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1. Is it a video or a text?

2. What is the title? Give the link if possible.

Strong-one direction

3. Why did you pick this title?

Because the content pf the song relates to my life in the pas until now

4. Please summarize what you have watched/listened/read! (at least 100 words)
In the song tells of someone who hopes to get feedback from someone he loves. And
this person willing to do anything for his love to be reciprocated. He doesn’t care, and
he not afraid to fall in love even if what he does makes him sick. And this person is too
hopeful and has depended on the person he loves because he only thinks when he is
wuth him he becomes weak, and this person ask him to give support and strength in
his life

5. What did you learn from watching/listening/reading it?

Don’t depend on humans and become strong for yourself by not laving someone until
you are stupid

6. How will you apply the learned knowledge in your life?

Because it relates to my life in the past until now

7. Anything that you want to add/discuss?


8. Don’t forget to put the new vocabulary in the vocabulary book ya!

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