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Terms of Reference

Facilitate and Conduct Training Sessions to develop capacity of personnels in photography and
videography for “Empowering Women’s CSOs to Ensure Good Governance (WEE)” Project

1 Introduction to the project

Project Title Empowering Women’s CSO to Ensure Good Governance (WEE) Project
Project Location in Faridpur Sadar, Bhanga and Boalmari at Faridpur district, Manirampur,
Bangladesh Jashore Sadar and Jhikorgacha at Jashore district, Dacope at Khulna
District, Baliadangi at Thakurgaon district and Panchagarh Sadar at
Panchagarh district
Project Duration 42 months from 02 February 2021 to 31 July 2024
Co-funder European Union
Implementing agency and Led by Traidcraft Exchange and co-implemented by Ulashi Sreejoni
partners in Bangladesh Sangha (USS) and Bikash Bangladesh
Key Stakeholders Women CSOs, family members, Duty bearers (Government, Local
Authorities, private sector, civil society) and partner organizations

“Empowering Women’s CSOs to Ensure Good Governance (WEE) Project” is led by Traidcraft Exchange
and co-implemented by Ulashi Sreejoni Sangha (USS) and Bikash Bangladesh. The project is underway in
09 sub-district Faridpur Sadar, Bhanga and Boalmari under Faridpur district, Manirampur, Jashore Sadar
and Jhikorgacha under Jashore district, Dacope under Khulna District, Baliadangi under Thakurgaon
district and Panchagarh Sadar under Panchagarh district. The European Union is providing financial
support with an aim to build capacity of women’s grassroots CSOs to contribute to the advancement of
gender equality, women's empowerment, and participation of marginalised women in local governance.
The project is being implemented in rural areas of 5 districts where poverty is high: Faridpur, Jessore
and Khulna in the south, Panchagarh and Thakurgaon in the north. Faridpur, Jessore and Khulna report
extreme poverty rates above the national average: 20%, 18%, 21% respectively (World Bank 2016).
Whilst rates of extreme poverty are lower in Panchagarh and Thakurgaon (12% & 14%), these rates still
represent over 300,000 extremely poor individuals and livelihoods of these people are more volatile
because of the heavy reliance on agriculture and therefore increased susceptibility to climate patterns.
The Project therefore is working along four core strategies. Firstly, strengthening women CSOs as
independent, well-governed and financially sustainable institutions. Secondly, seeking to improve local
democratic governance by cultivating an enabling environment that supports the inclusion of
representative women’s organisations on key decision-making fora. Thirdly, acknowledging the
centrality of the family unit to rural life and working constructively with this institution as the nucleus
within which gender roles are cultivated and then propagated in wider society. Fourthly, by ensuring
women’s economic rights and access to decent work in the informal and formal sectors, thus promoting
inclusive development.
The Project targets 15,000 rural women and their 61,650 family members in 9 Upazilas across the 5
target districts. The project is also working with 540 local government officials working in target
communities to help them increase knowledge and commitment towards empowering women CSOs.
Target Zilas (districts) and Upazilas (Sub Districts)
District Upazila
Faridpur Sadar
Faridpur Bhanga
Jashore Jashore Sadar
Khulna Dacope
Thakurgaon Baliadangi
Panchagarh Panchagarh Sadar

2 Organizational overview
Traidcraft Exchange (TX) is a British Charity have been working in Bangladesh since 2005. Traidcraft
Exchange brings people together, to fight injustice in trade. Over the last 16 years, Traidcraft has worked
directly with over 28,000 vulnerable and socially excluded rural households: developing democratically-
run village-based groups and associations and nurturing their links to duty-bearers and private sector
players. Traidcraft Exchange exists to do two things:
 To support people to harness the benefits of trade
 To fight against injustice in global trade
Ulashi Sreejony Sangha (USS) is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-governmental voluntary organization
and started its activities from 10th January 1984. It has decades of experience in managing
socioeconomic projects and have experience working with marginalised communities in the target
districts focusing on gender discrimination and women empowerment.
Bikash Bangladesh is a Bangladeshi NGO working with poor communities (especially women) in
Panchagarh. Bikash brings the experience, capacity and infrastructure to implement this project through
staff based in target areas in the North and support from their head office in Panchagarh. Bikash is one
of the few organisations in the target areas to do this type of work with vulnerable people and
communities and other relevant stakeholders in such an efficient and cost-effective way.

3 Context of the Assignment

Empowering Women’s CSO to Ensure Good Governance (WEE) Project will run for 42 months across 4
years and involves 15,000 rural women and their 61,500 family members along with duty-bearers
(Government, Local Authorities, private sector, civil society) across 5 districts. Traidcraft Exchange
collects multiple types of data from the beneficiaries and the implementing partners in regular intervals,
which are used for tracking project progress, monitoring, and knowledge management. Photography
and videography are essential tools for data and knowledge management, particularly in preparation of
case stories and status quo report.. The data includes but is not limited to:
Beneficiary demographic data
Household information
Training records
Meeting logs
Project activity records
Currently, the data is collected in an ad-hoc basis with limited opportunity to collate and compare across
timeline. Maintaining a comprehensive digital data repository will assist the project to monitor and
utilize the information in a more efficient manner.
Currently, the photography and videography work are conducted by project staffs of Traidcraft
Exchange, or in special case, outsourced to consultants and vendors. Aligned with the vision of “Shifting
the Power”, Traidcraft intends to mobilize and capacitate association leaders and local personnel (part
of the beneficiary pool) to collect photos and videos as necessary to the project.
4 Scope of Work
Traidcraft Exchange is inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) from interested individuals/organizations to
conduct three 3-day-long training sessions in three districts: Faridpur, Jessore and Khulna provide the
support for consolidating the primary data into a comprehensive digital data repository in photography
and videography whereby participants would be expected to receive the following: with the following
o Understanding of the mobile applications and functions used for photography and videography
o Detail techniques of photography and videography to produce short interviews and films
o Detail techniques of recording to produce clear sound
o Understanding of the file formats, storage and transfer mechanism of captured image and
o Lessons on basic mobile based editing of produced files
o Mobile application-based support for data input and supervision on the go
o Real-time data synchronization support with offline functionality
o Intuitive user interface suitable for supervision team with limited technical knowledge
o Flexible administrative access allowing for batch input and modifications of the existing entries
Participants would be expected to have practical exercises under each of the module.

5 Outputs and Deliverables

The bidders can offer dedicated application or opt for software as a service model. The expected output
and connected deliverables will be:
 Training material for conduction sessions at three districts
 Practice sessions of trainees at selected venues
 Three sets of 3-day long training at three districtsA customized interface for TX staff use
 Complete field-level usage tutorial
 Process understanding and orientation workshop for select TX staff members
 Troubleshooting support for 6 months
Further details have been provided in the Functional Requirements segment.
Functional Requirements
The contracted consultant(s)/organization will provide a robust and user-friendly mobile based
application (Android) to collect and manage digital data. This dynamic and integrated digital data
repository needs to have the following functionalities:

• A user-friendly dashboard, accessible to different users with varying levels of access and
• Registering the targeted beneficiaries’ profile for time-to-time data collection in handheld
devices at field.
• Data input and validation mechanism with different user level management and application
allowing access, data insertion, modification and deletion based on user's profile rights set by
the designated team of the project.
• Grassroot level meeting monitoring and financial inclusion data insertion system enabling the
connection with each group through beneficiary code/s.
• Log of training records for individual as well as women CSOs and associations training. Please
note, each CSO contains 30 beneficiaries and associations contain varied number of
• Custom generated information or message push system for handheld devices to disseminate
contextual or emergency and early warning events.
• Voice SMS and masking SMS alert system use to all beneficiaries and wide range of stakeholders
for knowledge dissemination.
• System will provide data platform to support data export/import/view in open, non-proprietary
form such as xml, csv, json etc.
• Provide a database administration module, allowing for advanced user management, with a
staggered set of privileges for different users as well as user authorization, tracking/authorizing
changes to results hierarchy, database download, online backup, and other necessary features.
• Should follow any of the industry standard secure development methodology such as (but not
limited to) Comprehensive Lightweight Application Security Process (CLASP) by the Open Web
Application Security Project (OWASP) etc.
• Should consider (but not limited to) common vulnerabilities such as SQL Injection, Cross Site
Scripting (XSS), Denial of Service (DoS) attack, session fixation, code injection etc.
• Should provide support for the Input Validation Controls, Authorization/Authentication Control
and other security controls in place in both test and production environment of application.
• Ensured secure hash algorithm - 2 (SHA-2) technics for all confidential information and system
users IDs and password.
• Application compatible with latest web technologies and should be W3C compliant.
6 Roles and Responsibilities

6.1 Consulting Firm/Individual

 Undertake the assignment as outlined in the ToR
 Complete the tasks in the ToR after discussion and guidance from TX
 Update TX on a regular basis concerning progress.

6.2 Project Evaluation Team

The main functions of this group are:
 To ensure that the contracted partner has access to and has consulted all relevant information
sources and documents.
 To validate the process framework and methodology by the Evaluation Team with support from
relevant experts.
 To provide feedback on the process and included content

7 Timeline

The assignment should be completed during over the project period.

Activity Deadlines
Closing date for receipt of proposals 030 July 2022
Finalizing contract term and contract signing 07 AugustJuly 2022
Submission of detailed execution plan 127 AugustJuly 2022
Submission of training materials to be usedCompletion of 21 JulyAugust 2022
understanding interviews
Training sessionsPrimary showcase of the deliverables 25 August to 25
September28 July
Feedback Process 04 August 2022
Orientation workshop for select TX staff members 11 August 2022
Final submission of deliverables Y2 31 January 2023
Final submission of deliverables Y3 31 January 2024
Final submission of deliverables Y4 31 July 2024
Concluding reporting 3031 SeptemberJuly

8 Budget and Mode of payment

The evaluator should develop a budget for completing the study as outlined in this ToR by clearly
allocating expenses and daily rate.
 30% of the total fee will be paid on signing the contract
 50% of the amount will be paid after completion of the first training session. the submission of
detailed execution plan.
 The remaining amount (20%) will be paid upon completion of all training session.acceptance of the
final report.
 The payment would be made in crossed cheque in the name of the consulting

9 How to apply
Interested organizations or individuals are requested to submit their Expression of Interest (EOI)
electronically to the following address on or before 030 July, 2022:
Please email to: with cc to
The EOI should include:
 Contact details and up to date and detailed profile of the consultant(s)/organization
 A clear and detailed overview of how this piece of work will be approached, the methodology
proposed, and the outputs generated, with a clear timeline for each of the specified activity and a
budget apportioned for the assignment
 OneTwo references
Mentionable that EOI should contain budget by the bidder for development of training materials and
conducting the training only. The costs associated with training arrangement (e.g venue, food, etc) are
not to be included in EOI and would be borne by Traidcraft Exchange.
The EOI should not be more than 10 pages long, should have single spacing, and use a minimum font
size of 10.

10 General terms and conditions

 Traidcraft Exchange reserve the right to accept or reject any proposal without providing verbal
and/or written rationale
 All reports and documents prepared during the assignment will be treated as the property of
Traidcraft Exchange
 The reports/documents or any part, therefore, cannot be sold, used, and reproduced in any manner
without prior written approval of Traidcraft Exchange
 Traidcraft Exchange reserve the right to monitor the quality and progress of the work during the

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