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This study focuses on simulating the aerodynamic performance of an airfoil using
SolidWorks, the objective is to analyze the drag force and lift force exerted on the airfoil
under varying conditions.

The simulation process involves inputting specific parameters and conditions, including
airspeed, angle of attack, and airfoil geometry. The study aims to understand how
changes in design and operating conditions impact the forces acting on the airfoil.

The simulation process involves meshing the airfoil geometry, defining boundary
conditions, and solving the fluid flow equations within the software. By manipulating
these parameters, the drag and lift forces are computed and visualized, offering insights
into the airfoil's performance.

The results obtained from the simulations will contribute to a better understanding of
the airfoil's aerodynamic characteristics, aiding in the optimization of its design for
enhanced efficiency and performance.



At An Angle = -45:
At An Angle = -15:
At An Angle = -30:

At An Angle =-5
At An Angle = 0:
At An Angle = 5:

At An Angle = 15:
At An Angle = 30:

At An Angle = 45:
Data Collected from The Previous Results
Different Values of Roughness at AOA=0




Data Collected from The Previous Results

Curve 1
Discuss Curve 1:
At low angles of attack, the drag coefficient is typically minimal. This is because the airflow over
the airfoil is relatively smooth, and the separation of airflow from the surface is limited.

As the angle of attack increases, there comes a point where the smooth airflow over the airfoil
becomes disrupted. This critical angle is known as the stall angle. Beyond this angle, the airflow
begins to separate from the upper surface of the airfoil, leading to a significant increase in drag
resulting in reduced overall aerodynamic performance.

After the stall angle, the drag coefficient tends to increase rapidly. This phase is characterized by
turbulent airflow and increased drag due to separated flow.
Curve 2
Discuss Curve 2:
At low angles of attack, the lift coefficient typically increases linearly with the angle of attack.
The lift produced is directly proportional to the angle of attack.

As the angle of attack continues to increase, there comes a point where the lift coefficient
reaches its maximum value. Beyond this critical angle of attack, the airflow over the upper
surface of the airfoil becomes separated, leading to a sudden drop in lift.

After the stall angle, the lift coefficient may experience a sudden drop, but it can also exhibit a
somewhat constant or slowly decreasing behavior. The post-stall region is characterized by
turbulent and separated airflow over the airfoil.

Curve 3
Discuss Curve 3:
At low angles of attack, the lift-to-drag ratio is generally high. This means that the airfoil is
producing a significant amount of lift relative to the drag it's experiencing.

As the angle of attack increases, the lift coefficient rises, but the drag coefficient also starts to
increase, particularly in the post-stall region. This results in a decrease in the lift-to-drag ratio.
Near the stall angle, the lift-to-drag ratio experiences a reduction due to the increasing drag
associated with separated airflow.

Beyond the stall angle, the lift-to-drag ratio may decrease significantly. The separated flow and
increased drag contribute to a reduction in the overall efficiency of the airfoil.

Curve 4
Discuss Curve 4:
At lower angles of attack, the lift-to-drag ratio is typically high. This implies that the airfoil is
producing a significant amount of lift relative to the drag it experiences, resulting in an efficient
aerodynamic performance.

As the angle of attack increases, the lift-to-drag ratio begins to decrease. This reduction is
mainly due to the increasing drag associated with separated airflow and the onset of stall. The
lift may continue to increase, but the rise in drag is more prominent, leading to a decrease in the
overall efficiency.

Beyond the stall angle, the lift-to-drag ratio may further decrease.

Curve 5
Discuss Curve 5:
A smooth surface typically results in lower drag coefficients. As the surface roughness of an
object increases, the drag coefficient tends to rise. This is because the irregularities on the
surface create additional turbulence and separation of the airflow.

There is a critical roughness beyond which the drag coefficient may experience a rapid increase.
This critical point is associated with a significant disruption of the boundary layer, leading to
increased drag.
Numerical simulation study of the aerodynamic performance of this airfoil is
presented. The turbulence model has

A definitely great influence on the numerical simulation results of wind turbine

blade airfoil.The range

Of the AOA of this simulation was between -5 to 45.

While the velocity decreases:

- The larger attack angle, the greater difference of pressure coefficient

between upper and lower surface.
- Even the change in lift and drag coefficients is very small with the variation
of air temperature, there was a noticeable change

In the lift and drag forces.

- The lift force decreases with the increase of air temperature.

– The lift coefficient increases with the increase of air velocity.

- The lift force increases rapidly with the increase of air velocity.
- The lift and drag forces does not change significantly with the change of the
turbulence intensity.


_Simulation by SolidWorks.

_Graphics by excel program.

Team members
1-Ahmed Mokhtar Al-Sayed Ali
2-Aladdin Muhammad Aladdin
3-Manar Abdel Nasser Muhammad
4-Habiba Mohamed Mamdouh
5-Amani Jamal Ruby
6-Nada Mohammed Farouk

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