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#21 Harrison Road, Baguio City

Junior High School Department

School Year 2020-2021

Living Things and Their Environment

Week 21—07-11 December 2020

Week 22—14-18 December 2020

Prepared by:


BPHS LM 0|P age

Learning Module in Science 7

Week 21 -Benefits and hazards of Fast Motion
07-11 December 2020 • Safety Along Roads
Chapter VIII: Waves
• Nature of Waves
-Waves as Energy Carriers
Reference Book: Religioso, Teresita F. et al., You and the
Natural World 7, (Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2017),
pages 109-112
Week 22 • Types of Waves
14-18 December 2020 -Mechanical Waves
-Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter X: Sound and Light
• Characteristics of Sound
• Sound Waves
• Climate Change Prevention
• The Ethics of Climate Change
Reference Book: Religioso, Teresita F. et al., You and the
Natural World 7, (Phoenix Publishing House, Inc., 2017),
pages 109-112
Ma. Ferriols-Pavico, Josefina, et al., Exploring Life Through
Science, The New Grade 7, (Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.,
2017), pages 126-131
Other References:
• Physics-Tutorial/1-D-Kinematics
Most Essential Learning Competencies: At the end of this module, each learner
should be able to:
• Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance or displacement, speed or
velocity, and acceleration.
• Infer that waves carry energy.
• Describe the characteristics of sound using the concepts of wavelength,
velocity, and amplitude.
• Creativity and critical thinking in conducting an experiment.
• Discipline in accomplishing this module and in following scientific process in
investigating situations.

BPHS LM 1|P age

Week 21—Day 1

Benefits and Hazards of Fast Motion

The most important consideration in driving is to maintain a speed that is
reasonable and prudent to the existing traffic environment. To guide motorists,
especially those who are traveling in express ways, traffic enforcers have set a speed
limit of 60 km/h (minimum) to 100 km/h maximum) for cars and light vehicles. For
trucks and buses, the minimum speed limit is also 60 km/h but the maximum speed is
only 80 km/h.
If the velocity of a moving vehicle is doubled, the kinetic energy of the vehicle is
increased four times. This is the reason why a speed limit is set for motor vehicles. The
extent of damage due to collision depends on the kinetic energy of the motor vehicles.
The higher the kinetic energy, the greater is the damaging effect when motor vehicles
collide. This is the reason why law enforcers are very strict upon riders on the use of
seat belts.
Driving fast is unsafe, costly, and may not save much time. It leads to frequent
stops which may cancel out the time saved by driving fast. When driving in the city, one
should anticipate stops. The foot should be taken off the accelerator as soon as the red
light or intersection is seen. The slower one drives as he or she approaches the
intersection, the more fuel is saved.
It you plan for a long trip, study the different routes that are possible to reach
your destination. Choose the route with the best roads, The least number of turns, and
the lightest traffic. While driving, it is best to speed up and slow down gradually.
Stepping hard on the accelerator consumes a lot of gasoline.

Lesson 2: Safety Along Roads

With the many daily road accidents, people must be well-informed on
road safety so as not to put themselves or others at risk.
• Speed limits. Not following them is
one of the primary reasons of road
accidents. Observing speed limits can spell
the difference between life and death. A fast
car will have less time to stop if something
unexpected suddenly happens. While
driving, consider the road conditions. If it is
raining, roads become slippery. Drive slower
than what the speed limit allows. Speed
limits are there for a reason.
• Seat belt. Always wear the seat belt the moment
you ride your vehicle. Seat belts provide the
unbalanced force to prevent passengers from
hitting the windshield during sudden stops
caused by collisions or brakes.
•Proper gear. Wear the proper gear at all times.
For motorcyclists, it is recommended to wear
bright- or light-colored clothes during the day and
clothing at night. Choosing the right
helmet can also save your life. Gloves,
boots, an d jackets are necessary.
• Improve your skills. Drive defensively and
make sure that you do the following:
(a) anticipate the actions of other

BPHS LM 2|P age

(b) be alert and observant about what 1s happening around you;
(c) position yourself on a safe lane;
(d) glance in your mirrors before you make maneuvers;
(e) review traffic signs and rules, and
(f) slow down when driving along curves.
• Vehicle check. Make it a habit to check
the condition of your vehicle before taking
a trip.
• Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks affect your
ability to drive. If you drink, do not drive. lf
you drive, do not drink.

Name: _________________________________________ Year/Sec: _________________

Activity 3
Road Safety
I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the best answer and write the
CAPITAL LETTER your choice on the space provided before each number. (3
______1. When someone in your car forgets to wear their seat belt, you should
A. Take yours off so you can share.
B. Close your eyes and hope that you don't crash.
C. Tighten your own seat belt.
D. Remind them to put it on.
______2. Describe the motion of a person not wearing a seat belt if the car stops
A. The person and car will stop together.
B. The person will stop faster than the car because they are lighter.
C. The car will stop and the person will keep moving forward because of inertia.
D. The car will stop and the person will speed up.
______3. When passengers get in the car and do not put their seat belts on, the safest
thing to do is
A. Drive slower than you normally would so the passengers are safe.
B. Say nothing because it's the passengers' responsibility to wear their seat belts.
C. Tell them the car has seat belts and they should wear them.
D. All of the above.
II TRUE OF FALSE: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and write the
word FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer in the space before
each statement (5 points)
_______________1. In a severe accident, you have a better chance of surviving if you are
not wearing a seat belt and are thrown from the car.
_______________2. You can injure or kill others both in and outside the car by not wearing
your seat belt.
_______________3. If your car has an air bag, you don't need to wear a seat belt.
_______________4. If an adult is not wearing a seat belt and is sitting too close to the
dashboard, he or she could be in danger if the air bag inflates.
_______________5. There's no need to buckle up when driving just a few blocks away.

BPHS LM 3|P age

Week 21—Day 2
Chapter VIII: Waves
You see waters in the ocean or at sea that move back and forth. Things
move to and from, Side to side, in and out, or up and down. These kinds of
movements are said to be vibrating A vibration in space and time is known
as wave. A wave extends from one place to another. Lights and sounds are examples of
different kinds of waves. They propagate throughout space as waves. We shall study
sounds and lights in later modules.

Lesson 1: The Nature of Waves

A wave is a disturbance that propagates through a medium. There are

three words in that definition that may need unpacking: disturbance,
propagate, and medium.
A disturbance, in the sense used in this definition, is a change from the
current state of a measurable quantity at some location. For example…
• a change in a kinematic variable like position, velocity, or acceleration;
• a change in an intensive property like pressure, density, or temperature;
• a change in field strength like electric field strength, magnetic field strength, or
gravitational field strength.
To propagate, in the sense used in this definition, is to transmit the influence of
something in a particular direction. Synonyms for propagate include spread, transmit,
communicate, and broadcast.
A medium is the substance through which a wave can propagate. Water is the
medium of ocean waves. Air is the medium through which we hear sound waves. The
electric and magnetic fields are the medium of light. People are the medium of a stadium
wave. The Earth is the medium of seismic waves—earthquake waves. Cell membranes
are the medium of nerve impulses. Transmission lines are the medium or alternating
current electric power.
Let's list a few key examples of wave phenomena and then connect them to this
definition. The first example that comes to mind when most people hear the word wave
are the kinds of waves that one sees on the surface of a body of water: deep water waves
in the ocean or ripples in a puddle. The most important kinds of waves for humans are
the waves we use to sense the world around us: sound and light.
Imagine a calm pond. The surface
is flat and smooth. Drop a rock into it.
The surface is now disturbed. It is higher
than normal in some places and lower
than normal in others. The disturbed
water at the point of impact disturbs the
water next to it, which in turn disturbs
water next to it, and so on. The medium
through which this disturbance
propagates is the surface of the water.
Imagine a quiet room. The air inside is still. Drop a book onto a table in that room.
The air between the book and the table is squeezed out in a fraction of a second. The air
pressure in that rapidly decreasing gap rises above normal and then rebounds. The rise
and fall of pressure is like the rise and fall of the surface of the pool in the previous
example. The air under the book bumps the air on the edges of the book, which bumps
the air next to it, which bumps the air next to it, and so on. The medium through which
this disturbance propagates is the air.
Those were the easy examples. Water waves and sound waves are examples of
waves that propagate through a material medium. Light is not so easy to understand as
a wave, which is why there are multiple sections of this book devoted to it. Still, I am
going to try to describe it briefly.

BPHS LM 4|P age

Imagine a dark cavern, deep within the Earth. The electric and magnetic fields
inside are relatively static and unchanging. Strike a match. The atoms of carbon in the
wood of the matchstick combine with the atoms of oxygen in the air releasing heat. The
heat agitates the atoms of the combustion products resulting in the phenomena known
as fire. The electrons bound to the rapidly vibrating atoms disturb the electric and
magnetic fields in the space surrounding them. These fields are "elastic" in a sense. A
wiggle in the fields in one place causes a wiggle in the fields nearby, which causes a
wiggle in the fields nearby, and so on. These wiggles eventually make it to your eye,
which you perceive as light. The electric and magnetic fields that fill all of space are the

What are Waves?

A wave transmits information or energy from one point to another in the form of
signals, but no material object makes this journey. The frequency of a wave is obtained
by including a factor of time in the mix. We are completely dependent on waves for all
of our wireless communications.
For example, you make a call to your friend in another city with your mobile
phone, the entire communication is happening via audio but the entire process of
transmission of a signal from the talker to the receiver occurs as a waveform. The phone
converts your voice into an electrical signal with then propagates either through copper
wires or through antennae in wireless communication.
Wave is a flow or transfer of energy in the form of oscillation through a medium—
space or mass. Sea waves or tides, a sound which we hear, a photon of light travelling
and even the movement of small plants blown by the wind are all examples of different
types of waves. A simple wave illustration is as follows.

Parts of a Wave
Waves are described using the following terms:
• Crest - the highest point above the rest position, also known as the peak.
• Trough - the lowest point below the rest position.
• Amplitude - the maximum displacement of a point of a wave from its rest
• Wavelength - the distance covered by a full cycle of the wave. Though usually
measured from peak to peak or trough to trough, it can be measured between any
two points of identical displacement.
• Time period - the time taken for a full cycle of the wave. Usually measured from
peak to peak, or trough to trough.
• Frequency - the number of waves passing a point each second.

Waves as Energy Carriers

Throwing a rock in a pond of water produces a wave. When the rock touches the
water, circular ripples are created from the place of disturbance. The energy that the
rock possessed is transferred into the water molecules. However, the rock itself does not
leave the water. Meanwhile, the particles on the slinky continue to move up and down
with the other particles but do not leave the slinky. This means that the energy can be
transferred from object to object through a medium such as water and slinky in our
case. Both instances imply that waves carry and transfer energy, but they do not

BPHS LM 5|P age

transfer particles of the medium. Therefore, a wave is a propagation of disturbance
through a medium in which energy is transferred.
A wave pulse is a simple disturbance, while a wave train is a series of
disturbances created in a medium. Energy propagation by means of motion of a change
in medium rather than the medium itself is called wave motion.

How Do Waves Behave?

When waves move through a medium, they may hit a surface of an object, pass
through a barrier or another medium, or meet other waves. In all these cases, waves
behave in different ways.
Reflection of Waves: when waves bounce
Waves—including sound and light—can be
reflected at the boundary between two
different materials. The reflection of sound
causes echoes.
The law of reflection states that:
angle of incidence = angle of reflection
For example, if a light ray hits a surface at
32°, it will be reflected at 32°.
The angle of incidence and angle of
reflection are measured between the light ray
and the normal—an imaginary line at 90° to
the surface. The diagrams show a light ray
being reflected at a plane mirror.

Refraction of Waves: when waves slow down and change direction

Different materials have different
densities. Light waves may change
direction at the boundary between two
transparent materials. Refraction is
the change in direction of a wave at
such a boundary.
It is important to be able to
draw ray diagrams to show the
refraction of a wave at a boundary.

A ray diagram showing refraction at the

boundary between air and glass.

Refraction can cause optical illusions as the light waves appear to come from a
different position to their actual source.

Explaining Refraction
The density of a material affects the speed that a wave will be transmitted through
it. In general, the denser the transparent material, the more slowly light travels through
Glass is denser than air, so a light ray passing from air into glass slows down. If the
ray meets the boundary at an angle to the normal, it bends towards the normal.
The reverse is also true. A light ray speeds up as it passes from glass into air, and
bends away from the normal.

Diffraction: when waves bend

Reflection involves a change in direction of waves when they bounce off a barrier;
refraction of waves involves a change in the direction of waves as they pass from one
medium to another; and diffraction involves a change in direction of waves as they pass

BPHS LM 6|P age

through an opening or around a barrier in
their path. Water waves have the ability to
travel around corners, around obstacles and
through openings. This ability is most
obvious for water waves with longer

Try to Do This!

Get a half-filled glass of water and put a straw or a pen inside the glass. Observe
what happens. Describe the image of the straw/pen that appear underwater?
What wave behavior is shown in that set-up?
Week 21—Day 4
Lesson 2: Types of Waves
Different types of waves have a different set of characteristics. Based on
the orientation of particle motion and direction of energy, Waves are simply
the transfer of
energy through
space. There are two main
types of waves, mechanical
and electromagnetic. Today,
we're going to review what
each of the types of waves
are, and how they move
through space.

A. Electromagnetic Waves
Getting ready to study for your physics exam, you need to get some light by
turning on your desk lamp. You’re also going to need a snack, so you heat up some
leftovers in the microwave. Lastly, you want to check your text messages once last time
on your phone so you can put it away for the next hour. You might be surprised to learn
that all of these activities, not just the lamp, involve electromagnetic waves.
Electromagnetic waves are light waves, but they don't just include the visible light
we can see. Light waves come in all forms depending on how spread out the wave peaks

BPHS LM 7|P age

are. Radio waves are used to propagate signals on AM radio. Microwaves are used to
heat our food, and to propagate the waves we need for cell phone service. On the other
Side of the spectrum, X-rays are used in medicine, and energy intensive gamma rays
are used to sterilize our food.
Electromagnetic waves propagate energy forward, but do not use a medium. This
is why light can reach Earth from the Sun. If electromagnetic waves were mechanical,
there would be no light, heat or life on Earth!

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

The electromagnetic (EM) spectrum
is the range of all types of EM radiation.
Radiation is energy that travels and
spreads out as it goes – the visible
light that comes from a lamp in your house
and the radio waves that come from a
radio station are two types of
electromagnetic radiation. The other types
of EM radiation that make up the
electromagnetic spectrum
are microwaves, infrared light, ultraviolet
light, X-rays and gamma-rays.
You know more about the
electromagnetic spectrum than you may
think. The image below shows where you
might encounter each portion of the EM
spectrum in your day-to-day life.
Radio: Your radio captures radio waves
emitted by radio stations, bringing your
favorite tunes. Radio waves are also
emitted by stars and gases in space.
Microwave: Microwave radiation will cook
your popcorn in just a few minutes, but is
also used by astronomers to learn about
the structure of nearby galaxies.
Infrared: Night vision goggles pick up the
infrared light emitted by our skin and
objects with heat. In space, infrared light
helps us map the dust between stars.
Visible: Our eyes detect visible light.
Fireflies, light bulbs, and stars all emit
visible light.
Ultraviolet: Ultraviolet radiation is
emitted by the Sun and are the reason
skin tans and burns. "Hot" objects in
space emit UV radiation as well.
X-ray: A dentist uses X-rays to image
your teeth, and airport security uses
them to see through your bag. Hot gases
in the Universe also emit X-rays.
Gamma ray: Doctors use gamma-ray imaging to see inside your body. The biggest
gamma-ray generator of all is the Universe.

B. Mechanical Waves
All types of sound, including music and spoken language, as well as the ocean
waves in our scenario are examples of mechanical waves. Mechanical waves move

BPHS LM 8|P age

through a medium, or a substance. Sound waves move through the air, and ripples in
a pond move through the water.
However, the medium doesn't have to be a liquid or gas. Mechanical waves
propagate through solids too. Picture standing near a train track. As the train gets
closer, you can see the tracks rattle with the movement of the train. f you put your ea
close, you can even hear the vibrations. This is a type of mechanical wave. The vibrations
from the train transfer energy to the metal tracks. The energy causes the metal tracks
to move, with the particles inside the metal bouncing off of one another, propagating the
wave. Eventually the wave gets to you and you interpret the vibrations as sound.
Mechanical waves must move through a medium, such as the metal tracks, air or
water. They cannot travel through a vacuum like space. This is why there is no sound
in outer space. You must have particles to transfer energy, so without particles there
can be no mechanical waves, and thus no sound.

Types of Mechanical Waves

There are two basic types of wave motion for mechanical waves: longitudinal
waves and transverse waves. The animations below demonstrate both types of wave
and illustrate the difference between the motion of the wave and the motion of the
particles in the medium through which the wave is travelling.
What are Longitudinal Waves?
In a longitudinal wave, the displacement of the particle is parallel to the direction of
the wave propagation. what you see in the picture is the wave front progressing forward
and the particles compressing and expanding in the same direction. This kind of wave
is marked by periodic compression zones and rarefaction zones, where the medium

A compression or condensation is a region where the medium is under compression.

A rarefaction or dilation is a region where the medium is under tension.

Examples of Longitudinal Waves

The particles in the wave do not move along with the wave though; they simply
Oscillate back and forth about their own equilibrium.
• Sound waves in air
• The primary waves of an earthquake
• Ultrasound
• The vibration in a spring
• The fluctuations in a gas
• The tsunami waves ring

BPHS LM 9|P age

What are Transverse Waves?
In transverse waves, the displacement of the particle is perpendicular to the direction
of propagation wave. Below is the o the picture, which explains how sideways waves
move when the particles move up and down.

Examples of Transverse Waves

In transverse waves too, the particles do not move along with the wave. They move
up and down about their equilibrium positions. Some examples of transverse waves are:
• The ripples on the surface of the water
• The secondary waves of an earthquake
• Electromagnetic waves
• The waves on a string
• Stadium or human wave
• The ocean waves

Difference Between Longitudinal and Transverse Wave

Longitudinal Transverse

The medium moves in the same direction of The medium is moving perpendicular to
the wave the direction of wave

It acts in one dimension It acts in two dimension

The wave cannot be polarized or aligned The wave can be polarized or aligned

This wave can be produced in any medium This wave can be produced in solid and
such as gas, liquid or solid liquid’s surface

The earthquake P wave is an example Earthquake S wave is an example

It is made of rarefactions and compressions It is made of troughs and crests

Week 22—Day 1
Name: _________________________________________ Year/Sec: _________________
Minds-On Hand-On Activity 1
Generating Waves

• Generate waves in water. basin, water, 6 stones or
marbles, plastic spoon, and
bottle cap

BPHS LM 10 | P a g e
1. On a table, place the basin half-filled with water. Make sure to keep the water
2. Drop one stone or marble into the water. Write down your observations in the
table below.
3. Dip the plastic spoon into the water. Move it forward once. Then move it three
times forward. Compare your observations when you moved the spoon the first
time and when you moved it the second time.
4. Place the bottle cap on the water. Move the spoon back and forth on one side of
the basin. Observe what happens to the water and the cap. Write down your
observations in the table.

Effect of Dropping Stone or Marble Effect of Moving Spoon in the Water
into the Water

_____________________________ _____________________________
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1. How are waves generated on the surface of water?
2. What was the effect of the generated waves on the surface of the water?

BPHS LM 11 | P a g e
Why should ships not be allowed to sail during a strong typhoon?
Week 22—Day 2
Chapter IX: Sound and Light
Lesson 1: Characteristics of Sound
Why do you
hear the clanging
of a bell even if it is far from
you? Why do you see objects
inside a dark room once you
light a candle? When you drop
a piece of stone in still water,
water waves are formed and
spread out on the surface of
the water in circular form.
Similarly, sound and light
waves move and spread in all
directions. However, these waves also differ in many ways. This 1lesson will help you
discover the nature of sound and light waves and in what other ways they are similar
and different.

Definition of Sound
We are living in a world of sound-the crowing of a rooster, ringing of a bell, chirping
of birds, rushing of waves on the shore, buses and jeepneys blowing their horns, and
even talking, laughing, and whispering. All of them involve sound. Sound is a form of
energy that is produced when air molecules vibrate and move in pattern known as waves
or sound waves. As you clap your hands to show appreciation for a great performance,
sound waves are produced which will then travel to your ears and then to your brain.

Characteristics of Sound
The science that focuses on the study of properties and transmission of sound is
called acoustics. A person who works in this field is an acoustician, while someone
working in the field of acoustic technology is an acoustical or an audio engineer.
Compare and contrast the sounds in your environment. How do you distinguish
a musical note from a noise? What makes you think that you are hearing a police siren
without even seeing it? Why is it that you recognize your friend's voice through telephone
Look at the wave slope of a musical note below. Compare it with the wave slope of
a noise. How do they differ?

BPHS LM 12 | P a g e
(A) wave slope of a musical note, (B) wave slope of a noise
The differences between sounds are caused by its three basic characteristics:
pitch, intensity, and quality. Each of these is associated with one of the properties of
the source or the type of wave which it produces. Such that, the pitch is dependent upon
the frequency of the waves; the intensity depends on the amplitude of the waves and the
quality on the form of the waves. The tone is pleasant to the ear if these three
characteristics are properly combined. Otherwise, the quality will turn into noise.
Let us take a look at these three basic characteristics one by one.

Pitch refers to our subjective impression about the "highness or lowness" of a tone,
which is related to the frequency of the tone. The sensation of the pitch depends upon
the frequency of the waves received by the ear. A low-frequency vibrating source
produces a sound with low pitch, while a high-frequency vibrating source produces a
sound with high pitch. Sound waves of the same frequencies are said to be in the same

Sound waves of different frequencies

Loudness and Intensity

The intensity of the sound wave refers to the amount of energy that is transported at
a given area of the medium per unit of time, Particles of the medium with a greater
amplitude of vibrations would have a greater rate at which energy is transported through
it, therefore would make the sound wave more intense. Although related, sound
intensity and loudness have different meanings. Intensity is the amount of sound
energy of a wave, while loudness is the sensation on the ear that the intensity of sound
wave produces. As the audible range that can be detected by the human ear is so large,
the decibel scale is used to measure sound intensity. Based on the decibel scale, the
smallest audible sound (near total silence) is 0 decibel (dB). The decibel scale works
logarithmically, which means that the power must be increased by a factor of ten to
sound twice as loud. As a simple example to show how it works, it takes 10 violins to
sound twice as loud as one violin. The loudness of sound depends on its intensity. The
intensity of a sound wave is typically expressed in unit watts/meter. The minimum
intensity of sound (at a frequency of 1,000 Hz) for a person with normal hearing is at
20w/m. This intensity is also known as the threshold of hearing.

BPHS LM 13 | P a g e
Quality or Tone
Tone refers to the sound quality. It depends on the combination of different
frequencies of sound waves. It is the tone of a vibrating medium that distinguishes it
from another source. For instance, orchestra in Indonesia called a symphony gamelan
is composed of more than 50 musicians playing drums, xylophone, gongs, chimes, and
other percussion instruments. Playing at the same time, one could identify through its
tone the sounds created by each of the instruments.
Most sounds are not pure tones but rather a mixture of different tones. As you strum
a string of a guitar, the energy from your finger is transferred to the guitar string. When
the whole string vibrates, we hear a low pitch called fundamental. Aside from
fundamental, the string 1s also producing the so-called overtones—parts of string
characterized by frequencies higher than fundamental.

Tone A

Tone B

Tone C

Tones of different frequencies and qualities

Sound quality depends on the complexity of its sound waves. Look at the figure
Tone A shows a sound wave of a specific frequency produced by a tuning fork, a
piano, or other musical instruments.
Tone B shows a sound wave with different frequency.
Tone C shows the combination of Tone A and Tone B. It has the same frequency
as Tone A with an increase in amplitude, but the human ear could easily distinguish
between Tone A and Tone C because of the quality.

BPHS LM 14 | P a g e
How would life be without sound?
Week 22—Days 3-4
Name: _________________________________________ Year/Sec: _________________
Minds-On Hand-On Activity 2
Tin Can Telephone Experiment

• Learn how sound travel. 2 tin cans, string, iron nail,
hammer, and masking tape

1. If you can, make sure there are no sharp edges on the
side of the can. Tape up any sharp edges with duct
tape if you can't remove them.
2. Make a hole in the bottom of each can with a nail and
3. String a long piece of string from one can to the other.
Tie knots in the ends of the string so the string doesn't
pop out.
4. Experiment with using the phone. Try speaking and
listening into the phone with a slack string, super-
tight string, a string wrapped around a corner, and
any other combo with a family member. Can they hear
sound through a door using this "phone?"


1. Which string combination produces the best sound?
2. Do some string configurations not work at all?

BPHS LM 15 | P a g e
How do telephones improved how people communicate?


Let’s Check What You’ve Learned!

Name: _________________________________________ Year/Sec: _________________
Activity 4

I MULTIPLE CHOICE: Carefully read the following items and encircle the letter
of the best answer. (10 points)
1. What can you say about the waves that travel along a string and those in air?
A. all are longitudinal
B. all are transverse waves
C. waves that are along a string are longitudinal while those in the air are
D. waves that travel along a string are transverse while those in are longitudinal
for item numbers 2 to 5, refer to the diagram below. Choose the letter of your
choice and write your answer on the space provided.

______2. Axis of the wave pattern A

______3. Crest
______4. Amplitude

______5. Trough B

6. Which of the following correctly lists electromagnetic waves in order from longest to
shortest wavelength?
A. gamma rays, ultraviolet, infrared, microwaves
B. microwaves, ultraviolet, visible light, gamma rays
C. radio waves, infrared, gamma rays, ultraviolet
D television, infrared, visible light, X-rays
7. A property of electromagnetic waves that makes them different than other kinds of
waves such as sound or water waves is that they
A. are transverse waves.
B. their speed can change when moving in different media.
C. they do not require a medium.
D. they have many possible wavelengths.

BPHS LM 16 | P a g e
8. Electromagnetic waves are __________.
A. longitudinal waves B. both longitudinal and transverse
C. transverse waves D. none of the above
9. Electromagnetic waves can transfer energy without a/n __________.
A medium B. magnetic field
C. electric field D. either a magnetic or electric field
10. When a police officer uses a radar for speed control, the officer is using what kind
of EM waves?
A radio waves B. ultraviolet rays
C. gamma rays D. X-rays
II IDENTIFICATION: Identify the word/s being described by the following
statements. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. (5
____________________________1. A wave which travels perpendicular to the direction of
the vibrating particles is called a/an __________.
_____________________________2. The distance between two successive crests is called
_____________________________3. A wave __________ is a single disturbance or wave.
_____________________________4. An unwanted sound is called __________.
_____________________________5. A wave __________ is a continually oscillating motion.

Science 7 Module 9 Answer Key


#21 Harrison Road, Baguio City
Junior High School Department
SY 2020-2021


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BPHS LM 17 | P a g e

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