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A. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d!

This dialogue is for questions 1 and 2.

Yoga : Whose bag is it?

Bella : It is Nio’s bag.
Yoga : Oh . . . do you see my bag?
Bella : What does it look like?
Yoga : It is orange. There is a picture of motorcycle.
Bella : I saw it on the round table in the living room.
Yoga : Okay, thank you, Bella.
Bella : Don’t mention it!
1. What does Yoga’s bag look like?
a. It is on the round table. c. It is on the motorcycle.
b. It is in the living room. d. It is orange.
2. Based on the dialogue, we know that . . . .
a. Bella helps Yoga to find his motorcycle. c. Bella keeps Yoga’s bag
b. Yoga is looking for his bag. d. Nio’s bag is the same with Bella’s bag.

This dialogue is for question 3 to 5.

Vinda : Hello, Amir.

Amir : Hello, Vinda. How are you?
Vinda : I’m fine. Anyway, I am sorry I couldn’t come to your birthday party last week. I got
Amir : that’s okay. How is your leg now ?
Vinda : it gets better. By the way , this is my little brother. Andri, this is my friend.
Amir : hello, Andri
Andri : hello, Nice to meet you.

3. Why does Vinda make an apology? Because . . . .

a. She got an accident
b. She didn’t come to Amir’s party
c. She had another business
d. She went to visit her brother at the hospital
4. From the dialogue, we know that . . . .
a. Amir has met Andri before
b. Amir went to Vinda’s birthday party
c. Vinda got hospitalized because of her leg
d. Vinda asks her brother to apologize
5. The expression of greeting is . . . .
a. Hello, Amir. c. Andri, this is my friend.
b. It gets better. d. How is your leg now.
This text is for questions 6 and 7.

My favorite teacher is mathematics teacher, and she is without a doubt is the best teacher I’ve
ever had. Through her passion for math, as well as her love of teaching, she has the capacity to bring a
subject that many students find terribly uninteresting to life. Attending her classes is something we look
forward to rather than something we dread, as is the case with most other classes.

6. The purpose of the text is to . . . .

a. Criticize a teacher c. show pride of a teacher
b. Make a teacher stand out d. promote a teacher
7. Many students like the teacher because of her . . . .
a. Way of teaching b. beauty c. patient d. kindness
8. Miss Tania rarely . . . beef for dinner. She often prepares chicken. Sometimes she makes butter
chicken, chicken fried rice, chicken bake, or teriyaki chicken.
a. Cook b. cooks c. is cooking d. cooked
9. How old is Sarah in 2022?
a. 12 years old b. 13 years old c. 14 years old d. 15 years old

This text is for questions 10 and 11

I have a new pet. It is an owl. I named it Wolli is a unique and amazing bird. It is heavy bird. It
has large an oval face. Wolli has round eyes. Its eyes are large and are locked in the skull. It means the
eye cannot rotate independently. Its favorite food is insect and chicken meat.

10. What is being describe in the text?

a. The writer’s pet b. A meat c. An insect d. A chicken
11. Does Wolli has an oval face?
a. Yes, she does b. Yes, it does c. No, she doesn’t d. No, it doesn’t

This text is for questions 12-14.

Mrs. Allen is an art teacher. She teaches in a junior high school. she usually goes to school by a
motorcycle. She has a daughter, so she usually takes her first at her elementary school. Mrs. Allen is a
good teacher. She explains the lessons clearly. She rarely gets angry. That’s why many students like her.

12. What does Mrs. Allen do?

a. She is a housewife. c. She is a teacher
b. She is a student. d. She is a driver
13. How does Mrs. Allen go to school?
a. By bus b. By a motorcycle c. By a taxi d. By a bicycle
14. The students like her because . . . .
a. She is a teacher
b. She teaches junior high school
c. She takes her daughter at elementary school
d. She rarely gets angry

This text is for questions 15 to 17

I live in Jakarta, but I don’t live in an apartment or modern house. my family and I live in an
bapang house. it is traditional house of Jakarta or Betawi. My house has spacious front porch. We
usually relax there. Bapang house consist of living room, family room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and
extra spacious terrace. In front of the terrace, it has fence. My parents put some flower pots hanging
above the fence. They beautify my house. I love my house very much.

15. The writer’s house is . . . .

a. traditional b. modern c. unique d. special
16. “My house has a spacious front porch.” The underlined word has similar in meaning to . . . .
a. Narrow b. far c. large d. simple
17. How many parts does bapang house usually have?
a. Four b. Five c. Six d. Seven
This text is for questions 18 to 20.

Doves are small, stocky birds. They belong to pigeon family. Doves are known for their low, soft
cooing. All doves have short legs and walk as if their feet are tender which causes their heads to bob
back and forth. These birds have fairly long tails with distinct color patterns that are useful in identifying
the various species. Doves forage for seed by walking and pecking at the ground, but most won’t move
leaves or litter to find seeds.

18. The text describes . . . .

a. doves in general c. habitat of doves
b. a species of doves d. characteristic of doves
19. Doves are popular for their . . . .
a. Feathers b. voice c. behavior d. habit
20. What causes their head bob back and forth?
a. Their unique heads. c. Their beautiful feathers.
b. Their short legs. d. Their particular species

This text is for questions 21 to 25.

Fahmi’s School

Fahmi studies in SMP Harapan Bangsa. It is a popular school in his town. He is in the first grade.
Fahmi’s school is large and big. It has a large schoolyard. The parking area is large, too. It has complete
facilities, such as laboratory, library, and canteen.
The laboratory is located behind Fahmi’s classroom. It is a small laboratory for experiment. The
library is beside the teacher’s room. It is a comfortable place to study. The school canteen is beside the
parking area. It is a big and clean canteen. There are many chairs and tables. The canteen sells many
kinds of delicious and healthy food. Fahmi really likes his school. His classroom is comfortable and clean.
It has an air conditioner.

21. The text is about . . . .

a. Fahmi’s schoolyards b. Fahmi’s classroom c. Fahmi’s school d. Fahmi
22. Fahmi’s school is . . . .
a. Isolated b. popular c. small d. unknown
23. The library is . . . .
a. Far b. large c. complicated d. comfortable
24. The canteen is . . . .
a. large and complete c. delicious and healthy
b. big and clean d. comfortable and clean
25. From the text, we know that . . . .
a. Fahmi’s school doesn’t have a laboratory c. It is not Fahmi’s favorite school
b. The school is incomplete. d. The school is large and famous

This dialogue is for questions 26 to 30.

Debi : Have you ever seen elephants?

Janu : Yes, I have. Elephants are the largest land mammals on earth and have distinctly massive
bodies, large ears, and long trunks.
Debi : That’s right, they use their trunks to pick up objects, war by trumpeting, greet other elephants,
or suck up water for drinking or bathing.
Janu : I know that. Both male and female African elephants grow tusks.
Debi : Right. Elephant tusks serve many purposes. These extended teeth can be used to protect the
elephant’s trunk, lift and move objects, gather food, and strip bark from trees. They can also be
used for defense. During times of drought, elephants even use their tusks to dig holes to find
water underground.
Januar : How does they live?
Debi : They are organized into complex social structures of females and calves, while male elephants
tend to live in isolation or in small bachelor group.
Januar : Wow, you know much about elephants!
26. Janu and Debi are talking about . . . .
a. hippo b. pet c. elephant d. wild animal
27. Elephant warns by trumpeting using their . . . .
a. legs b. ears c. trunks d. skins
28. Elephants use their tusk to . . . .
a. Pick up objects
b. Greet other elephants
c. Suck up water for drinking or bathing
d. Dig holes to find water underground
29. Male elephants tend to live in . . . .
a. Tend b. Isolation c. large bachelor groups d. huge house
30. Based on the dialogue, the correct statement is . . . .
a. Elephants are not largest land mammals on earth.
b. Elephants greet other elephants use their large ears.
c. Females and calves live in different group from male elephants.
d. To suck up water for drinking, elephants use their extended teeth.

This incomplete text is for numbers 31 to 33.

Rania is my sister. She is a 31) _____. She works in a 32) _____ of Sukabumi city. She helps the doctor
and looks after the patients. She gives the patients the 33) _____ and she often talks to them and listens
their problem.

31. a. patient b. doctor c. nurse d. dentist

32. a. library b. hospital c. school d. market
33. a. stove b. medicine c. blackboard d. school uniform

This incomplete text is for numbers 34 to 36.

I live in Dempet, Demak. It is located in Central Java. It is a nice and quiet village. Most 34) _____
are farmers. They grow paddy, watermelons, and cucumbers. Some villagers are breeders. They raise
cattle, such as cows, sheep, and goats. They 35) _____ their crops in the market near my village. My
house is near a river. I usually fish there with my friends. The water is clear. The place is also shady
because there are 36) _____ big trees. I really love my village.

34. a. villagers b. people c. residents d. citizens

35. a. buy b. get c. take d. sell
36. a. few b. less c. many d. much
37. Rearrange the following sentences into good paragraph!
1) It is thick and beautiful
2) I always write my experiences there.
3) My favorite thing is my diary.
4) I don’t like others read my diary.
5) So, I usually hid my diary in my locked box.
The best arrangement is . . . .
a. 3 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 6 c. 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 6
b. 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 6 d. 3 – 5 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 6

This text is for number 38 to 40.

Hello, Everyone. My name is Satria Pratama. Now I study at Junior high school. I live in small
village with my parents. My father is a teacher in elementary school. My mother is a housewife. My
hobby is fishing. I usually go fishing with my friends on Sunday. Sometimes, I play football with my
friends at the field near my house. I really love living in a village because it is cool and green.

38. From the text, we know that Satria . . . himself.

a. Introduces b. recognize c. informs d. announces
39. What does Satria’s father do?
a. He drives to school. c. He cleans the school.
b. He goes fishing. d. He teaches students.
40. What does Satria usually do on Sundays?
a. Plays with his sister. c. He cleans the school.
b. Goes fishing. d. He teaches student.
41. Mom will roast a chicken for our dinner. She uses . . . to roast the chicken.
a. microwave b. frying pan c. kettle d. stove
42. We use . . . to boil water.
a. rice cooker b. kettle c. microwave d. toaster
43. Aunt Betty uses the rice cooker to . . . rice.
a. wash b. fry c. bake d. cook

This text is for number 44 to 46.

Last month, my dad bought me a hamster. I love the hamster very much. It is small and cute. Its
name is Terra. Terra is a unique hamster. Its fur has three colors: white, brown, and black. It ears and
eyes are small. It is adorable. It always squeaks when I come closer to its cage. I feed Terra in the
morning. Terra’s favorite food is carrots and cabbages.

44. The text tell us about . . . .

a. The writer’s favorite food c. Carrots and cabbages
b.The writer’s pet d. The color of hamster
45. Based on the text, what do you know about Terra?
a. Terra is a big and furry animal. c. It doesn’t like carrots and cabbages.
b. Terra’s ears are long and large. d. Its fur has three different colors.
46. Based on the text, we know that . . . .
a. Terra’s eyes are red c. Terra’s legs are long and big
b. Terra consumes part of plant d. The writer’s pet doesn’t have a name

This text is for number 47 to 50.

My cat Bronie

I (47) _____ a cat. Its name is Bronie. I found it on the street when I went home from minimarket a
month ago. Its fur is black. I (48) _____ it twice a day. Its favorite food is sardine. When I first found it, it
was very thin, but now it is fat. Bronie (49) _____ become my friend. I often bring it to (50) _____ in the
park or take it for a walk. I am very happy to have it.

47. a. am b. do c. have d. did

48. a. feed b. feeding c. feeded d. feeds
49. a. has b. have c. is d. does
50. a. playing b. play c. plays d. played


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