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the verb be

possessive adjetive
NRC: 4214
the verb to be
AM Soy - Estoy

IS Están - Estas

ARE Estamos
Subject Verb be

I am
You are
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
Subject + be + complement
I am a student
You are happy
He is a doctor
She is a beautiful
It is is a dog
We are a family
You are a team
They are my friends
subject possesive adjectives

I My
You Your
He His
She Her
It Its
We Our
You Your
They Their
possessive adjectives
My doll is small.
Your book is red.
His brother is tall.
Her sister is beautiful.
Its a new cellphone.
Our group is good.
Your students are intelligent.
Their are play soocer.

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