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10/10/23, 6:44 AM Assesment Sumatif Tengah Semester I

10 poin

Assesment Sumatif Tengah Semester I

* Menunjukkan pertanyaan yang wajib diisi

1. Nama *

2. Kelas *

Tandai satu oval saja.




3. Dina : Can you borrow me a pen? * 10 poin

Sita : Yes, I ... borrow you a pen because I bring two pens.

Tandai satu oval saja.

will not




4. Miss Riri : Will you help me to bring these books? *

Bima : Sure, Miss. I will ... you to bring them.

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10/10/23, 6:44 AM Assesment Sumatif Tengah Semester I

10 poin

helps helping
help helped

5. “Will you come to the drama rehearsal?” * 10 poin

“ ......................I am so excited about that”

Tandai satu oval saja.

I don't know

I am not sure No, I

will not

Yes, I will

6. Mother: "Will you wash the carrot and the bean then cut them?" * 10 poin
You: "I'll do it, Mom".

The underlined sentence is the expression of ...

Tandai satu oval saja.

Asking for opinion

Asking for capability

Asking someone to do something

Giving help

7. Sonia: “ ......tell the teacher that I am still sick?” *

Riska: “Yes, I will tell her.” Tandai satu oval saja.

Can you

Are you

Are you able to

Will you 2/10
10/10/23, 6:44 AM Assesment Sumatif Tengah Semester I

10 poin
8. ______many vegetables in the market and you can buy it * Tandai 10 poin
satu oval saja.

There is

There are

There was

There were

9. _____ a cat in the living room. * 10 poin

Tandai satu oval saja.

There is

There are

There am

There be

10. ____ two pencils in my bag. *

Tandai satu oval saja.

There is

There are

There was

There were

11. _____ a problem with my computer. * Tandai 10 poin

satu oval saja.

There is

There are

There was

There were

12. ____ a beautiful garden in the backyard. * 10 poin 3/10
10/10/23, 6:44 AM Assesment Sumatif Tengah Semester I

10 poin
Tandai satu oval saja.

There is

There are

Is there

Are there

13. I can’t drink this coffee because it’s … hot. *

Tandai satu oval saja.

too very
enough too

14. She was _______ kind to help me when I was in trouble. * Tandai 10 poin
satu oval saja.

too very
enough too

15. The book is _______ difficult for me to understand. * 10 poin

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too very

enough too


16. The cake was _______ delicious that I couldn't stop eating it. *

Tandai satu oval saja.

too very
enough too

17. The book is _______ interesting that I couldn't put it down. * Tandai 10 poin
satu oval saja.

too very
enough too

18. He ___________ football with his friends after school. * 10 poin

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10/10/23, 6:44 AM Assesment Sumatif Tengah Semester I

10 poin

plays played

playing play

19. My grandparents ___________ to the park in the evenings. *

Tandai satu oval saja.

go goes
went going

20. We usually ____________ dinner at 7 o'clock. * Tandai 10 poin

satu oval saja.

have had
having has

21. Sarah ____________ her homework before watching TV. * 10 poin

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10/10/23, 6:44 AM Assesment Sumatif Tengah Semester I

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do does did


22. My cat ____________ on the windowsill every morning. *

Tandai satu oval saja.

sleep sleeps

slept sleeping

23. Choose the correct answer in the round brackets * 10 poin

It was (very/too) cold, but we played kites anyway.

24. My brother is _______(very/too) young to watch that movie. * 10 poin

25. The movie was _______ (very/too) long; it felt like it would never end. * 10 poin 7/10
10/10/23, 6:44 AM Assesment Sumatif Tengah Semester I

10 poin
26. Choose the correct answer in the round brackets * 10 poin

(There's/ there are) _____ a party at our house next weekend.

27. Choose the correct answer in the round brackets * 10 poin

(There's/ there are)_____ six chairs in the kitchen.

28. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentences! *

teacher - classroom - is - the - there - a - in

29. Dad always ________ the newspaper in the living room in the evening. * 10 poin

30. Ani often ________ traditional dances at school. (menari) * 10 poin

31. Every Saturday, we ________ to the park to play. (pergi) * 10 poin

32. She ________ breakfast every morning. (makan) * 10 poin 8/10
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