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Recognizing the Forms of Diversity in India

Dr. Radhika Kapur


The individuals, belonging to all communities are different from each other in terms
of various factors. But within the course of putting into practice educational programs within
educational institutions of all levels and implementation of job duties within employment
settings, the individuals are required to work in collaboration with each other. In achievement
of desired goals and objectives within professional settings, the individuals cannot carry out
their job duties in seclusion, but they need to work in co-ordination with each other. The
individuals need to form constructive viewpoints in terms of all the factors. Furthermore, it
needs to be ensured, there is not any discrimination on the basis of any factors. The
individuals need to obtain help and assistance from each other in doing well in their job
duties, providing solutions to various types of problems, achieving desired goals and
objectives, and leading to up-gradation of the overall structure of the organizations. Hence, in
order to promote well-being and lead to enrichment, the individuals need to be informative in
terms of methods and approaches. Furthermore, the forms of diversity need to be accepted.
Therefore, it can be stated, recognizing the forms of diversity in various places will prove to
be advantageous to the individuals to a major extent. The main concepts that are taken into
account in this research paper are, understanding the meaning and significance of forms of
diversity in India, forms of diversity in India and factors to be implemented to reinforce
positivity in forms of diversity in India.

Keywords: Abilities, Competencies, Collaboration, Communication Processes,

Diversity, Individuals, Objectives, Positivity

In India, throughout the country, the individuals are different from each other in terms
of number of factors, i.e. caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, age, gender, educational
qualifications, occupations, cultures, personalities, communities, categories and socio-
economic backgrounds. The differences on the basis of these factors are acknowledged
within educational institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and
neighbourhoods. The individuals cannot live their lives in seclusion. They are required to
communicate with each other and work in collaboration and integration. Hence, it is essential
for the individuals to form positive viewpoints and accept the factors highlighting the
differences (Adhyansh, 2021). Apart from these differences, there are variations in terms of
norms, beliefs, ideologies, principles, standards and philosophies. Within educational
institutions and employment settings, when the individuals are working on projects in groups,
they are required to augment their information in terms of various aspects, exchange ideas
and viewpoints and provide solutions to different types of problems. Hence, they need to
work in co-ordination and treat each other with respect and courtesy. Therefore, it can be
stated, individuals are required to recognize the meaning and significance of promoting unity
in diversity.

In India, the individuals, belonging to different communities speak different

languages. The languages are distinct and have their own distinct form of writing and speech.
The languages render an important contribution in shaping the identity of the individuals.
These are regarded as significant ways of communicating with each other, achieving personal
and professional goals, enhancing ones personality traits and leading to up-gradation of one’s
overall standards of living. The diversity of languages gives rise to number of problems
within the country. One of the major problems is, there is a lack of the unified system of
languages (Shuani, n.d.). India is a secular country. In India, all the citizens have the right to
practice the religion of his or her own choice. The different religious groups within the
country are, Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, Muslims, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists and
Jains. The different religions of the country have their own norms, values, festivals and so
forth. When the individuals work with the individuals, belonging to different religious
groups, they generate awareness in terms of cultures, norms and traditions. Furthermore, the
individuals need to form positive viewpoints and there should not be prevalence of any kind
of discriminatory treatment.

In various professions, the individuals are making use of the term race. These include,
biologists, anthropologists, sociologists, politicians and historians. In not only India, but in
other countries of the world as well, there is occurrence of racial diversity. The racial
classifications are made on the basis of certain genetic traits. The types of traits are used in
the classification of races and are referred to as racial criteria. The racial criteria is meant to
fulfil certain needs and requirements. The racial diversity needs to be accepted and
individuals are required to form positive viewpoints in terms of all races. Throughout the
country, there are differences in ethnic groups of the individuals. These differences are
common. Ethnic group is referred to the social category of individuals, who shared common
culture, language, dialect, religion, practices, norms, customs, beliefs and history.
Furthermore, within educational institutions of all levels, various types of employment
settings and other places, the individuals need to form positive viewpoints in terms of all
ethnic groups. Equal rights and opportunities should be made available and there should not
be discriminatory treatment on the basis of any factors.

Understanding the Meaning and Significance of Forms of Diversity

in India

It is comprehensively understood that in India, throughout the country, individuals are

different from each other in terms of number of factors. These differences are apparent. The
lifestyles and the overall personality traits of the individuals are influenced by these factors.
The individuals have their own preferences in terms of architecture, cuisine, clothing, dances,
singing, music and so forth. They celebrate the festivals on the basis of their own religions.
Furthermore, the overall living conditions of the individuals are influenced by the norms,
values, beliefs and customs. The individuals need to make sure, they inculcate the traits of
morality and ethics, irrespective of their religions, ethnicities, communities, occupations and
socio-economic backgrounds. In spite of differences on the basis of any of the above stated
factors, the individuals need to be honest and principled in their conduct. In educational
institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and other public places, there
should be provision of equal rights and opportunities to all. Furthermore, the individuals need
to be treated with respect and courtesy and there should not be any kind of discriminatory
treatment. Therefore, meaning and significance of forms of diversity in India is understood
by the individuals throughout the country.

The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds have goals
and objectives to achieve. Enhancing career prospects, generating a source of income and
sustaining one’s living conditions in an adequate manner are regarded as the primary goals of
the individuals. The individuals are required to prepare themselves in an adequate manner to
achieve the desired goals in personal and professional spheres. They have recognized the
meaning and significance of education. The individuals are getting enrolled in educational
institutions of all levels to acquire good-quality education. The reason being, well-educated
and competent individuals will be able to acquire employment opportunities in a manageable
manner. Within educational institutions of all levels and within various types of employment
settings, the individuals are required to work and deal with the individuals, who are different
from them on the basis of number of factors. When the individuals are wholeheartedly
determined towards achievement of professional goals and enhancing their career prospects,
they need to work with other in co-ordination. Therefore, individuals acquire an efficient
understanding of the meaning and significance of forms of diversity in educational
institutions of all levels and within various types of employment settings.

The individuals have various types of hobbies. They develop motivation towards
augmenting their knowledge, skills and abilities in various types of extra-curricular and
creative activities. These are, artworks, handicrafts, dances, singing, playing of musical
instruments, various types of sports and so forth. In some cases, the individuals do not
appreciate certain factors of various activities. In other words, the individuals spend time and
resources in the learning of activities of their interest. The individuals generate awareness that
all the activities are diverse. The diversity in them characterise different religions, norms,
customs and values. For example, warli painting is the tribal art that characterise the living
conditions of tribal individuals. There are various forms of artworks and paintings depicting
the nature, Gods, Goddesses, epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata and so forth. Furthermore,
there are differences in cuisines of different states throughout the country. Some of the extra-
curricular and creative activities are appreciated, whereas, in some cases, individuals do not
appreciate others. Therefore, individuals acquire an understanding of the meaning and
significance of forms of diversity, when they participate in various types of extra-curricular
and creative activities and try different cuisines.

Forms of Diversity in India

Unity implies oneness or a sense of oneness. Leading to effective growth and

development of the individuals, communities and nation as a whole is regarded as one of the
indispensable goals of all individuals. The individuals in leadership positions are formulating
measures and programs, which are proving to be efficacious and meaningful in augmenting
unity. Throughout the country, the individuals are required to acquire an efficient
understanding of the aspect that there are diversities, in other words, differences on the basis
of number of factors. The differences on the basis of all the factors are common. But one of
the important aspects that needs to be taken into account by the individuals is, they are
required to form constructive viewpoints in terms of various factors (What is Diversity? n.d.).

Normally, the individuals do not pay attention towards these differences, when they
are to work in co-ordination with each other in educational institutions of all levels and
various types of employment settings. The reason being, the individuals are wholeheartedly
committed towards enhancement of career prospects and achieving professional goals. All the
individuals, irrespective of their communities, categories and backgrounds need to reinforce
the traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness. It is necessary to acquire an
efficient understanding of the forms of diversity in India. These are linguistic diversity,
religious diversity, racial diversity, ethnic diversity, social diversity and cultural diversity.
These are stated as follows:

Linguistic Diversity

Language is regarded as the source of not only putting into practice effective
communication processes, but the individuals are able to implement the strategies that are
necessary in leading to enrichment of their overall standards of living. The individuals need
to be fluent with languages. Within the course of putting into operation effective
communication processes as well as in the implementation of various tasks and functions, the
language needs to be made use of in a polite and decent manner. Furthermore, the individuals
need to treat each other with respect and courtesy. From the stage of early childhood,
throughout the lives of the individuals, they need to put emphasis on up-gradation of
language. After the country achieved its independence in 1947, there were formulation of
policies and programs for promoting development of all the sectors within the country. While
forming the Constitution of India, leaders came up with the official language and that was

In India, the individuals, belonging to various communities speak different languages.

The languages are distinct and have their own distinct form of writing and speech. The
languages render an important contribution in shaping the identity of the individuals. These
are regarded as significant ways of communicating with each other, achieving personal and
professional goals, enhancing ones personality traits and leading to up-gradation of one’s
overall standards of living. The diversity of languages gives rise to number of problems
within the country. One of the major problems is, there is a lack of the unified system of

Religious Diversity

India is a secular country. In India, all the citizens have the right to practice the
religion of his or her own choice. The different religious groups within the country are,
Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, Muslims, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists and Jains. The
different religions of the country have their own norms, values, festivals and so forth. When
the individuals work with the individuals, belonging to different religious groups, they
generate awareness in terms of cultures, norms and traditions. Furthermore, the individuals
need to form positive viewpoints and there should not be prevalence of any kind of
discriminatory treatment.

The research studies have indicated that within neighbourhoods, educational

institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and other places, the
individuals belong to different religions. In urban and rural communities throughout the
country, the individuals, belong to different religions. Furthermore, they are required to form
positive viewpoints in terms of all religious groups. Equal rights and opportunities should be
made available and there should not be any kinds of discriminatory treatment on the basis of
any factors. When the individuals, belonging to one religious group organize a social, cultural
or religious function within their homes, they give invitations. This shows that individuals,
belonging to different religions develop friendly relations with each other. This signifies that
individuals from different religions have developed the feeling of brotherhood. Religions
contribute in an effective manner in binding the individuals together as the strong and
homogeneous socio-cultural entity.

Racial Diversity

In various professions, the individuals are making use of the term race. These include,
biologists, anthropologists, sociologists, politicians and historians. In not only India, but in
other countries of the world as well, there is occurrence of racial diversity. The racial
classifications are made on the basis of certain genetic traits. The types of traits are used in
the classification of races and are referred to as racial criteria. The racial criteria is meant to
fulfil certain needs and requirements. The racial diversity needs to be accepted and
individuals are required to form positive viewpoints in terms of all races. Most of the
contemporary anthropologists classify Indians as belonging to one of the four of the ethno-
racial groups, which often overlap with each other because of the continuous process of racial
admixture, i.e. Caucasoid, Mongoloids and Negritos. Mongoloids are confined to the north-
eastern regions of the country and mostly speak Tibeto-Burman languages. Whereas,
Negritos are found on the Andaman Islands in the south-eastern part of the country.

In India, racial diversity is classified on the basis of number of factors. These are, pre-
Dravidian, Dravidian, Indo-Aryan, Turko-Iranian, Arya-Dravidian, Scytho-Dravidian,
Mongoloid and Mongoloid-Dravidian. The formation of race is the dynamic process and the
environmental stimuli have caused many changes in the ethnic types. There are differences in
the physical features, complexion, personality traits and languages. The linguistic terms of
Aryan and Dravidian have been applied to the ethnic units. The races have migrated into the
ethnological paradise from distance places. Though the research studies have not been
conducted on the areas of how far the country experiences racial diversity.

Ethnic Diversity

Throughout the country, there are differences in ethnic groups of the individuals.
These differences are common and are clearly understood. Ethnic group is referred to the
social category of individuals, who shared common culture, language, dialect, religion,
practices, norms, customs, beliefs and history. Furthermore, within educational institutions of
all levels, various types of employment settings and other places, the individuals need to form
positive viewpoints in terms of all ethnic groups. Equal rights and opportunities should be
made available and there should not be discriminatory treatment on the basis of any factors.
In India, the various ethnic diversities are due to immigration. The majority of the ethnic
population within the country is from the surrounding territories across the Himalayas. The
various ethnic groups include, Dravidian, Mediterranean, Mongoloids, Negrio, Proto-
Austroloid, Nordic Aryans and Western Brachycephals.

Leading to effective growth and development of ethnic groups is regarded as one of

the major objectives. Within neighbourhoods, educational institutions of all levels, various
types of employment settings and other places, the individuals belong to different ethnic
groups. The formation of constructive viewpoints in terms of all ethnic groups is regarded as
one of the advantageous factors to promote well-being and goodwill of the individuals,
communities and nation as a whole; achievement of desired goals and incurring the feeling of
contentment (Thakur, 2021). The individuals in leadership positions are formulating
measures and programs in all types of organizations that equal rights and opportunities
should be made available and all ethnic groups are required to be treated with respect and
courtesy. One of the important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, there should be
formulation of policies against sexual harassment.

Social Diversity

The individuals are different from each other in terms of number of factors, i.e. caste,
creed, race, religion, ethnicity, age groups, genders, educational qualifications, occupations,
cultures, personality traits, communities, categories and socio-economic backgrounds. The
differences on the basis of these factors are acknowledged in various areas, i.e. within
educational institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and
neighbourhoods. These differences signify social diversity. These differences are common in
both urban and rural communities throughout the country. But the individuals are required to
deal and work with each other in their personal as well as professional lives. In this manner,
positivity needs to be reinforced in social diversity.

From the stage of early childhood, throughout the lives of the individuals, they need
to put emphasis on up-gradation of social skills. The reason being, the individuals cannot live
their lives in seclusion. Whether they are implementing household responsibilities, pursuing
educational programs, getting engaged in employment settings and in putting into operation
other tasks and activities. Hence, all the individuals, irrespective of their educational
qualifications, occupations, cultures, personalities, communities, categories and socio-
economic backgrounds are required to socialize with each other. Within the course of putting
into operation effective communication processes as well as in the implementation of various
tasks and functions, the individuals need to make use of polite language and decent words.
Furthermore, the individuals need to treat each other with respect and courtesy. These are
regarded as significant factors to form cordial and amiable terms and relationships with each

Cultural Diversity

Cultures are referred to values, principles, philosophies, beliefs and norms. The
individuals throughout the country in all communities have difference in various areas, i.e.
architecture, cuisine, clothing, religions, dances, singing, music and so forth. The differences
in these areas is referred to as cultural diversity. In some cases, certain areas are not accepted,
whereas, in other cases, they are accepted. For example, the individuals may not appreciate
the food items of a particular region. But when the individuals are engaged in a particular
task or activity or they are to accomplish a particular mission through dealing and working
with others, cultural diversity needs to be accepted.

It is well-understood that an aimless life is the meaningless life. The individuals,

belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds have goals and objectives to
achieve. The various types of goals are, enhancing career prospects, forming an effective
social circle, promoting good health and well-being, physically as well as psychologically,
enhancing one’s personality traits and leading to up-gradation of one’s overall standards of
living. The individuals cannot achieve these aims and objectives by working in seclusion.
Hence, it is of utmost significance for the individuals to establish contacts and
communication terms with others. Within the course of putting into operation effective
communication processes as well as in the implementation of various tasks and functions, the
individuals need to understand that there are differences in cultures. But in spite of these
differences, one of the important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, equal rights
and opportunities should be made available and all individuals should be treated with respect
and courtesy.

Factors to be implemented to Reinforce Positivity in Forms of

Diversity in India

In India, throughout the country, the individuals need to understand that forms of
diversity exists in all spheres. The forms of diversity are recognized throughout the country
within educational institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and
neighbourhoods. In the personal and professional lives of the individuals, they understand
that forms of diversity exist (Chibber, 2020). When the individuals form positive viewpoints
in terms of various factors of other individuals, they will be able to overcome the
impediments. Throughout the lives of the individuals, they need to be well-equipped in terms
of factors to be implemented to reinforce positivity in forms of diversity in India. Conducting
research through utilization of various sources and putting into practice effective
communication processes with family and community members will contribute efficiently in
leading to up-gradation of knowledge among individuals. Factors to be implemented to
reinforce positivity in forms of diversity in India are, strengthening constructive viewpoints
in terms of various factors; putting into operation effective communication processes; being
informative in terms of goals and objectives; augmenting knowledge, competencies and
abilities; providing equal rights and opportunities to all and depicting the traits of morality,
ethics, diligence and conscientiousness. These are stated as follows:

Strengthening Constructive Viewpoints in terms of various Factors

In the personal and professional lives of the individuals, they have acquired an
efficient understanding of the fact that forms of diversity exist. When the individuals form
constructive viewpoints in terms of various factors and in terms of other individuals, they will
be able to overcome the impediments. Furthermore, they will enrich their determination
towards the implementation of various tasks and activities and achievement of their aims and
objectives. Throughout the lives of the individuals, they need to focus on alleviating
negativities. In other words, negative feelings and viewpoints should be eliminated and
positive feelings and viewpoints should be reinforced within as well as outside the homes.
The formation of constructive viewpoints in terms of various factors will prove to be
beneficial to the individuals to a major extent. Therefore, strengthening constructive
viewpoints in terms of various factors is an essential factor to be implemented to reinforce
positivity in forms of diversity in India.

Putting into Operation effective Communication Processes

Within educational institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and
neighbourhoods, in other words, in the personal and professional lives of the individuals, they
cannot carry out various tasks and activities nor achieve their aims and objectives by working
in seclusion. Hence, it is of utmost significance for the individuals to put into operation
effective communication processes. These take place with family as well as community
members. The communication processes takes place in a verbal and in a written form. One of
the important points that needs to be taken into account is, the individuals need to make use
of polite language and decent words. Furthermore, the individuals need to treat each other
with respect and courtesy. Therefore, it is well-understood, putting into operation effective
communication processes is a significant factor to be implemented to reinforce positivity in
forms of diversity in India.

Being Informative in terms of Goals and Objectives

The individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds have goals
and objectives to achieve. The various types of goals are, enhancing career prospects,
generating a source of income, promoting better livelihoods opportunities, forming an
effective social circle, promoting good health and well-being, physically as well as
psychologically, enhancing one’s personality traits and leading to up-gradation of one’s
overall standards of living. The individuals cannot achieve these aims and objectives by
working in seclusion. Hence, it is of utmost significance for the individuals to establish
contacts with others. Within the course of putting into operation effective communication
processes as well as in the implementation of various tasks and functions, the individuals
need to understand that there are differences in terms of various aspects. Therefore, it can be
stated, being informative in terms of goals and objectives is an indispensable factor to be
implemented to reinforce positivity in forms of diversity in India.
Augmenting Knowledge, Competencies and Abilities

The individuals are required to pay attention throughout their lives towards
augmenting their knowledge, competencies and abilities. These need to be honed in terms of
all forms of religions, ethnicities, cultures, traditions, customs, norms, values, and socio-
economic backgrounds. The individuals need to be well-versed in terms of their goals and
objectives in personal and professional lives. Furthermore, they need to put emphasis on
generating information in terms of their job duties and responsibilities. Knowledge,
competencies and abilities need to be up-graded to carry out various types of job duties in a
well-organized manner and achievement of desired goals and objectives. Conducting research
through utilization of various sources and internet and putting into practice effective
communication processes with the family and community members will contribute efficiently
in leading to up-gradation of knowledge, competencies and abilities among individuals.
Therefore, augmenting knowledge, competencies and abilities is a meaningful factor to be
implemented to reinforce positivity in forms of diversity in India.

Providing Equal Rights and Opportunities to all

Within educational institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and
neighbourhoods, in other words, in the personal and professional lives of the individuals, they
should be provided with equal rights and opportunities. Furthermore, it needs to be ensured,
there is not any type of discrimination on the basis of any of the factors. The individuals in
leadership positions, such as, educators, supervisors and employers need to ensure that
individuals are assigned job duties in accordance to their educational qualifications,
competencies and abilities. The job positions of all the members are different in the hierarchy
of the organizations. But they should be provided with equal rights and opportunities
throughout the implementation of their job duties. Therefore, providing equal rights and
opportunities to all is a worthwhile factor to be implemented to reinforce positivity in forms
of diversity in India.

Depicting the Traits of Morality, Ethics, Diligence and Conscientiousness

When the individuals are wholeheartedly committed towards putting into operation
job duties and responsibilities in a well-organized manner and achievement of desired goals
and objectives in personal and professional spheres, they are required to depict the traits of
morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness. The individuals need to make sure, they
inculcate these traits, irrespective of their age groups, genders, religions, ethnicities,
communities, occupations and socio-economic backgrounds. In spite of differences on the
basis of any of the factors, the individuals need to be decent, truthful and righteous in their
conduct. In educational institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and
other public places, the depiction of these traits will prove to be beneficial to the individuals
on a comprehensive basis. Therefore, depicting the traits of morality, ethics, diligence and
conscientiousness is a suitable factor to be implemented to reinforce positivity in forms of
diversity in India.


In India, throughout the country, the individuals are different from each other in terms
of number of factors, i.e. caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, age, gender, educational
qualifications, occupations, cultures, personalities, communities, categories and socio-
economic backgrounds. The differences on the basis of these factors are acknowledged
within educational institutions of all levels, various types of employment settings and
neighbourhoods. The forms of diversity is recognized throughout the country. The various
forms of diversity in India are linguistic diversity, religious diversity, racial diversity, ethnic
diversity, social diversity and cultural diversity. Factors to be implemented to reinforce
positivity in forms of diversity in India are, strengthening constructive viewpoints in terms of
various factors; putting into operation effective communication processes; being informative
in terms of goals and objectives; augmenting knowledge, competencies and abilities;
providing equal rights and opportunities to all and depicting the traits of morality, ethics,
diligence and conscientiousness. Finally, it can be stated, understanding forms of diversity
will enable the individuals to acquire an efficient understanding of the areas on the basis of
which differences occur among individuals throughout the country.
Adhyansh. (2021). Unity in Diversity in India – Meaning, Types and Importance. Retrieved

February 24, 2022 from

Chibber, K. (2020). Types of Diversity in India. Retrieved February 24, 2022 from

Shuani. (n.d.). Top 11 Diversities in India. Retrieved February 24, 2022 from

Thakur, Y. (2021). Unity in Diversity in India – Types of Diversity in India. Retrieved

February 24, 2022 from

What is Diversity? Understanding Diversity in India. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2022


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