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1st Course

Name: Javier Flores Barillas Date: 14/02/2023


(Mark Twain)

(1) Who are the three main characters in the short story?
The three main characters are the Reverend, Scoresby, and the guy who
attended the diner

(2) Where does the short story begin, who is being celebrated, and why?
The story starts at a diner in England honoring one of the most celebrated
military man.

(3) How did Scoresby pass his mathematics exam?

By a miracle and because the Reverend taught him facts day and night as
much facts as he could shout at him.

(4) Why did the Reverend feel responsible for Scoresby?

He felt responsible because he was the only thing that made him pass his
examinations and that in the real world he would be miserable.

(5) Scoresby was successful at battle. What did he do and why was he lucky?
He turned in the wrong direction with his group of soldiers, he was lucky
because the army he found in the wrong direction thought he had a whole
army and ran off which was really lucky.

(6) What is the major point about Life, which the short story is trying to say?
I think what the story is trying to say is that taking a risk is necessary in life
to succeed.

(7) Is everything in Life due to luck?

No, but some things are indeed influenced by luck
(8) Is Scoresby like "Forest Gump"?
In a way he is, both of them weren't very intellectual but both of them
achieved fantastic things.

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