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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Syllabus of course Business Intelligence Solutions, Code 203008075

1. Course Information

The course is part of the academic unit: Escuela de Ciencias Básicas Tecnología e
Ingeniería ECBTI

Academic degree level: Especialización Training field: Disciplinar

Number of credits: 2 Course type: Methodological

The course does not have a re-Take Course designed by: Jeinny Maria
exam Peralta Polo

Course updated by: Jeinny Maria Peralta Polo

Date of design: Wednesday, April 27, 2022 Date of update: Thursday, July 13, 2023

Course Description:

Business Intelligence Solutions is a methodological course that is part of the specific disciplinary
training field. The course aims to provide a set of methodologies, and processes in the R or Power
BI software environment to transform a business's data into quality information easier to interpret,
and in this way guarantee a correct analysis of the operation of a business. In this course, problem-
based learning is used as a learning strategy, that is, through the process and analysis of problem
situations. The course has been designed to be executed in 16 weeks with two (2) academic
credits. It is divided into two main units. The first unit is oriented to the extraction, transformation,
and loading (ETL) of data. The second unit is oriented toward understanding the implementation
of BI strategies such as dashboard, predictions and analysis focused on the environment, and
using it to answer a business question. Both units work on a real problem situation.

2. Course Learning Purpose:

The course learning purpose is:

o Analyze and visualize business data for informed decision making with strategic insights.

3. Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the course the student will be able to:

Learning Outcome 1: The student examines a business objective through understanding the
Learning Outcome 2: The student modifies data to meet business or analytic needs through
the R or Power BI software environment.
Learning Outcome 3: The student builds a data analytics solution using simple linear
Learning Outcome 4: The student proposes a solution to answer a business question
through the presentation of data insights.

4. Learning Strategy:

The Learning Strategy for the course is: Problem-based learning.

This Learning Strategy is based on: Present a controversial situation with the aim that
students, through autonomous, meaningful, and collaborative learning, develop and carry
out the critical reasoning necessary to solve the proposed problem.

The Learning Strategy is organized in 5 Phases

• Phase 1: Exploration.
• Phase 2: Organization and design.
• Phase 3: Practical component - Construction.
• Phase 4: Discussion.
• Phase 5: Evaluation.

5. Course Contents and Bibliographic References

Unit 1: ETL and Data Clean

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

• Extracting data from sources.

• Cleaning data to turn raw data into datasets ready for analysis.
• Transforming data to fit analytic needs.

• Loading data for analysis.

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

LeBlanc, P., Moss, J. M., Sarka, D., Ryan, D., & Koesmarno, J. (2015). Applied Microsoft
business intelligence. Wiley. https://elibro-

Medina, E. (2012). Business Intelligence: Una Guía Práctica. Perú. Editorial Universidad
Peruana de Ciencias.

Sherif, A. (2016). Practical business intelligence. Packt Publishing


Unit 2: BI data analytics

In this unit, the following contents will be addressed:

• Exploring multiple variables simultaneously
• Box plots and histograms
• Simple linear regression
• Multiple linear regression
• Scatter plots

To address the contents, the following bibliographic references are required:

LeBlanc, P., Moss, J. M., Sarka, D., Ryan, D., & Koesmarno, J. (2015). Applied Microsoft
business intelligence. Wiley. https://elibro-

Medina, E. (2012). Business Intelligence: Una Guía Práctica. Perú. Editorial Universidad
Peruana de Ciencias.

Sherif, A. (2016). Practical business intelligence. Packt Publishing

Peralta, J. (2022). Box plots and histograms. [Objeto_virtual_de_Informacion_OVI].

Repositorio Institucional UNAD.

6. Organization of Weekly Academic Activities and Course Evaluation Plan

Initial Moment:

Phase 1 : Exploration

To be developed from week 1 to week 2

This responds to Learning Outcome: 1

The activities are: To explore variables related to the business context.

Initial moment evaluation

The evaluation criteria for this activity are:

• The student classifies the variables and correctly completes the table proposed
in exercise 1.
• The student identifies concepts related to the frequency distribution in solving
the questions in exercise 2.
• The student identifies and classifies the variables that are related to the
business context of the problem proposed in exercise 3.
• The student participates in the discussion forum arranged for the development
of Phase 1.
• The student submits the work on time and does it as request.

The highest score for this activity is 25 points, corresponding to 5% of the course evaluation.

Intermediate Moment

Phase 2: Organization and design.

To be developed from week 3 to week 6

This responds to Learning Outcome: 2

The activities are: To manipulate a database associated with a business problem.

Evaluation of Phase 2
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:

• The student applies an extract method to import data into R or Power BI from a .csv
• The student understands the data and cleans up common deficiencies.
• The student transforms the data and uploads it to a new .csv file.
• The student participates in the discussion forum arranged for the development of
Phase 2.
• The student submits the work on time and does it as request.

The highest score for this activity is 100 points.

Phase 3 Practical component - Construction.

To be developed from week 7 to week 10

This responds to Learning Outcome: 3

The activities are: To explore the characteristics of a variable and establish relationships
using linear regression.

Evaluation of Phase 3
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:

• The student studies the characteristics of a variable and represents them graphically.
• The student explores the relationship between two variables and represents them
• The student builds a model using simple linear regression.
• The student participates in the discussion forum arranged for the development of
Phase 3.
• The group delivers the consolidated work on time as requested.

The highest score for this activity is 100 points.

Phase 4: Discussion

To be developed from week 11 to week 14

This responds to Learning Outcome: 4

The activities are: To present data insights that respond to a business problem.

Evaluation of Phase 4
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:
• The student builds a linear regression model and graphs the relationship between two
• The student understands the model and how it represents the relationship between
the two variables.
• The student makes some predictions based on the model and interprets the
confidence interval.
• The student builds and understands the linear regression model for multiple
independent variables.
• The student participates in the discussion forum arranged for the development of
Phase 4.
• The student submits the work on time and does it as request.

The highest score for this activity is 150 points.

The highest score for this evaluation moment is 350 points, corresponding to 70% of the
course evaluation.

Final Moment

Phase 5: Evaluation.
To be developed from week 15 to week 16
This responds to Learning Outcome: 2
This responds to Learning Outcome: 3
This responds to Learning Outcome: 4

The activities are: To demonstrate the knowledge acquired in the course by presenting the
solution to the problem posed.

Evaluation of Phase 5
The evaluation criteria for this activity are:

• The student builds simple linear regression models and manipulates the data to
remove outliers.
• The student builds and understands the multiple linear regression model.
• The student presents the solution to the problem with a correct recommendation.
• The student participates in the discussion forum arranged for the development of
Phase 5.
• The student submits the work on time and does it as request.

The learning evidence for this activity are:

Written work with the development of the exercises in a .pdf file where the solution of the
proposed problem is evidenced.

The highest score for this activity is 125 points, corresponding to 25% of the course

7. Teacher’s Support

To develop the course activities, you will have the support of a teacher or tutor. The options
for this academic support are:
• Virtual Campus E-mail
• Collaborative Forums
• Skype Sessions
• Online Conference Sessions or Web Conferences
• Remote Lab Practice Component

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