English Speech

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Assalamualaikum, wr. Wb.

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to stand on this pulpit.

We, who currently sit as the educator should know that Indonesian teenagers are being
threatened. Their future is in danger. Why do I say that? It is based on the fact that
many teenagers of Indonesia have exceeded their age. At their young age, I often see
them smoking, then there is a lot of data shows that they are pregnant out of the
marriage due to promiscuity.

The bad moral that we usually see nowadays is a motorcycle gang that do so many
damage to public facilities; then there is another one that consistently performed by
Indonesian teenagers, namely brawl.

Social intercourse is the thing which should be guarded very well. Our children have not
been able to sort out which ones are good and which ones are bad. So I invite the
educators here to work together in order for guiding our students to get the best moral
education. When the moral education they get is in a high quality, then I’m sure they
will able to avoid all forms of incitement moral evil out there.

So, we can not only provide the academic education. If we continue to focus only on
academic education, then the intensity of moral education will be reduced and our
students are not able to be an intelligent including admirable.

When we teach in the classroom, it’s better to provide a few minutes to advise our
students, so that they are able to obtain a moral sufficiently. The division of the existing
education system in the classroom should be 50:50. 50 percent is the academic
education, while 50 percent is moral education. When the technique is run consistently,
I believe Indonesian students will be better in the future and promiscuity will be

I have not found any other ideas I want to express. So, thank you to those of you who
have listened to my vision.

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.


Assalamualaikum, wr. Wb.

Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada Allah SWT karena telah memberikan kesempatan
kepada saya untuk berada di mimbar ini.

Kita saat ini duduk sebagai seorang pendidik seharusnya mengetahui bahwa remaja
Indonesia sedang terancam. Masa depan mereka sedang berada di dalam bahaya.
Kenapa saya berkata begitu? Ini berdasarkan banyak fakta bahwa pergaulan remaja
Indonesia telah melampaui batas usia mereka. Di usia yang masih muda, sering saya
lihat mereka merokok, kemudian ada banyak data yang menunjukkan bahwa mereka
hamil di luar nikah akibat pergaulan bebas.

Kerusakan moral lainnya yang biasa kita lihat adalah geng motor yang melakukan
kerusakan-kerusakan terhadap fasilitas umum, kemudian ada satu lagi yang konsisten
dilakukan oleh remaja Indonesia, yaitu tawuran.

Pergaulan merupakan sesuatu yang harus kita jaga dengan baik. Anak-anak kita belum
mampu untuk memilah mana yang baik dan yang buruk. Sehingga saya ajak pendidik
yang ada ada disini untuk bersama-sama membimbing siswa kita untuk mendapatkan
pendidikan moral yang terbaik. Ketika pendidikan moral yang telah mereka dapatkan
kualitasnya begitu tinggi, maka saya yakin mereka mampu terhindar dari segala bentuk
hasutan kejahatan moral yang ada di luar sana.

Kita tidak bisa hanya memberikan pendidikan akademis. Jika kita terus berfokus pada
pendidikan akademis, maka intensitas pendidikan moral akan berkurang dan siswa kita
tidak mampu menjadi seorang yang cerdas dan mulia.

Ketika kita mengajar di kelas, adalah baik apabila kita menyediakan waktu beberapa
menit untuk menasihati siswa. Sehingga mereka mampu mendapatkan pendidikan
moral yang cukup. Pembagian sistem pendidikan yang ada di kelas seharusnya 50
berbanding 50. 50 persen adalah pendidikan akademis sedangkan 50 persen adalah
pendidikan moral. Saat teknik tersebut kita jalankan dengan konsisten, saya yakin
pendidikan Indonesia akan lebih baik dan pergaulan bebas akan semakin berkurang.

Ketika berdiri di sini, saya belum menemukan ide lain yang ingin saya ungkapkan. Jadi,
terima kasih untuk Anda yang telah mendengarkan visi saya.

Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh

Ladies and gentlemen.

Good Morning Everyone, First of all, let’s give thanks to ALLAH Almighty who has given
us grace, guidance and blessing, so that we can gather in this place without any
obstacles. Sholawat and Salam may always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW
who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. May we all get intercession on
the end, amen.

Thanks for the opportunity, What an honor for me to stand here and deliver a speech .
The tittle of my speech is the important of islamic education.

As we all know that teenagers are the most important part of the growth of the
country. They are the new generation. Young generation is a figure that always brings
alterations. Alteration in life order of some era is quite influenced by the role of young
As we know, a lot of teenagers who do not know the manners.
We can see from the television and other news media, a lot of chaos caused by teens.
In addition, a lot of teenagers are now involved violence, cigarette and drug addicts,
going beyond the limits, join other motorcycle clubs and other wild

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