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Lab # 1 gates

Lab2:- Full Adder

- Full Adder ……………………..number = 4008

- Experiment requirement
o Full adder 4 bits
o Logic switches
o Led0
o Ground
- Add A+B where A=1111 and B=0000 and initial CIN=0

Exercise:- Deign 4-bits full adder to add A=1101 , B= 1011. And CIN=1
Design two 4-bits full adder the following: Add two numbers with 8 bits

- Experiment requirement
o 2 Full adder 4 bits
o Logic switches
o Led0
o Ground
Logic( ‫) و‬hex display( ‫)) ثم استخدم‬Quadruple 2-input multiplexer ‫صمم وارسم المرسل المضاعف‬
C ‫) للتعبير عن ناتج‬Display
Logic( ‫) و‬hex display( ‫)) ثم استخدم‬Quadruple 2-input multiplexer ‫صمم وارسم المرسل المضاعف‬
C ‫) للتعبير عن ناتج‬Display

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