PreS + PreC

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Phân biệt thì hiện tại đơn và thì hiện tại tiếp diễn

Present simple Present continuous

Công thức (+) S + V(s/es) + O (+) S + (am/is/are) + V-ing
(-) S + don’t/ doesn’t +V-inf (-) S + (am/is/are) not + V-ing
(?) Do/ Does + S + V-inf? (?) Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing
Cách dùng 1. Diễn tả sự thật hiển nhiên hay 1 chân lý. 1. Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra ngay tại
2. Diễn tả thói quen hàng ngày. thời điểm nói.
3. Diễn tả cảm giác, cảm xúc và tình trạng 2. Diễn tả sự việc đang xảy ra nhưng không diễn
hiện tại. ra tại thời điểm nói.
4. Diễn đạt các hành động theo thời gian biểu, 3. Diễn tả một sự việc sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai
lịch trình (Thời khóa biểu, lịch tàu xe...) theo một kế hoạch đã được lên lịch cố định.
4. Diễn tả sự không hài lòng hay phàn nàn về
việc gì trong câu sử dụng “always”.
Dấu hiệu - Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: usually, sometimes,… - now, right now, at present, at the moment, today,
- every day/ Monday/ week/ month… …
- on Saturday/ in the evening/… - Một số động từ: Look! Listen! Watch out! Look
- once/ twice/ three times a week… out!

- Trạng từ chỉ tần suất: always/ often/ sometimes/ usually/ rarely/ seldom/ never/…
100% 0%
always usually often sometimes rarely never

 Cách thêm s/es vào động từ

walk  walks; write  writes;
Động từ có quy tắc thêm ‘s’
find  finds

watch  watches; go  goes

thêm ‘es’ vào sau các động từ kết thúc bằng
wash  washes;
–ch, -o, -s, -sh, và –x
relax  relaxes

động từ kết thúc bằng một phụ âm + y study  studies

 đổi y sang i rồi thêm es. carry  carries
Động từ bất quy
động từ kết thúc bằng một phụ âm + y
play  plays; buy  buys
 giữ nguyên và thêm ‘s’

Động từ ‘have’ khi đi với He, She, It sẽ

He has dinner at 7 pm.
chuyển thành ‘has’

1. Write the verbs in Present Simple

1. Martin _______________________________ (wash) his car every Friday.
2. Daniel always_______________________________ (run) in the marathon.

3. Martha _______________________________ (not laugh) with my jokes.
4. Lorena often _______________________________ (wear) sunglasses.
5. The baby often _______________________________ (sleep) in the afternoon.
6. William _______________________________ (not tidy) his bedroom.
7. Leonor _______________________________ (help) her father in the shop.
8. We sometimes _______________________________ (eat) fish and chips.
9. Patricia _______________________________ (not understand) English.
10. Miriam _______________________________ (dust) the furniture.
2. Write the verbs in Present Continuous
1. Look! The bus _______________________________ (come)
2. Julia _______________________________ (teach) Spanish this term.
3. Carol _______________________________ study) French right now.
4. The kids _______________________________ (sing) a song.
5. We _______________________________ not surf) in the web.
6. Tina _______________________________ (wear) a black dress.
7. My brothers _______________________________ (sit) on a bench.
8. Barbara _______________________________ (go) to school.
9. Christine _______________________________ (travel) by plane.
10. Those cats _______________________________ (play) with a ball.
3. Choose the correct option.
1. The doctor ___ in the local hospital now. a) works b) is working
2. Michael ___ shopping with his father on Saturdays. a) goes b) is going
3. Roberto ___ (catch) the bus in the morning. a) catches b) is catching
4. The girl often ___ (drink) milk for breakfast. a) drinks b) is drinking
5. It’s 9.00pm and my family ___ Dinner. a) has b) is having
6. Claire ___ her lessons at 2,15pm a) is finishing b) finishes
7. Paula and you ___ the new magazine now. a) are reading b) read
4. Write the verbs in Present simple or continuous.
1. Katherine _______________________________ (work) in the farm in summer.
2. John often_______________________________ (go) to bed late on Saturdays.
3. Alan usually _______________________________ (brush) his teeth..
4. They _______________________________ run) to catch the bus now.
5. Sarah _______________________________ (hate) eating soup.
6. My cousin _______________________________ (live)in San Francisco at the moment.
7. Some teachers _______________________________ (correct) the exams right now.
8. Lucia sometimes _______________________________ (participate) in the festival.
9. The photographer always _______________________________ (take) nice photos.
10. Lucas _______________________________ (direct) the new film now.
11. Listen! They _______________________________ (play) your favourite song.

12. My cousin _______________________________ (live)in San Francisco at the moment.
5. Make questions for the underlined words. Đặt câu hỏi cho từ gạch chân.
1. _______________________________________________________________________________________
She is watching TV.
2. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Yes, she is cooking.
3. _______________________________________________________________________________________
He teaches English.
4. _______________________________________________________________________________________
No, he is not sleeping. He’s swimming.
6. Circle the word that has different pronunciation. Khoanh tròn từ có phát âm đuôi “s” khác.
1. A. roofs B. books C. points D. days
2. A. helps B. cooks C. lends D. waits
3. A. brushes B. exercises C. changes D. smiles
4. A. phones B. dives C. shares D. kicks
5. A. relaxes B. shines C. changes D. houses
6. A. fills B. adds C. stirs D. lets
7. A. wants B. books C. stops D. sends
8. A. dishes B. oranges C. bushes D. chores
7. Read and underline the correct answer (Đọc và gạch chân vào câu trả lời đúng):
1. Sarah (gets / is getting) home at 4:30 on weekdays.
2. Julia never (eats / is eating) cookies and chocolate at lunch time.
3. (Are you watching / Do you watch) TV after school?
4. What (are you doing / do you do) at the moment?
5. Elli and Joe (are running / run) in the park at the moment.
6. He (is answering / answers) his teacher's question now.
7. I (am studying/ study) English in the classroom now.
8. They (are running / run) to the bus station now.

PREPOSITION OF TIME - Giới từ chỉ thời gian

in on at

Days of the week (ngày Clock times (giờ): at

Months (tháng): in March
trong tuần): on Monday 7.30a.m. / at 5 o’clock

Dates (ngày tháng): on May Festivals (các lễ hội): at

Seasons (mùa): in spring
22nd Christmas / at Easter

Special days (những dịp đặc

Years (năm): in 2024 biệt): on my birthday/ on at night
New Year’s Eve at midday
Times of the day (các buổi at the weekend
trong ngày): in the morning/ Days + parts of days (ngày at the moment
in the afternoon/ in the + các buổi trong ngày): on
evening at present
Tuesday evening/ on
Saturday mornings

before - trước khi after - sau khi

I read before I go to the bed. I go to the bed after I read.
1. Write in, on or at. Điền giới từ chỉ thời gian: in, on hoặc at phù hợp vào chỗ trống.
1. ______________ 2023 2. ______________ midday 3. ______________ the weekend
4. ______________ the mornings 5. ______________ fall 6. ______________ Easter
7. ______________ 10PM 8. ______________ present 9. ______________ May 1st
10. ______________ her birthday 11. ______________ Saturdays 12. ______________ night
13. ______________ seven o'clock 14. ______________ Tuesday evenings 15. ______________ her birthday

2. Write complete sentences using given words. Dùng từ gợi ý, viết câu hoàn chỉnh.
1. The summer/ start/ May.
The summer starts in May.
2. The train/ arrive/ 3 o’clock.
3. I/ have/ piano lessons/ the afternoon.
4. His birthday/ be/ December 15th.
5. The concert/ be/ Friday night.

Prepositions of Place (Giới từ chỉ vị trí)

at (tại một địa

điểm chính

at the bus stop at the door at the traffic light at her desk
1. Look at the picture and fill the blanks with the suitable prepositions of place. Nhìn tranh và
điền giới từ chỉ vị trí phù hợp vào chỗ trống.
1. The picture is _________________ the wall.
2. The mouse is _________________ the table.
3. The table is _________________ the bed.
4. The dog is _________________ the two balls.
5. The chair is _________________ the bed.
6. The balls are _________________ the floor.
7. The cat is _________________ the small ball and the big
8. The cat and the dogs are _______________ the bedroom.

2. Circle the correct answers. Khoanh tròn đáp án đúng.

1. Where is the rabbit? 2. Where is the dog? 3. Where is the dog?

a. It is on the table. a. It is in the box. a. It is on the box.
b. It is in the table. b. It is behind the box. b. It is in the box.
c. It is next to the table. c. It is next to the box. c. It is above the box.
d. It is under the table. d. It is under the box. d. It is next to the box.

4. Where is Garfield? 5. Where is the monkey? 6. Where is the dog?
a. It is in front of the box. a. It is next to the box. a. It is next to the box.
b. It is behind the box. b. It is behind the box. b. It is behind the box.
c. It is between the two boxes. c. It is under the two boxes. c. It is on the two boxes.
d. It is next to the box. d. It is in the box. d. It is in the box.

7. Where is Garfield? 8. Where is Garfield? 9. Where is the rabbit?

a. It is under the box. a. It is in front of the box. a. It is between the boxes.
b. It is in the box. b. It is in the box. b. It is in the box.
c. It is between the two boxes. c. It is behind the box. c. It is behind the box.
d. It is next to the box. d. It is next to the box. d. It is next to the box.
2. Circle the correct prepositions of place. Khoanh tròn giới từ chỉ vị trí phù hợp với câu.
1. I can’t see Tom. He is behind / in the sofa. 5. The car is on / in the garage.
2. The tree is in / between the sofa and the chair. 6. Today there are some students at / on school.
3. My pens are at / in the pencil case. 7. The dog is sleeping on / above the carpet.
4. I can’t see the TV, Jack. You’re standing in front of / 8. John is sitting next to / under Maria.
above it!

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