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17:18 17/04/2024 English Vocabulary Exercises for B2 - It drives me crazy!

- English Practice Online


English Vocabulary Exercises for B2 – It

drives me crazy!
English Vocabulary Exercises for B2


1. Match the adjectives below with the sentences.

amused ashamed content envious furious stunned

 1 ‘I’d prefer not to talk about it. I’m still in a state of shock.’


2 ‘That was really funny! I couldn’t stop laughing!’


3 ‘I’ve never been treated like this before! I shall be speaking to

the manager!’


4 ‘Anybody could have done it. She was just lucky!’


5 ‘We were very pleased with our presentation.’


6 ‘How could I have forgotten her name? I feel so embarrassed

about it!’

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Answer 

2. Replace the underlined adjectives with the adjectives below.

disappointed indecisive miserable thrilled upbeat

We were really excited …………………………… when the storm
started, but the longer it went on, the more anxious we became.
We felt very unsure …………………………… and didn’t know what to
do. Should we stay under the trees or run for home?
 Jack was quite positive …………………………… about the news that
we were going to have a new trainer, but the rest of us were

really sad …………………………… . But when we were told that the
 new trainer was inexperienced, even Jack felt let down

 …………………………… !

Answer 

3. Choose the correct adjectives to complete the sentences.

1 We felt upbeat / humiliated after losing the match against our

biggest rivals 10-0!

2 My mum says she feels frustrated / anxious in her job

because she can’t achieve what she wants.

3 I was irritated / thrilled by Sara’s constant questions about

my private life.

4 There was a positive, furious / upbeat feeling after the head

teacher’s speech. 2/14
17:18 17/04/2024 English Vocabulary Exercises for B2 - It drives me crazy! - English Practice Online

5 Amy is envious / disillusioned of my new coat and she wishes

that she had bought it first!

6 Harry has bad memories of his childhood and he is very

hysterical / bitter about it.

Answer 

4. Match the adjectives with the definitions.

bitter disappointed disillusioned exasperated

hysterical stressed

 1 Feeling irritated and angry about a situation that you can’t do

anything about. …………………………

2 Unhappy because something or someone wasn’t as good as
you expected. …………………………

3 Feeling extremely worried and nervous about something,

especially something you are expected to do. …………………………

4 Unable to control your feelings because of extreme fear or

excitement. …………………………

5 Feeling unhappy because you discover the truth about

someone or something. …………………………

6 Feeling or showing anger, hurt or resentment because of bad

experiences or treatment. …………………………

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5. Match 1-9 with a-i to form idioms.

1 lose

2 blow

3 be on

4 be green

5 be down

6 be in

7 be over

8 be tearing

9 something gets

a your top

b two minds about something

c on your nerves

d your hair out

e face

f edge

g with envy

h in the dumps

i the moon

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6. Listen to four dialogues. Complete the sentences with an

idiom from exercise 5.

E 00:00 

1 Jack says he ……………………… about going to Sam’s party.

2 Ann says she ……………………… about her exam results.

3 The boy says that Meg’s complaining ………………………

4 Ewan ……………………… about not getting the summer job.

Answer 

7. Listen again and choose the correct answers (a-c).

E 00:00 

1 If Jack doesn’t go to Sam’s party, Jack will …….

a blow his top

b tear his hair out

c lose face

2 When Kate hears about Ann’s result, she will …….

a be on edge

b be over the moon

c be green with envy 5/14
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3 The girl thinks that Meg ……. over unimportant things.

a tears her hair out

b is over the moon

c blows her top

4 The boy says that Ewan was ……. about the interview he was
going to.

a losing face

b on edge

c tearing his hair out

 Answer 

Extra exercises
1. Complete the sentences with the words below.

alarmed bitter content disillusioned envious

humiliated stressed stunned

1 Beth is completely ………………………… with the course she’s

doing. It’s nothing like she expected it to be.

2 My sister’s a bit ………………………… about her wedding at the

moment. She can’t sleep at night.

3 I felt utterly ………………………… when I fell down the stairs. The

whole class saw me and laughed!

4 I’m rather ………………………… of your new smartphone. I’d love to

have one like that! 6/14
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5 We were very ………………………… when my little brother

disappeared. He was missing for over an hour.

6 My dad feels very ………………………… about losing his job. He

thinks it was really unfair.

7 We were quite ………………………… to sit and wait. We weren’t in

any hurry.

8 Everybody was ………………………… by the tragic news.

Answer 

 2. Complete the second sentence with an idiom containing the

 word in brackets.

1 I’m thrilled about winning the race. (moon)

I’m ………………………… ………………………… …………………………

2 My mum is exasperated with my older brother. (hair)

She’s ………………………… ………………………… …………………………


3 Tom isn’t sure if he should go to university. (minds)

He’s ………………………… ………………………… ………………………… about


4 Our first exam is today, so we’re a bit anxious. (edge)

We’re all ………………………… …………………………

5 Waiting in queues makes me feel irritated. (nerves)

It ………………………… ………………………… …………………………

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6 Mia didn’t get the job, so she’s miserable. (dumps)

She’s ………………………… ………………………… …………………………


Answer 

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