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A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
N Valid 20 20 20 20 20 20
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.25 3.55 3.45 3.60 3.35 3.35
Std. Deviation .550 .759 .759 .754 .813 .745
Minimum 2 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 4 4 4 4 4 4

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
N Valid 20 20 20 20 20 20
Missing 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.55 3.35 3.60 3.45 3.35 3.40
Std. Deviation .759 .745 .754 .759 .745 .754
Minimum 1 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 4 4 4 4 4 4

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
N Valid 20 20 20 20 20
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.35 3.25 3.30 3.35 3.40
Std. Deviation .745 .716 .801 .745 .754
Minimum 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 4 4 4 4 4
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5
N Valid 20 20 20 20 20
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 3.25 3.30 3.20 3.35 3.20
Std. Deviation .716 .733 .768 .745 .696
Minimum 1 1 1 1 1
Maximum 4 4 4 4 4

Table 3.1 Demographic profile of the respondents

No. Factors Category Frequency Percentage

1. Gender Male 8 40
Female 12 60
2. Age < 30 years old 14 70
30- 40 years old 3 15
41-50 years old 2 10
51-60 years old 1 5
3. Marital Status Single 13 65
Married 7 35
Leagally separated 0 0
4. Educational attainment Diploma 7 35
Degree 12 60
Masteral 0 0
Doctorate 0 0
None 1 5
5. Work experience in the Less than 3 years 14 70
3-5 years 3 15
5-7 years 2 10
>7 years 1 5
The table shows that out of 20 respondents, 40% of them were male and the remaining 60% were
female. Thus, we can infer that the majority of employees that are currently working in the multi-
purpose cooperative are females. 70% of the respondents are in the age of less than 30 which
implies that the employees in the multi-purpose cooperative are young. On the marital status of
the employees, the study shows that 65% are single and 35% of them are married. On the given
data, 60% of them are degree holders, 35% are with diploma and the remaining 5% are none.
This indicates that the cooperative has an advantage of hiring a well educated and young human
power in the cooperative in order to generate a positive cash flow. Regarding on the work
experience of the respondents, 70% of them has less than 3 years of experience,15% are in
between 3-5 years of experience, and 10% are in between 5-7 years in the cooperative.

Credit Policies

N Min Max Mean Std.

Do you have sufficient awareness 20 2 4 3.25 .550
to Credit Policy?
Cooperative use Credit Policies to 20 1 4 3.55 .759
attract and retain customers
Does Cooperative credit 20 1 4 3.45 .759
Monitoring and Evaluation
Customers payment habits?
Credit approval is the most 20 1 4 3.60 .754
important factor in receivables
Is there penalty for dalliance 20 1 4 3.35 .813
payment customers?
Do you have recognized bad debt? 20 1 4 3.35 .745

Table shows that most of the respondents have agreed that they have sufficient awareness to
credit policy, have scored a mean of 3.25. It shows that there is an effective communication and
understanding within the organization regarding credit-related procedures. The majority of
respondents indicated their agreement on Cooperativeuse Credit Policies to attract and retain
customers which has a mean of 3.55. This could signify potential recognition of the importance
of offering favorable credit terms to enhance customer loyalty and encourage repeat business. A
substantial number of respondents agreed that the Cooperative actively monitors and evaluates
customers' payment habits which has a score mean of 3.45. This proactive approach could aid in
identifying potential credit risks early on, potentially informing decision-making regarding credit
extensions or adjustments, and ultimately contributing to effective receivables management.
Also, most of the respondents agreed that credit approval is the most important factor in
receivable management with a mean of 3.60. A large proportion of respondents also expressed
agreement that penalties are indeed in place for customers who delay their payments with a
mean of 3.35. Penalties discourage late payments and encourage prompt settlement, which keeps
cash flow stable and prevents operational issues. Most of the respondents agreed that they
recognized bad debt with a mean of 3.35. This recognition is important for implementing
appropriate measures to mitigate the impact of bad debt on the cooperative's financial health and
ensuring accountability to stakeholders.

Technology and Accounts Receivable Management

N Min Max Mean Std.

Use of technology for maintaining 20 1 4 3.55 .759
a customer statement ensures
balances accuracy and timely
Is it the system aging and 20 1 4 3.35 .745
reconciliation of accounts
receivable is important in accounts
receivable management?
Use of email and phones improve 20 1 4 3.60 .754
receivables collection in your
Is it the organization uses 20 1 4 3.45 .759
accounting software?
Availability of system data for 20 1 4 3.35 .745
accounts receivable assists in the
process of granting credit to credit
worthy customers.
Is it the company use mechanism 20 1 4 3.40 .754
techniques to monitor the quality of
its receivable management?

The table shows that majority of respondents agree that using technology for maintaining
customer statements leads to improved accuracy in balances and timely collections, with a mean
of 3.55. Respondents also agree that system aging and reconciliation of accounts receivable are
important in accounts receivable management, with a mean of 3.35. The survey indicates that
most respondents believe that the use of email and phones can enhance receivables collection in
their business, with a mean of 3.60. A significant number of respondents agree that the
organization's use of accounting software is crucial for efficient financial management, with a
mean of 3.45. The availability of system data for accounts receivable is seen as beneficial for
granting credit to creditworthy customers, as indicated by the rating of 3.35. Lastly, respondents
agree that employing mechanism techniques to monitor the quality of receivable management is
essential for the company, with a mean of 3.40. Overall, the survey results suggest that
respondents value the use of technology, proper management practices, and data availability in
accounts receivable processes for effective financial management.

Company Characteristics on Accounts Receivable Management

N Min Max Mean Std.

Does company workers sufficient 20 1 4 3.35 .745
experience in cash collection?
Have you ever had training on 20 1 4 3.25 .716
collection skill affect in accounts
receivable management?
Do you evaluate your company 20 1 4 3.30 .801
accounts receivable management
Lack of understanding of credit 20 1 4 3.35 .745
policies affects accounts receivable
Do you keep proper records for 20 1 4 3.40 .754
accounts receivable?

This table shows that the 20 respondents regarding various company characteristics related to
accounts receivable management provide valuable insights: Experience in Cash Allocation: The
mean rating of 3.35 indicates that most respondents believe company workers possess sufficient
expertise in cash allocation. This suggests a positive perception of the company's ability to
handle cash allocation tasks effectively. Training on Collection Skill: With a mean rating of 3.25,
respondents acknowledge some impact of training on collection skills in accounts receivable
management. However, there is room for improvement in this area despite the positive effect of
training observed by respondents. Evaluation of Company's AR Management Activity: The mean
rating of 3.30 suggests that respondents generally view the company's accounts receivable
management activity favorably.
Nonetheless, this rating is slightly lower than other aspects evaluated, indicating potential areas
for refinement or enhancement in the company's AR management processes. Understanding of
Credit Policies: The mean rating of 3.35 suggests that respondents perceive a need for better
knowledge of credit policies affecting accounts receivable management. This indicates that there
may be a requirement for more transparent communication or training regarding credit policies
within the company to improve overall understanding and effectiveness. Record-Keeping for
Accounts Receivable: The highest mean rating of 3.40 indicates that respondents have
confidence in the company's practices of maintaining proper records for accounts receivable.
This reflects a strong point in the company's accounts receivable management practices,
highlighting an area of strength. Overall, while positive aspects are identified, such as sufficient
expertise in cash allocation and proper record-keeping, the responses also highlight areas for
potential improvement, including the impact of training on collection skills and the
understanding of credit policies. These insights can serve as valuable guidance for the company
to refine its accounts receivable management processes and enhance overall efficiency and

Staff competency

N Min Max Mean Std.

Is there accounts receivable 20 1 4 3.25 .716
management practice better?
Shareholder’s decisions to add 20 1 4 3.30 .733
extra financing affect the credit
terms of your business
The older the company, the better 20 1 4 3.20 .768
their accounts receivable
The effectiveness of the 20 1 4 3.35 .745
organization collection follows up
Does the company manage bad 20 1 4 3.20 .696
debts due from receivable

Based on the table about staff competencies response by the 20 respondents: Accounts
Receivable Management Practice: With a mean rating of 3.25, respondents perceive the
company's accounts receivable management practices to be relatively satisfactory. While there
may be areas for improvement, this rating indicates a moderate level of effectiveness in
managing accounts receivable. Impact of Shareholder Decisions on Credit Terms: The mean
rating of 3.30 suggests that respondents believe shareholder decisions to add extra financing have
some influence on the credit terms of the business. This indicates an acknowledgment of the
impact of shareholder decisions on credit policies within the company. Effect of Company Age
on AR Management: The mean rating of 3.20 suggests respondents believe that older companies
tend to have better accounts receivable management practices. While this rating is slightly lower
compared to other aspects evaluated, it still indicates a perception that company age correlates
with the effectiveness of accounts receivable management. Effectiveness of Collection Follow-
up: With a mean rating of 3.35, respondents view the organization's collection follow-up efforts
positively. This suggests respondents perceive the company's processes for following up on
receivables as relatively practical and outstanding. Management of Bad Debts: The mean rating
of 3.20 indicates that respondents believe the company manages terrible debts from receivable
techniques to a certain extent. However, there may be room for improvement in this area, as
indicated by the moderate rating. Overall, the ratings suggest a generally positive perception of
the company's accounts receivable management practices, with areas for potential improvement
identified in managing bad debts and potentially in the impact of company age on management
practices. These insights can help the company refine its accounts receivable management
processes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.


The research paper reveals a gender imbalance in a multi-purpose cooperative, with a majority of
employees being female. The workforce is young, with 70% under 30. The cooperative benefits
from a well-educated workforce, with 60% holding a degree. However, a significant portion of
employees have less than 3 years of experience, highlighting the need for training and
development opportunities. The cooperative's diverse experience levels suggest a need for

Based on the research findings regarding the cooperative's credit policies and accounts receivable
management strategies, it is evident that there are several strengths and areas for improvement
within the organization. The respondents generally have a good understanding of credit policies
and recognize the importance of using them to attract and retain customers. They also emphasize
the significance of actively monitoring customer payment habits and credit approval in
receivable management.
The use of technology, such as accounting software and communication tools like email and
phones, is seen as beneficial for improving accuracy and efficiency in collections. However,
there is room for enhancement in areas such as collection skills, transparent communication of
credit policies, and training to ensure proper understanding and implementation.
Furthermore, the respondents view the company's accounts receivable management practices as
satisfactory but acknowledge the need for refinement, particularly in managing bad debts and
considering the impact of company age on management practices. By addressing these areas for
improvement and building on existing strengths, the cooperative can enhance its efficiency and
effectiveness in accounts receivable management, ultimately leading to improved financial
performance and customer satisfaction.
Lastly, on the research findings, it can be concluded that there are notable differences in credit
practices within the multi-purpose cooperative when grouped according to demographic profiles.
The gender imbalance, young age, and educational background of the workforce play a role in
shaping the credit policies and accounts receivable management strategies. While the cooperative
benefits from a well-educated workforce and a good understanding of credit policies among
respondents, there is a need for improvement in areas such as collection skills, transparent
communication of credit policies, and training to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in
accounts receivable management. By addressing these areas for improvement and leveraging
existing strengths, the cooperative can refine its credit practices, leading to improved financial
performance and customer satisfaction.


The significance of credit policies is to instill discipline in clients as far as paying habits are
concerned. For this reason, it would greatly improve its efficiency if Cooperatives holds training
that will make people aware about their credit policy. This serves as a proactive measure which
does not only teach individuals what they should do but also reminds them why following set
rules on borrowing money is important which in turn promotes stability in terms of finance
within organizations and trust between them and their customers.

In order to understand more about the importance of efficient accounts receivable management
and learn about best practices in this area, the researchers is then recommended that employees
should undergo regular trainings.

For future researchers, it is recommended to investigate the role of emerging technologies in

enhancing accounts receivable processes and improving overall financial performance in the
cooperative sector.

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