2nd UNIT 3 WORKSHEET Let's Learn About Biodiversity

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What is biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the variety of plants, animals and microorganisms like bacteria that exist in a specific area
and the variety of habitats in which they live. They interact with each other and their environment.
Bio means life and diversity means varitety.
Why is biodiversity important?
Biodiversity is vital for supporting all life on earth. We get a lot of benefits from species and ecosytems.
• provide our food clean air and water give us medicine
• make oxygen control disease
What can we do to help conserve biodiversity?
• Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Support local farms.
• Join a project to plant trees and clean local rivers. Buy organic food..
• Use environmentally cleaning products.

Peru is one of the richest countries in biodiversity and it is part of the ten most diverse countries in the
world because there are more than 20,375 species of flora, 523 mammals, 1847 birds, 624 amphibians,
2145 species of fish, 4000 species of butterflies and more than 4500 species of potatoes.

Biodiversity makes us happy. Let’s protect it!

I. Match the words given in the box with the pictures.

birds – rivers - habitats – disease – amphibians - microorganisms – mammals - food

1)_________________ 2)________________ 3)___________________ 4)________________


5)__________________ 6)__________________ 7)___________________ 8)________________

II. Read the statements and circle True or False. Correct the false sentences.
1) Bio means variety. True False _______________________________
2) We help conserve biodiversity if we True False _______________________________
take shorter showers.
3) We help conserve biodiversity if we True False _______________________________
use cloth bags.
4) There are six hundred twenty-three True False _______________________________
species of mammals in Peru.
5) Biodiversity makes us sad. True False _______________________________
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III. Read and circle the correct option.

1) _____________ is a variety of species that exist in a specific area.
a) Peru b) Biodiversity c) Farms
2) We help protect biodiversity if we ________ organic food.
a) buy b) wash c) reuse
3) We help protect biodiversity if we ___________ plastic bags.
a) reuse b) buy c) throw away
4) Peru is the _________ most diverse countries in the world.
a) nine b) twelve c) ten
5) Peru has 1847 ____________ 2145 species of _____________.
a) mammals – birds b) birds – fish c) amphibians - flora
IV. Write the synonyms of the following words. • give
1) variety: _______________ 4) support: ________________ • diversity
2) exist: _______________ 5) disease: ________________ • help
• illness
3) provide: ________________ 6) conserve: _________________ • preserve
V. Answer • live
1) What can you do as good citizen to help conserve our biodiversity?
VI. Let’s make a graphic organizer.


Importance of biodiversity How to help conserve biodiversity

______________________________ ______________________________

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_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

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