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Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7

Read the text below and answer the questions.

Sarah's house is big and beautiful. When you enter the house, you will find a spacious living
room on the left. It has a comfortable sofa and a big television. Next to the living room is the
kitchen. The kitchen is modern and has all the necessary appliances. Across the kitchen is the
dining room with a large table and six chairs. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms. The master
bedroom is very big and has an ensuite bathroom. The other two bedrooms are smaller but
cozy. There is also a bathroom upstairs that everyone can use. Sarah loves spending time in
her study room, which is next to the master bedroom. It is a quiet place with a lot of books
and a big desk.
1. What is probably Sarah's favorite room in the house? (a)
A. The living room
B. The kitchen
C. The study room
D. The master bedroom
The following text is for questions number 2 and 3.
My House
I live in a small house with my family. There are five rooms in my house. The first room is
the living room. In the living room, there is a sofa, a coffee table, and a television. Next to the
living room, there is the kitchen. In the kitchen, we have a refrigerator, a stove, and a sink.
We cook our meals here. Next to the kitchen is the dining room. We have a dining table and
six chairs in the dining room. Upstairs, there are two bedrooms. My parents' bedroom is
bigger than my bedroom. They have a large bed and a wardrobe. In my bedroom, I have a
small bed, a desk, and a bookshelf. We also have a bathroom upstairs with a shower, a toilet,
and a sink.
2.What can you find in the living room? (b)
a. A bed and a wardrobe
b. A sofa, a coffee table, and a television
c. A refrigerator, a stove, and a sink
d. A dining table and six chairs
3. Where is the kitchen located? (b)
a. Next to the dining room
b. Next to the living room
c. Upstairs
d. Next to the bathroom
The dialogue bellow is for questions number 4
Tom: Hey, Lisa! How's your new house?
Lisa: It's great, Tom! There are four rooms in total.
Tom: Wow! What rooms do you have?
Lisa: We have a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom.
Tom: Sounds nice! What's your favorite room?
Lisa: Definitely the living room. It's cozy, and we spend a lot of time there watching movies.
4. What can you infer about the layout of lisa's house? (b)
a. It has only two rooms.
b. It has at least three rooms.
c. It has a large backyard.
d. It is located in the city center.
The dialogue bellow is for question number 5 and 6
Mark: Hey, Sarah! Have you seen my keys?
Sarah: No, I haven't. Where did you last have them?
Mark: I think I left them in the house. I checked the living room, the kitchen, and our
bedroom, but I couldn't find them.
Sarah: Did you check the bathroom?
Mark: No, I haven't. I'll go check there now.
5. Where did Mark check for the keys? (d)
a. The living room, the kitchen, and the bedroom
b. The bathroom, the kitchen, and the bedroom
c. The living room, the bathroom, and the bedroom
d. The living room, the kitchen, and the bathroom
6. Where is Mark going to check next? (d)
a. The living room
b. The kitchen
c. The bedroom
d. The bathroom
The following text is for questions number 7 , 8 and 9
People have different jobs and responsibilities. Some people work in offices. They sit at
desks, answer emails, and attend meetings. These people are often called office workers.
Others work outdoors. They may be farmers, gardeners, or construction workers. They spend
their days planting crops, tending to plants, or building houses. Some people work in
hospitals. They are doctors, nurses, or medical assistants. They take care of sick people,
perform surgeries, or administer medicine. There are also people who work in schools. They
are teachers, principals, or librarians. They educate children, manage schools, and provide
resources for learning
7. What do office workers typically do? (b)
a. Plant crops and tend to plants
b. Answer emails and attend meetings
c. Take care of sick people
d. Educate children
8. Who might be classified as outdoor workers? (c)
a. Doctors and nurses
b. Teachers and librarians
c. Farmers and construction workers
d. Office workers
9. What do doctors, nurses, and medical assistants do? (c)
a. Answer emails and attend meetings
b. Plant crops and tend to plants
c. Take care of sick people and administer medicine
d. Educate children
10.Rearrange these jumbled words into a good sentences. (c)
(Teacher / the / classroom / in / teaches / students / the)
a. Teacher the classroom in teaches students the.
b. Teaches the teacher in the classroom students the.
c. The teacher in the classroom teaches the students.
d. Students the teacher teaches in the classroom the.
The sticker sign is for questions number 11 and 12.
"Please do not enter. Wet paint."
11. What is the main message of the sticker sign? (c)
a. You can enter freely.
b. Please be careful while entering.
c. Do not enter. The paint is wet.
d. Enter quickly before the paint dries.
12. Why is it important not to enter? (c)
a. To see the wet paint.
b. To avoid getting lost.
c. To prevent accidents or damage.
d. To find another entrance.
The text bellow is for questions number 13, 14 and 15
Mark is a student of SMPN 1 Belitang. He is at grade seven. His teacher gives a time table to
all the students. Here is the time table. Please look at it carefully
13. Based on the time table above, what day does Mark study English? He studie English on
a. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday
b. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
c. Monday, Thursday and Saturday
d. Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday
14. What subjects does he study on Wednesday? (b)
a. Indonesian, Science, Citizenship, and Art
b. Social Study, Sport, Religion and Art
c. English, Math, Art and Religion
d. Social, Sport, Religion, and Art
15. When is Sport scheduled for Wednesday? (b)
a. 08:00-09:00
b. 09:00-10:00
c. 10:00-11:00
d. 11:00-12:00
The text bellow is for questions number 16 and 17
1. Join the class on time.
2. Keep your microphone muted unless you are asked to speak.
3. Raise your hand or use the chat feature to ask questions.
4. Be respectful to your classmates and teacher.
5. Stay focused and avoid distractions.
6. Use appropriate language and behavior.
7. Follow instructions given by the teacher.
8. Dress appropriately as if you were attending a regular class.
9. Use headphones to avoid disrupting others.
10. Do not share the meeting link with anyone outside of the class.
16. What should students do before the online class starts? (c)
a. Keep their microphone muted
b. Raise their hand to ask questions
c. Join the class on time
d. Share the meeting link with friends
17. How should students ask questions during the online class? (d)
a. Speak loudly without using the microphone
b. Use appropriate language and behavior
c. Share the meeting link with others
d. Raise their hand or use the chat feature
The dialogue bellow is for questions number 18 and 19
Teacher: Good morning, class! Welcome to our online session. Today, we'll be discussing the
importance of recycling.
Student 1: Good morning, Miss! I'm excited to learn about recycling.
Student 2: Good morning, Miss! Will we have any activities today?
Teacher: Yes, we will have a group activity after the lesson. Now, let's begin our discussion.
Recycling helps to reduce waste and protect the environment. Can anyone give me an
example of a recyclable item?
Student 3: Plastic bottles!
Teacher: That's correct, Student 3. Plastic bottles can be recycled to make new products.
Now, let's talk about the importance of separating recyclable materials from non-recyclable
18. What is the topic of today's online class session? (d)
a. Math
b. Science
c. English
d. Recycling
19. What will the class have after the lesson? (b)
a. A quiz
b. A group activity
c. A homework assignment
d. A break
Complete the paragraph with the correct verbs for questions number 20, 21 and 22
Good study habits are essential for academic success. One important habit is time
management. Students need to (1) _____ their time wisely to ensure they have enough time
for studying, homework, and other activities. Another crucial habit is organization. It's
important to (2) _____ notes, textbooks, and assignments neatly so that they can be easily
accessed when needed. Additionally, students should (3) _____ a comfortable and quiet study
space where they can focus without distractions. Furthermore, it's important to taking regular
breaks while studying to avoid burnout. Lastly, students should monitoring their progress
regularly to identify areas for improvement.
20. What verb should be used to complete the sentence in (1)? (a)
a. manage
b. managing
c. managed
d. manages
21. Which verb correctly completes the sentence in (2)? (d)
a. organized
b. organizes
c. organizing
d. organize
22.What verb should be used to complete the sentence in (3)? (b)
a. find
b. finding
c. found
d. finds
The following text is for questions number 23, 24 and 25
Developing good study habits is crucial for academic success. One important habit is time
management. Students should allocate specific times for studying, completing homework,
and participating in extracurricular activities. This helps them stay organized and ensures they
have enough time to cover all their subjects. Another essential habit is creating a conducive
study environment. This means finding a quiet, well-lit space where distractions are
minimized. Having a dedicated study area can greatly improve focus and concentration.
Additionally, effective note-taking is key to retaining information. Students should develop
shorthand techniques and review their notes regularly to reinforce learning. Lastly,
maintaining a healthy balance between study and leisure activities is important for overall
well-being. Taking regular breaks and getting enough rest are essential for optimal academic
23. hat is one important habit mentioned in the text? (b)
a. Eating junk food
b. Time management
c. Playing video games
d. Sleeping late
24. According to the text, what helps students stay organized? (a)
a. Allocating specific times for studying
b. Participating in extracurricular activities
c. Eating healthy snacks
d. Listening to music while studying
25. What type of study environment is recommended in the text? (c)
a. Noisy and chaotic
b. Dark and gloomy
c. Quiet and well-lit
d. Crowded and busy
The following text is for question number 26
The following text is for questions number 27
People have various jobs and responsibilities. For example, teachers educate students in
schools. They prepare lesson plans, teach subjects, and assess student progress. Doctors work
in hospitals and clinics where they diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications, and perform
surgeries. Farmers grow crops and raise animals on farms. They plant seeds, water crops, and
take care of livestock. Firefighters respond to emergencies, such as fires and accidents. They
extinguish fires, rescue people, and provide first aid. Each of these jobs is important for the
27. What activities do firefighters engage in during emergencies?
28. "Please keep quiet. Online class in progress."
Why do you think it is important to keep quiet when an online class is in progress?
The dialogue bellow is for questions number 29 adm 30
Sarah: Hi, Tom! Do you have the class schedule for next week?
Tom: Hi, Sarah! Yeah, I have it here. Let me check. Okay, on Monday we have Math in the
morning, followed by Science in the afternoon.
Sarah: Alright, what about Tuesday?
Tom: Tuesday morning is English, then History after lunch.
Sarah: And Wednesday?
Tom: Wednesday starts with Physical Education, then we have Art.
Sarah: How about Thursday and Friday?
Tom: Thursday morning is Geography, then Computer Science. And Friday is Music all day.
Sarah: Got it. Thanks, Tom!
Tom: No problem!
29. What is the first subject on Monday morning?
30. Which subject is on Tuesday afternoon?
answer :
27. Firefighters engage in extinguishing fires, rescuing people, and providing first aid during
28. It is important to keep quiet when an online class is in progress to avoid disturbing the
students and the teacher. Noise can be distracting and can disrupt the focus and concentration
required for effective learning.

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