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A. Background of Study

English is one of the languages studied all over the world because it is an

international language that covers all aspects of the global. English must be actively

mastered, both verbally and in writing. There are a variety of languages used to

communicate. Globally, the language used to communicate and understood in

various countries is English, because English is an international language. In the

world of education, language is a key factor in success in studying all subjects.

Language functions are a means of communication, and languages are one of the

subjects to be mastered. Language plays a central role in the intellectual, social, and

emotional development of students and supports learning success in all sciences. 1

Along with the time and the era of globalization, learning English has become a

special necessity in communicating, as English is often used in various fields of

education, economics, technology, entertainment, and tourism.

The understanding of learning presented by the experts, among them, is that

of According to Thorndike "The learning process is trial and error learning, or what

is called selecting and connecting”. 2

َ ‫س َّه َْل ِعل ًما ِفي ِْه َيلتَ ِمسْ َط ِريقًا‬

ْ‫سلَكَْ َو َمن‬ َّْ ْ‫ال َجنَّ ِْة ِإلَى َط ِريقًْا ِب ِْه لَه‬
َ ‫َللا‬

Meaning: "Whoever takes the path to seek knowledge, Allah will make easy

for him the path to heaven." (HR Muslim, no. 2699).

Dwi et al, "Implementasi Game Wordwall Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Bahasa
Inggris Di Kelas X Smk Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Sukabumi, Vol 4, No. 1, June. 2022, hal. 2.
Arnesi and Abdul Hamid, Penggunaan media pembelajaran online-offline dan komunikasi
Interpersonal terhadap hasil belajar bahasa inggris, Vol. 2, No. 1, Juni 2015. hal. 86
‫ب ِْز ۡدنِ ۡىْع‬
ِ ‫ْر‬ ٰٓ ٰ ‫ْم ۡنْ ْقَ ۡب ِلْا َ ۡنْي ۡق‬
َ ْۖ‫ضىْاِلَ ۡيكَ ْ َو ۡحيه‬
َّْ ‫ْوقل‬ ِ ‫ْو ََلْت َ ۡعج َۡلْ ِب ۡالق ۡر ٰا ِن‬ ۡ ‫ْال َم ِلك‬
َ ْْۚ‫ْالحَـق‬ ۡ ‫ىَْللا‬
‫ۡل ًماِِفَت َ ٰعلَ ه‬

Meaning: So Most High is Allah, the true King. And do not you (Muhammad)

rush (read) the Qur'an before it has been revealed to you, and say, "O my Lord,

increase my knowledge." (Q.S Taha: 20 : 114)

Along with developments over time, especially in the world of education in

Indonesia, English has become one of the languages included in the curriculum.

The book "When English Rings a Bell" for class 8th Junior High School, published

in the context of implementing the 2013 Curriculum, focuses on developing

students' grammar skills. So the 8th grade material focuses on grammar the

grammar that must be mastered in class is Simple present tense, Simple past tense,

Past continuous tense, Present Perfect.3

English has four main skills that students must understand. These skills are

reading, speaking, listening and writing. 4 In addition, there are important skills that

are sub-skills of English, such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar. As a

subskill, grammar is also an important skill to learn because the rules of grammar

are important for the mastery of a language. The grammar is automatically learned

by students when they learn to listen, read, write, or speak.5

Students' learning outcomes in schools are often confronted with the

problems of the students' learning in understanding the material. This indication is

possible due to less effective student learning factors, even students themselves do

Singgih Rionoto, Silabus Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VIII
Ahmadi, The Use of Technology in English Language Learning, June 2018
Umi Ruchaniyah, Increasing Students’ Understanding Of The Simple Past Tnse Using
Discovery Learning, Jakarta.

not feel motivated to follow the learning in class. As a result, students lack or even

do not understand the difficult material given by the teacher. This less attractive

learning tendency is a natural thing experienced by teachers, who do not understand

the needs of the students, both in characteristics and in the development of science.

Based on pre observation when teaching process in class 8 th in the moon

juni until august, eighth grade students are passive learners and only listen to the

teacher's explanations without actively engaging in such learning and based on pre

observations during the teaching and learning process, many students still have

difficulty to make simple past tense sentences. That most of students have some

problem in understanding simple past tense, such as: first, they were still confused

about distinguishing between verbs that were included in regular verbs and irregular

verbs. When they have found “eat" they are confused on what its verb “ate” or

“eaten”. Secondly, they just know about the pattern of simple past tense but they

still find difficulty in applying its rules into make a complete sentence. Third

difficult in making a sentence. For example, they often make a sentence such as "I

go to the market yesterday." Fourth, they can't use simple past tenses properly in

real communication. when I asked them, "Did you study English last night?" they

said, "Yes, I'm do.”6

To learn and perfect English as a foreign language, grammar is one of the

key components. According to Fitriani Grammar can help students acquire the core

of the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This means that

Danial, Arina, and Adi Nugroho, n.d., Using Grammar Bahasa Inggris Apps as Teaching
Media to Improve Students’ Grammar on Simple Present and Simple Past Tense at Senior High
School 3 Volume 5 Nomor 2 Juni 2023 Hal. 228-234, page. 228

students who want to learn a foreign language, such as English must master

grammar. Without this, students will have difficulty putting up sentences correctly. 7

One of the alternative learning media that can be used is Wordwall.

According to Purnamawati and Eldarni "The media is everything that could be used

to channel messages from the sender to the recipient so that it can stimulate the

thoughts, feelings, attention, and interests of students in such a way that the learning

process occurs.8” Wordwall is an online learning platform featuring exciting

features like games, quizzes, flashcards, and other interactive activities. Students

can not only study the materials taught but also play while learning. The use of

Wordwall has been proven to enhance student active participation and interest in

learning. They become more enthusiastic about learning activities because they are

not monotonous. It has a positive impact on students' understanding and learning

outcomes. With its various advantages, Wordwall deserves to be an alternative

learning media variation for teachers to teach students in class. The learning process

of teaching can be fun and effective.

Based on the above explanation, the author wanted to do research on

improving Students’ mastery of simple past tense by using Wordwall learning

media at the 8th grade of Sains Salahuddin Wahid Tebuireng Bintan Junior High


When English Rings a Bell, 2017
Arnesi and Abdul Hamid, Penggunaan media pembelajaran online-offline dan komunikasi
Interpersonal terhadap hasil belajar bahasa inggris, Vol. 2, No. 1, Juni 2015. hal. 88

B. The Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background above, the researchers formulate the problem as


1. How is the students’ ability of mastery in simple past tense before using

wordwall learning media?

2. How is the students’ ability of mastery in simple past tense after using

wordwall learning media?

3. Is there any significant improvement after being taught by using

wordwall as learning media?

C. Research Objectives and Research Benefits

The aim of this study is to find out whether the application of wordwall

learning media can improve students' understanding of simple past tense.

1. To find out how is the students’ ability of mastery in simple past tense

before using wordwall learning media?

2. To fnd out how is the students’ ability of mastery in simple past tense

after using wordwall learning media?

3. To find out is there any significant improvement after being taught by

using wordwall as learning media?

Benefits of Research
This research is expected to help students improve their ability to learn simple

past tense and their capacity to be more active and critical in their learning. The

researchers are confident that this research will be beneficial to students, teachers,

and future researchers.

1. For Students

The results of this research are expected to be beneficial to students so

that they can enjoy learning English with the help of educational media

through wordwalls.

2. For Teacher

It is hoped that this research will provide information or new ideas to

teachers about how a lot of educational media can make learning more

effective and enjoyable. Teachers are expected to improve learning methods,

and this can increase students' interest in learning English.

3. For Future Researchers

The researchers hope that this research will be useful in developing their

ability to learn simple past tense and providing information and input to

subsequent researchers to carry out research in the same field.

D. The Relevant Research

Long time ago, teaching activities were still conventional, where the source

of learning was only teachers and the technological was very limited. Nowadays,

technology is evolving so fast that it's everywhere. A lot of learning media are used

as varied tools for learning. The function of the media as a source of learning is to

add insight. Learning media is now even equipped with a variety of interesting

features so that there can be two-way communication.9

Novyanti, Dewi, and Winata, Pengembangan Media pembelajaran Interaktif berbasis
aplikasi wordwall untuk meningkatkan kreativitas kognitif anak dalam pelajaran Bahasa Inggris,
Vol. 4 No. 1, hal. 29

Several previous studies have mentioned a variety of strategies that can be

used to improve English learning skills for students in primary and secondary

school. In this study on improving English skills, it is mentioned that applying

vocabulary self-collection strategies can improve the English language skills of


The First, Ummul Fatiha's thesis 2022 English Language Education Study

Program Tarbiyah And Teacher Training Faculty State Islamic Institute Of Palopo

with the title "Improving Students' Simple Past Tense Mastery By Using

Substitution Drill At SMP Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Nurul Tauhid Bilante Village". The

purpose of this research is to find out whether the use of dril substitution is effective

in increasing students' mastery of the simple pat tense in junior high school.

Researchers collected data by carrying out pre-test and post-test. This research

concludes that the use of the substitution drill method is effective in improving

students' simple past tense.11

The research has something in common, the purpose of this research is to

improve students' simple past tense, but uses different methods. In this study, the

substitution drill method was used to improve simple past tense, while the research

being researched used the wordwall media application to improve students' simple

past tense.

The Second, Queen Salsabila's thesis 2023 English Education Department

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University Maulana Malik

Aziz A and Gantara P, Penggunaan media wordwall dwi bahasa untk meningkatkan
kemampuan bahasa inggris peserta didik di SMPN, Vol. 4, No. 3, September 2021.
Ummul Fatiha, Improving Students' Simple Past Tense Mastery By Using Substitution drill
at SMP Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Nurut Tauhid Desa Bilante, 2022

Ibrahim Malang with the title "EFL Students' Perceptions Towards The Utilization

Of Wordwall.Net In Learning Grammar". The purpose of this research is to

remember grammatical rules and construct sentences. This research uses mixed

methods with a sequential explanatory research design, the instruments used in this

research are questionnaires and interview guides. The questionnaire uses a Likert

scale to measure quantitative data. From the analysis process, students felt that was easy to use and useful. 12

This research has something in common, namely that they both use the

wordwall application for learning grammar to remember grammar rules and

compose sentences. However, there are also differences in processing data, namely

research by Queen Salsabila using mixed methods with a sequential explanatory

research design, with questionnaire instruments and interview guidelines.

Meanwhile, the research being carried out uses One Group Pre-test Post-test Design

and focuses on improving simple past tense.

The Thirth, Fanny Rachmanita's thesis 2021 Department Of English

Education Faculty Of Educational Sciences Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University Jakarta with the title "The Effect Of Using Word Wall Media On

Students' Writing Ability Of Descriptive Text". The purpose of this research is to

determine the effect of using Wordwall on students' ability to write English

descriptive text. The method used is a quantitative method through quasi-

experimental research by providing pre-tests and post-tests in the control class and

Queen Salsabila, EFL Students' perceptions towards the utilization of in
learning grammar, 2023

experimental class. This research uses wordwall media to improve students' ability

to write descriptive text. The conclusion is that the application of Wordwall is

effective for the ability to write English descriptive text in the seventh grade at MTs

Nur Asy-Syafi'yah (Yaspina) in the 2018/2019 academic year. 13

This research has similarities and also differences with research conducted by

researchers. The similarity is that they both use wordwall media (free variable) to

improve English learning. And data collection techniques both use a pre-test which

is carried out to measure students' abilities and understanding before being given

treatment, while the post-test is carried out to measure students' abilities after being

given treatment. Meanwhile, the difference lies in the research location, and the

dependent variable, which is the variable being studied, which is about improving

students' mastery of simple past tense.

The Fourth, Shofawi Abdul Manan's thesis 2023 English Language

Education Department Culture and Language Faculty Raden Mas Said State Islamic

University of Surakarta with the title "Enhancing Students' Vocabulary Mastery

Using Wordwall.Net" This research aims to find out how the use of

can improve vocabulary mastery students because there are still many students who

have difficulty memorizing vocabulary. This research uses the Classroom Action

Research method. The subject of this research uses purposive sampling and the

object of this research is planning, action, observation, interviews and

Fanny Rachmanita, The Effect of using wordwaall media on student writing ability of
descriptive text, 2021)

documentation to collect information, while using pre-test and post-test to collect

quantitative data.14

The difference in this research is that this research discusses improving

vocabulary using wordwall, while the research being studied discusses improving

simple past tense using wordwall. What this research has in common is that they

both use wordwalls to improve English learning.

The Fifth, Uswatun Hasanah's thesis 2023 English Education Study Program

Islamic and Language Education Department Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Training State Islamic University of Kiai Achmad Siddiq Jember with the title "The

Effectiveness of Using Games Word Wall Application on Student's Vocabulary

Mastery at Eight Grade Junior High School" This research aims to improve

students' vocabulary mastery in learning English. In this research, researchers used

quantitative methods. Design This study used a quasi-experimental design with a

non-equivalent control group. In this model, there is an experimental group and a

control group. Where only the experimental group received the treatment. The

treatment is to teach vocabulary with the Wordwall game application. Meanwhile,

the control group was treated as usual. It can be concluded that Wordwall can help

students have better vocabulary mastery. 15

What this research has in common is the effectiveness of learning using

wordwalls to learn English. Meanwhile, the difference between this research is that

this research discusses the effectiveness of wordwalls for learning vocabulary and

Shofawi Abdul Manan, Enhancing students' vocabulary Mastery using, 2023)
Uswatun Hasanah, The Effectiveness of Using Games Word Wall Application on Student's
Vocabulary Mastery at Eight Grade Junior High School, 2023.

the research being researched discusses improving simple past tense using


Therefore, researchers chose to conduct research at Sains Salahuddin Wahid

Tebuireng Bintan Junior High School. Researchers hope that the use of Wordwall

media can make it easier to master simple past tense and can help the learning

process so that students' learning achievement increases.

E. Systematic Discussion

This systematization includes a thesis consisting of 5 chapters and subsections

and descriptions that are discussed in each section based on the research formulated

as follows:

Chapter I Introduction

This chapter contains the background of the study, problem

limitation, problem formulation, research objective, research benefits,

previous study, and Systematic discussion.

Chapter II Literature Review

This chapter contains the theoretical basis of the study which includes

the notion of grammer, tenses, simple past tense, media wordwall,

hypotheses, and operational variables.

Chapter III Research Methods

This chapter contains research methods, which discuss the methods

used, data collection, data processing to test and solve research problems

related to research design, place and time of research, population and sample

size, research objects, and data analysis techniques.

Chapter IV Finding and Discussion

This section contains a description and discussion of the research

results, as well as analyzing all research data. This section contains Overview

of the Location, data Presentation, and data Analysis.

Chapter V Conclusion and Suggestion

This section contains conclusions and suggestions.

A. The Native of Grammar

1. Definition of Grammar

Grammar is a fundamental aspect of language that regulates the

structure and composition of sentences. When discussing grammar relation to

tenses, we learn how verbs are used to indicate the time of an action or event.

Tenses in grammar refer to the different forms of a verb that indicate when

an action occurs – whether it is in the past, present, or future.16 As Coghill

and Magedanz say that grammar is a set of rules that influence its structure

and determine how the words are arranged together in achieving a meaningful

unit. In daily life, if someone speaks/writes without thinking of language

structure, it is difficult for the listeners/readers to understand what he/she

means so that the communication target could not be achieved. 17

2. Parts of Grammar

In the early 1900s century, grammarians introduced a framework

consisting of twelve tenses, which is now one of the most common formulas

for teaching English grammar. As explained by Ferikoglui covers sixteen

English grammar tenses in al recommends a list of tenses which includes

various forms such as simple present tense, present continuous tense, present

perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, simple past tense, past

continuous tense, past perfect tense, past perfect continuous tense, simple

Sebastian Stephens & James Sanderson, n.d, Two Tenses: An Alternative to Teaching
English Grammar Tense
Coghill, J. and Magedanz, S. (2003). English Grammar. New York: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

future tense, future continuous tense, future perfect tense, future perfect

continuous tense, past future simple tense, past future continuous tense. Past

future perfect tense, past future perfect continuous tense. 18 In short, a tense is

an explanation of when a statement, news, or event occurs, whether it is

present, future, past, or a change in word form that corresponds to the time it


3. The Use of Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is one of the forms of time (tense) in English used to

describe an event or activity that occurred and was completed in the past.

Biber, Conrad and Leech state that Simple Past Tense is most often used in

past time. In some cases, past tense is used to describe past situations and

events. The use of simple past tense is very important in everyday

communication and in narrative writing. By using the simple past tense, we

can describe events that have occurred clearly and precisely. 19

According to Piercy also states so simple past is a tense that is

commonly used describes an action that occurs in past and has been

completed or repeated completed actions in the past. It is formed with the past

tense and formed by add 'ed' or 'd' with the regular verb but take different,

irregular shapes verb.20 It is important to understand the difference between

regular and irregular verbs in the formation of the simple past tense. Regular

Muhammad Shofyuddin, model pemelajaran tenses menggunakan rumus mathematic
English, 2019
Biber, D., Johansson, S., Leech, G., Conrad, S., & Finegan, E. (1999). Longman grammar
of written and spoken English. Pearson.
Mahmudah, n.d, Students’ Understanding on Simple Past Tense through VOA Learning
English YouTube Channel

verbs will add the ending -ed to the base form of the verb, such as "walked"

from "walk", while irregular verbs have special forms that must be

remembered, such as "went" from "go".

Simple past tense is a type of tenses that is formed from a second verb

(past tense) or verb-2 or linking verb “be” (was, were), depending on the

subject in the sentence. On linking the verb ‘be’, ‘was’ is used if the subject

is I, he, she, it, name, a rabbit, the sun, and a single working word. Generally,

“were” is used if the subject is You, We, they, The Teacher, and a plural

Noun. In general Verb-2 in the from of Verb-1 with additions -ed, -en, -d, -t,

-n, or -ne for regular verbs or consistent spike forms on irregular verbs. By

mastering the simple past tense, someone can communicate more fluently in

English and can convey information about events in the past clearly and

accurately. Therefore, a good understanding of simple past tense is very

necessary in the process of learning English. 21

4. Pattern of Simple Past Tense

a. Verbal sentence

1) Affirmative Statement: S+ Verb 2 + O + Complement

Example: "I played football yesterday."

2) Negative Statement: S+ tobe +not+Verb1+O+ Complement

Example: "I did not play football yesterday."

3) Question: to be + S + Verb 1 + Object + Complement

Example: "Did you play football yesterday?

Tri Cahyanti, vocabulary, grammar, and tenses, februari 2023

b. Nominal Sentence

1) Affirmative Statement: Subject + was/ were + non verb

Example: "she was happy yesterday."

2) Negative Statement: Subject + was/were + not + non verb

Example: "she was not happy yesterday."

3) Question: was/were + Subject + non verb

Example: "was she happy yesterday?

B. Wordwall

1. Definition of Wordwall

One type of learning media that can be used as a means for teachers and

students to facilitate learning is Wordwall learning media. Wordwall is a

multiplayer application One type of e-learning is the Wordwall Media

website. Wordwall is accessed through a website link that students can use in

class or at home. Wordwall can also be played together and used for home

assignments.22 said that this wordwall is perfectly suitable for use in building

interactive learning because students can work on the quiz together with

friends so that the rankings obtained from answering the quiz are known.

In this digital application there are many educational games including

classic games such as Quiz, which is the presentation of questions in multiple

choice form by including several answer choices, there are also types of

games such as; Find the Match, Random Wheel, Missing Word, Random

Mahyudi, Penggunaan Media wordwall dalam meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa baku
siswa di Sekolah Menengah pertama, Vol. 1, No. 6 Mei 2022

cards, True or False, Match up, Whack-a-mole, Group short, Anagram, Open

the box, Ballon pop, Unjumble, Labeled diagram, Gameshow Quiz, Matching

Pairs, Maze Chase, Airplane.23 Following are the available Wordwall

templates :

2. The Important of Wordwall

Wordwall media is flexible because it can be used in the face-to-face

learning process and can also be used during a pandemic or online learning.

Wordwall allows students to compete so that students are more motivated to

learn. From the results of research conducted by Sari et al, there is an

influence of the use of Android-based quiz game media (wordwall) on student

learning outcomes. 24 According to Sudjana the teaching method is a way that

Mujahidin, A. A., Salsabila, U. H., Hasanah, A. L., Andani, M., & Aprillia, W. (2019).
Utilization of Online Learning Media (Quizizz, Sway, and Wordwall) for Class 5 at SD
Muhammadiyah 2 Wonopeti. Innovative: Journal of Social Science Research, 1(2), 552–560.
Fadhillah Akbar & Sofian Hadi, Pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran wordwall
terhadap minat dan hasil belajar siswa, vol.4, no.2 juni 2023.

teachers use in interaction with students during the lesson. This interaction

process will run well if the students are active in following the learning.

Therefore, it is necessary for teaching to apply teaching methods that can

foster student learning activities. According to Sanaky that the benefits of

instructional media include: (a) By using learning media, the learning process

will be more interesting, so it can lead to motivate student learning; (b) Can

clarify learning materials, so that students can easily understand the material

and enable students to master the learning objectives; (c) By using

instructional media, the learning process becomes more varied. The material

is not only delivered orally, so students do not get bored quickly and more

effectively and efficiently; and (d) Students listening to the material presented

by the teacher, doing more learning activities such as: observing, doing,

demonstrating, and others.25

3. The procedures of Wordwall Learning Media is a game that is easy to use because it is web-based.

Thus, application installation does not need. A teacher who wants to use this

game for their teaching and learning process can directly visit the website; Furthermore, the teacher signs

up to make an account. After that, the teacher can create the activity on

“Create your first activity now” On that page teacher is provided with various


Puspitarini & Hanif, Using Learning Media to Increase Learning Motivation in Elementary
School, 2019
Sahanata Et Al., Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Wordwallsebagai Sarana Menciptakan
Media Pembelajaran Interaktif, Volume 1, Nomor 1, Juni 2022

To access Wordwall features on the website, here are the

steps you must follow: Open the Wordwall Website. Then, log in with your

account on Wordwall. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one

first. Once logged in, select "Create Activity" to create a new activity. Select

the type of activity you want to create, such as Create questions related to the

text students will study. Share Games, If you are confident in the game you

created, you can share it with students. Once the game is over, you can

observe the student's progress through the resulting score. Thus, you can use

Wordwall as an interactive and fun learning tool for students.

4. Adventagesof Using Wordwall Learning Media in Grammar

Wordwall has its strengths and weaknesses. According to Ar-Rahmah,

there are several advantages and disadvantages to has a wide variety of features, including easy access; student

assignment results are sent directly to the teacher; student exam answers can

be downloaded in PDF; and website content can be printed. However, this

website requires a good connection to access it. Additionally, users need to

pay a subscription to access exclusive features of this website. Therefore, this

website is not 100% free.27 According to Putri Fanny Mestyana, who states

that wordwalls can make it easier for students to understand lesson material

Ar-Rahmah, A. N. (2021). Development of educational game-based learning evaluation
using the platform for class V students at SDIT AlMishbah Sumobito Jombang, UIN

and are easy to use to find out how students' learning achievements are.28 The

advantages of using Wordwall as a learning medium are:

a. Having more varied features means that students who play it will

increasingly like the games presented.

b. Easy access.

c. You can set the time for completing student assignments so that

they can be used as homework.

d. Student answers are sent to the teacher automatically.

e. The answer format of students who answer on the wall can be

downloaded in pdf form.

5. Disadventagesof Using Wordwall Learning Media in Grammar

The disadvantages of this wordwall application are that, in its use, it is

prone to cheating, the font size is not available and cannot be changed,

designing media or evaluation tools takes a long time, and internet network

constraints exist because its use requires an optimal internet network.

Wordwall also pays to get more game features.

The disadvantages of the Wordwall learning media need attention,

namely that Wordwall has limitations on the system security options that can

be accessed, such as it can only be accessed with certain system security so

that it can affect the quality of application use and Wordwall has limitations

on security options. for accessible data.29

Sahanata et al, Pelatihan penggunaan aplikasi worswall sebagai saran menciptakan media
pembelajaran interaktif, vol. 1, No.1, juni 2022
Ibid., p. 15

C. Hypotesis

Based on the theoretical framework, the discussion of previous research, and

the explanation above, the hypothesis of this research is:

Ho : The use of wordwall as learning media has no increase on mastery of

simple past tense students

H1 : The use of wordwall as learning media has increase of students mastery of

simple past tense

A. The Research Design

Quantitative research with an pre-experimental design is one of the forms of

research used to find certain influences in controlled conditions. 30 This research is

a type of pre-experimental research, and its research design is a one-group pre-test

and post-test design. In this design, there is a pre-test before the given treatment and

a post-test after the given treatment. Thus, this design is used as a goal to

"Improving students’ mastery of simple past tense by using wordwall learning

media at the 8th SMP Sains Salahuddin Wahid Tebuireng Bintan.

Here's a study design table One Group Pre-test Post-test Design.

O1 X O2


O1 : Pre-test results

X : Treatment applied using Wordwall

O2 : Post-test results

Quantitative research is a type of research that is systematic, planned, and

structured. This experimental research variable is both a free variable and a bound

variable. The free variables are wordwall media. The bounded variables are simple

past tense. The reason for choosing this school is because it is one of the first Junior

High School of Sains that exists on the Riau Islands. The subject of this study is a

Creswell, John.1994. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative. Approaches. London:
SAGE Publications.

student in the 8th grade of Sains Salahuddin Wahid Tebuireng Bintan junior high

school, for the school year 2023-2024. The number of students in this class is 24.

The object of the research is mastery of the simple past tense. This research focuses

on improving the simple past tense using wordwall learning media

B. Population and Samples

1. Population

The research will carried out at the School of Sains Salahuddin Wahid

Tebuireng Bintan Junior High School. Address Road Tata Bumi No. 1 Ceruk Ijuk

Bintan, Toapaya South, Riau Islands. The population in this study is a student in

the 8th grade SMP Sains Salahuddin Wahid Tebuireng Bintan. The total population

of this research is 24 students.

2. Sample

The samples will selected using the total sampling technique. The researchers

selected the eighth class, consisting of 24 students. Characteristics sample in this

study categorized as into two groups, namely male and female, can be seen in the

table following:

Gender Total

Female 9

Male 15

C. Data collection techniques

To collect data, researchers Used test to obtain data regarding increasing

students' knowledge of simple past tense. The data collection technique that will be

used in this research is pre-test and pro-test. The pre-test is a question that will be

used to measure the student's level of mastery of the material and how much each

student understands the material being taught. The pre-test which will be used to

access learning outomes is given by the teacher to the student will in a certain period

of time to evaluate the success of the teaching process. The process of collecting

data involves various methods, including :

A. Pre-test

Students will do a pre-test to find out their previous knowledge. The pre-test

is in the form of written questions consisting of 20 multiple choice questions about

simple present tense, all students will be asked to fill in the questions in less than

40 minutes.

Question Indicator Question Number

fill in the blank ( Information of time ) 1,5,7,12,15

choose the correct sentence Sentence Pattern) 3,8,9,14,17

complete dialog ( Use of verb2 ) 2,6,11,18,19

choose the correct word order 4,10,13,16,20

( Use of “Did / Introgative sentence)

Simple Past Tense Indicators In Sentences 31:

Sentence Pattern: The simple past tense has a specific sentence pattern.

Simple past tense sentences usually contain verbs in the past simple form, such as

Betty Schamfer Azar and Stacey A Hagen, Basic English Grammar…, p. 234

"did", "was", "were", etc. Example: "I did my homework yesterday" or "She was at

the party last night".

Information of Time: The simple past tense is used to express an event that

occurred in the past. The time information used in the simple past tense is usually

words such as "yesterday", "last week", "two years ago", and so on. Example: "I

went to the movies yesterday" or "She studied English last year".

Use of Verb 2: Simple past tense uses verb 2 from regular verbs or irregular

verbs. Example: "I did my homework yesterday" or "She was at the party last


Use of "Did": The simple past tense uses the word "did" to express an event

that happened in the past. Example: "Did you go to the concert last night?" or "Did

she finish her project yesterday?"

B. Treatment while observing

After getting the results from the pretest, the researcher will provide treatment

to grade 8 students in the form of delivery material using wordwall media.

Treatment will be carried out in 4 meetings, each meeting is given 1 x 35 minutes.

C. Researchers give a post-test

After the treatment is carried out, the researcher will give a post test to see

whether there are any differences and improvements that occur afterwards

treatment. The pre-test is in the form of written questions consisting of 25 multiple

choice questions about simple present tense, all students will be asked to fill in the

questions in less than 40 minutes.

D. Data Analysis Techniques

The data analysis technique that will be used in this research is the hypothesis

testing data analysis technique. Data is collected through tests that have been

analyzed using quantitative analysis which uses statistical calculations to test

hypotheses. The steps are as follows:

1. Instrument testing

A. Validity test

The first test carried out is instrument analysis which contains a validity test

to prove whether the questions to be tested are truly valid or not. The validity test

shows something that is acceptable or appropriate. Validity is defined as the

instrument's ability to measure the subject. Valid research findings are based on the

extent to which the researcher's conclusions are consistent with what is seen in the

subject matter.

Scoring the students grammar of pre-test and post test

Score = Students’ correct answer x 100

Total number of items

Meanwhile, the criteria for assessing product feasibility are learning

evaluation instruments using the following value principles 32

Classification Score

Excellent 86 – 100

Wayan Mertha, N.D, History Learning Based On Wordwall Applications To Improve
Student Learning Results Class X Ips In Ma As'adiyah Ketapang

Good 71 – 85

Fair 56 – 70

Poor 41 – 55

Very Poor < 40

Calculating the frequency and percentage of the students:

P = F x 100%

b. Rehability test

Reliability test The ability of an instrument to be described as having the

ability to produce consistent findings over a long period of time. Consistency can

be measured by performing the same test. The test results are considered reliable if

they are consistent. Using the same instrument to measure the same thing over and

over again will yield the same findings.

2. Prerequisite test

a. Normality test

By using the normality test, it can be seen whether the data distribution is

random or normal. The normality test aims to test whether in the regression model

both the dependent variable and the independent variable have a normal distribution

or not.

(1) If the significant value (Sig) is > 0.05 then the research data is normally

distributed and Ha is accepted.

(2) If the significant value (Sig) <0.05 then the research data is not normally

distributed and H0 is accepted.

Next step if data normal then it will be continued with the T test and if it is not
normal then it will be normal tested with the Wilcoxon test.

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