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Grade/Partial 3

Literature is a combination of many different types of works from descriptive essays to

narratives, from short stories to poetry. There are many ways to present facts, events, stories,
ideas, expressions, descriptions etc. and even more ways to use your imagination and creative
processes to accomplish this. This project will allow you to think of a place or setting that you
would like to explore, have already visited or wish you could get to whether it is a real place or a
fictitious one. As always, use your creativity and have fun with this project!!


1) Choose a place where you have been, would like to explore one day or wish you could
experience even if it exists in a fantasy world. This could be anywhere. You could choose the
rainforest jungles of Africa, the moon, the great barrier reefs and ocean realms, a place in Spain,
the Great Wall of China etc. The list is endless. If you are intrigued by a place on the Earth,
pick it and describe it. OR you can choose a place you have already been and would like to
return to because you liked it so much. Maybe you went to Disney World, the Mayan Ruins,
Guatemala, Boston etc. OR you can go with your imagination and choose a place that you wish
you could go to but it exists only in fantasy. (For example, I might choose the smurf village or a
place in the Star Wars sagas.)

2) Once you decide on a place you want to write about, you will need to figure out how you will
present that place through writing. You can write a detailed report describing this place. You
could write a short story where you or another character somehow explores these places and you
present the description through your eyes or your character’s point of view. If you choose a place
you visited, then you can write a non-fiction story based on your experiences there. Another
option could be through a poem. There are many possibilities and I want you to choose what
literary process you will use to describe the place of your dreams. (For example, since I would
choose the Smurf village, I would probably write a short piece of fiction. Maybe I would present
it through a dream that I had or by going on an exploration where I stumble upon this fantasy
world of mushroom houses and blue creatures.)

3) This project will be 4 pages long:

Page#1: This is your cover page and your chance to use literature through art. In your own
drawings and through your imagination, create your chosen land. You can do this through a
colorful drawing of this place. You could also make designs surrounding things that one can
find in this place. Another idea might be making a detailed map of this setting. Be creative and
have fun! I want your cover page to be colorful, imaginative and clean. On the top of the page,
you will have the title presented, which you can also do in a creative, bright way. Make sure
your name and grade are also written somewhere on this project.
Page#2-4: These are your 3 written pages in your own words. Again, how you choose to write is
up to you! If you write a poem, remember it still must be 3 pages long. However, if you want to
write a short story and need an extra page you are more than welcome to write more. It must be
written clearly. Please EDIT your work. Look out for spelling, punctuation, sentence structure
and paragraph structure. At this point, everyone should know how to indent paragraphs and
carefully present good, clean paragraph structure in their writing.

4) Once this project is written and passed in, everyone will have a chance to present their chosen
place to the class. This can be done by reading your essay or parts of your essay out loud or
summarizing it into your own, detailed words.

 Remember, whatever style of writing you present this project in, the main idea is to
describe a place! Most of your writing will be descriptive and, by the end of your project,
one should have a very good, detailed idea of what your chosen place or land looks like.
Strong descriptive words and careful use of your time and imagination is a must!


POINTS: 35 POINTS/ LANGUAGE ARTS (25 POINTS= Written Project/ 10



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