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Energy Audit & Management (402050B)

B. E. Mechanical Semester-VIII (2019 Course)

Question CO BL Marks

Unit 3
What is sensitivity and risk analysis? Explain the factors affecting
1 CO3 02 09
sensitivity and risk analysis.

Investment for an energy proposal is Rs.10.00 lakhs. Annual

savings for the first three years is 150,000, 200,000 & 300,000.
2 CO3 03 08
Considering cost of capital as 10%, what is the net present value
of the proposal?

Cost of a heat exchanger is Rs.1.00 lakhs. Calculate simple

3 payback period considering annual saving potential of CO3 03 05
Rs.60,000/- and annual operating cost of Rs.15,000/-

Describe the factors influencing costing of steam, compressed

4 CO3 02 08
air, natural gas and Electricity.

5 Explain various types of cash flows for an investment. CO3 02 04

A sum of Rs.50, 000/- is deposited in a bank at the beginning

of a year. The bank pays 8% interest annually. How much
6 CO3 03 06
money is in the bank account at the end of tenth year, if no
money is withdrawn?

Explain ‘Simple Payback Period’ method of financial analysis

7 CO3 02 07
with its advantages and limitation.

A sum of Rs.4,00, 000/- is deposited in a bank at the

beginning of a year. The bank pays 5% interest annually. How
8 CO3 03 06
much money is in the bank account at the end of tenth year, if
no money is withdrawn?

9 Explain the term Time Value of Money. CO3 02 06

Write Notes on A) Return on Investment. B) Internal Rate of

10 CO3 02 10

Unit 4
A centrifugal pump is pumping 85m3/hr. of water and
pressure rise in the pump is 6kg/cm2. If power drawn by
1 CO4 03 10
motor is 25KW. Find out the pump efficiency. Assume motor
efficiency as 90% & water density as 998 Kg/m3.
Calculate pump efficiency from the data given: pump flow is
0.40 m3/s, power absorbed: 325 KW, suction head+1m,
2 CO4 03 10
Delivery head 55m, motor efficiency 88%, type of drive:
direct coupled, density of water 996 kg/m3

Enlist the types of stream traps and explain any two with a
3 CO4 02 08
neat sketch.

What are different Energy Conservation Opportunities in

4 CO4 02 08
Boiler System?

Explain the energy saving opportunities in the compressed air

5 CO4 02 08

Find out the efficiency of boiler by direct methods with the

data given below:
Type of boiler: oil fired
Quantity of steam generated (dry): 6000 kg/hr
Steam pressure gauges / Temp:10 kg/cm2/180 degree
6 Quantity of coal consumed: 410 kg/hr CO4 03 08
Feed water temperature: 70 degrees Celsius and Cpf is
GCV of fuel: 43500 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of saturated steam at 10 kg/cm2 pressure
:2776 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of feed water: 70 kJ/kg

Find out the efficiency of boiler by direct methods with the

data given below:
Type of boiler: coal fired
Quantity of steam generated (dry): 12 TPH
Steam pressure gauges/ Temp:10 bar (g)degree
7 Quantity of coal consumed: 2.1 TPH CO4 03 08
Feed water temperature: 75 degrees Celsius
GCV of fuel: 18000 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of saturated steam at 10.2 bar (g) pressure
:2780 kJ/kg
Enthalpy of feed water :320 kJ/kg

8 Explain different efficient steam distribution methods. CO4 02 08

What are advantages of condensate and flash recovery system

9 CO4 02 08
in process industry?

What are the different Energy Conservation Opportunities in

10 CO4 02 10
cooling tower and pumping System?
Unit 5
Discuss how selection and location of transformer affect the
1 CO5 02 07
power factor.

Explain in detail the step-by-step approach for maximum

2 CO5 02 07
demand control.

The lighting connected load for the small industry consisting

of 140 Fluorescent tubes of 55 W each with magnetic ballast.
In first option, the magnetic ballast of fluorescent tubes is
replaced by electronic ballast & power consumption of same
fluorescent tubes reduces to 40W. Calculate the simple
3 payback period of above replacement if cost of electronic CO5 03 10
ballast is Rs.110. In second option, fluorescent tubes are
replaced by energy efficient fluorescent tubes of 20 W & cost
of Rs. 450 each. Calculate simple payback period. Which
energy saving option is better& why? Consider usage of 16
hrs per day & an electrical tariff of Rs. 4 per KWh.

The connected load for the hostel is as below.

1) 190 Fluorescent tubes of 55W each with magnetic ballast.2)
20 Fluorescent tubes of 40W each with electric ballast.3) 20 old
fan of 100W each.
4 CO5 03 10
It is decided to replace the all-old tubes with new tubes of
20W and all old fans by a new fan of 80W. Considering usage
of 6Hrs per day & an electrical tariff of Rs. 4per KWh.
Calculate energy saving of tubes & fans replacement.

What are advantages of power factor (PF) improvement in

5 CO5 02 10
electrical system? Explain how PF is improved?

Explain various energy saving opportunities in electrical

6 CO5 02 08

7 What are various energy saving opportunities in illumination? CO5 02 08

List the types of motors and explain different losses occurring

8 CO5 02 08
in electric motors.

9 Explain different type of lamps used in lighting system. CO5 02 08

Explain the following terms in brief:

i. Lux
ii. Colour rendering index
10 CO5 02 10
iii. Ballast
iv. Luminance
iv. Luminous efficiency
Unit 6
Explain the topping cycle & the bottoming cycle of co-
1 CO6 02 08
generation with examples.

2 Explain cogeneration cycle with sketch and suitable examples CO6 02 08

Explain the various types of recuperators with schematic

3 CO6 03 10

4 Write a short note on 1.CDM projects 2.Carbon credit CO6 02 10

What are benefits of waste heat recovery? Explain the concept

5 CO6 02 08
of heat wheel.

How does a shell and tubes heat exchanger work? Give typical
6 CO6 02 08

What is the cogeneration? Describe technical option for

7 CO6 02 10
cogeneration and write down advantages of cogeneration

8 Write notes on: 1) Heat wheel 2.) Heat pipes. CO6 02 10

9 How does plate heat exchanger work? Give typical examples. CO6 02 08

10 Write notes on: 1) Recuperators 2) Regenerators CO6 02 10

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