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sono Michaela Mercado e sarò la tua guida turistica per oggi,Good day everyone, I would
like to welcome you to this wonderful country, Italy. In behalf of this City wonders Travel and tour, I am
one of your official tour guide, Michaela Mercado or you can just call me mika, and here are my fellow
guiders, (introduce each with nickname).

With its iconic monuments, timeless landscapes and irresistible food, Italy is one of Europe’s most
alluring destinations. Its historic cities promise thrilling art and architecture at every turn while its varied
coastlines and Alpine heights provide a stunning outdoor playground.

Before we proceed with our day tour, I’d like to take a minute to tell friendly reminders and safety
precautions so that our tour will be smooth flowing and hustle free.

Please keep your seatbelts fastened at all times and remain seated until we reach our destination.

First things first, as a safety precaution, I would like to remind you to avoid open coughing and sneezing ,
and don’t forget to sanitize every after visit of each destination.

Second, please take care of your valuable things and do not leave your things unattended.

Third, may I request everyone to sync your time with me so that no one will be left behind; in my time
it’s exactly______.

Fourth, I want you to familiarize my signals, if I whistle twice and wave this red flag you need to go back
immediately to the bus and be prepare because we are on to our next destination.

And now in case you are not feeling well and you have any medical concerns do not hesitate to call my
attention. I have here first aid kit.

Lastly don’t forget to smile and remember take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, and
kill nothing but time.

While we are waiting on our first destination let me tell you a brief description about ITALY

Italy has long been the center of the Catholic world, since the day when Saint Peter settled in Rome and
served as the first leader and bishop of the Catholic church. The Vatican is here and the church has
always had a direct or indirect influence over Italian life and politics (especially in the past). Recent
statistics show that religion in Italy is increasingly diverse, with 80% of Italians being Catholics, 15%
having no religion, and 5% belonging to a different religion (many of them Muslim from the migratory
waves from North Africa).

Now we are here in our first destination.


The Vatican is home to some of the world's most priceless art and art collections. The centerpiece is the
great Basilica of St. Peter, with the tomb of St. Peter and one of Michelangelo's most poignant works, the

Outside is St. Peter's Square, where the Pope addresses followers. Because Vatican City has so many
places to visit, you could easily spend a day or more here.
TRIVIA: The vatican city is Smallest Country In The World With an area of only 0.44 square kilometers
and a population of 825 people, the Vatican is the smallest country in the world. It is probably the only
country in the world that can walk around in less than 1 hour. What makes it even more interesting is the
fact that the country is situated within the city of Rome.

(Whistle 2x) Is everything alright? Great! So we are now going to our next destination.

St. Mark’s Basilica

St. Mark’s Basilica is an iconic symbol of Venice. Initially designed to function as a private chapel for the
Doge, the church over centuries, took up a significant role in the religious and political life of the city. The
Basilica was built to guard Saint Mark 'the evangelist’s' relics, which were stolen in Alexandria, Egypt.
Also known as ‘the Golden Church’, St. Mark’s Basilica is famous for the dominance of golden mosaics,
quite a sight to witness in the world of art. Find a complete overview, discover the history of the famous
Cathedral, and a lot more in this quick guide.

TRIVIA: St. Mark Helped His Kidnappers

In the year 828, a group of men stole the remains of the body of St. Mark from Alexandria. Supposedly,
they were able to get away with it by hiding them under a wagon of pork. The Muslim guard who
inspected them didn’t want to have anything to do with the pork and let them pass. As they were sailing
back to Venice, a huge storm took hold of the boat. According to legend, the boat was about to sink
when a vision of St. Mark appeared to them and told the captain to lower the sails. As a result, they
avoided capsizing and made it safely to Venice.

(Whistle 2x)

Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore

Regarded as one of the finest cathedrals in the world, the Duomo Santa Maria del Fiore, or the Cathedral
of Santa Maria del Fiore, dominates the Florence skyline. The cathedral was built between the 13th and
15th centuries, with the most famous piece being the extraordinary dome, completed by Filippo
Brunelleschi in 1434.

TRIVIA:YOU CAN ENTER THIS BASILICA FOR FREE. If you only want to enter the cathedral, you don’t need
a ticket. This is because you might just want to enter to pray, and this can’t be charged.

(Whistle 2x)

ENDING: That would be all, Again, on the behalf of City wonders Travel and Tours we are very thankful
for choosing us to become a part of your unforgettable trip here in italy. I’m looking forward for your
next visit! Grazie e buona giornata

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