develop the school SLT October £1K learning /attitudes to learning
garden to provide 2013
further LOtC Parent questionnaires
Increased applications
opportunities Admissions data from new parents.
Create outdoor HT/Res April 2013 £10K Pupils will be able to
theatre ources create their own theatrical
Comm performances
Children will have an
opportunity to write for a
Enjoyment of
performance will be
Enhance playground HT/Res July 2013 £5K The playground areas will
areas to increase ources offer opportunities to
LOtC opportunities Comm enhance Literacy, maths
and science teaching.

Windermere Primary School: School Improvement Plan Version: 001 (November 2012)

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