MGT210 Questionnire

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MGT210 Company Analysis

Name of the Organization ________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________________________________ Website: _______________________________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________

Q1. Which of the following will has enable better performance of the organization? a) Sound planning and strategy b) Research and development c) Marketing and promotion d) Better employee strength e) Streamlined business process

Q2. Which of the following strategies have been initiated in the organization? a) Planning processes b) Involvement in processes c) Engagement with employees d) Measurement of performance e) Reward for employees

Q3. Which of the following functions are performed in your organization?

MGT210 Company Analysis

a) Marketing Planning b) Sales c) Brand building d) Processing e) Research and Development f) Underwriting g) Administration h) Human Resources i) j) Compliance Employee training

k) Others (pls specify): ________________________________________________

Q5. What is the employee strength of the company? a) Directors / CEOs b) Middle management executives c) Managers d) Team leaders e) Representatives

Q6. Which level of management implements policies and strategies?

MGT210 Company Analysis

a) Top level managers b) Middle level managers c) First level managers

Q8. Which of the following organization resources are being used to full potential? a) Policies and procedures b) Business processes c) Employees d) Infrastructure e) Machinery / Equipments Q.9 Do you recognize any need for further training and development in the following areas? (Please tick where applicable) Job coaching __ Delegated tasks __ Recruitment procedures __ Presentation assignments __ Internal training programs __ Seminars and other external training programs __

Q10. What is the current performance level of your business processes? a) Below 10% b) 10% 25%

MGT210 Company Analysis

c) 26% 50% d) 51% 75% e) 76% 90% f) Over 90%

Q11. Are your business processes supported by automated applications like BPM? a) Never b) Sometimes c) Frequently d) Most times e) Always

Q12. What type of automated process application is in place? ________________________________________________________________________

Q13. Have you defined the skills required to perform tasks in processes? a) Yes b) No c) In some processes

MGT210 Company Analysis

Q14. Do process managers use performance data for managing processes? a) Never b) c) d) e) Sometimes Frequently Most time Always

Q15. How often do you implement process improvement programs?

a) Never b) Sometimes c) Frequently d) Most times e) Always

Q16: What type of business process management does the organization follow? a) Top down methodology b) Systematic approach c) Cost saving initiatives d) Assistance of new technology e) Others ________________________________ (Pls Specify)

MGT210 Company Analysis

Q17. Why do you require business process analysis? a) To align all internal processes b) Align internal processes with external clients c) To explore market opportunities d) To handle mass demand

Q18. When you first entered this company, were you put on a training period for some time? a) Yes b) No Q19. If yes, then how long did the training last for?


Q20. Do you think that the training helped you to perform better at your work and gave you a base and better understanding of the job?


MGT210 Company Analysis

Q21. How important do you think is the HR training? ______________________________________________________________________

Q22. Give 5 reasons why training is needed for fresh graduates or HR employees?


Q23. Are you providing training to new employees in this department? a) Yes b) No

Q24. What are the steps that have you taken to develop the HR planning for your company? _________________________________________

Q25. Does the company function according to the policies or is it flexible to these policies? ___________________________________

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