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UNIT TWO Vocabulary

Fundamel Attribution Error Sustained attention

Actor - Observer bias Selective attention
Self - serving bias Visual attention
The halo effect Retinal disparity
Internal attribution Convergence
Situational Attribution Interposition
Personal attribution Visual illusion
Fundamental attribution error Binocular depth cue
Tricomponent model of attitudes Monocular depth cue
Affective Gestalt principle
Cognitive Perceptual constancy
Behavioural Linear perspective
Cognitive dissonance Relative size
Attention bias Texture gradient
Confirmation bias Closure
False consensus Proximity
Representativeness heuristic Transduction
Availability heuristic Transmission
Affect heuristic Vicual agnosia
Hindsight heuristic Spatial neglect
Prejudice Synathesia
Discrimination Perceptual set
Stereotyping Texture
Direct discrimination Independent variable
Indirect discrimination Dependent variable
Reward power Quantitative data
Heuristic power Qualitative data
Legitimate power Supertaster
Pexpert power Groupthink
Deindividuation Obedience
Social loafing
Informational influence
Divided attention

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