Poetry Analysis

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Farrell 1

Tyler Farrell

Prof. Pettay

ENG 112

29 April 2024

Poetry Analysis

Poetry is emotion, passion, a way to express your feelings without filler. The best way to

describe poetry would be that poetry is language diluted. When given the poetry unit I was hesitant

about how I would do any of the three poetry assignments given to me. I was horrible at poetry, until I

understood that diluted means to water down but not necessarily take away. Once I understood this I

realized how to create my poster assignment. My creation Future Plans best shows my understanding

of the learning targets because my creation communicates more than just my understanding of images

and symbols within poetry.

Even though I only used symbolic images in my poem, the images show more than just abstract

ideas and portray a common theme. The theme of my poem was to communicate how I see myself in

the future. I show my understanding of the theme by using different types of figurative language

throughout my poem to tie to my theme. Different images are linked to multiple ideas together. The

four stars circling the sun are meant to represent the four elements, and the colors of the stars are to

represent two of the four horsemen, conquest and war, along with the meaning of the different colors,

the blocky sun is to represent the square and reason, and the astronaut is meant not only as exploration

but also exaggerates the phrase “I'm on top of the world” which is how I wish to see me in my future.

The Black Pearl and the astronaught in the galaxy background is a metaphor for myself. Since I'm
Farrell 2

going into the navy I will be in the sea a lot and I wish to fly a plane so I hope to explore the stars. All

of these ideas represented with different forms of figurative language connect to my theme and my title

of how I see my future.

Speaking of theme, the choices I make in my poem show the audience how I wanted to create,

reflect, and purposefully design my poem to represent my message. Even though it is arguable that the

images I chose in my poem seem randomly placed and misguided from my theme, I can assure that I

thought of every detail of my poem down to the location of my images reflects how I feel and the

message. The placement of each image is to follow another image in some form to show a path. The

ship behind the planet is to show a path to greatness, and my theme of the future. The purple birds

flying into the sun are even there to show how freedom can lead to indulgence. My poem Future Plans

best shows my understanding of the learning targets and how to communicate my theme.

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