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Project Management

a CEO of a temporary team who works to create, manage, and track a project
from start to finish. As a project manager, you could be employed by a startup
or a big corporation. You could work full-time, freelance, or even be a

project managers are responsible for planning, organizing, and managing the
completion of a project, while ensuring that it delivers the expected results on
time, on budget, and within scope. all project managers share responsibilities
across what’s commonly referred to as the “project life cycle.” It consists of
four phases:
Initiating: defining its purpose, the business case, its benefits, and its high-
level scope; identifying the key stakeholders
project charter, a technical name for a detailed proposal.
Planning: define the scope of the project and create the larger plan of action.
come up with key deliverables, deadlines, major risks or obstacles you may
face, and you set a budget
Executing and monitoring: creating a high-performing team and helping
that team successfully complete the project at hand
Closing: Looking back at the business case, thanking the team, providing
individual feedback, and capturing lessons learned

Plan Driven Project Management

As the most traditional method of managing projects, Plan Driven project management – or
sometimes referred to as Predictive – aims to plan as much of the scope, costs, schedules, and
resources as early and as thoroughly as possible to minimize waste due to misalignment,
uncertainty, rework and changes. Controlling expenditures, resource allocation and utilization,
schedules and deadline, quality standards, and stakeholder requirements are critical to the
success of the project.

Agile Project Management

Agile methodologies aim to embrace changes early and often in a project to reduce the impact of
changes later. This is accomplished with shorter timeboxed cycles to produce work, gather
feedback, and iterate based on feedback and learning. Allowing and encouraging change is
crucial. Being transparent and honest enables teams to get more input on work in progress and
ability to adjust quickly. Scope and outputs may shift, expand, and/or contract as the product

Second Agile Project Management

Agile methods are best suited for smaller, more self-organizing teams. Self-contained teams
allow more ability to inspect and adopt faster and with less overhead or dependencies.
Nevertheless, as organizations grow and more teams require greater communication and
collaboration to fulfill common goals and objectives, there must be frameworks in place to
support larger coordinated efforts.

Operating agile at a larger scale demands more visibility and synchronization. This includes
within the near-term timeboxes as well as within longer-term initiatives. For instance, related
teams or programs may allocate an entire sprint primarily for planning and coordination. This
enables teams to better forecast what they may be doing or leading towards. But more
importantly, it allows the teams to uncover where and when they depend on each other. Teams
can “see” farther out and understanding the cross team relationships to achieve various aims.
Then throughout these “program iterations”, teams meet regularly to stay in sync or coordinated.

Hybrid Project Management

The approaches of project management do not need to be mutually exclusive. There are times
when aspects or techniques from one method can be incorporated from those of another. This
blended approach can support those projects that can benefit from elements of the various

For instance, teams may want to follow the pre-determined timeboxes of agile teams, yet
maintain more traditional long-range planning. This enables teams to be aligned in the cadence
of other teams while retaining their predictive plans.

Tools: Asana, Basecamp, ProofHub, Podio, and JIRA

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