Australian Dental Journal - 2017 - Fu - Gingival Enlargement in A Pregnant Woman With Acute Monocytic Leukaemia A Case

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Australian Dental Journal

The official journal of the Australian Dental Association

Australian Dental Journal 2017; 62: 386–389

doi: 10.1111/adj.12525

Gingival enlargement in a pregnant woman with acute

monocytic leukaemia: a case report
Y-W Fu, H-Z Xu
Department of Stomatology, The First People’s Hospital of Lianyungang, Lianyungang, China.

The objective of the present study was to report the case of a pregnant woman with severe gingival enlargement for
3 months with undiagnosed acute leukaemia. The pregnant woman presented with anaemia and generalized gingival
enlargement. A provisional diagnosis of gingival enlargement in pregnancy was made. Twelve days after the initial treat-
ment, the patient was referred and admitted to the haematology department of a local hospital with clinical signs of
anaemia and thrombocytopenia. Blood count showed a white blood cell count of 9.68 9 109/L, with a haemoglobin
count of 64.0 g/L and a platelet count of 17 9 109/L. Bone marrow aspiration showed 94.5% monoblasts, and the mor-
phological diagnosis was acute monocytic leukaemia. One day after admission, the patient delivered a male infant by
Caesarean section. Ten days after the Caesarean section, the patient was started on a course of chemotherapy. Pul-
monary infection, hypokalaemia, and respiratory failure developed, and the patient died 23 days after the Caesarean sec-
tion. The present case shows the importance of awareness of severe gingival enlargement as an initial oral sign of acute
Keywords: Acute monocytic leukaemia, gingival diseases, gingival enlargement, leukaemia, pregnancy.
Abbreviations and acronyms: AML = acute myeloid leukaemia; RT–PCR = reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.
(Accepted for publication 23 April 2017.)

intervention can improve the chances of remission for

patients with leukaemia.
Gingival enlargement is an increase in size of the gin- Here, we present an unusual case of acute mono-
giva and is a common feature of gingival disease.1 Sev- cytic leukaemia during pregnancy initially presenting
eral systemic diseases may give rise to gingival as generalized gingival enlargement. In this case, the
enlargement through different mechanisms. Acute leu- failure to recognize the significance of the oral symp-
kaemia is the most serious condition related to gingi- toms of leukaemia led to a delay in diagnosis. In addi-
val enlargement. In the meantime, hormonal changes tion, we provide a brief review of previous published
occurring during pregnancy are also associated with reports on the current knowledge of leukaemic gingi-
generalized gingival enlargement.2 Thus, leukaemic val enlargement.
gingival enlargement in pregnancy may be misdiag-
nosed because it is infrequently seen in dental practise.
Leukaemias are cancers of the blood or bone mar-
row. Most leukaemias are either myeloid or lympho- A 27-year-old woman who was 8 months pregnant
cytic/lymphoblastic, depending on which cells they presented to our Department of Stomatology with
affect, and can be either chronic or acute.3 Leukaemia fatigue, anaemia and gingival enlargement that had
during pregnancy is rarely encountered. The preva- been progressing over the past 3 months. Before visit-
lence of pregnancy-associated leukaemia is approxi- ing our hospital, she had been treated with supragin-
mately 1/10 000 pregnancies,4 and acute leukaemia is gival scaling and systemic antibiotics at a local dental
estimated to occur in 1/75 000 pregnancies.5 Leukae- clinic, but her gingival enlargement had not improved.
mia often presents as a medical emergency, leaving lit- The patient was diagnosed with iron deficiency anae-
tle time to consider the consequences of mia during her prenatal care in the second trimester.
chemotherapeutic interventions.6 Early diagnosis and She did not take any medication except ferrous sulfate
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Leukemic gingival enlargement in pregnancy

Fig. 1 Generalized gingival enlargement affecting both upper and lower Fig. 2 Bone marrow aspirate morphology from our patient showing a
gingivae in our patient. monomorphic population of monoblasts (Wright–Giemsa stain, original
magnification 91000).

for the treatment of anaemia. Her physical examina- intensive care medicine, the decision was made to per-
tion revealed pale appearance and generalized gingival form an urgent Caesarean section using general anaes-
enlargement (Fig. 1). The enlarged gingiva was moder- thesia. One day after admission, the patient delivered an
ately firm and had a shiny surface. Necrotizing ulcera- infant by Caesarean section. The infant was male,
tive inflammatory involvement was observed in the 3100 g, with Apgar scores of 8 at 1 min and 9 at 5 min,
maxillary left posterior palatal gingiva. This area was respectively. The infant was discharged home in good
yellowish brown and painful. Plaque and calculus dis- condition on day 7 of life. During the Caesarean section,
tribution were insignificant. A provisional diagnosis of the patient received 4 units of packed red cells and
gingival enlargement in pregnancy was made. Oral 1 unit of platelets. Ten days after the Caesarean, the
hygiene instructions were clearly explained to her. The patient was started on a course of chemotherapy. During
pockets were irrigated with a 0.1% aqueous solution of her hospital stay, the patient was instructed to rinse her
chlorhexidine, and she was instructed to rinse the mouth with 0.2% chlorhexidine twice daily. Pulmonary
mouth with 0.2% chlorhexidine twice daily. The infection, hypokalaemia and respiratory failure devel-
patient was advised to return the next day for further oped, and the patient died 23 days after the Caesarean
examination of peripheral blood smear but did not section. The baby is now 24 months of age and in good
attend. general condition.
Twelve days after the initial treatment, the patient
was referred to the department of haematology of a
local hospital with clinical signs of anaemia and
thrombocytopenia. On admission, the patient was Gingival enlargement may be suggestive of underlying
pale and feverish, and had scattered purpura on the systemic disease, such as acute leukaemia, as in the
extremities. No lymph nodes and no spleen were pal- case presented herein. Leukaemic gingival enlargement
pable. Blood count showed a white blood cell count in pregnancy is easily misdiagnosed because it is rarely
of 9.68 9 109/L, with a haemoglobin count of 64.0 g/ encountered in dental practise. There are some hor-
L and a platelet count of 17 9 109/L. Bone marrow monal and physiological changes during pregnancy in
aspiration showed 94.5% monoblasts (Fig. 2), and a woman’s body. The changes may make the diagno-
the morphological diagnosis was made as acute mono- sis of leukaemia more challenging. The diagnosis may
cytic leukaemia, French–American–British classifica- be missed or delayed since non-specific symptoms of
tion M5b. Immunophenotyping surface marker leukaemia such as weakness, fatigue, anaemia and
analysis of leukaemic cells from bone marrow by flow gingival enlargement are sometimes attributed to preg-
cytometry was positive for CD7 (17.0%), CD13 nancy.2,4 Examination of bone marrow aspirate sam-
(61.8%), CD33 (99.5%), CD34 (3.5%) and CD117 ples is currently considered a reliable method for the
(6.5%). CD56 expression was not studied. Chromoso- diagnosis of leukaemia. Similar to all other biopsies
mal analysis performed on bone marrow revealed a performed under local anaesthesia, a bone marrow
normal 46, XX, (16) karyotype. The reverse transcrip- biopsy can be safely carried out during pregnancy
tion polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) analysis dis- without harming the foetus.4
closed the MLL–AF9 fusion gene. Leukaemic cells can infiltrate the gingiva and result
After an interdisciplinary conference involving haema- in gingival enlargement. Gingival enlargement in
tology, maternal–foetal medicine, anaesthesiology and patients with leukaemia has been described in several
© 2017 Australian Dental Association 387
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Y-W Fu and H-Z Xu

subtypes of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML),7–19 Pre-existing periodontal disease can exaggerate the
chronic myeloid leukaemia,20 acute lymphocytic leu- leukaemic infiltration and worsen the gingival enlarge-
kaemia21 and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia.22,23 ment.29 In the present case, plaque and calculus distri-
Furthermore, acute myelomonocytic leukaemia (M4) bution were insignificant in the initial oral
and acute monocytic leukaemia (M5) are reportedly examination. Gingival enlargement in the patient
more prone to gingival enlargement.8 A study of 1076 might have been due to leukaemic infiltration and
patients with leukaemia demonstrated that 38 (3.6%) hormonal changes during pregnancy. Considering the
of the 1049 dentulous patients had leukaemic gingival dramatic gingival enlargement, it appears that leukae-
enlargement, with the highest incidence in patients mic infiltration might have been the major cause of
with acute monocytic leukaemia (66.67%), followed the marked gingival enlargement. Biopsy can be used
by those with acute myelomonocytic leukaemia to confirm leukaemic cell infiltration.9,12,17–20,24 In
(18.52%) and those with acute myelocytic leukaemia patients with diagnosed leukaemia, the findings of gin-
(3.68%).24 The case reported here supports these find- gival biopsy may be of interest, but their benefit to
ings and represents the M5 subtype of AML. the patient is insufficient. In our case, the gingival
Clinically, acute monocytic leukaemia is associated biopsy was not performed.
with a high frequency of extramedullary involvement As gingival enlargement is one of the earlier signs
(most notably the skin, gum and central nervous sys- of AML, early diagnosis and intervention can improve
tem).25 Extramedullary involvement is associated with a patient’s chances of remission. Given the rapid pro-
the presence of CD56 antigen on blast cells and kary- gression and aggressive behaviours of the disease, den-
otypic abnormalities involving chromosome 11, in tists are responsible for early diagnosis in a certain
particular abnormalities of 11q23 involving the mixed portion of patients with AML. In the meantime, medi-
lineage leukaemia (MLL) gene.15,20 In our case, RT– cal consultation must be essential in periodontal and
PCR analysis disclosed the MLL–AF9 fusion gene. dental treatment in such cases.
Moreover, acute monocytic leukaemia usually has a
poorer prognosis than other subtypes of AML.
Patients with acute monocytic leukaemia are supposed
to receive careful clinical evaluation and early inten- No financial support was received for this work and
sive care unit admission to afford a higher chance of was self-funded by the authors. Dr Fu wrote the paper.
recovery by using non-invasive diagnostic and thera- Professor Xu reviewed and edited the manuscript. We
peutic strategies.26 thank Yan-Hui Li for assistance in preparation of the
The coexistence of leukaemia and pregnancy is manuscript and Lei Jiang for the provision of material.
uncommon. There is still no standard approach for
the current clinical dilemma.5 The majority of the leu-
kaemias diagnosed during pregnancy are acute. Of
these acute leukaemias, more than two-thirds are The authors declare that they have no conflict of
myeloid.5,27 Acute leukaemia during pregnancy should interest.
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