Xi English Holiday Assignments 24

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Chapter – The Portrait of a Lady
1. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow:

She used to wake me up in the morning and get me ready for school. She
said her morning prayer in a monotonous sing-song while she bathed and
dressed me in the hope that I would listen and get to know it by heart; I
listened because I loved her voice but never bothered to learn. it. Then
she would fetch my wooden slate which she had already washed and
plastered with yellow chalk.
1. Name the chapter and the author.
2. Who looked after the narrator?
3. Where did they both live?
4. What did his grandmother hold in her hand?
5. Write Antonym of ‘monotonous’?
6. What shows the grandmother’s love for the animals, given here?
Answer the following questions:
2. The three phases of the author’s relationship with his grandmother before
he left the country to study abroad?
3. Give a pen portrait of the narrator’s grandfather?
4. Why did the grandmother keep one hand on her waist?
5. How were the grandmother and the narrator good and intimate friends?
6. What was the turning point of their friendship?
7. What opinion did the grandmother from of the English school in the city?
8. Why was the author’s grandmother unhappy with the city education?
Chapter – The Portrait of a Lady
1. Draw a comparison between the village school and the English school in
the city?
2. Why did the grandmother hate music?
3. How was the common link of their friendship broken?
4. What were the happiest moments of the day for the grandmother?
5. How did the grandmother celebrate the homecoming of her grandson?
6. Why did the grandmother stop talking to anybody before her death?
7. How did the sparrows express their sorrow at the death of the
8. “When the people are pious and good even nature mourn their death”.
Justify with reference to ‘The Portrait of a Lady'.
9. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:
Yesterday an argument (a) ……….. (take/took/taken/was taking) place
between two groups of students. It (b) ………….. (result/results/resulted/had
resulted) in a shoot out inside the school during recess. The assailants (c)
……….. (fly/flew/flown/had flown) from the spot in cars. The incident (d)
………….. (confirm/confirmed/confirming/was confirmed) by the school
authorities but they (e) ……….. (state/stated/had stated/stating) that they (f)
……… (did not have/not had had/not have had/not having) more details of
the case. The police (g) ……… (say/saying/said/had said) that the victims (h)
………… (identify/identified/will identify/had identified) four of the

1.Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:
Yesterday the court (a) ……. (convict/convicted/had convicted/was
convicting) a man and his wife to 10 years' imprisonment in a dowry case. The
victim who (b) ………. (marry/marrying/married/had married) five years ago (c)
………… (beat/was beaten/had beaten/will be beaten) by her in-laws for
bringing insufficient dowry. In June she (d) ……………. (admit/admitted/was
admitted/will be admitted) to the hospital after she (e) …………..
(receive/receiving/received/had received) more than 75% burns. In her dying
declaration she ……………. (f) (said/say/saying/will say) that her father-in-law
(g).…………… (pour/pouring/poured/had poured) kerosene on her and her
mother -in-law (h) ….…… (set, setting,had set, will set) her on fire.
2.Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:
Many years ago when Martin Luther King (a) …….. (address/addressed/was
addressing/had addressed) a public meeting, someone (b) ………..
(throw/threw/thrown/had thrown) a shoe at him. There (c)
……..(is/was/were/been) a deep silence. King (d) …….. (pick/picking/picked/had
picked) up the shoe and (e) ……….. (tell/telling/told/had told) the gathering that
some kind gentleman, knowing that he (f) …………. (can/could/may/might)
Not afford shoes (g) …….. (throw/threw/thrown/had thrown) one for him. He
(h) ………… (request/requested/requesting/had requested) the gentleman to
throw him the other one too.
3.Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:

1. He ……………… (beat) the thief if he catches the man.

2. Unless they ………………..(request) me, I would not go.
3. They would have won if they ………………..(play) well.
4. If you ……………….. (inform) me I would have reached the station.
5. She might catch the bus if she………………..(run) fast.
6. If she ………………..(not work) hard, she will fail.
7. Unless she ……………….. (mend) her ways, she will suffer.
8. If you ……………….. (help) me, I would have completed this job.
9. If I ……………….. (be) a bird I would fly to you.

10.In case you ……………….. (see) Avish, give him this book.

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:
Two persons including a four year old boy (a) ............ (died/dying/die/had
died) and five persons(b) ……………….. (injure/injured/injuring/had injured) in
an accident yesterday evening. The boy (c) ……….
(crush/crushing/crushed/was crushed) to death by a jeep. The accident (d)
……… (take/took/taken/had taken) place at about 7 p.m. The boy (e)……..
(play/ played/playing/was playing) on the roadside near his house when a
speeding jeep (f) ……… (come/came/coming/had come) from the other side
and (g) ……. (hit/hitting/was hitting/was hit) him. The boy (h) ……..
(die/died/dying/had died) on the spot.
2. Fill in the blanks with suitable form of verbs given in brackets:

A forty year old man (a) …….. (kill/killed/was killed/had killed), and six
others (b) ……….. (injure/was injured/were injured/had injured) when the
van in which they (c) ……(travel/travelling/travelled/were travelling)
overturned after colliding with a truck early morning. Soon after the
incident a huge crowd (d) …… (gather/gathering/ had gathered/will
gather) on the spot and (e) ………… (start/starting/started/had started)
beating the driver of the truck. They also (f) …… (damage/damaged/will
damage/had damaged) the other vehicles. It (g) …….. (is/am/are/was)
only after the arrival of the police that the situation (h) ……….
(bring/bringing/was brought/had brought) under control.
Solve Unseen Comprehension Passages from pdf.

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