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Name of Candidate: Gr. & Section: Schedule of Defense:

Research Title:

Laurence Anthony V. Mercado
Final Defense Panel:
Chair: Teodora S. Caruz
Laurence Anthony V. Mercado ; Joel Rodriguez

Rubric Indicator Weight Score

1. Contribution to the field of specialization/discipline: Makes a significant impact on 10%
the discipline; Demostrates the ability to bring together concepts and/or results that
promote significant advances in the field of study
2. Substance and Content: Demonstrates breath of scientific/ knowledge on the body 20%
of topic; Supporting evidence is sufficient and well utilized
3. Methodology: Demonstrates appropriateness/accuracy of the research 20%
methodology /approach
4. Form and Writing Style: Demonstrates language clarity and correct application of 10%
rules of style and grammar, including proper use of citation.
1. Organization: Oral presentation was well organized; Confident use of visual aids 10%
or other media
2. Delivery/ Oral articulation: Speaks in a smooth, clear and confident manner; 10%
Clearly articulates his/her views/thoughts
3. Mastery of the Topic: Effectively answers all questions with explanations and 20%
elaboration; Defends, clarifies, and expands upon the manuscript with further
evidence and argument
Total 100%

Comments/Suggestions: ___________________________________________________________________

Action Taken:

( ) Approved ( ) Approved with Revisions ( ) Disapproved

(Name and Signature of Adviser/Evaluator/Date)

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