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DNA composed of four nitrogenous bases (cytosine, guanine, REPLICATION Unwinding, Base Pairing and Joining

adenine and thymine) Unwinding enyzme:

DNA contains A, T, G and C. Base Pairs are equal to A = T, G = C DNA helicase unzips
FEATURES (not all are listed) Base Pairing enyzme:
Helix turns clockwise DNA primase - + nucleotides
Backbones of the helix are in opposing directions Joining enyzme:
Bases are 3.4 angstrom units apart DNA polymerase - more base pairs | also repairs DNA strand
Gene responsible for an inherited trait DNA ligase seals any breaks in new strand
coded instructions for everything that must be in the body
Nucleic acids organic compounds that function as storage of TRANSCRIPTIONXB begins inside the nucleus when DNA unzips
genetic information. between its base pairs.
are physical carrier of inheritance that is passed from parents RNA polymerase initiates transcription
to offspring. Messenger RNA (mRNA), ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and transfer RNA
carry codes in protein synthesis. (refers to formation of (tRNA) -> they are infolved in the process of protein synthesis
Types of nucleic acids: DNA and RNA mRNA copes specific instructions from the DNA in the nucleus
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid ] both are made up of Nucleotides and brings information to the cytoplasm.
RNA Ribonucleic acid ] they are basic building blocks -> A=T -> A=U -> G=C

TRANSLATION leads to the formation of protein.

What is the difference between RNA and DNA? - process whre genetic information is used to create amino acids
- mRNA attaches to a ribosome to provide the code for the
variety of functions and is thus more diverse. Although DNA can specific protein that will be made.
carry complex information for longer periods and is thus more - three basic code is called CODON
stable. - Ribosomes move along the mRNA strand and read codons then
RNA has uracil (OH) while DNA has thymine (H) translate.
- rRNA attaches to the mRNA inside the ribosome.
- ANTICIDON read and translate the message by pairing up an
Why does the DNA need to be replicated? equivalent three letter code.
To ensure that all the body cells carry the same genetic material - Three letter code will be translated into and equivalent AMINO
and that instructions are copied exatcly for the next generation. ACID

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