Tugas 3 Bahasa Inggris

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NIM : 859511393
A. Perhatikan denah berikut ini. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan

1. Is there any public hospital near here? Where is it?

Yes, here. from Martadinata Street you go straight to Yos Sudarso Street, after arriving at the
T-junction you need to turn right, the Public Hospital is across from Ramayana
2. Where is the National Bank of Indonesia?
National Bank Indonesia is on Jalan Yos Sudarso next to a Chinese restaurant and across from
National Bank Indonesia there is a railway station
3. Where is Ramayana department store?
Ramayana is on Jalan Yos Sudarso, next to it is a Chinese restaurant and across from it is a
public hospital
4. Excuse me. Is there any restaurant around here? Where is it?
Yes, here. right at the Yos Sudarso T-junction towards Jalan Martadinata there is a Chinese
restaurant, the Chinese restaurant is between the National Bank of Indonesia and the Ramayana
Department Store
5. Can you tell me where the drug store, please?
Yes of course, if you are on Jalan Maradinata, the drug store is at the end of Jalan Maradinata
on the left opposite the Public Hospital, and if you are on Jalan Yos Sudarso, the drug store is
on the right at the end of the road before turning towards Jalan Maradinata, opposite the drug
store has a chinese restaurant and the national bank of indonesia.
6. Can you tell me the way to the railway station, please?
Yes, sure. from here you go to Jalan Yos Sudarso, the railway station is on the right parallel to
the drug store, across from it is the National Bank of Indonesia

B. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan identitas Anda.

1. What is your hobby?

I have several hobbies which include watching movies and playing gadgets, but after I have
children my hobby now is playing with children, whatever we play as long as my child is
happy, I am happy too
2. When do you usually do your hobby?
when I have free time, because when women are married and have children, plus they have to
work, a lot of our time is used to take care of this and that, so when I have free time I can do
my hobby
3. What do you usually do on your spare time?
usually during the day I will use it to take a nap, or do assignments at college or at the school
where I work
4. Do you do the activity very often?
not really, from a week maybe a few days
5. How often do you do the activity on your spare time?
as long as I have free time, I usually do that, because I have a child who is still breastfeeding
so I need enough time to take a nap because my night's sleep is quite disturbed
6. Where do you usually go for recreation?
Usually I just go around with my children and husband using a motorbike, we just go to the
market to shop for some food, that's enough

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