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Thin-walled Pressure Vessels

A tank or pipe carrying a fluid or gas under a pressure is subjected to tensile forces, which
resist bursting, developed across longitudinal and transverse sections.

If the thickness of the wall is less than 10% of the internal radius of the pipe or tank, then the
pressure vessel is described as a thin-walled pressure vessel. Because the wall is thin, the
stress in the wall is nearly the same on the inside and outside surfaces of the wall.
TANGENTIAL STRESS (Circumferential Stress)
Consider the tank shown being subjected to an internal pressure p. The length of the tank is L and
the wall thickness is t. Isolating the right half of the tank:

The forces acting are the total pressures caused by the internal pressure p and the total tension in the walls
F = pA = pDL
T= tAwall = t tL
F= 2T

pDL = 2( t tL)


If there exist an external pressure po and an internal pressure pi, the formula may be expressed as:

( )
Consider the free body diagram in the transverse section of the tank:

The total force acting at the rear of the tank F must equal to the total longitudinal stress on the
wall PT = L Awall. Since t is so small compared to D, the area of the wall is close to Dt

PT = L Dt
L Dt = p 4 D


If there exist an external pressure po and an internal pressure pi, the formula may be expressed as:

( )
It can be observed that the tangential stress is twice that of the longitudinal stress.

t=2 L

If a spherical tank of diameter D and thickness t contains gas under a

pressure of p, the stress at the wall can be expressed as:
( )
s t=
A large pipe, called a penstock in hydraulic work, is 1.5 m in diameter. Hence it is
composed of wooden staves bound together by steel hoops each 300mm2 in
cross-sectional area, and is used to conduct water from a reservoir to a power
house. If the maximum tensile stress permitted in the hoops is 130 MPa, what is
the maximum spacing between hoops under a head of water of 30m? (Mass
density of water is 1000kg/m3.
Diameter of penstock= 1.5m
Steel hoops= 300mm
Stress in the hoops= 130MPa
Spacing between hoops= 30m
Maximum spacing between hoops

The pressure corresponding to a head of water of 30m is given by
P= (1000kg/m3) (9.81 m/s2)(30 m)
P = 294 x 103 N/m2
P= 294 kPa
If the maximum spacing between hoops is denoted by L, then as shown in figure
each hoops must resist the bursting force on the length L. Since the tensile force
in a hoop is given by P=As, we obtain from the free body diagram

FBD Figure : spacing of hoops in a penstock

DL = 2P
DL = 2As
(294 x103K/m2)(1.5m)L= 2(300 x10-6)(130x106)
L = 0.177m =177mm
A cylinder steel pressure vessel 400 mm in diameter with wall thickness of 20mm,
is subjected to an internal pressure 4.5 MN/m2 . (a) Calculate the tangential and
longitudinal stresses in the steel. (b) To what value may the internal pressure be
increased if the stress in the steel is limited to 120MN/m2 ? (c) If the internal
pressure were increased until the vessel burst , sketch the type of fracture that
would occur.
Diameter of cylindrical pressure vessel = 400 mm
Wall thickness = 20 mm
Internal pressure = 4.5 MN/m
Allowable stress = 120 MN/m
Longitudinal stress
Tangential stress
Maximum amount of internal pressure that can be applied
Expected fracture if failure occurs

Part (a)
Tangential stress (longitudinal section):

F= 2T
pDL= 2(st tL)
( )
st = = ( )
st= 45MPa
Longitudinal Stress (transverse section):

( )

( )
st = ( )
st = 22.5MPa
Part (b)
From (a), st= and st= thus, st=2st, this shows that tangential stress is critical.

s t=
( )
( )

The bursting force will cause a stress on the longitudinal section that is twice to that of the
transverse section. Thus, fracture is expected as shown.

Activity 4
Problem # 1
A water tank is 8 m in diameter and 12 m high. If the tank is to be completely filled , determine
the maximum thickness of the tank plating if the stress is limited to 40MPa.
Problem # 2
A cylindrical pressure vessel is fabricated from steel plates which have a thickness of 20mm.
The diameter of the pressure vessel is 500mm and its length is 3m . Determine the maximum
internal pressure which can be applied in the stress in steel is limited to 140MPa . If the internal
pressure were increase until the vessel burst, sketch the type of fracture which could be occur.

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